09/09/2007 12:12 PM (UTC)
Antichthon Wrote:
well,there is a problem.some people want Liu Kang back.Some people don`t.i think i got something.first liu kang kills shang tsung in the tournament,and Earthrealm will be safe for the next tournament.then he maybe have to kill Shao Kahn,or someone to save Earthrealm again.then it repeat again.ok i`m lost???

....*slaps forehead* Seriously, wtf?

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Death is a door and I am the doorman - Thanatos from Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side.

09/09/2007 05:42 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang had a good run when he was alive. But I think he should just pass the torch to either Kung Lao, Ermac, Kai, Sonya, Taven, or dare I say it......Shujinko (no I'm not joking either). I mean he should just simply kill off Shang Tsung and let his soul rest in peace. Either that or find a way for him to get his body and soul back together and be revived and then go marry Kitana. Either way, Liu's time is over. There needs to be a new champion of Earthrealm. I know a lotof you don'tlike Shujinko (I don'tlike him that much either) but in a way he does deserve a chance to redeem himself after being screwed over royally like he has before. However thats only if Kung Lao, Ermac, Taven, Sonya, or Kai aren't able to be the champion at the time smile.
09/09/2007 10:30 PM (UTC)
No no noo please let the guy die.

Him coming back as a zombie was just taking the biscuit a bit, I dont want him alive or zombie the guy deserves to pass on the torch.

Champion of Earthrealm and the Mortal Kombat Tournament he may be, but the bigger they are the harder they should fall.

Seriously, the character is a joke character now.

(he was a joke character with those battle cries before but grin loool)
09/27/2007 06:54 AM (UTC)
Lui Kang isnt a Zombie anymore. When he won MKA his body and soul was reunited, he took raidens spot as protector of earth realm, and he was given the power of a god! He should have the same cool moves, plus some for mk8. A new outfit would be nice though. He has had the same pants since the first mk.
09/27/2007 07:00 AM (UTC)
KombatPS3 Wrote:
Lui Kang isnt a Zombie anymore. When he won MKA his body and soul was reunited, he took raidens spot as protector of earth realm, and he was given the power of a god! He should have the same cool moves, plus some for mk8. A new outfit would be nice though. He has had the same pants since the first mk.

First off, his name is spelled Liu Kang.

Secondly, his body and soul are still separated.

With the way you worded it, you made it sound as if MKA is a tournament-based storyline, which it isn't. Also, who is to say that Liu Kang's ending is the one that's going to be canon?

Liu Kang had different pants in MK1.

And lastly, it would suck for Liu Kang's MKA ending to happen as it would be further dragging his rather bland story, and him becoming the new Protector God of Earthrealm completely ignores Fujin and greatly pisses on his significance.
10/08/2007 12:33 PM (UTC)
lui kang should definatly be in mortal kombat 8 and any future games.
lui kang makes mortal kombat seeing how he is the main character in movies and games. taking him out is like making mortal kombat something diffrent. keep lui kang in. give him a new costume or somethingg
Nay! Shao better kill Liu and Let Kung Lao become the new hero. Liu has far from exceeded his usefulness.
10/13/2007 06:16 PM (UTC)
Here's a crazy idea that I would think work for the new Mortal Kombat 8 regarding Liu Kang. Why not make Liu Kang an unplayable final boss?

I know what you are thinking and please sir stop gritting your teeth at that statement but hear me out. In the events of Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Liu Kang's life was taken by Shang Tsung while he was still the Mortal Kombat Champion. According to legend the Mortal Kombat Champion is granted immortality untill he looses his title. Now that does not nessesarily mean that he is immortal in a corporal form, although Liu Kang's flesh is not immortal his spirit could remain eternal in the realms untill he looses his title. The events of MK8 is the new tournament. Let's say after Mortal Kombat Armageddon, the tournament of Mortal Kombat was so warped by the events of MK2-Armageddon that the Elder Gods decided to deprive Mortal Kombat from the realms untill the realms were ready once more. Liu Kang was bound to stay in the realms for 500 years as a spirit lingering and as the years progressed all of his friends had succumbed to mortality and passed on to their etheral forms apart from the realms. Liu Kang knowing that his time in the realms has long passed is turmoiled, instead of bearing the title as Mortal Kombat Champion as a priveledge, to Liu Kang it is a curse. Liu Kang never had his own legacy passed on because in his life he never beared children but his Shaolin Brother Kung Lao did, Liu Kang over the years acted as a spirital guru and mentor to that of Kung Lao's descendants and told them all of the legend of Mortal Kombat. A new character in MK8 could be a descendant of the Kung Lao we know from MK2-Armageddon.

