03/06/2015 08:28 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
If this is true, it means I won't even bother looking at this site for months. I don't want spoilers, now do I? Also just another reason to wait for the “Komplete” edition with all the DLC I won't be able to get beforehand anyway.

GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Honestly I hate to be that guy but th current gen systems aren't a HUGE investment, even if you punch pennies. Stop eating Mcdonalds. Stop getting Starbucks. Stop doing whatever dumb shit will save you 400 bucks over the coarse of a month and get into a current gen system. Saving isn't hard. Sell those old ass outdated systems and score a quick 50-75. Boom. Big chunk.
It's not hard to find ways if you really want something. The PS3 and the 360 are dead. Move the hell on, folks.

I'm sorry, is your name GodIsNotHere or WhatIsMyProblem?
This thread has plenty of legitimate reasons for some of us to not jump to new-gen.

I don't eat McMurder Burgers or drink Starschmucks. I eat discount bread rolls and drink instant coffee because I am pinching pennies just to get by. My rent is astronomical. It's the price I pay for moving away from a death-hole scum-town that was literally suffocating my life-force. Guess what? This year i'm going back to college to improve my life, something I never could have even considered before.

Sell my old consoles? No! Why would I after investing so much time and effort into gaming on them. Just from an MK standpoint, without my Wii I couldn't play MKA, without the Gamecube I couldn't play MKDA or MKD (which I still do sometimes when i'm in the mood for the games that started my love for the series in the first place). No Xbox original would mean no MKI, II, 3 or SM, and no XB360 would mean no MKvsDC or MK9. I'm not about to throw away those hard-earned achievements when it's much simpler to buy one game rather than invest in a whole new console just for that one game. I;m seriously not interested in anything else.

That gen is so not 'dead'. All my consoles work really well, and on consoles where backwards compatibility is not always automatic (even though it damn well should be) i'd rather keep and look after my own property.

If you hate to be “that guy”, then don't be. You're coming off as a pressurising douche. Yes, there are legitimate reasons why new-gen will be better than previous-gen, but just not enough for you or anyone else to get on a high horse and start preaching to everyone else about what to do with their money. /rant

First off a console gen is considered "dead" when games are no longer primarily developed for it which is the case for ps3/xbox360. All the games that still release on them are simply just ports that usually lack far behind the current gen versions. And its not about what you're doing with your money. Its about how you act as if nrs is entitled to cater to you because you're using hardware thats 10 years old and not up to par with new technology and that in turn holds back the potential of the product. Thats like trying to tell gamestop since my ps2, gamecube, and xbox still work i should be able to sell them to you even though they dont accept them.Most of the gaming community has Made the jump to current gen so thats who they are concerned with. Also if all you play is mk why do you still have all those consoles? You can play every mk game in history for much cheaper by simply just playing on pc since money is a big issue for you.
03/06/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
Just adding my input about upgrading, sorry if I offend anyone but, I do believe that my fellow Mkers who do not have a current gen console should save up and get one to enjoy this awesome game at its greatest! If it were me and I had to save up for a current gen console, I would not get rid of my old console due to the fact that both consoles do not have backwards compatibility.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/06/2015 11:29 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.
About Me


03/06/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
Pretty sure you just called a dude m'lady

Act like a moody lady, get called a lady.

Don't really want to get involved in a gender debate, since this is not the place. I consider myself somewhat 'gender neutral'/androgynous anyway. Oh, and 'Moody Lady' kinda sounds like a clothing line. I like it.

mkfan_9999 Wrote:Its about how you act as if nrs is entitled to cater to you because you're using hardware thats 10 years old and not up to par with new technology and that in turn holds back the potential of the product. [...] You can play every mk game in history for much cheaper by simply just playing on pc since money is a big issue for you.

Whoa, entitled? ME? No, I'm more than happy that they announced cross-gen release, and it'll be annoying not to mention disappointing if the delay rumour turns out to be accurate. What that means is i will have to take a break from this site (i guess some of you won't mind that so much, but whatever). I'm mostly just fed up of feeling like i'm missing out due to 'business politics' and got worked up over GodIsNotHere's posts that came off as preaching.

Right about the history, but in order to play on PC i'd have to spend money i don't have on upgrading or flat out replacing from the tiny netbook i have currently. See how that doesn't work and sticking with what i've got is better for me?
03/06/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
Pretty sure you just called a dude m'lady

Act like a moody lady, get called a lady.

