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03/17/2010 10:49 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
If you think about it, only the female edenians have the superhero in leotard look...I think it should become like a dress code for edenian female warriors. Personaly I like it and they should forever wear them.

I could see this point, but I always kind of saw Kitana as being more likely to wear something along the lines of what Talisa Soto wore in the MK movies.
03/17/2010 11:11 PM (UTC)
Two words: SAMUS ARAN.

Sure, she's got her Zero Suit, but for 99% of the time, she's running around in full armor and she's regarded as one of the strongest female characters in video games. Just saying it is possible to cover up your girl and still have her be desirable.

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03/17/2010 11:56 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
If you think about it, only the female edenians have the superhero in leotard look...I think it should become like a dress code for edenian female warriors. Personaly I like it and they should forever wear them.

Agreed. I always perceived the revealing clothing as sort of a cultural thing.

But even if it wasn't, visual realism isn't as much of a priority as story or character realism. I don't mind sexy outfits as long as their fitting for the character, and as others have said, they don't look like total sluts.

Nitara being one of a few examples. Why was she dressed like that? Vampire doesn't mean whore... usually. The issue of Sonya's thong has been beaten to death, but again, why? I can buy the spandex, but the thong seemed like "we're doing this simply because we can." Tan lines, on the other hand, would have been acceptable and even kind of fitting.

I'm not completely against of the over-the-top slut costumes, but only as a bonus costume irrelevant to the story. Even the most whore-ish costumes are sometimes okay as an alt, but never as a primary. Guy or girl, I don't really care. If someone wants to see Mavado in a speedo, Boon's treat (though I wouldn't want to see Mavado in any circumstance).

BTW, Li Mei is no longer a slave, she doesn't need to look like a pirate hooker anymore. It was all good and fun in MKD, but now it's time to put her in something, I don't know, warm?
03/20/2010 04:02 PM (UTC)
i personally don't mind if each character had a sexy outfit for an alt. the game is rated m for mature so why not. also i doubt the mk team would ever go the gow rought were the characters are fully naked. so why complain. there are some outfits in the real world that are really sexy but also don't look trashy. look at jlo's outfit on the red carpet few years back. looked hot but not trashy. the mk team could get away with something like this or even with millena's alt in mkd.
03/21/2010 09:20 PM (UTC)
IMO, the girs in MK are extremly ugly and masculine.If MK team can manage to make MK woman actually look like woman, then i'm not against it.
04/07/2010 04:03 PM (UTC)
kitana is mine.wow <3
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04/08/2010 03:42 PM (UTC)
First off, I'll say bravo to the MK team for designing Ashrah, who manages to be a great female character while not wearing clothes that ride up the crotch or reveal 90% of her cleavage.

Continuing on, I believe it's character dependent. Kitana and Sindel, being royalty, really have no excuse for wearing leotards anymore. Sindel at least should look far more regal. Kitana's often on the front lines of war, so something combat-ready would be more suitable. Ditto for Jade. I do like their default looks though, very amazonian, and I'd keep them as alternates.

Sonya hasn't been too too bad, but she really needs to put on some kind of flak vest or whatnot. And ditch the MKDC thong.

Tanya was an ambassador's daughter, not a soldier. She should look a bit more upper crust. I get that yellow's her color, but she doesn't have to be parading around in a swimsuit and galoshes. Needs a makeover something fierce, if she ever comes back.

Khameleon ought to look wilder, more reptilian than MKA made her out to be. I know it could be a challenge to design a distinctively feminine reptilian creature, but she should be made over so that sexiness isn't something to be considered - not too far off from Reptile's MKSM look, if you catch me. This is again depending on whether she ever comes back to the series.

Kira I'm quite satisfied with. She looks sexy but not overly slutty.

Li Mei was pretty much brought into MKDA for sex appeal purposes. One of the two or so characters who I think should honestly remain in raunchy attire. She seems to be heading down the path of evil anyways.

Vampires should look refined. Nitara looks like a slutty pirate - really needs to put on some clothes. I don't care if it's a bodysuit, but she should quit running around in a thong at the very least.

Sareena - well, she is a demon. I'm in favor of looking sexy, but moderately so. I'd say tone it down a tad. She could use something to cover her midriff.

Sheeva - Like Khameleon, I don't think sexiness should be a factor when considering far-out species. However I don't think she should change. No Shokan has ever been shown at any time to be wearing very much. She's okay.

