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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/15/2010 05:47 AM (UTC)
Wow, between this and Goro, I'm just full of anger tonight, apparently lol.

No, this level was horrible. I'm still of the belief that all of the arenas in the game should fit a certain style, whether it's dark/medieval, ancient/asian etc, there should be a common link between the arenas, or else for me at least, everything just feels like it was thrown in to a blender and spat out. It takes me out of the game.

But yeah, a bright, pretty tropical island? No. I dark island where trees are snakes? No.

Just, no.

VERDICT: GONE. This arena does not at all belong in a Mortal Kombat game. Not one bit.
02/15/2010 11:11 AM (UTC)
i think that this arena had potential but like reptile said they executed it the wrong way. if they changed the goofiness and made it more chaotic-like and less pirates of the caribbean it might be more fitting. also i agree that it was a small arena...make it a bit bigger aswell. i may be one of the few that actually liked this arena. i say stay.
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02/15/2010 05:08 PM (UTC)
I actually really liked this level.
I loved how it would change between light and dark.
Somethings were dodgy tho like the snake trees and the rubbish stage fatality.
But I'll say STAY because it has so much potential.
02/15/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
too small+poorly executed=GONE!!!
02/15/2010 06:04 PM (UTC)
Reptile1112 Wrote:
Good concept, just poorly executed to me. I don't really want to see it come back.

My thoughts exactly. I also thought the constant changing of sunny, and dark made it seem too gimiky, and distracting when I was trying to fight. This is one level that needs to leave and never comback. It doesn't even deserve a reboot.
02/18/2010 10:02 PM (UTC)
next area up to debate: Goro's Lair

First introduced in MK1, this is where you get to fight not just Goro, but Shang Tsung as well. Makes sense right? Yeah.

Dark and eerie, yellow lights blinking at you in the caves, skeletons hanging from the walls. Yeah.

Was a hidden level in the second MK game when you successfully managed to make your character fight Jade. Nothing has changed from when it first appeared.

And, since Goro did not re-appear until the fourth, Goro's Lair made a comeback in the 3D sensation.

This time with the second model of this level, you have rocks around the level that you can throw at your enemy. The level concept really hasn't changed, it just looks like a 3D version from the first model. Though in this game, the level had a stage fatality. A comeback from the second game, you get to uppercut your enemy into the ceiling of spikes.

It made one last appearance in Armageddon, this time having multiple levels and a different dungeon-like look to it. I really liked the background music this arena had for Armageddon.

Each time this level has appeared in the game, it had different music.

So, I like this arena. But, it kinda doesn't make sense if Goro is not in the game. So basically it's a fate level. If Goro makes a return, it's likely that we will see this level make a return. But, if Goro doesn't return, then we will probably not see this level in the next game.

So, let's debate. Should Goro's Lair stay or leave?
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02/18/2010 11:11 PM (UTC)
Goro's Lair from MK1 was the best, MK4 & MKA versions sucked buttocks! IMO.

MK1 Goro's Lair felt more whole whereas the later versions seem like empty bare bones compared.
It's like they used that level as filler instead of making it one of the best.
Also the kicking through the walls became tedious after a while.

If they keep doing what they are doing with Goro's Lair then I say LEAVE.
02/19/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
I think Goro's lair should stay. However, it is kind of plain so I would want it to be a reboot, or I would like it to be one level of the stage. For example-starting out in Goro's lair, and then getting uppercutted to somewhere else.
02/19/2010 05:31 AM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
I think Goro's lair should stay. However, it is kind of plain so I would want it to be a reboot, or I would like it to be one level of the stage. For example-starting out in Goro's lair, and then getting uppercutted to somewhere else.

I wouldn't mind seeing the whole, "uppercut to a new level," thing again.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/19/2010 01:56 PM (UTC)
I always dug this level. It was sort of the "dungeon" of Shang Tsung's island in the first game. It always struck me as being this place that might be underneath the island, you know, hard to get to and even harder to get out of, especially if you're put there.

For a next gen reboot though, it might be somewhat difficult because the level itself is inherently "bare bones" in terms of what's in it. Basically, it's dark stone walls, some bones on the ground here and there, probably a skeleton or two nailed up to the wall and then yellow, blinking eyes in the darkness. That's essentially all it's ever been.

Now, Icebaby also hit the nail on the head. If Goro returns, then bring back this arena. You almost HAVE to. But if Goro's not back? Then they should reboot it, give it a slightly different look and feel and call it "The Cave" or something along those lines.

But yeah, they'll definitely need to do some things to make it feel like more of a completel "level" than what we've seen in the past because I think that the MK team's ability to create newer, more complete arenas has gone past the overall look and feel of this stage.

VERDICT: STAY in some form depending in whether Goro's back or not, but either way it could certainly benefit from a good deal of modernization.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/19/2010 07:26 PM (UTC)
I think whether Goro is back or not, it should be in the game. It's just a cool basic level that has that cool hint of "evil" to it.
02/20/2010 08:33 AM (UTC)
i did like this arena quite a bit but i think a new dungeon type arena should be introduced. i say gone...but if Goro returns i could see it returning.
03/06/2010 08:09 PM (UTC)
i say gone but have it eventually come back.
03/07/2010 03:46 AM (UTC)
hell yah it should return along with the classic dead pool
03/07/2010 07:21 PM (UTC)
Goro's Lair. If it's a reboot, sure. If not, I don't think it should return. It has had its time in the limelight (it appeared in 4 of the 7 MK games if I recall correctly). It's time to leave it behind. Besides, according to MKSM, isn't that island destroyed anyway?
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