Should Quan Chi bite the dust?
posted06/27/2014 02:19 AM (UTC)by
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10/08/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is a character I love to hate; he's a manipulative, conniving backstabber, who always seems to get his way. His crimes include shifting the blame to Sub-Zero for the murder of Scorpion's family, and proceeding to transform him into a servant once Scorpion killed him. He betrayed his own master to gain the power of the Amulet for himself. Even when Scorpion found out about his deeds and pursued him all throughout the Netherrealm, he ended up finding an unbeatable army and used it to kill the majority of the good guys. He betrayed Shang Tsung and somehow survived the blast that killed Raiden and Shang, apparently surviving until Armageddon where he and all the other characters in the franchise died.

In the new timeline I hated him even more, for stealing Shang Tsung's scenes as well as the souls of most of Raiden's forces.

The point is, I'm ready to see him die. I'm ready to see his plan finally backfire on him, and watch him die a glorious, violent death. I do think Scorpion should be the one to defeat him (after he finds out the truth again), but maybe it shouldn't JUST be him to finish the job; I'd like to see Scorpion letting Quan Chi be ripped apart by his own Netherrealm slaves, whether they consist of the undead MK9 warriors or some other characters Quan Chi had control over.

But what do you guys think. Should this game be the one where Mortal Kombat's puppeteer gets his just desserts? Or should Quan Chi live to fight another day?
06/04/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
As much as I like him, I want him to finally meet his demise in this game. If he's going to do something big, it should be this game, and that be it. Having him continue being a pest throughout more games after this one is just going to get annoying. Time for him to finally meet the end and hopefully see something new afterwards.
06/04/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
Kill that son of a bitch already. He's been trolling for years. It's time Scorpion finally gets his revenge.
06/04/2014 04:28 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero freezes him from feet to waist and then scorpion puts a spear through his head.

Scorpion burns him to the bones and Sub-Zero freezes him whole. Leaving his skeleton encased in ice for everyone to see.

Basically I think it would be poetic justice for these two to share his death. He's affected a lot of characters, but I think he's hurt these two more than anyone.

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06/04/2014 04:30 AM (UTC)
I like him a lot, but I do think it's time he met his end. I'm not saying he should be done for good, but characters seeking revenge and not getting it game after game makes the story feel a bit stagnant. Scorpion needs to send Quan Chi on a nice long vacation.
06/04/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Yes, kill off Quan Chi for good.
06/04/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Sub-Zero freezes him from feet to waist and then scorpion puts a spear through his head.

Scorpion burns him to the bones and Sub-Zero freezes him whole. Leaving his skeleton encased in ice for everyone to see.

Basically I think it would be poetic justice for these two to share his death. He's affected a lot of characters, but I think he's hurt these two more than anyone.

Good point, I had actually thought about Noob Saibot joining Scorpion against Quan Chi too. Quan Chi manipulated both of them into killing each other and ended up making both of them his slaves for the longest time (although I guess Scorpion wasn't technically ever his slave). Kuai has had his run-ins with Quan Chi too, but he ultimately got over it and moved on, while Bi Han was completely altered thanks to Quan Chi. I know with Quan, and eventually Shinnok out of the way Noob would love the chance to take over the Netherrealm.

As for an actual death scene, I'm hoping for something gory, but I'll settle for anything that really emphasizes "Quan Chi is dead!" I just hope to see it in the Story Mode!
06/04/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
I guess Im the only one that likes him. He's my favorite punching bag in training modes. And he's got GODLIKE battle cries.

06/04/2014 05:07 AM (UTC)
I want him to die by Scorpions hand and only his. Sub Zero can help but that's optional.
06/04/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
My answer depends on whether or not he's wearing a shirt.
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06/04/2014 05:22 AM (UTC)
I don't know if he should die but I know he needs a new outfit. That said I'm sick of NRS making him so....involved in everything all the time. He definitely needs to be around....less.
06/04/2014 05:39 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
My answer depends on whether or not he's wearing a shirt.

Tell me, if we assume he'll be wearing something very similar to his MK9 primary, with no shirt, just that spiky shoulder pad thing and tattoos, what would you think? And if he were still wearing the amulet out in the open would it affect your opinion?

Oh, and Oracle, if this game (or part of this game) takes place around MK4, I've got a feeling we'll be seeing Quan Chi a lot more; enough to make his MK9 appearances look like a small cameo... maybe that's a slight understatement, I think he got more screen time than most of the original trilogy characters in MK9.
06/04/2014 05:44 AM (UTC)
Burn the Troll
06/04/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
My answer depends on whether or not he's wearing a shirt.