Don't really want to get involved in a gender debate, since this is not the place. I consider myself somewhat 'gender neutral'/androgynous anyway. Oh, and 'Moody Lady' kinda sounds like a clothing line. I like it.

mkfan_9999 Wrote:Its about how you act as if nrs is entitled to cater to you because you're using hardware thats 10 years old and not up to par with new technology and that in turn holds back the potential of the product. [...] You can play every mk game in history for much cheaper by simply just playing on pc since money is a big issue for you.

Whoa, entitled? ME? No, I'm more than happy that they announced cross-gen release, and it'll be annoying not to mention disappointing if the delay rumour turns out to be accurate. What that means is i will have to take a break from this site (i guess some of you won't mind that so much, but whatever). I'm mostly just fed up of feeling like i'm missing out due to 'business politics' and got worked up over GodIsNotHere's posts that came off as preaching.

Right about the history, but in order to play on PC i'd have to spend money i don't have on upgrading or flat out replacing from the tiny netbook i have currently. See how that doesn't work and sticking with what i've got is better for me?

I didnt say go out an upgrade right now out of pocket. I clearly said replace all that stuff you have with a pc which clearly means SELL IT to get a pc. Sell that netbook too. And when i was talking about the whole being entitled thing i wasnt just speaking about you. I was speaking to everyone in general who gets mad at others who say just upgrade.
03/06/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
03/06/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.

Its not about you getting the consoles. Its when you start complaining when you knew the slope was slippery when you decided to stay with 10 year old hardware. Most people hate the rants and that's why they say just upgrade to avoid these delays abd types of situations. The way some of you speak its like you want the developers to feel sorry for the few when they worry about the masses and the newest technology. So fine stay on last gen but don't rant at nrs and others when you dont get the same support as current gen. Current gen came out for a reason. So that you can upgrade and make your gaming experience as best as possible. Thats why nrs is solely focused on ps4 and xbox one. So they can make mkx the best game as possible. They cant do that if they are worried about making a game capable for 10 year old hardware. And seriously you dont have to make a 180 in life to buy a 350 Dollar game system.
About Me

03/06/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.

Its not about you getting the consoles. Its when you start complaining when you knew the slope was slippery when you decided to stay with 10 year old hardware. Most people hate the rants and that's why they say just upgrade to avoid these delays abd types of situations. The way some of you speak its like you want the developers to feel sorry for the few when they worry about the masses and the newest technology. So fine stay on last gen but don't rant at nrs and others when you dont get the same support as current gen. Current gen came out for a reason. So that you can upgrade and make your gaming experience as best as possible. Thats why nrs is solely focused on ps4 and xbox one. So they can make mkx the best game as possible. They cant do that if they are worried about making a game capable for 10 year old hardware. And seriously you dont have to make a 180 in life to buy a 350 Dollar game system.

LOL, what is your problem? seriously,

As long as games keeps getting created an sold in the last gen consumers are in their every right and entitled to want a quality product as much as you do about your current gen game, that's how it works, buddy.

OLD gen users are MK fans as well and don't deserve any less just because you personally believe it's time to upgrade or the the console "expired", you don't get to decide in what the user gaming experienced is based. You don't get to tell people they don't deserve to "rant" about it, the publishe, NRS nor the third party developer are doing a service by porting MKX, they are doing it because it's profitable, and so, if they want money they are responsible for the quality of the product they are offering, so yeah, they actually need to worry about the "few" (untrue btw) as long as they decide to make ports.

Some of you clearly are having a hard time understanding and relating to situations you aren't personally involved with, specially given that what old gen users do with their time and money doesn't concern you at all. It's a sad display of ignorance and elitism, you better check that.

Since this kind of narrow mindedness is closely related to maturity and life experience I'm willing to overlook it because of how heterogeneous the age groups are in this board. This also speaks tons about how mob consumer mentality works in gaming though, but I won't be getting into that this time.
03/06/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.

Its not about you getting the consoles. Its when you start complaining when you knew the slope was slippery when you decided to stay with 10 year old hardware. Most people hate the rants and that's why they say just upgrade to avoid these delays abd types of situations. The way some of you speak its like you want the developers to feel sorry for the few when they worry about the masses and the newest technology. So fine stay on last gen but don't rant at nrs and others when you dont get the same support as current gen. Current gen came out for a reason. So that you can upgrade and make your gaming experience as best as possible. Thats why nrs is solely focused on ps4 and xbox one. So they can make mkx the best game as possible. They cant do that if they are worried about making a game capable for 10 year old hardware. And seriously you dont have to make a 180 in life to buy a 350 Dollar game system.