The tournament of MK8 is realized when the realms were once again stable and each warrior from all the realms enter to participate for their own reasons. Liu Kang being the defending champion has to observe the tournament in front of him knowing that the one warrior who passes all the challenges of the tournament must face one final battle against him. Liu Kang tries to guide those that he feels have noble causes to meet the final stage of the tournament and fight him. Liu Kang is bound to the tournament itself and he must fight in it, it is forbidden for the champion to forfit his own title.

When you fight Liu Kang he is granted life as a Mortal once again and he is in his prime. Liu kang won't be a cake walk either, his time spent in the afterlife had expanded his mind and soul to become one, Liu Kang had reached his own Nirvana so he would be incredibally fast and all of that.

Depending on the character who defeats him you get different outcomes on his defeat which would be shown in a FMV.

For Good sided characters - You see your character standing before Liu Kang who is fatigued from the battle, bruised and beaten Liu Kang has a smile on his face as he drops to his knees and bows. Liu Kang looks at your character with tears in his eyes of happyness and says to you, "This new era shall be embraced by your presense, take care of it and bring forth life to the realms and be a symbol for those who need light, and be a protecter from darkness. You are now the supreme champion of Mortal Kombat and with that Liu Kang collapses and dies. You then see Liu Kang's spirit rise from his body with a huge flash of light and he gravitates in the air for a moment to give you one last look with a smile and he soars into the clouds and into the heavens where he is reunited with his alliese Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Jax, Raiden, Kung Lao and the rest from the old era. This video is then followed by your own characters ending video.

For bad sided characters - Liu Kang is lying on the ground in his own blood and your evil character stands over him Liu Kang spats out blood and has an angry look on his face Liu Kang sputters out one last phrase There will be hope... and your evil character Stomps on his face and crushes his skull with a loud smoosh! You character then absorbs all of Liu Kang's essense and you become the supreme champion of Mortal Kombat. Then your characters ending video plays.

That's my idea.
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Fatalities don't kill people, CHUCK NORRIS KILLS PEOPLE!!!

10/14/2007 03:36 AM (UTC)
I think Liu should only be allowed to return if Hell freezes over, I just don't like him...
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Firm Turtle

10/14/2007 06:04 PM (UTC)
Ok. In the opening cut scene there needs to be a big fight between Raiden, Shang, and Liu. Liu will manage to kill both of them but in the end dies from hi wounds. I think this would be a good death for him. I like him a lot but if you have him as a playable char. in mk8 with the goal of hunting shang then all that will do is open a path for him to be in every bleeping mk game in the future. Some characters need to be put to rest.
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I SUB-ZERO FROM MK3 WILL RETURN IN MK8! Welcome back my Ice Showers, and welcome a new move called: Melting Teleport!

10/14/2007 06:57 PM (UTC)
I liked Liu Kang in mk2&3, but from mk4 to mkda i lost interest in him. When he got zombified, I thought it was a stupid idea. Come to think of that, it was not so bad after all because if they could put in worse characters in like mokap and moloch for example then i guess it was a good idea.
I'm seriously interested on how the mk team will put him in mk8. By this I mean, will he still be the ok zombie form or will he be human again? I hope they give him a twist in zombie form, like turn him evil and make him the sub-boss. *Only thing to make him better is to get rid of the chains and give him a new arsenal of moves*. that's my 2 cents!
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No Cage? No sale!

10/18/2007 02:09 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang=awesome.

Should he return? For me, yeah, causse I like him. From a story perpective, probably not, but I don't care--bring him back! lol.

And seriously Mods, how did NightCrow not get Skulled for comparing something to child molesting? We don't need sick dudes like that around here--or anywhere, for that matter.
10/18/2007 03:32 AM (UTC)
SnowFox Wrote:
Ok. In the opening cut scene there needs to be a big fight between Raiden, Shang, and Liu. Liu will manage to kill both of them but in the end dies from hi wounds. I think this would be a good death for him. I like him a lot but if you have him as a playable char. in mk8 with the goal of hunting shang then all that will do is open a path for him to be in every bleeping mk game in the future. Some characters need to be put to rest.

Considering that Liu's body and spirit are still separate and that Liu Kang's spirit will eventually ascend to the Heavens, it'd be much better that Liu Kang just passes on at the end of Armageddon. I'd rather not have Raiden die.

johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Liu Kang=awesome.

Should he return? For me, yeah, causse I like him. From a story perpective, probably not, but I don't care--bring him back! lol.

