posted06/06/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)by
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01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
Seeing Reiko being such a major player in the comics makes me really really want him in the game and honestly I think he has an excellent chance of making it he is shaping up to be a good rival for Kotal
Kahn and all fighting game characters need their rivals!!!

What does everyone think in or out?
02/22/2015 11:53 AM (UTC)
Have wanted him in from the start. Hope he makes it. But honestly, if Shawn Kittelsen likes Reiko he could literally be the most important character in the comic and not be in the game at all. So we'll see.
02/22/2015 11:57 AM (UTC)
Reiko is the boss you big sillies.
02/22/2015 12:17 PM (UTC)
sorcerersoul Wrote:
Reiko is the boss you big sillies.

Solid Snake?
02/22/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
sorcerersoul Wrote:
Reiko is the boss you big sillies.

It would appear so, but I don't know I definitely have a feeling that Reiko has a large part to play in Kotal Kahn becoming the Emperor of Outworld, Mileena is completely blinded by her lust for Reiko and we all can see that he's going to betray her sooner or later.

I do like how Reiko is being fleshed out. Since 97' jesus, that's been a long time, Reiko was a character shrouded in mystery and being able to see him play as a cunning mastermind and brilliant tactician is a good role for him.

I am looking forward to the mentioning of his reveal.
02/22/2015 01:47 PM (UTC)
Reiko has been a character i wanted in the game since it was revealed. He would be an excellent Post MK4 addition.

And the way they are portraying him! He has'n't done had a major part but for Kotal to feel that Mileena isn't the real threat...its shaping Reiko to be major badass!
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02/22/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
He's the puppet master.
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Props to MINION
02/22/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

But mortal kombat X comic is about the build up to MKX game, and he''s playing too big a role to not be in the game at all.

All the other big players in the comic are in MKX. Scorpion, sub-Zero, Cassie, sonya, Kano, Takeda, Jaqcui, Erron black, Dvorah, Kotal, Reptile, terra/Forr, mileena, Raiden, and Goro.

Reiko arguably has a bigger role than most of those people.

Compared to other side charcters appearances(Rain, Fujin, tasia, Jarek, Kenshi, Hsu Hao, Mavado) Reiko stands out and is a major plot charcter to the story and a main driving force to the civil war.

I just can't see him built up this big for him to be left out of MKX.

GO sleep!
Mileena Stan
02/22/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
I want him in MKX but I also want Mileena to realise he's manipulating her and eventually bite his face off.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/22/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.
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Props to MINION
02/22/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.

Well then this will be the first boss that i actually will super like playing as and be one of my mains
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/22/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.

Well then this will be the first boss that i actually will super like playing as and be one of my mains

Nice! It is kinda nice to see the veil being lifted off of Reiko. Way overdue.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.

Well then this will be the first boss that i actually will super like playing as and be one of my mains

Nice! It is kinda nice to see the veil being lifted off of Reiko. Way overdue.

Ya i'm glad they moved away from the Shao Kahn wannabe thing. i always liked Reiko since mk4(purple alt and shurikens lol) but he's never really had his own personality besides "great general of shao kahns army"

Super excited for MKX
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/22/2015 08:05 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.

Well then this will be the first boss that i actually will super like playing as and be one of my mains

Nice! It is kinda nice to see the veil being lifted off of Reiko. Way overdue.

Ya i'm glad they moved away from the Shao Kahn wannabe thing. i always liked Reiko since mk4(purple alt and shurikens lol) but he's never really had his own personality besides "great general of shao kahns army"

Super excited for MKX

Yeah, he may never wash off the stain of that weird ass ending, but this comic is absolutely headed in the right direction.
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02/22/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)
I cannot care for Reiko. Never will. I rather have Superfly Darrius in there instead of him, but that is not probable.

As a character in the comics so far he is decent, but that is "comic book"level. He still has not got any kind of charisma or characteristics that would make him a person. He is a military tactician. Big fucking whoop.

About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I cannot care for Reiko. Never will. I rather have Superfly Darrius in there instead of him, but that is not probable.

As a character in the comics so far he is decent, but that is "comic book"level. He still has not got any kind of charisma or characteristics that would make him a person. He is a military tactician. Big fucking whoop.

that's why i love him, being a strategist is cool to some people. If you don't like the trait for a character that's cool, but don't diss him fully yet, i feel things are just starting to turn up for Reiko in the comics. Plenty of more dialogue sure to come.

without tacticions though the story would just be savage brutality and chaos, which would hinder the story. we need people like reiko and Quan Chi to make the story have twists and bring cleverness to the story
02/22/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I cannot care for Reiko. Never will. I rather have Superfly Darrius in there instead of him, but that is not probable.

As a character in the comics so far he is decent, but that is "comic book"level. He still has not got any kind of charisma or characteristics that would make him a person. He is a military tactician. Big fucking whoop.

I kinda feel the same. I was always fine with Reiko, I never disliked him or anything or anything but I'm not hugely impressed with him. They're doing a good job with him but I do think it's easier to make a character seem cooler in a comic when they're static with speech bubbles than when they're animated with voice overs.