And finally...Mileena. This is a woman who flaunts what she's got and is more than comfortable with it because she does it ironically. In MKSM, her yelling "Do you find me sexy?" was my fave bit of spoken dialogue. You get the feeling she lures unsuspecting male dopes back to her chambers, takes off the veil, and revels in their horror for a moment before devouring them. Mileena's slutty attire is absolutely essential to her character. I don't want her to ever change. :D
04/08/2010 05:31 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Continuing on, I believe it's character dependent. Kitana and Sindel, being royalty, really have no excuse for wearing leotards anymore. Sindel at least should look far more regal. Kitana's often on the front lines of war, so something combat-ready would be more suitable.

The thing is, MK is a different universe to ours, and even if you say it's the same one, Edenia is not Earthrealm. Kitana does wear a swimsuit. That's they way things are in Edenia. Maybe they don't have the same hangups as we do, Earth 2010. Or maybe people there are all "who does she think she is, parading herself around like that! What a hussy!", but then she'd be like "I can wear what I want! I'm the effing princess and i can totally kill you with my mad skills so STFU!". I think Kitana's costumes in MKs DA,D,A were great. vs DC not so much.

For the other ladies, they're fine too. So Sonya wears stylish underpants. Big whoop. They're a mixed bunch. Appealing to different people.

I could be a complete hypocrite here and call for Ashrah to get a makeover. But I won't.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/08/2010 07:21 PM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:

The thing is, MK is a different universe to ours, and even if you say it's the same one, Edenia is not Earthrealm. Kitana does wear a swimsuit. That's they way things are in Edenia. Maybe they don't have the same hangups as we do, Earth 2010. Or maybe people there are all "who does she think she is, parading herself around like that! What a hussy!", but then she'd be like "I can wear what I want! I'm the effing princess and i can totally kill you with my mad skills so STFU!". I think Kitana's costumes in MKs DA,D,A were great. vs DC not so much.

If that's the case then she'd be a pretty awful princess who doesn't merit the respect that she seems to get, don't you? That doesn't seem to be the case.

Rain's from Edenia. I don't see him running about in a thong all day. Skimpy dress isn't some sort of universal Edenian choice - he, Taven, Argus and Daegon, while men, certainly understand the merits of wearing armor or kingly robes, and dress accordingly. There's no reason to assume that women couldn't do the same.

MrHoppyX Wrote:
For the other ladies, they're fine too. So Sonya wears stylish underpants. Big whoop. They're a mixed bunch. Appealing to different people.

Sonya is a military officer from Earth - Earth - who wears a thong that has to be jamming her uterus right up into her stomach. Show me one of those in the field. If you want to avoid being hypocritical, don't tell me that "that's just how things are in Edenia" while applauding the implausible display that is a military officer from Earthrealm wearing something more suited to the cover of playboy.
04/08/2010 07:29 PM (UTC)
Less is more.

Thongs for all!
04/08/2010 07:35 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
If that's the case then she'd be a pretty awful princess who doesn't merit the respect that she seems to get, don't you? That doesn't seem to be the case.

Rain's from Edenia. I don't see him running about in a thong all day. Skimpy dress isn't some sort of universal Edenian choice - he, Taven, Argus and Daegon, while men, certainly understand the merits of wearing armor or kingly robes, and dress accordingly. There's no reason to assume that women couldn't do the same.

You're applying your values to another world. Even on this planet in real life, there are people who don't really worry about showing skin. It's just human bodies. Perhaps on Edenia it's the opposite to here. People on earth don't worry so much if they see guys with their top off. People back in the day though it normal that guys wear togas. Not so much now. Different times, different places, different fashions.

Reiko shows off his ripped abs. Shao Khan has a kinky thing going on. Liu Kang just wears his track pants and a "Call on Me" style headband. Jax is a military officer. Why does he go topless? Surely it'd be more "practical" to wear a light armoured vest. Have you seen Sheeva's bikini?

MK's characters are endearingly "out there". It has a legacy of funky 80s lycra style. I quite like that. Plus they're basically designed for a demographic that don't really see the human body as something dirty and to be ashamed of. :)
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/08/2010 08:02 PM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
You're applying your values to another world. Even on this planet in real life, there are people who don't really worry about showing skin. It's just human bodies. Perhaps on Edenia it's the opposite to here. People on earth don't worry so much if they see guys with their top off. People back in the day though it normal that guys wear togas. Not so much now. Different times, different places, different fashions.

Reiko shows off his ripped abs. Shao Khan has a kinky thing going on. Liu Kang just wears his track pants and a "Call on Me" style headband. Jax is a military officer. Why does he go topless? Surely it'd be more "practical" to wear a light armoured vest. Have you seen Sheeva's bikini?