LOL, what is your problem? seriously,

As long as games keeps getting created an sold in the last gen consumers are in their every right and entitled to want a quality product as much as you do about your current gen game, that's how it works, buddy.

OLD gen users are MK fans as well and don't deserve any less just because you personally believe it's time to upgrade or the the console "expired", you don't get to decide in what the user gaming experienced is based. You don't get to tell people they don't deserve to "rant" about it, the publishe, NRS nor the third party developer are doing a service by porting MKX, they are doing it because it's profitable, and so, if they want money they are responsible for the quality of the product they are offering, so yeah, they actually need to worry about the "few" (untrue btw) as long as they decide to make ports.

Some of you clearly are having a hard time understanding and relating to situations you aren't personally involved with, specially given that what old gen users do with their time and money doesn't concern you at all. It's a sad display of ignorance and elitism, you better check that.

Since this kind of narrow mindedness is closely related to maturity and life experience I'm willing to overlook it because of how heterogeneous the age groups are in this board. This also speaks tons about how mob consumer mentality works in gaming though, but I won't be getting into that this time.

Many developers and people believe that. Why do you think alot of games are CURRENT GEN ONLY. If developers believed that they would make games for every past generation console that ever came out. Also it is only the few who still play old gen. Look at the charts. The current gen consoles the past year outsold the old gen consoles in every game released for both by wide margins. Its not just a few? Lets look at mkx's preorder numbers. The ps3 and 360 numbers together only add up to 40,576 preorders. Xbox one alone has more pre orders then old gen put together. Ps4 has 2x as many preorders and then some compared to old gen consoles put together. Ps4 has 105,482 units pre ordered and xbox one has 50,728. Put them together and they outsell the ps3 and 360 by over 100,000 units. Sorry that actually is true majority of the gaming community has moved on and nrs can make more than enough money on current gen alone. But anyways why do you think nrs said they want nothing to do with last gen? Because it isnt capable of making the best gaming experience so they said we will some other developer deal with that old crap. They focus only on that. Nice try though.
03/06/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
*Insert eating popcorn gif* Anyway keep in mind that this is just a rumor on one website. Maybe I missed it but this thread is the ONLY place I have heard such a thing about last gen MKX getting delayed, so try not to get too worked up about it yet since its just a baseless rumor as this point.
About Me

03/06/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:

In all seriousness that sucks(If legit).
03/06/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.

Its not about you getting the consoles. Its when you start complaining when you knew the slope was slippery when you decided to stay with 10 year old hardware. Most people hate the rants and that's why they say just upgrade to avoid these delays abd types of situations. The way some of you speak its like you want the developers to feel sorry for the few when they worry about the masses and the newest technology. So fine stay on last gen but don't rant at nrs and others when you dont get the same support as current gen. Current gen came out for a reason. So that you can upgrade and make your gaming experience as best as possible. Thats why nrs is solely focused on ps4 and xbox one. So they can make mkx the best game as possible. They cant do that if they are worried about making a game capable for 10 year old hardware. And seriously you dont have to make a 180 in life to buy a 350 Dollar game system.

LOL, what is your problem? seriously,

As long as games keeps getting created an sold in the last gen consumers are in their every right and entitled to want a quality product as much as you do about your current gen game, that's how it works, buddy.

OLD gen users are MK fans as well and don't deserve any less just because you personally believe it's time to upgrade or the the console "expired", you don't get to decide in what the user gaming experienced is based. You don't get to tell people they don't deserve to "rant" about it, the publishe, NRS nor the third party developer are doing a service by porting MKX, they are doing it because it's profitable, and so, if they want money they are responsible for the quality of the product they are offering, so yeah, they actually need to worry about the "few" (untrue btw) as long as they decide to make ports.

Some of you clearly are having a hard time understanding and relating to situations you aren't personally involved with, specially given that what old gen users do with their time and money doesn't concern you at all. It's a sad display of ignorance and elitism, you better check that.

Since this kind of narrow mindedness is closely related to maturity and life experience I'm willing to overlook it because of how heterogeneous the age groups are in this board. This also speaks tons about how mob consumer mentality works in gaming though, but I won't be getting into that this time.