Tell me, if we assume he'll be wearing something very similar to his MK9 primary, with no shirt, just that spiky shoulder pad thing and tattoos, what would you think? And if he were still wearing the amulet out in the open would it affect your opinion?

I'd LIKE to think that they'll let him change his fucking clothes regardless, it's been thirteen years.

But anything that isn't a baggy teal shirt with sleeves deserves to burn.
06/04/2014 06:02 AM (UTC)
Yea honestly I don't remember the original Quan Chi being such a control freak as the recent incarnation though the voice actor sounds very badass and evil

And yes lets hope Boon kills the bastard in this game rather than let him live to troll another day and blurt out singing this song to his enemies :B

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06/04/2014 07:03 AM (UTC)
Kinda wished this ending was canon right? amirite?

Shao Kahn took a pseudo-permanent dirtnap so I can expect the same for our resident MK troll.
06/04/2014 08:05 AM (UTC)
It's been a long time coming, I'd love to see Quan Chi get killed by the hands of Scorpion. I hope if they do decide to kill him off, he goes out in a big, bloody guts induced mess. His plans have to back-fire at some point, let's see what happens.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

06/04/2014 10:57 AM (UTC)
While he is alive, I want to see Kano best Quan Chi and hold him hostage to make the Brotherhood of the Shadow weaker as they are too powerful at the present time. At the same time the Black Dragon is in a position to use underhanded tactics to decimate Quan Chi's multitude of fallen heroes who protect him around the clock. During MK9 Kano said they were "... in the money on this war". So I assume their faction is a few who are at full strength; the other factions that I can think of are the human masked guards on Shang's secluded island and the untouchable magical Shadow Priests in Outlands.
06/04/2014 11:10 AM (UTC)
What makes Quan Chi a great (if not THE greatest) villain in the MK Universe is his cunning, backstabbing, vicious, ruthless and selfish nature.
The whole point of the 3D games' storyline was to show how "bad" Quan Chi can be. He is so manipulative that he manages to manipulate Shinnok, the master of manipulation. (PUN INTENDED) This, alone, is such a huge accolade that grants the sorcerer one of the top 10 spots in the best MK characters ever list.

The way I see him, I think he was created to be hated by fans. The basic idea of creating Quan Chi was to make a villain so bad and detestable that nobody could feel any empathy towards him.

Heath Ledger's Joker was a great villain too, but he stole the spotlight from Bale's Batman. In other words the crowd cheered for Joker, not for Batman as it was intended to be.

Quan Chi, on the other hand, is the baddy everyone wants dead, but every time he manages to save his butts. He is the kind of foe that really instigates the crowd to cheer for the hero.
That's why in MK:DA Boon/Vogel and company opted to make Scoprion and Quan Chi enemies, in order to advertise Scorpion as a hero, after that the movies depicted him as a villain or the first three games depicted him as a vigilante/anti-hero.

A good example of this is Marvel's Dr.Doom: he is loved by fans just because he is treacherous and evil. Every time Marvel tried to show him on a more human perspective, it was an epic fail.

I want Scorpion to find out what really happened to his clan in MKX, and get his revenge in MK11/XI.
So, I want Quan Chi to survive another game.
I agree witht he users that want an epic death for him.
06/04/2014 11:44 AM (UTC)
You all suck!

With Quan Chi being my favorite character, I most certainly don't want him to die. However, I do want him to get his. I'd rather see him become pure dirt, a mere product to his own misdeeds.

I would love to see Shinnok best Quan Chi and make him his slave.
06/04/2014 11:49 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I don't know if he should die but I know he needs a new outfit. That said I'm sick of NRS making him so....involved in everything all the time. He definitely needs to be around....less.


Also, he was like one of the least played characters in the last game...

i also feel that his personality is a bit dull for a villain.. Especially for one that they always shove down our throats.
06/04/2014 11:54 AM (UTC)
I always liked Quan Chi, and always will. But I want to see his world fall apart. I want him mad, not dead! Cuz death is not a punishment.
06/04/2014 11:56 AM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
I don't know if he should die but I know he needs a new outfit. That said I'm sick of NRS making him so....involved in everything all the time. He definitely needs to be around....less.


Also, he was like one of the least played characters in the last game...

i also feel that his personality is a bit dull for a villain.. Especially for one that they always shove down our throats.

Actually, I find his lack of emotion stands him out from all other villains in the series, as ironic as it may be.

Of course, a backstory for him would be nice, but I'd rather he didn't show too much emotion, at least not right now.
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06/04/2014 12:07 PM (UTC)
Any other answer other than yes is a sure sign of probable mental illness.

Consult your psychiatrist.
06/04/2014 12:17 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Any other answer other than yes is a sure sign of probable mental illness.

Consult your psychiatrist.

ohhhh, the irony.
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