I think they're doing well with him but I'm not awed by him either. I imagine a lot of Kahn's generals would have had tactical knowledge and an ability to persuade and manipulate. There's nothing "distinctly Reiko" about him so far, that really separates him from everyone else but then I guess there never really was. I'm still enjoying his presence in the comics and he hasn't played his hand yet so I'm optimistic. sleep
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02/22/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
Reiko is a total badass. He's pulling all the strings in the comics.

Reiko for MKX <3
02/22/2015 09:06 PM (UTC)
One of my favorite characters is arguably the best tactician in the Marvel Comics universe (Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, only the original Nick Fury could claim to be a better tactician than him) and I really like how Reiko is depicted in the comic. I liked him before, he wasn't one of my top favorites but I liked the character and the comic is making me like him more.

That said, there are 2 ways all this can end (and any other scenario, so far in his plot and story development, is no longer probable):

- He is playable and at some point the comcis will show the new costume (btw, what if Rain being scorched is an excuse the give him new clothes?).

- The other option is that Mileena kills him once he has done enough for her and he's no longer of use and only a threat.

At this point there is no option of him not being playable but surviving, with all that's happening he either is playable or dies in the comic.

I hope it's the playable option, if he realizes he will always need Mileena as he doesn't have a valid claim to the throne due to lack of heritage (though Kotal didn't either, but I guess Kotal had the people's favor and Reiko doesn't) then he will probably "play" second in command while knowing it's him who is ruling outworld for Mileena. Taking the risk of dethroning Mileena so he can be emperor could end up badly for him.
02/22/2015 09:14 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I hope he's not the Boss, so he can be palyable.

Superman was the boss in Injustice and was playable. I think the days of the boss being an invincible brute may be coming to an end.

Well then this will be the first boss that i actually will super like playing as and be one of my mains

Nice! It is kinda nice to see the veil being lifted off of Reiko. Way overdue.

Ya i'm glad they moved away from the Shao Kahn wannabe thing. i always liked Reiko since mk4(purple alt and shurikens lol) but he's never really had his own personality besides "great general of shao kahns army"

Super excited for MKX

Yeah, he may never wash off the stain of that weird ass ending, but this comic is absolutely headed in the right direction.

Yet he is still wearing the awful gear.
02/22/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
I absolutely love how they are portraying him in the comics. So badass and much needed for his character. I really like that he's the ultimate strategist/mastermind, no other MK character has really ever been portrayed like that. We've had tricky, back stabbing sorcerers, but never a brilliant strategist.

As much as I would love for him to be in the game I highly doubt he makes the cut. And he has zero chance of becoming the final boss. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised to see him live through the comic. He might be a later DLC but thats still a very bleak chance. The man is still in his MKA attire, which doesn't necessarily mean he's not in the game but its a pretty good indicator from what we've seen so far. I really hope I'm wrong tho.
02/22/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
One of my favorite characters is arguably the best tactician in the Marvel Comics universe (Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, only the original Nick Fury could claim to be a better tactician than him) and I really like how Reiko is depicted in the comic. I liked him before, he wasn't one of my top favorites but I liked the character and the comic is making me like him more.

That said, there are 2 ways all this can end (and any other scenario, so far in his plot and story development, is no longer probable):

- He is playable and at some point the comcis will show the new costume (btw, what if Rain being scorched is an excuse the give him new clothes?).

- The other option is that Mileena kills him once he has done enough for her and he's no longer of use and only a threat.

At this point there is no option of him not being playable but surviving, with all that's happening he either is playable or dies in the comic.

I hope it's the playable option, if he realizes he will always need Mileena as he doesn't have a valid claim to the throne due to lack of heritage (though Kotal didn't either, but I guess Kotal had the people's favor and Reiko doesn't) then he will probably "play" second in command while knowing it's him who is ruling outworld for Mileena. Taking the risk of dethroning Mileena so he can be emperor could end up badly for him.

I agree he either dies in the comic or is playable but... We won't actually know if he dies in the comic by the time the game comes out probably. He could potentially be the main comic villain for years and still die prior to the game and not be playable. Since it all takes place before the 25yr mark.

Anyway again, I really hope he is playable, and even if he's not he could potentially be DLC
02/22/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
Reiko is probably my most disliked character and with that being said,I want him to be in MKX!I don't want NRS to rob me of the pleasure of stomping his Fn neck!I'm SURE people feel that way about Chi.Reiko will always be my punching bag(practice dummy)
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Props to MINION
02/22/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
SithmasterB Wrote:
Reiko is probably my most disliked character and with that being said,I want him to be in MKX!I don't want NRS to rob me of the pleasure of stomping his Fn neck!I'm SURE people feel that way about Chi.Reiko will always be my punching bag(practice dummy)

i love it! I never got why people didnt want charcters they don't like in the game. they can beat up on them! grin

o but now i gotta give Chi a good beating for you dissing Reiko tongue
02/23/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Yet he is still wearing the awful gear.

Well, what's he supposed to wear, jeans and a T-shirt? Put him in something other than his familiar game outfit and people would probably think "Reiko" was an original character.
That being said, if the comic does something like having boring old Mileena kill him in his sleep or something like that, I'm going to be pissed.
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