03/07/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
Old gen is OLD. Get with the times and stop whining. No one gives a shit about the old ass ps3 and 360. Ps4 and xbox one are wayyyyy better.
03/07/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
It's just a game. If they want to cheap out, just let 'em. That's their right as much as it is your right to buy the next gen version and enjoy everything it has to offer.

This guy gets it.

Let us not divide ourselves brothers. This is what the MAN want us to do!
In the end, we are all just trying to play the "same" game at the same relevant time, no matter the difference.

I'm not good with words, so in advance, I mean no disrespect if someone feels some type of way.

But seriously. We're not stupid.
If we were able to get the new consoles, we would have. Duh.
I've been through these type of discussions a few times before, and they end the same. I'm just glad that you guys are a bit more civil and less assholish about the subject than the ones I've witness in the past....so far.

We all have our reasons that you people won't understand.
When subjects like this come about, it's best that you just don't question it since it doesn't concern you at all. And when a person tries to explain, it always end with something along the lines of "Then you should quit if you can't support your hobby". And that's the end of that.
If you pinched your pennies and got your new toy, good for you, doesn't mean everyone else can, we're not you, try to understand that.
So save your "save money" speeches. You're not going to make anyone here miraculously do a 180 in life.

Let us mourn on the possible delay of our inferior product in peace.

Its not about you getting the consoles. Its when you start complaining when you knew the slope was slippery when you decided to stay with 10 year old hardware. Most people hate the rants and that's why they say just upgrade to avoid these delays abd types of situations. The way some of you speak its like you want the developers to feel sorry for the few when they worry about the masses and the newest technology. So fine stay on last gen but don't rant at nrs and others when you dont get the same support as current gen. Current gen came out for a reason. So that you can upgrade and make your gaming experience as best as possible. Thats why nrs is solely focused on ps4 and xbox one. So they can make mkx the best game as possible. They cant do that if they are worried about making a game capable for 10 year old hardware. And seriously you dont have to make a 180 in life to buy a 350 Dollar game system.

LOL, what is your problem? seriously,

As long as games keeps getting created an sold in the last gen consumers are in their every right and entitled to want a quality product as much as you do about your current gen game, that's how it works, buddy.

OLD gen users are MK fans as well and don't deserve any less just because you personally believe it's time to upgrade or the the console "expired", you don't get to decide in what the user gaming experienced is based. You don't get to tell people they don't deserve to "rant" about it, the publishe, NRS nor the third party developer are doing a service by porting MKX, they are doing it because it's profitable, and so, if they want money they are responsible for the quality of the product they are offering, so yeah, they actually need to worry about the "few" (untrue btw) as long as they decide to make ports.

Some of you clearly are having a hard time understanding and relating to situations you aren't personally involved with, specially given that what old gen users do with their time and money doesn't concern you at all. It's a sad display of ignorance and elitism, you better check that.

Since this kind of narrow mindedness is closely related to maturity and life experience I'm willing to overlook it because of how heterogeneous the age groups are in this board. This also speaks tons about how mob consumer mentality works in gaming though, but I won't be getting into that this time.

Many developers and people believe that. Why do you think alot of games are CURRENT GEN ONLY. If developers believed that they would make games for every past generation console that ever came out. Also it is only the few who still play old gen. Look at the charts. The current gen consoles the past year outsold the old gen consoles in every game released for both by wide margins. Its not just a few? Lets look at mkx's preorder numbers. The ps3 and 360 numbers together only add up to 40,576 preorders. Xbox one alone has more pre orders then old gen put together. Ps4 has 2x as many preorders and then some compared to old gen consoles put together. Ps4 has 105,482 units pre ordered and xbox one has 50,728. Put them together and they outsell the ps3 and 360 by over 100,000 units. Sorry that actually is true majority of the gaming community has moved on and nrs can make more than enough money on current gen alone. But anyways why do you think nrs said they want nothing to do with last gen? Because it isnt capable of making the best gaming experience so they said we will some other developer deal with that old crap. They focus only on that. Nice try though.

I agree. Numbers never lie.
03/07/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
I don't see where the problem is here. Whether you get MKX for old gen or current,you're still going to get the same gameplay,same content,same story mode and characters. Mind you its easier to port a current gen game to a old gen. Mind you not everyone can afford a current system and top of that not many HDTVs to use them on.
About Me

Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

03/07/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
Is the difference only going to be the graphics? It's not going to be a lesser game with less content is it?