MK's characters are endearingly "out there". It has a legacy of funky 80s lycra style. I quite like that. Plus they're basically designed for a demographic that don't really see the human body as something dirty and to be ashamed of. :)

Of course I'm applying my values to a fictional world - that's what this topic's about, and my opinion will naturally reflect my values. And you're doing just the same.

Perhaps on Edenia it is the opposite to here, and then again perhaps it's not. Edenian fashion is up for debate. The men seem to wear normal clothes, the women seem to wear skimpier dress. Maybe that's how it is, and maybe it's the result of just what you're lauding - the demographic that the franchise is designed for. I don't see it as shameful, just bloody inconsistent is all.

Jax has worn a shirt before - see his MKDA alt - and take a look at his MKDC outfit. He's not topless there. Don't see why Sonya can't do the same.

I'm all right with Sheeva's bikini because Goro and Kintaro run around in thongs. Most of the Shokans seem to.

I'm not a staunch conservative or anything. Again, Mileena looks great the way she is; suits her character. Shao Kahn has a savage conqueror look going for him which works great.

I don't want the selected women to cover up because the human body's dirty; nothing of the kind; I just want characters to dress appropriate to their role. If "Men wear clothes, women do not" is an Edenian way of life, then fine. But it seems bizarre to me is all.

I just think there's something off when a princess is running around in a swimsuit while a king of that same realm wears long black robes unless I know there's a specific reason.

Was there anyone from Edenia in MKD's Konquest mode who remarked on the fashion of the time? I seem to remember a female soldier or something.
04/08/2010 08:20 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
First off, I'll say bravo to the MK team for designing Ashrah, who manages to be a great female character while not wearing clothes that ride up the crotch or reveal 90% of her cleavage.

What about her alt?
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04/08/2010 08:23 PM (UTC)
F*** Im glad Shadaloo is back!.

Anyways. I feel he has a point without disrespect to Hoppy.

For any character in any universe to be believable (unless intentionally out tehre for humor or randonimity), they have to not only act the role, but look it. Nobody seemed to say anything or complain when Li Mei was wearing what appeared to be a more armor-based appearance.

Thats what actually made me like the character. Wasnt just some Tai Chi Instructor in provokative and flexable positions while fighting.

I Can See Jades MKD alt holding rather close to a new look. But People who are in the midst of an inter-realm war would want to be ready for abttle at any moment wouldnt they? Dont even bring the Edenian values up. Its a matter of war and not being stupid. War = preparations.

Secondly... Immagine Jax trying to put a shirt on in the morning. Just try and picture it.... did it?.... Enough said. No sleeves could work. But in respect, he looked pretty good in MKvsDC.

I feel Kitana, Sindel and Tanya need to do something. Frost was a perfect balance. I think Kitana should deffinately wear a light torso piece of armor and perhaps some upper leg armor or shinguards.

Tanya on the other hand. i have no real suggestions for her other than some things need to change. Shes not believable.

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/08/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Feels like coming home again! grin

Icebaby Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
First off, I'll say bravo to the MK team for designing Ashrah, who manages to be a great female character while not wearing clothes that ride up the crotch or reveal 90% of her cleavage.

What about her alt?

Hmmm...Well, I'd call that maybe 40% of her cleavage. As far as skimpy outfits in the MK series go, it's actually not too raunchy.
04/08/2010 09:30 PM (UTC)
If you want the game to be realistic, then sure, everybody should be wearing armour. Exposed skin bleeds when it gets hit with sharp objects, even if you don't hit it that hard.

If you want to apply that logic, apply it to the guys too. Goro is naked except for a pair of pants, and he's royalty too.

I don't mind people wearing armour. That can be cool too. But i don't really care if a character has 2 different outfits and plays the same.

Also outfits kind of define the character. If they were all "sensible" about optimising their attire for war, then they'd all dress the same. ButI don't think Johnny Cage would be Johnny cage without some spandex.
04/08/2010 09:47 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Of course I'm applying my values to a fictional world - that's what this topic's about, and my opinion will naturally reflect my values. And you're doing just the same.

It's seems you may have misunderstood me. I'm not saying you or anyone else aren't entitled to your individual sense of style.

The fact is that in MK, some ladies wear leotards. Been like that since MK2. To say now that "hey they shouldn't be wearing leotards" would be kind of a retcon. And what is exposed anyway? Not that much flesh acerage. Thighs and upper arms. Like I say loads of the guys are completely nekkid from the waist up.

