Redeeming Raiden
So, as no doubt everyone is aware, Raiden... really screwed things over last game. Which makes me wonder... what is his role in this game? Will he return? Is he the surprise final boss?

I have a theory.. if Sub-Zero is indeed Kuai Liang restored to life... what does that mean for the other fighters who were killed? They have a shot of returning as well, perhaps if Raiden is absent from the playable roster, it will be explained that he sacrificed himself to restore them to life as redemption for costing them their lives?
06/16/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
I don't think Sub-Zero is Kuai Lang, I think he's a descendant or another member of the Lin Kuei, but we shall see. And Raiden was the main character of MK9 and he survived, there's no way he'll be absent from the roster.
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06/16/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
Kill him. Make him commit a heroic sacrifice like he did in Deception, which earns him a place in the pantheon of the Elder Gods.

Fujin takes his place as God-Protector of Earthrealm.

I mean for fuck's sake, they've obviously been planning for this scenario to happen ever since MK4.
06/16/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
Hell no with the sacrifice, been there done that with him already. He needs to get his hands dirty and fight! Shinnok is the perfect rival for him in MKX.
06/16/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
He needs to die. The dude is directly responsible for the death of every fucking hero in MK9! The Blunder God is the dumbest character in the franchise... bar far. Yeah Shujinko was naive and tricked. But wasn't a total moron that got a ton of people killed.

He accidentally killed Liu fucking Kang. Something Shao, Shinnok, Shang Tsung couldn't manage. This dude blundered into it.

Sacrifice would be the best thing because at least its something positive. If he fought Shinnok again he'd probably kill everyone off in that realm too.
06/16/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
If Raiden dies, it needs to be done well. He has a lot to make up for after MK9 ( even tho everyone died anyways in Armaggedon b4 he sent himself a message in the past). The part about Liu Kang is the key, that was the major curve ball in that game. I figure Raiden to be a big part of MKX, whether he dies or not.
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06/16/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
Well, a lot of things can happen. A few options that I'm looking at:

a.) They could follow through with his MK9 ending. Which could potentially mean the end of Raiden as we're used to seeing him, and at the same time, mean more of him through these four new "chosen ones."

b.) They could abandon that^ idea and simply make him more intelligent. A natural reaction to being taken advantage is to have a reaction in the direction from which the pain was react intelligently is to respond to a problem within its totality...or to seek out total solutions instead of the knee-jerk stuff. That said, splitting yourself up into four different people isn't really intelligent responding because we all know what happens when you spread yourself too thin. A better idea would be something like the puppet master sub-plot that surrounded Raiden circa MKA.

Which was an idea that saw him almost constantly abusing his power for the greater good of EarthRealm. Using what he knows, activating this or that individual for whatever means inside of his greater plot to skew the balance in favor of Earth (or is it really just to secure a win for himself?)

c.) 3rd idea for me is that I'd like for them to re-think "God" as a concept and improve on that in a "New" Raiden. Not only that, I'd like for them to re-think this kind of character in terms of any God tier character. Good, Bad, or Neutral. I'm pretty disappointed in how weak, ignorant, and essentially powerless all of our God-like characters have remained over the years. Despite new Science and understandings allowing humanity to know more about what's possible for regular old humans now.

In a game where super-powers are the norm...what makes a God character, a God? Without that understanding, what real opportunity is there to redeem a character like Raiden anyway?

06/16/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
He needs to die. The dude is directly responsible for the death of every fucking hero in MK9! The Blunder God is the dumbest character in the franchise... bar far. Yeah Shujinko was naive and tricked. But wasn't a total moron that got a ton of people killed.

He accidentally killed Liu fucking Kang. Something Shao, Shinnok, Shang Tsung couldn't manage. This dude blundered into it.

Sacrifice would be the best thing because at least its something positive. If he fought Shinnok again he'd probably kill everyone off in that realm too.

that was bad story/plot writing on the mk team.......stop blaming fake characters for actions they no control over.

all you are doing is killing off a pawn and the lame writers will make another dumb pawn........raiden isn't the problem.
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06/16/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
that was bad story/plot writing on the mk team.......stop blaming fake characters for actions they no control over.

all you are doing is killing off a pawn and the lame writers will make another dumb pawn........raiden isn't the problem.

