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02/10/2010 01:04 AM (UTC)
I loved the Subway in both MK3 and MKA.

I would like to see it again sometime.

02/10/2010 02:40 AM (UTC)
It depends on the story of the game for me. If they are confined to an island in the next game than no. However, if the story takes place all over the world than I say yes. The subway has always been one of my favorite levels, because for some reason I just like the visuals of seeing the MK fighters in an everyday place like a subway or the city streets.
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02/10/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
And this is again, why I like these threads that you started Icebaby! Such a variety of answers.

I get how the Subway level fit in to the setting of MK3, with Earth being invaded and the whole world looking grimy, dilapidated and dreary etc, but personally, I HATED these levels.

The appearance wasn't bad particularly, but I honestly never liked that MK3 went in this direction after how cool the style for the previous two games levels were and how well they fit together. MK3 had a weird hodge podge of levels that may have worked if they were all "invaded Earth" levels (worked in terms of concept, I still would've hated the execution).

They could've done an "Earth is being invaded" storyline without having these boring, street levels, as they did with some arenas, but then they just mixed it all up and while some might say "variety," I see it as too many odds and ends that don't form a cohesive whole.

VERDICT: GONE and hopefully never to return.
02/10/2010 10:11 AM (UTC)
i am not going into why...i just think it should return.
02/10/2010 08:05 PM (UTC)
Next we're going to talk about the Prison stage.

First shown in MK4, this stage had only one death trap for it, and that was spinning very fast by grabbing your opponent by the arm and leg and then hurling them in a giant fan to where all the body parts splatter everywhere as well as leaving the head come flying at you.

The prison level had similar background music to the Netherealm Prison stage in Mythologies if no one had noticed before.

The in Gold, apparently there were sentries that were added to the level and that was basically all that was new with it.

We then see this level make a come back in Deception, only this time it is called the "Dark Prison." We see several MK characters who did not make a return for Deception to be in the cells while watching two people fight it out.

There's two levels to this stage. You're fighting just in a small portion of the area until you're knocked down to the ground below, seeing characters such as Stryker and Frost watching you. Get too close to them and they'll pin you down, leaving for a vulnerable attack to give out. There's also one death trap and that's to send your opponent in a section to where two giant spiked walls come at them, slowly crushing them then finishing it with a slam to shut them up.

To be honest, I actually liked the fan more than the spiked wall. I like the concept of having MK characters to be locked up in cells watching the fight. In my opinion, this has to be one of the most active stages ever in MK history, and I would like to see this stage make a come back if possible.

So, let's debate. Should the Prison stay or leave?
02/10/2010 09:02 PM (UTC)
it should return but maybe have both death traps the fan and the spiked walls. also keep the the mk fighters in the cells. it was a decent feature.
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02/10/2010 09:18 PM (UTC)
I definitely liked the unused MK characters appearing in the dark prison. That was a very cool touch. I thought that the level could have been a bit darker though. I wasn't a fan of the overusage of metal in the MK4 version and the MK:D version just seemed too bright to me.

Plus the death traps seemed kind of silly in both. It's like "oh and over here we have the large person flattener. No, we can't just snap their neck or run them through with a sword, we needed to build a large machine that squashes people." Some of the deathraps in MK:D were awesome (falling from the Falling Cliffs was fantastically done, same goes with your second tumble from the Sky Temple), but some were just beyond silly.

Anyways, I think that a prison stage of some sort should definitely make a come back, but it needs to be overhauled. It shouldn't look so tech based with iron and what not. It should look darker, something more like akin to Goro's lair, with rock as the main look.

VERDICT: STAY but with revisions.

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/10/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)
I honestly liked both versions. I wouldn't mind seeing either return.
02/11/2010 12:01 AM (UTC)
yes. loved the stage fatality.
02/11/2010 04:50 AM (UTC)
i say the prison in any form should return.
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02/11/2010 02:45 PM (UTC)
I liked this level but the only thing I didn't like was the music and that's important to me for a good level.
I'll say STAY but only with better music.
02/11/2010 03:55 PM (UTC)
The prison. Can barely remember it from MK4, and I can barely remember it from Deception. So with its lack of impression on me I say GO.
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02/12/2010 03:25 PM (UTC)
What's the next arena?
02/12/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
Just a heads up, I will be away from the computer up until Monday because of Valentines Day. I'll be active all throughout the weekend so, please bear with the latest update for a few days. Thank you.

