Should all the Kombat Kids Return?
posted06/04/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)by
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02/24/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
I feel like the reception of Takeda, Cassie, Jacqui, and King Jin has been extremely mixed. A lot of people have said NRS wouldn't dare not let all of them return for MK 11, but why is this? They've introduced and dropped tons of characters before. And I don't know who wants to see a direct continuation of their team's story anyway.

This is not to say some of them shouldn't make it into MK 11, just not all. Specifically for my part, I really don't want Jacqui too return. She's the single most uninteresting character on a conceptual level, and in my experience online, she's used exclusively by spammers (apologies to those out there who actually use her legitimately).

Cassie is at least a hybrid of Johnny and Sonya, and Takeda is a cross between Scorpion, Kenshi, and Luke Skywalker. They could definitely return.

Basically I'm hoping to see a better inclusion of the 3D era characters in the next story way more then I'd want to see the Kombat Kids Part 2. What do you guys think?
05/19/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
I would like for more 3D characters to return, but we all thought this would be the case for MKX and still we only got like 4 post MK3 characters. The "kombat kids" will definitely return though.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/19/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
They're intrinsic to the story now, and the family Cage has taken the spotlight as the main characters for Earthrealm (it's about time...Liu who?). Jacqui and Kung Jin aren't quite as important as Cassie and Takeda. I think the frustration will mount if they flat out replace the originals that they're based on.

That being said - Johnny Cage's arcade ladder ending suggests that the secret to Edenian immortality is something that can be "learned" by anyone. Of course arcade ladder endings are only 20% canon, so i think that was Netherrealm's way of saying "don't worry, your favorites ain't going anywhere."
05/19/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
I hope not. I mean not all of them. If two return fine and if we exclude also Johnny. I felt that the 4 kombat kids and Johnny in one game was over the top jokefest. I miss MK's dark athmosphere. 5 clowns in one game was way too much.
05/19/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)
05/19/2015 07:59 PM (UTC)
Well they will obviously return even if its not playable, they will have to be part of the story, unless they off screen some of them for some reason lol

Anyway I do want them all to be in the story, but I really don't care if they return as playable characters or not besides Cassie. I would like to see her become playable again, and maybe with a better mastery over her green energy, maybe she can have a regular shadow kick and force balls (In addition to her unique specials in X) for the next game :D

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-sig by MINION

05/19/2015 08:00 PM (UTC)
I think if MKO had their way only Jaqui wouldn't return so I'm going to go ahead and say all four should return sans the parents.
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art by blacksaibot

05/19/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
Please no, I'd very much like them not to return, or at least not be the main focus of the story mode in the next game.
05/19/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
Nope. Like I said before it's clear NRS still doesn't want to let go of the classic characters as seen with Sonya/Johnny and even Liu/Kitana.......they will always have first dibs on roster spots over newbies. Also keep in mind there will be another new wave of newbies next game. If anything Takeda or Cassie might return as playable, while the other 2 become NPC's.

Personally I hate the whole "family theme" they had going on and it wasted a lot of space on the roster. I was never a huge fan of characters like Havik or Reiko, but at least they would've added variety.

Really hope NRS will have a different mindset for MK11.
05/19/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
I actually don't mind Jacqui, I don't play as her often but I still like her. My least favorite of the new crew are Takeda and Kung Jin, and it may be shallow but I just don't like how they look lol Cool stories though, just don't like their actual appearance.
05/19/2015 08:46 PM (UTC)
"Let's bring them all back but the black girl." rme
05/19/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
Seems like Netherrealm studios waffles back and forth between trying to redevelop their underdeveloped characters and just trying to kill them off permanently and making up new guys.

I can see the next game going even further into the future (as detailed here.) With Takeda taking up the mantle of Scorpion, maybe even inheriting Kenshi's sword. Frost becoming the new Sub Zero. Liu Kang inheriting hellfire-style abilities. Ermac becoming the new Shang Tsung etc.

But surely they'll do time travel again and relive the original story by MK14. They can't resist.
05/19/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
"Let's bring them all back but the black girl." rme

Right, that's what it's really about. RME. Tanya and Jade are both roughly 1000 times more interesting than Jacqui. Her design is a generic soldier uniform. Her alt is a generic soldier uniform with tank top. Her role in the story is minimal at best, in fact I don't see it playing out much differently if she was never there. But mainly what kills her for me is that every time I vs. her online, it's the same lame spam attack over and over.

Somebody mentioned this in another forum saying it's like NRS thought making her black is the same thing as giving her character development, and of course it backfired. She is BORING.
05/19/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
Nope, don't bring any of them back.

