02/25/2015 06:42 AM (UTC)
OhYesMar$h Wrote:

Let's see if NRS can create a boss as iconic as Shao Kahn. MKX looks solid so far, give them folks a chance.

Well, technically no matter who the boss is, it's not soneone that we have to give them a chance to create as whoever it is, is a returning character so he as already been created by Midway.
02/25/2015 07:51 AM (UTC)
Tired of that nigga.
02/25/2015 08:05 AM (UTC)
No it's probably just Reiko's sick obsession. After seeing so much of that stage I am pretty excited for Reiko's chances in this game. It'd be interesting to see him as a bad ass tactician obsessed with power and Shao Kahn. So that way his obessions make him volatile and dangerous. The meat looking character could be his attempt at blood magic to make himself more powerful. In trying to emulate Kahn he could begin trying to make a push for big bad, maybe even going so far to be better than Kahn. Then his obsession would come full circle and he would begin turning more demonic in a downward spiral to his own obsession and ego, warping his character and making sort of Mad genius complex, where no one likes him but they fear him. He could begin establishing relations with Havik, and try to unify Chaos and Outworld in order to take control of the various realms. Causing good and bad guys to work together in some semblance of an allegiance cause they let the nutcase gain too much power and control. sleep
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02/25/2015 08:25 AM (UTC)
Let me say this, Shao Kahn being the big bad does fit the bill; "a returning character that NO ONE expects". I'm not saying I want him back as the big bad but it is possible. Though, I prefer for him to return as a playable character (like Kotal), fighting for the Outworld throne as a much weaker Kahn.
02/25/2015 09:04 AM (UTC)
I really hope not. NRS made him into a joke with his rage in MK9. I remember he was a smart emperor back in the old timeline, but now he had to turn his gaze to every sorcerer that offered him something and blindly merged the realms without thinking of the consequences. He should stay dead for a long time. I was quite happy in MKDA to see him go, but then they made up that stupid excuse of "I made a clone of me".
02/25/2015 09:08 AM (UTC)
This library stage has got me intrigued it has a very quan chi feel to it in my opinion yet Kahns wrath hammer is clearly visible which we know from the comics is now in the possession of Reiko/Goro/Mileena so how did it get to the library? Is it reikos library? Does someone take it from Reiko? Is Reiko working with quan chi and the brotherhood of shadow? In the original timeline I think he was a brotherhood member and a general in shinnoks army so it os a possibility but who knows maybe Reiko is dead and who ever killed him now displays shao Kahns hammer in this library
02/25/2015 10:20 AM (UTC)
Please noooooo!! Shao Kahn was only cool in MKll because it was fresh, but the guy is a freaking human with a skull mask. It never came off as believable after that, there is the Shokans, the Tartakans, the Gods, the Necromancers and the boss is just a guy with a hammer? "Haha don't make me laugh"

Having a Reiko replace him would be terrible, unless he gains some powers. I rather have Shinnok, Fire god Liu Kang or Goro. I do feel that a fun surprising returning character could definitely mean Shao Kahn again, because nobody expects him now. Shinnok loses the first invasion, so maybe he revives Shao Kahn? Reiko may revive him, trying to make him his bitch and then lose.

02/25/2015 10:30 AM (UTC)
I really don't ever want to see Shao Kahn again. Been there, done that. I hope he stays dead.
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02/25/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
I have 2 thoughts about the Kahn Korpse

1.) QuanChi is trying to create the ultimate revanant in ShaoKahn. If successful, ZombieKahn could possibly be the subboss for Shinnok, being a blindly loyal braindead super strong zombie Bodyguard.

2.) He could be imprisoned. That bloodpool might have a spell casted, binding ShaoKahn's body to that spot and not letting his soul (or any soul) enter. This would mean that QuanChi is aware of ShaoKahn's "Ermac Contingency Plan" and is still one step ahead of him. Hell, QuanChi might even be the one who came up with the contingency plan for ShaoKahn in the first place.