Shadaloo Wrote:
Jax has worn a shirt before - see his MKDA alt - and take a look at his MKDC outfit. He's not topless there. Don't see why Sonya can't do the same.

Sonya's MKDA alt is completely covered up apart from her head and her fingers. Still an awesome outfit though.

Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm not a staunch conservative or anything. Again, Mileena looks great the way she is; suits her character. Shao Kahn has a savage conqueror look going for him which works great.

I think that's the thing. I guess that's how I feel when I see Kitana in a leotard. I just think "hey that's Kitana, that's the way she is". I guess I feel like that about everyone in MK. I only really feel "wronged" by character things if they contradict what has gone before. Of course you're entitled to your opinion too.

Shadaloo Wrote:
I just think there's something off when a princess is running around in a swimsuit while a king of that same realm wears long black robes unless I know there's a specific reason.

I think the reason is that every character is an individual, defined by more than just their position in society. I don't know. Maybe Kitana wears a super flouncy crazy epic dress thing for formal occasions that would be completely useless for fighting in. It's kind of academic.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/09/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
It's seems you may have misunderstood me. I'm not saying you or anyone else aren't entitled to your individual sense of style.

The fact is that in MK, some ladies wear leotards. Been like that since MK2. To say now that "hey they shouldn't be wearing leotards" would be kind of a retcon. And what is exposed anyway? Not that much flesh acerage. Thighs and upper arms. Like I say loads of the guys are completely nekkid from the waist up.

Oh, I agree. I should probably clarify my position: Quite honestly, to have Kitana not be wearing some manner of leotard would kind of fly in the face of her visual history. The last thing I want is for her to show up in the next MK looking like Lady Galadriel of LOTR, or wearing a sweeping dress, or anything. But all the same, I think that they could add touches and make adjustments to emphasize her regal position. I'm no fashion expert, but I envision silk sashes from her wrists which sweep backwards to the upper ends of her arm-coverings; her mask could perhaps be given more decor.

What I think really bugs me about Kitana is that her look hasn't evolved to match her character as well as it could have; I've been rather bored of her in recent MKs and I think her unchanging look's a big reason why. I can understand her leotard in MKII and UMK3; prior to MKII she was one of Kahn's assassins, and was very loyal to him. Her garb is absolutely fantasy-assassin suitable. As we know, one day she discovers the truth, makes plans in secret with the Earthrealm forces and starts all-out rebellion. Kang wins MKII and U/MK3/MKT happens very shortly after, so she's barely got time to settle down.

It's from MK4 on where I think they should have added these extra touches and details. She settles in to rule Edenia alongside mom; she's not just an assassin coping with the truth of her past anymore. MK4 happens, Shinnok goes down. Years later MKDA starts up and she's fighting a war against Kahn again. She's still wearing the same basic get-up, with some nice new earrings and bicep straps. I can buy that, okay, she popped over to the closet to break out the old fighting gear, but design-wise, i think things could have been better.

I compare her overall look to, say, Scorpion's. When MKDA popped up, that guy got himself one hell (sorry) of a makeover that emphasized both his supernatural and ninja nature. For the first time he was wearing scabbards, and his belt had that skull on it. He got that visual evolution Kitana never got. Up until today, she's still in that basic leotard, and not much has really been done to spruce it up; I've got no issues with her being sexy, but that shouldn't be the beginning and end of her character. I'm pretty sure if you showed a picture of Kitana today to someone who knew nothing about MK, they'd go "Oh, ok, sexy ninja chick". Ideally, I think the answer should be "sexy ninja princess."

MrHoppyX Wrote:

Sonya's MKDA alt is completely covered up apart from her head and her fingers. Still an awesome outfit though.

You know what, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder! I just wish we'd get that more often. Sonya's outfits have never really bothered me - I can buy that it's army surplus exercise equipment, perhaps. But MKDC was too much - you can tell in the official render that she's clearly not wearing a bra, and she's got thong tan lines that go up past her belly button. A weeeeee bit too fanservicey.

MrHoppyX Wrote:

I guess that's how I feel when I see Kitana in a leotard. I just think "hey that's Kitana, that's the way she is". I guess I feel like that about everyone in MK. I only really feel "wronged" by character things if they contradict what has gone before. Of course you're entitled to your opinion too.

This is what bothered me about Jax in MKDA. We have this tactical, analytical individual who suddenly decides to sport a pair of shades and go "awwwww yeah" when he starts shooting someone with a gun he's never used before, not to mention the dragon bling he was wearing in his alt - I would have loved that outfit if it weren't for that. They tried to make him into a gangsta, botched him, and did a 180 for MKDC back to his roots. That's proof you can't deviate too far from what a character's been established as.