But definitely don't bring them all back with their parents.
05/19/2015 09:31 PM (UTC)
This is an interesting topic/debate. I really thought I would hate Cassie but I like her a lot. I would like to see her return in the next game along with Kung Jin and Takeda. My biggest gripe is that NRS should NOT include characters on the roster who don't need to be (hint Liu Kang, Kitana, Kung Lao) I hate that Kitana is still dead but it's time to move on and quit filling the roster with overused characters. There were plenty of fighters MK 4 and beyond that could have been excellent additions. I also don't want to see Goro anymore either because he has become irrelevant as well. My guess is that the next game will probably focus on Raiden as a main villain along with Liu Kang and Kitana but they should all be NPCs so that others can be added.
05/19/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
"Let's bring them all back but the black girl." rme

Right, that's what it's really about. RME. Tanya and Jade are both roughly 1000 times more interesting than Jacqui. Her design is a generic soldier uniform. Her alt is a generic soldier uniform with tank top. Her role in the story is minimal at best, in fact I don't see it playing out much differently if she was never there. But mainly what kills her for me is that every time I vs. her online, it's the same lame spam attack over and over.

Somebody mentioned this in another forum saying it's like NRS thought making her black is the same thing as giving her character development, and of course it backfired. She is BORING.

Maybe she's black because her father is! :o

Shocker. Skin color definitely makes a video game character unique.

(If you haven't noticed by now, I'm being sarcastic)
05/19/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
The parents(except Kenshi whose very different from Takeda and the latter hated him for some time) and Liu Kang's BFFs(including himself since he's got a massive ego) shouldn't have been in. They're only present because of popularity I guess. Kenshi could have taken Jax's chapter since he's also present during those times. Jacqui would likely have less of a hatedom if her dad sat out and it took me a while to realize that she's possibly meant to be a futuristic kickboxer. Rain and Tanya (Sareena as DLC instead) would have done well in the main roster along with Fujin, Li Mei, Reiko, and Havik.
05/19/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
I'd say bring them all back and continue their story and have it be their turn. Their parents can still show up as NPC's in the next game's storyline but since they're really popular, they can be DLC. I feel like they just started and I want to see more from them in the next game.
05/19/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
Yeah. Of course. The original heroes were pretty consistent in their appearances when they were the new kids age. So, one of them could skip without a problem, I guess.
05/19/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
Eh, I wasn't too big a fan of the four. I liked the other new guys, Kotal, D'vorah, Ferra/Torr, Erron Black were all cool.
05/19/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
Takeda and Kung Jin stand on their own and need to return. Cassie and Jacqui feel absolutely superfluous existing alongside their parents and would need some serious rethinking before returning.
05/19/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
I think they should return. They were handled well imo, especially compared to another fighting game series that tried to use families. *glares at SCV*
05/19/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
at the very least,Takeda should return. he got the most positive reception out of the 4 and TBH,he's one of the most memorable newcomers to date. hell,I remember seeing him at first,thinking,wow,what a dull character. Then we got his gameplay reveal + his story mode antics. Pretty much a 180 from what I originally thought about him.
Cassie and Jin are also likeable,although they have their problems(notably Kung Jin,specifically,his behavior,sometimes he's just as idiotic as MK9 Scorpion was)
Jacqui on the other hand,while she has storyline potential,she completely fails in terms of gameplay and design,coming off as extremely bland and unoriginal. Say what you want about Jax,but at least he has something memorable going for him,his metal arms. Jacqui is essentially what would happen if Jax and Black had a daughter. Except nowhere near as good as these characters.
If she comes back,she needs a gameplay and design revamp.
I will say this much,though: I still prefer Jacqui over Ferra/Torr,who are arguably the biggest waste of a slot in MKX,given their complete lack of involvement in the story mode,and,while they do have a cool gimmick going for them,it essentially amounts to just another generic brute character that's nowhere near as memorable as the tag-team that one could say they are a spiritual successor to.(Noob/Smoke)
05/19/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
I definitely see Cassie and Kung Jin coming back. Cassie is awesome and Kung Jin is great too. I see Kung Jin as the 2nd most important child and they will bring him back to lure in Gaymers.

Idc if Jacqui comes back or not. I like her, but I only want her back if Jax retires.

Fuck Takeda. Worst newcomer since Darrius. I despise this character. He is ugly, has a generic costume, whiny, stole Sektor's pulse swords, and is boring AF. If he comes back I will consider dropping MK. Cassie is snarky and powerful, Jin is cocky but an overall good person and has a fun style with A bo and arrows and also MKs first gay character, Jacqui is MKs first african american woman and has a great moveset.

Takeda sucks. He has a terrible daddy issue story. His whipsbare stupid and is just overall terrible.
05/19/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
I definitely see Cassie and Kung Jin coming back. Cassie is awesome and Kung Jin is great too. I see Kung Jin as the 2nd most important child and they will bring him back to lure in Gaymers.

Idc if Jacqui comes back or not. I like her, but I only want her back if Jax retires.

Fuck Takeda. Worst newcomer since Darrius. I despise this character. He is ugly, has a generic costume, whiny, stole Sektor's pulse swords, and is boring AF. If he comes back I will consider dropping MK. Cassie is snarky and powerful, Jin is cocky but an overall good person and has a fun style with A bo and arrows and also MKs first gay character, Jacqui is MKs first african american woman and has a great moveset.

Takeda sucks. He has a terrible daddy issue story. His whipsbare stupid and is just overall terrible.

Lmfao so much hate for Takeda i love it since everyone is riding his cock like a mechanical bull, but i still tolerate him. I do hate his whiny daddy issues but i do like his fighting style. As for the other characters i agree with you.
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