This what basically narrows it down to. & can people stop it with referencing Raiden's MK4 ending? If they was going to put Fujin as that position they been would've did it with Deadly Alliance!!!

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06/16/2014 04:57 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
If they was going to put Fujin as that position they been would've did it with Deadly Alliance!!!

Read up on some of the stuff in the Krypts. They were going to. That's what really grinds my shit about this whole thing.

The original plan was to have Raiden permanently retire as an Elder God and have Fujin replace him and lead the Earthrealm warriors against the Deadly Alliance. The only reason they changed their minds was because they thought that Raiden was more popular.

I'm pretty sure that after Raiden blew himself up at the end of MKDA, they were going to bring in Fujin to replace him again, but changed their fucking minds AGAIN for the same reason.

And then they were finally going to have him as DLC in MK9, because there is still a voice clip in the Komplete edition that announces his name. Why they changed their minds this time is anyone's guess.

Poor Fujin's balls must be Kitana-blue by now.
06/16/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
I forgive Raiden. I don't forgive the MK9 Writer! Raiden was never this naive until mk9.

I would like to see him get smarter and wiser and resurrect the fallen
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06/16/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
If they was going to put Fujin as that position they been would've did it with Deadly Alliance!!!

Read up on some of the stuff in the Krypts. They were going to. That's what really grinds my shit about this whole thing.

The original plan was to have Raiden permanently retire as an Elder God and have Fujin replace him and lead the Earthrealm warriors against the Deadly Alliance. The only reason they changed their minds was because they thought that Raiden was more popular.

I'm pretty sure that after Raiden blew himself up at the end of MKDA, they were going to bring in Fujin to replace him again, but changed their fucking minds AGAIN for the same reason.

And then they were finally going to have him as DLC in MK9, because there is still a voice clip in the Komplete edition that announces his name. Why they changed their minds this time is anyone's guess.

Poor Fujin's balls must be Kitana-blue by now.

& besides we know little to jack shit about the story, so this could be Fujin's redemption. Even though he got reduced to canon fodder by the likes of Classic Sub-Zero
06/16/2014 05:14 AM (UTC)
A sacrifice to bring back the fallen heroes would be a great redemption for him.

I do think Sub-Zero is Kuai Liang because if you look closely you can see LED lights on him, which I see as a hint that he was a cyber and he has been de-cyber-ized. But there does seem to be something else about him; he looks a lot darker, as if the taint of the Netherrealm wasn't completely removed, so if I'm right something tells me it wasn't Raiden that got him out of there.

Making him smarter and more logical in the new game story would do something, but it wouldn't completely wipe out that bad taste from my mouth from MK 2011. Like someone else said, the writing was a problem for his character, and you can't really change it at this point. The best thing you can do is not do it again.
06/16/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
Look at it this way; everyone dies in Armageddon anyways, even without Raiden altering the past. Now that the Armageddon end game seems to be averted, Raiden should be given some credit (Liu Kang was an accident). I'm just looking forward to seeing how he deals with Shinnok and whatever other threats emerge.
I hope they completely redeem Raiden so people can shut the fuck up about him. He hardly screwed up, plus like someone said he's a fictional character. Getting up in arms on how he misinterpreted a message is so silly. Take the game for what it is.

I'm pretty sure when I was watching Sindel murder everyone I didn't care. I wasn't in shock, that's for sure. It's Mortal Kombat, you take what you see. It's also hilarious how people think because everyone died, they're gone and being replaced by a whole new cast. I'm sure Raiden is going to figure something out to bring some back, since of course not all could return in MKX.
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06/16/2014 06:38 AM (UTC)
Honestly I hope they move Raiden away from the "Main hero" role, it just doesn't work for him. He suits the "Wise Adviser" role from MK1-DA MUCH better.

But after MK9 it would be hard to take advice from him.
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06/16/2014 07:21 AM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:

But after MK9 it would be hard to take advice from him.