MrHoppyX Wrote:
I think the reason is that every character is an individual, defined by more than just their position in society. I don't know. Maybe Kitana wears a super flouncy crazy epic dress thing for formal occasions that would be completely useless for fighting in. It's kind of academic.

I agree too; but I just think that not enough emphasis has gone towards Kitana's position and too much has been given to her badunkadunk. That shouldn't be the only thing that defines her either.

...I... can't believe I just wrote several paragraphs on the visual appeal, wardrobe and history of a character I can barely tolerate in modern MK games anymore (see the stay/go topic). Never again, Shadaloo. Never again.
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04/09/2010 01:45 AM (UTC)
MrHoppyX Wrote:
If you want the game to be realistic, then sure, everybody should be wearing armour. Exposed skin bleeds when it gets hit with sharp objects, even if you don't hit it that hard.

If you want to apply that logic, apply it to the guys too. Goro is naked except for a pair of pants, and he's royalty too.

I don't mind people wearing armour. That can be cool too. But i don't really care if a character has 2 different outfits and plays the same.

Also outfits kind of define the character. If they were all "sensible" about optimising their attire for war, then they'd all dress the same. ButI don't think Johnny Cage would be Johnny cage without some spandex.

Well thinking realistically. Lets not forget that Goro is HALF DRAGON. Mobility>armor with a being of his genetic strength. Probebly hard skinned giving him somewhat of an armor to begin with. Lets not forget his Alternate...

next? i really wanna find some to demand a change. goro is great how he is.
04/09/2010 10:09 AM (UTC)
The outfits should be more practical. I mean, if you're gonna have a hooker fight in MK, then create a hooker character. lololol

The only female that I would suggest keeping slutty looking and revealing is Mileena. Let's face it fellas, that MKD version was pretty smokin'! BUT THAT'S THE POINT!!! An enemy would look at her body and go, "Woah!, yeah sure I'd fight you!", but then she reveals her true identity and bites your frickin head off, or sucks your bones dry!!! It makes her enemies mezmerized, leaving them more vunerable for attack...

As for the other ladies, I'd just stick with something more classy pending on what realm their from and what style of fighting they posses.

04/09/2010 10:11 AM (UTC)
So when's the Mortal Kombat "swimsuit issue" comming out?...lololol
04/10/2010 12:29 PM (UTC)
Kitana and Jade are the two that need the most change. They are no longer Shao Kahn's assasins, yet they STILL wear outfits that denote them as such, or outfits very similar to that. Same with Sindel. She is no longer under Shao Kahn's thrall. There is NO REASON for her to look even vaguely similar as to how she did in MK3.
Either way, as stated before, I am completely against slutty outfits for girls, especially ones that do not fit the character at all. It's just stupid and pointless. Like the above poster said, if the team wants to make a character look like a hooker, make a hooker character (please MK team, don't make a hooker character who also happens to be a master martial artist with special powers somehow....please no...).
04/11/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
OF course sexy outfits is good - unless you're a complete homo
04/11/2010 01:50 AM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Kitana and Jade are the two that need the most change. They are no longer Shao Kahn's assasins, yet they STILL wear outfits that denote them as such, or outfits very similar to that. Same with Sindel. She is no longer under Shao Kahn's thrall. There is NO REASON for her to look even vaguely similar as to how she did in MK3.
Either way, as stated before, I am completely against slutty outfits for girls, especially ones that do not fit the character at all. It's just stupid and pointless. Like the above poster said, if the team wants to make a character look like a hooker, make a hooker character (please MK team, don't make a hooker character who also happens to be a master martial artist with special powers somehow....please no...).

just because a girl would wear something revealing does not make them a slut. it is your opinion to think that if a girl wears something revealing she is just that. it could be a reason of sport or comfort...it could be just an iconic look for that character. either way that does not make the persona a slut. and the idea of a hooker type character might not actually be that bad of an idea honestly. maybe even an undercover hooker...you know a cop undercover as one. than again i am a straight guy that is attracted to such appeal. im not saying i am a pig because a girl in a sports jersey and sweats can be sexy too. i agree about the changes with Kahns allegiance to an extent...the costumes should change but they do need to reflect the iconic look in some way or have the original as an alt.
04/17/2010 10:40 PM (UTC)
JaxFatality Wrote:
Less is more.

Thongs for all!

Even Bo Rai' Cho?
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