Either one of these would add some entertaining drama to the story mode. But I agree, if ShaoKahn is the surprise return boss, that would be very underwhelming. It would also be pretty Lame if this was just Reiko paying his respects to his fallen Leader.
02/25/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
I think maybe some of the endings of MK9 are going to be cannon in some level, if we are going to see a God fire Liu Kang like some people expect, then a resurected Shao Khan at the orders of Quan Chi used as a weapon to defeat Shinnok could be a posibility as well..
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02/25/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
Dantesd94 Wrote:
I think maybe some of the endings of MK9 are going to be cannon in some level, if we are going to see a God fire Liu Kang like some people expect, then a resurected Shao Khan at the orders of Quan Chi used as a weapon to defeat Shinnok could be a posibility as well..

While Quan Chi's arcade ending is suitably trollish, I hope it's not canon. It would make the Elder Gods even more useless than they already are.
02/25/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
You do realize these are the same useless gods whose idea of punishment in Quan Chi's Armageddon ending was trapping him inside Shinnok's amulet, right?
02/25/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)

I don't want him back for a long while.
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02/25/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
He has been the final boss 3 games now and has appeared in more... LET HIM EFFING STAY DEAD! I don't miss him... I won't miss him... Its well past time that the series moves on from Shao Khan and finds new more interesting baddies...
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

02/25/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
You do realize these are the same useless gods whose idea of punishment in Quan Chi's Armageddon ending was trapping him inside Shinnok's amulet, right?

Well, yeah ...

I'd rather be surprised by the final boss than think, 'Hoo, boy, here comes the hammer spam ...'

02/25/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Stay dead. We've had our fill with him for years. It's the next generation of MK we don't need the same emperor making an appearance.
02/25/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Don't worry, I doubt it's Kahn
02/25/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Please noooooo!! Shao Kahn was only cool in MKll because it was fresh, but the guy is a freaking human with a skull mask.

Have you ever bothered looking up what he looks like without that helmet on? The guy is no human.
02/26/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
I'm definitely thinking that body is supposed to be some kind of Shao Kahn clone, but I'm betting that someone is gonna put a stop to all that in the story mode.
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02/26/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
Maybe he has a couple of clones still hanging around.
02/26/2015 03:55 AM (UTC)
I doubt it's Shao Kahn.The body looks very huge,even huger than Shao Kahns body.Maybe it's just a random body, in the process of becoming a monstrous entity (New boss propably??)or just a stage fatality.The armor and the hammer storywise may have some powers for Quan Chi to examine and also may relate to the skull placed in his chest to be Shao Khans.

I dont know guys,but I strongly just speculate that the final boss may be Havik.Aside from Quan chi and Kenshi(count that he appeared as DLC in MK9)he is the best character to appear post-MK4.The fact that he exists only to cause some chaos is a strong point with great potential.
02/26/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)
God please no. We've had way too much of Kahn, let him sit out like two games.
02/26/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
It's obviously a plot device. No way Kahn would be the big bad yet again after they said it would be a fun surprise or something along those lines. I assume it's one of the bad guys or several of them trying to revive him.

This could be interesting for Ermac story-wise though. He has Kahn's soul so I could imagine both good and evil characters wanting him dead to eliminate or retrieve Kahn's soul, respectively. That would make Ermac the ultimate lone wolf, moreso than Scorpion.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/26/2015 08:38 AM (UTC)
I just cant believe we all Agree on something for once. Somebody give this thread a damn academy award for christ sakes.lol? This doesnt happen everyday kids!wink
02/26/2015 02:42 PM (UTC)
I don't like Shao Kahn at all. He is overused as a boss, plus he is like a giant dude in a thong and loincloth. Made of steel. He is like not at all menacing. I remeber playing MKII and Kintaro was such a beast. Then I saw shao and was like "whos that guy". If he resurrects now it would be very iffy. I mean cant he just die and not return now? Lets get some new villains, not this guy or we could turn him right into a villain with a theme song. "Something is stirring in outland...... iiiiiiiiits Shao/someones mergin all the realms...... iiiiiiiiiits Shao/someoen is achin' to kill Liu Kang.... who is it? It's Shao" baddum ts.
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