Although wouldn't it be endearing if he still tried to offer advice and was soundly ignored at every turn?
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06/16/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
inb4 Raiden revives Onaga to fight Shinnok

"Raiden, why!?"
"I was only trying to help..."
"You revived Onaga! You doomed us all!"
"Y-you too."
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06/16/2014 07:40 AM (UTC)
Raiden should go out with a whimper, at least then the NRS team could finally HAVE BALLS to actually do something of consequence in the MK story.

You do not get happy endings, they are not granted. Work for them, and even so, it may end up completely upside down.

Raiden's death would be a welcome addition.
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06/16/2014 01:28 PM (UTC)
What if Raiden becomes a withered hermit, so angry at himself he isolates himself away from Earth to prevent making any further mistakes?

And yes, it does suck that Fujin was glossed over in the past. Hoping for his re-inclusion here.
06/16/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
For those of you saying "blame MK9's writing, not Raiden", that's ultimate silly and you should be mildly ashamed. Of course we can blame writing but ultimately this is in the context of the story, and we really had no idea of Raiden's actual personality until MK9's story mode came along. We had our hints, our bios and endings, but those are a couple of paragraphs which is hardly enough to make accurate character judgments, especially when some are written in 3rd person.

Raiden screwed up, hardcore. Like Predator said, we can go a couple of routes. Him fragmenting his soul hardly seems like it'll work out, and I doubt we'll have four Raiden-esque characters in MKX. I think the intro to MKX is going to have Shinnok or whoever the villain is offing Raiden. If he doesn't get killed, he needs to have some character development concerning his mistakes and how he plans on rectifying them.

I think appointing Fujin would work well too.
06/16/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
I'd be happy to see him absent in mkx. Let fujin do the job for once! Fans have been crying for it since mkda
06/16/2014 03:33 PM (UTC)
I really like the idea of Shinnok invading but this time being successful. Earthrealm is enslaved because Raiden got everyone killed. He retreats into himself due to self loathing and it's up to Fujin to bring together the team of heroes that goes on to defeat Shinnok.

And like others have said, Raiden sacrificing himself to resurrect the dead warriors (or keep them dead and keep the sacrifice angle).

That way he'd still be playable but that I think would be a good way to FINALLY allow Fujin to get the role they've been failing to give him for over 10 years.
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06/16/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
What if Raiden becomes a withered hermit, so angry at himself he isolates himself away from Earth to prevent making any further mistakes?

And yes, it does suck that Fujin was glossed over in the past. Hoping for his re-inclusion here.

1.) I thought about an idea like this for a long time actually. But, I still kinda see him resenting the Elder Gods more than anything. He'd resent them for allowing a protector of any planet, (let alone himself as the protector of Earth) to be subject to so many questionable situations.

- Why would they allow him to appear weak enough for black magic sorcerers to test him? (Quan Chi shouldn't dream of testing a Raiden or Fujin...even if he believes he's winning in the midst of one of his schemes)

- Why would they allow him to be subject to situations where he would need the Elder Gods assistance in the first place? Aren't they the ones that are adamant about staying out of mortal affairs?

2.) I think the only good way to redeem him would be to make him more intelligent and more powerful. Sure, have the scene where Raiden might plead with the Elders....but in doing so, have them give him more power (not another stupid amulet, trinket, or weapon).

** Have them give him stuff like multiplicity - equal power across multiple copies of himself.

** Or, the all seeing eye - where he might actually become omniscient (all seeing//all knowing//everywhere at once) to the degree that it concerns earth.

** Have them allow him to utilize his God form. He's only been seen in mortal form since MK1. He has a God form....let's see it.

And then give him some problems to deal with and ultimately overcome. Certainly with Shinnok on the scene now (and the history that comes with him and Raiden), there is a warrant for such an upgrade.

3.) As for this sacrifice idea, I think that's what the inference was about in his MK9 ending. He basically sacrifices himself into four "chosen ones." What's going to be interesting to me is whether they eliminate Raiden as a singular character as a result. Or, the option that I favor should they continue from his MK9 ending, keep him in one piece, and utilize these chosen 4 as extensions of Raiden.

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