I know I mentioned this in another thread, but I'm not spending $400 for prettier looking fatalities. I didn't get my PS3 until 2011 for, ironically, MK9. So long as MK X has everything the same but not as good graphics and slower loading times, I could give a shit less~

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/07/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
shinnokPs4 Wrote:
same content

Not necessarily.

Just ask old-gen Diablo III fans about the current patches and upgrades.
03/07/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
Diablo 3 is /not/ a fighter gene.
03/07/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
shinnokPs4 Wrote:
Diablo 3 is /not/ a fighter gene.

What difference does that make?
03/07/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)
Generally last gen suffers. It's horrible but it's true. With everything they are packing into current consoles I just don't see how all that will make it in. To be honest I'd be concerned whether the variations would even make it. I'm not sure what the differences are going to be but I'm 95% positive a big chunk of what's in the current will be missing from the last gen.

I had a friend hook me up though. He sold me his old 32in hdtv for 100 and then I saved up, took all the hours I possibly could at work. Even went in off the clock to save up for a ps4 which I've only had a couple of weeks. I even got Wifi hooked up here again and I haven't had Wifi in years. All of which is in preparation for mkx. I preordered the premium edition on psn yesterday for $80.99. The console came with a $10 wallet code so I saved 10 on it. Not to mention the listing is 10% off of regular price. Now I just need to drop another 50 for a year of psplus (my trophy list looks so nonexistent compared to my 130k plus on my 360 lol. Will get an Xbone on due time though) and I'll be set for a good while. All of my check this coming Friday is probably going to bills so there's that, but I've taken my measures and calculated my math. Thankfully came out ahead. Now it's just a waiting game.
03/08/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
High Voltage will indeed handle Mkx very well by the porting. If they made Mk9 for the pc great and injustice for the ps4 then i'm sure they are higher trained to make Mkx even better than other games ported. The rumor is false thankfully. Shadow of mordor was very poor to porting the last gen consoles due not having enough people to focus all at once. Yes Ed boon cares for the last gen fans but he is just ticked off and worried that him within the collaboration with high voltage could not figure out handling the gore tech. I'm sure everything will be great and i always have faith and more faith into myself that everything will be just fine and not having to worry about anything. For the next Mk game like MK4k i'll be for sure having the current gen from the console being cheeper.

The point is you guys just have strong faith and hope for the best.
no need to fight about this any further just calm down and take this topic easily smile
03/08/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
Only_Mk_X Wrote:
High Voltage will indeed handle Mkx very well by the porting. If they made Mk9 for the pc great and injustice for the ps4 then i'm sure they are higher trained to make Mkx even better than other games ported. The rumor is false thankfully. Shadow of mordor was very poor to porting the last gen consoles due not having enough people to focus all at once. Yes Ed boon cares for the last gen fans but he is just ticked off and worried that him within the collaboration with high voltage could not figure out handling the gore tech. I'm sure everything will be great and i always have faith and more faith into myself that everything will be just just and not having to worry about anything. For the next Mk game like MK4k i'll be for sure having the current gen from the console being cheeper.

The point is you guys just have strong faith and hope for the best.
no need to fight about this any further just calm down and take this topic easily smile

I really REALLY REALLY! Wish you are right.

It's true that High Voltage did handle both MK9 and Injustice very well and both were greatly optimized for PC.

I really hope MKX follows in their footsteps :).
03/08/2015 03:10 AM (UTC)
So where was this rumor confirmed fake?

And those other ports for MK9 and Injustice are drastically different situations. The were actually porting the games to a superior platform. Not the case with MKX at all.
03/08/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
Are you saying that the PS4 and Xbone are superior than PC?

If so, I'm afraid you are very mistaken.

Do your research, PC has always and will always be the superior and most powerful for gaming.(Of course it varies from PC to PC, I'm talking about the high end PCs)

So no it's not a different case, it's the same case.

Actually it's funny that you say that because Watch_Dogs's Graphics were reduced on purpose so they can run at 60 fps on the PS4 and Xbone.

So nope again, Same case.
03/08/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
NRS or High Voltage has said very little about past gen,
we really don't know anything about what features it will or will not have.

it could be almost identical to current gen, with lower graphics and longer load times, or it could be just a shell of what the current gen is,
and I don't think we are going to know until the game releases and they are compared.

What would worry me if I was getting past gen, is the fact that nothing has been revealed.

But I hope you past gen players end up with a good game, I'm not hating on past gen
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