And seriously Mods, how did NightCrow not get Skulled for comparing something to child molesting? We don't need sick dudes like that around here--or anywhere, for that matter.

What exactly makes Liu Kang awesome? He's a bland, underdeveloped, overused, and unoriginal character who doesn't have much substance to him.

About Nightcrow, I think you're making a big deal out of nothing. He wasn't flaming anyone or spamming. He was expressing his anger towards Liu Kang's return in MKD, which I share the same feelings with him on. Maybe he didn't use the most pleasant of words, but he wasn't flaming anyone nor was he spamming.
10/18/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
if liu kang dose have to come back lets spice it up make it a reincarnation a new charicter who receves flashes of liu's life he may not like this champion garbage but when the elder gods show there hand who 's he to stop themwink
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No Cage? No sale!

10/20/2007 03:47 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
SnowFox Wrote:

...About Nightcrow, I think you're making a big deal out of nothing. He wasn't flaming anyone or spamming. He was expressing his anger towards Liu Kang's return in MKD, which I share the same feelings with him on. Maybe he didn't use the most pleasant of words, but he wasn't flaming anyone nor was he spamming.

You're obviously not a father. Have a kid (or two, like me): your entire world view will change over-night.

Just thinking along those lines shows serious character issues--posting them for others to read shows a lack of restraint and/or concern for others. Having an opposing opinion is fine--comparing bringing a fictional character back to life to doing something so unspeakable is completely unjustified and morally irresponsible. I'm not calling for a ban; just a thump on the head to show him that won't be tolerated. Besides that, MKO's rules clearly state that your cannot post something like that, and they are thus-far failing to enforce their own rules. (When someone notices that, however, I'm confident he'll be dealt with somehow.) Condoning this type of behavior just goes to show how low our country (and the world's) morals have fallen... (I'm not one of those moral police, either. I'm usually pretty lax, but this goes above and beyond the realm of acceptability.)

And Liu Kang is awesome simply because of how he conducts himself and how selfless he is--a good contrast to Cage when he's being full of himself (which isn't as often as it used to be) Plus, his moves are sweet. Disagree if you like, but you won't change my mind.
10/20/2007 04:11 PM (UTC)
Well well well people, my name has been pretty burnt down around here, huh?
When i said 'child molesting', i was NOT comparing the fact of Liu Kang being back, to one of the sickest things i can imagine an adult human being doing. What i said was something like: "the cheapest of the cheap child molesting mother fucking atittudes" or something similar to it.

I was not refering particulary to molesting a child, i was just using that expression to endure and turn even more obvious my dislike about Liu Kang being back.

For Heaven's sake people.. i'm not a sick animal! I've read much more insulting and radical sentences in this site, many times, and noone has worry about it that much.

My opinion?
This is ridiculous. You know i used that expression in order to mark my dislike a little harder, this "burn Nightcrow's back" thing is senceless, and completely unecessary.
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No Cage? No sale!

10/21/2007 03:15 PM (UTC)
It doesn't matter how you meant people to take it, you did compare it to that. Saying it was the "cheapest of all..." means you are, in fact, saying it was on par with that act. When you write something, you cannot be the judge of how others will take it, (anyone in the media will tell you that) and it's your responsibility as a writer (or speaker) to not write/say things that others may take as overly offensive.

It's an expression/figure of speech-- I get it. But the fact remains that your mind has to be in the gutter to even think of saying it. It's an expression you should be ashamed of yourself for imagining, yet alone writing--It's not ok under any circumstances I can think of to describe anything like that.

Saying you consider it to be such a horrendous act makes it all the more worse--you knew what you were implying, yet you wrote it anyway. MKO has a ridiculously high tolerance for language and expression, but I don't mind, as I do, too--except when it comes to sick crap like this. Cuss and tell people to rot all you want, I don't care--just don't mention rape of any kind.

If that doesn't work for you then try thinking along different lines... Tell me, if you had written that for a newspaper, would they have published it? No, and they never would have read another scrap of paper you sent them. (If they didn't sent it to the cops for monitoring purposes, which they do on occasion--I know, cause I work for the local Newsleader.) Next time you write something, think along those lines if you still don't see my point. All I ask is that you refrain from that type of expression--nothing more, nothing less.
10/21/2007 04:10 PM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
It doesn't matter how you meant people to take it, you did compare it to that. Saying it was the "cheapest of all..." means you are, in fact, saying it was on par with that act. When you write something, you cannot be the judge of how others will take it, (anyone in the media will tell you that) and it's your responsibility as a writer (or speaker) to not write/say things that others may take as overly offensive.