The next arena to debate: The Lin Kuei Palace

This arena debuted in Deadly Alliance, it's all icy. It's a very beautiful, sentimental fighting zone with a nice background tune playing.

On the arena we see giant spiked icicles to get smashed into, there's also a glitch known to where you can knock your opponent through the invisible wall and fight there. Ha, I never did it, I just saw it on some MK website.

I also like the background, it's not really your evil, hardcore arena, it's like a nice soothing place to just fight and kill your opponent to a blood pulp, but still...

I'd like for this arena to return, AND NO DEATH TRAPS. I'm not sure where I saw it, but I saw someone say that this arena should have a death trap to where you impale your opponent in the spikes. No, can we leave the death traps out of the next game for once and just turn them into stage fatalities?

So, let's debate. Should the Lin Kuei Palace stay or leave?
02/12/2010 04:43 PM (UTC)
yeah i liked it. and i loved how you could break the ice pillars.
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02/12/2010 05:07 PM (UTC)
I didn't really like this level, I'm gonna say LEAVE.
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02/12/2010 05:40 PM (UTC)
This level always seemed kind of weird to me. On one hand, you're fighting on ice. To me, that's just odd. Doesn't Frost have sub Zero's old ground freeze move? So that ice makes you slip and slide around, but this ice doesn't?

I know, too logical.

But I did think that the background looked really cool. Didn't it have the Lin Kuei temple in the background? I vaguely remember wanting to fight much closer to the temple. Like on the porch of the temple or on a balcony or something. It's a good level but I just don't think that it's potential was fully realized.

VERDICT: STAY. There should always be some sort of winter themed level in MK. They tend to work out pretty well and they usually provide a good contrast to the levels that have a lot of colors like gray, black and brown as their main palettes. I just want to see something with more depth like the ability to fight on a snowy pagoda balcony, only to knock your opponent to the snow below and continue the fight there, where the blood from the battle turns the snow red.

Just my 2 cents.
02/12/2010 05:58 PM (UTC)
Lin Kui needs a big revamp for me to care. This is one of the plainest levels from the game. I say go, and comeback when your not so boring.
02/12/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
The Lin Kuei Palace should have sharp ice pillars that victims can fall on and get impaled. Also, icicles should fall on the opponent so they can die. Otherwise, it should go.
02/13/2010 04:42 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
The Lin Kuei Palace should have sharp ice pillars that victims can fall on and get impaled. Also, icicles should fall on the opponent so they can die. Otherwise, it should go.

i agree mostly with having the impale on the ground but not so much the falling icicles. i think this stage needs more to it...i like what baraka said about making it multi-leveled...whether its a balcony or a mountain terrain i don't care it needs some revamping and a face lift for me to want it to stay. so in its current form i say no...gone.
02/13/2010 05:07 PM (UTC)
i never really liked the lin kuei palace. it seemed really dull and there was no tiers. plus it reminded me of a level in doa 2 ultimate. although i did like a level that was icy related in mka. i just don't remember the arena. it had a bridge that you could put them through.
About Me

You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/13/2010 07:26 PM (UTC)
I loved it. I loved the atmosphere of it. And it's interesting that you talk about the stage fatality like that, you should see my bands album cover.
02/15/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
I still can't believe some of you wanted a death trap on the Lin Kuei Palace area... it would totally kill the mood of the arena. But, I'm no longer going to debate about the arena, so I'll post the next one:

The Yin Yang Island

This level is messed up. First, it's some nice tropical island, the next it's some deadly island with a death trap, evil statues, and the ability to suddenly rain. Crash into the statues, and your opponent does some goofy pose, I don't know, they're always posing every time I crash them into the statue.

Anyways, when the island turns evil, the only death trap, which is by far one of the dumbest Deception had to offer, was that piranhas came up and gobbled you down like it was Thanksgiving dinner for them.

The background also changed to where a cruise boat was seen, them some spooky pirate ship...

I don't know, the level was goofy as it was already but something like that shouldn't return. Maybe if the zone had a better death trap or something, maybe I would have said stay. But since this zone really didn't quite fit the MK style of arenas, I'm just going to have to say leave.

So, let's debate. Should the Yin Yang Island stay or leave?
About Me

You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/15/2010 03:41 AM (UTC)
Good concept, just poorly executed to me. I don't really want to see it come back.
02/15/2010 05:12 AM (UTC)
i liked the ying yang island but i felt it was to small. also it would of been nice to have the trees that turn into snakes kill you death trap. since it was in puzzle kombat. i'd have this arena return but not for the next mk game.
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