03/15/2015 03:46 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
All I want to address is the so-called "absurdity" of Stryker beating Kintaro and Ermac. Why is that so hard for people to wrap their heads around that?

What made Kung Lao and Liu Kang anymore capable of beating Kintaro and Ermac, respectively? In what way were Stryker's weapons less effective than Kung Lao's hat, or Liu Kang's fists and fire-based abilities (his whole arsenal)?

It's like people think the likes of Liu Kang, Sub-Zero etc can destroy whole buildings with their little fingers, while Stryker can barely swat a fly.

Though I suppose if it was Batman beating Kintaro and Ermac instead of Stryker, not many would think about it twice. For some reason he's the only non-superpowered human in fiction people can see beat the odds, much more absurd ones than those Stryker overcame, and without any guns, to boot.

If the majority of fans had their way, just who would Stryker beat, exactly? Ferra, without Torr around? Mokap?

I've already admitted my reasons. It has nothing to do with him not being able to, his weapons being less effective or me even thinking he couldn't do it, its personal bias, I just don't like the dude, I think he is lame, I have since I was a kid. Sounds ridiculous but its the honest truth.

As for your last question, maybe Hsu Hao, Dairou, Mokap, Jarek, Kobra or Mavado, pretty much other people I don't like lol

Seriously though, if I was really in charge of writing the story I wouldn't have him lose all of the time or only beat characters I don't care for. I understand he has fans and people that like him so I wouldn't treat him like garbage, im just having fun here lol
03/15/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
I have always liked Mk3 more than UMK3 because of those intro pictures and the ending pictures which they took out for some reason.

Back on topic, Ermac is a little overrated, people say that he is all that powerfull yet there are no feats, don't come talking about when he fights the earthrealm heroes in the original timeline because Kitana and Jax were already freed so he got help.

If I'm not mistaken, in the bio cards of Deception the team says Sindel is the most powerfull female, I could be wrong however.

I think they do say that. She is the strongest by her magic probably. Sheeva is her guard not the other way around. On topic the good guys will never win. Mk9 is a good example of that. They finally win and raiden basically does something he could never do and sends a message to the past. There power does not matter. Like another person already said. The villians are just punching bags really.
03/15/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
I know Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the poster boys of MK but canon wise they are pretty weak. I'm pretty sure they have more defeats than victories in the old timeline, especially Scorpion.
03/15/2015 07:10 AM (UTC)
I'm of the same opinion as the guy on the first page who said one should just consider all of these characters (barring maybe bosses) of a similar power level.

And maybe even bosses.

I feel like the only way to reconcile it is to assume that any one of these guys and gals could beat any other on any given day, if the scales are in their favor.

You have to assume that on their best day, any one of them could beat any other.

Maybe they're more prepped. Maybe less winded. Less injured. Maybe they have the element of surprise. Maybe their mental state is more focused. Who knows. There's all kinds of BS excuses to cook up.

Maybe losing the tournament rattled Goro's confidence, which is why he loses subsequent story mode fights. *Shrug*

I mean it's not THAT unreasonable an assumption to make. These are all supposed to be world class calibur fighters. The best of the best their realm has to offer. It's not unreasonable to assume that if one has a good day and the other a bad day, the scales of who has the upper hand could shift.

I feel like in any competitive show of athleticism, it's rare that one person completely dominates every game and every aspect, every night at all times. Never losing. I mean hell everyone can beat Kahn in their own ending on a good day.

Setting. Mental State. Allies/Teammates. Fatigue. It all plays a factor.
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