It's an expression/figure of speech-- I get it. But the fact remains that your mind has to be in the gutter to even think of saying it. It's an expression you should be ashamed of yourself for imagining, yet alone writing--It's not ok under any circumstances I can think of to describe anything like that.

Saying you consider it to be such a horrendous act makes it all the more worse--you knew what you were implying, yet you wrote it anyway. MKO has a ridiculously high tolerance for language and expression, but I don't mind, as I do, too--except when it comes to sick crap like this. Cuss and tell people to rot all you want, I don't care--just don't mention rape of any kind.

If that doesn't work for you then try thinking along different lines... Tell me, if you had written that for a newspaper, would they have published it? No, and they never would have read another scrap of paper you sent them. (If they didn't sent it to the cops for monitoring purposes, which they do on occasion--I know, cause I work for the local Newsleader.) Next time you write something, think along those lines if you still don't see my point. All I ask is that you refrain from that type of expression--nothing more, nothing less.

well, i did not mean to launch that discusting image on the readers minds. but hey, like you said, i can't control what people think when they read my posts.

but although i agree with you in some points, i think you exagerate in others..
i mean, the world is rotting, the people's minds are even worse, and i think it's not that bad (although it refers to something discusting, and that shows an immense lack of human morals) to read something that is not even DIRECTLY refering to child molesting, or mother raping, in a site that supports and is based on, an ultra violent video game franchise.

you see, by legal ways, no children are aloud to play MK games, because of its violence. so, the members in here should not be under the legal age of playing these games (an age that, some way or another means some adulthood, maturity and knowledge about the animalistic and barbarian events that happen in this world), and so, what i posted wasn't the same thing as showing an electric chair execution, or a pornographic video to a 6 year old class (in some points, you talk like if i did this).

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10/21/2007 07:45 PM (UTC)
kang should stay dead, and for good plot development, i think there shouldnt be a big good guy defending, it creates a feeling of being lesser protected, a feeling that earthrealm could crumble, and instead of 1 chars story being the hero, many other chars must band together in sorts and achieve their goals to keep earthrealm alive, making for much better progression of plot and character development leading to more story developments and an overall better experience.
Casselman Wrote:
i think there shouldnt be a big good guy defending, it creates a feeling of being lesser protected, a feeling that earthrealm could crumble, and instead of 1 chars story being the hero, many other chars must band together in sorts and achieve their goals to keep earthrealm alive, making for much better progression of plot and character development leading to more story developments and an overall better experience.
Cassel, you're a genius! That is why MK3 rocked!
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No Cage? No sale!

10/22/2007 01:26 AM (UTC)
I understand what you're saying, but I have to point out something to you--there is no law (at least here in the United States) preventing kids from playing M-rated games. Stores usually don't sell these games to kids, but there is NO law preventing them from doing so--in fact, just this year the ESRB won a lawsuit against the state of Minnesota (I think it was this state) for making it into a law. Since this site is based in the U.S. ...

Also, participation in the ESRB ratings system/following their guidelines is not required by U.S. law, though the three major console makers would not allow a game to be published for their system if it has not been rated.

Again, there is no U.S. law preventing kids from owning/playing M rated games and the site and Midway are both U.S.-based

The only obstacle to kids playing MK and such titles, in fact, seems to be voluntary participation of stores and the anti-gaming dream team of Joe Lieberman and piggy-backing Hillary Clinton (who seriously needs to find her own niche, not steal Lieberman's) screaming their heads off. (Like anyone cares what politicians think, anyway--they're just looking for votes and gamers are notorious for not voting...)
10/22/2007 07:11 PM (UTC)
I say he should come back, There can be a new hero but you shouldn't have to to be taken out. He's my favorite character and Kung Lao is my second.
10/25/2007 12:03 AM (UTC)
i think he shold return that would be crazy that would be realy coolsmile
10/25/2007 11:52 PM (UTC)
All you guys can hate him all you want but he is one of the most important characters of Mortal Kombat. If come back in future games well then just don't use him.
10/26/2007 01:03 AM (UTC)
Shaolingangsta Wrote:
All you guys can hate him all you want but he is one of the most important characters of Mortal Kombat. If come back in future games well then just don't use him.

He's not as important as you're making him out to be. If you look at his storyline, it can be seen that his spirit can't stay in the living realms forever and will eventually ascend to the Heavens. That makes for a better closure to his already dragged out story. Bringing him back only drags him out further, making him more of a stale character.
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