05/25/2010 06:08 PM (UTC)
FoDeah Wrote:
until boon and company can come up with more compelling story lines, i say less is more. i think the early games showed that, especially in how they've aged, almost anyone that has played one of the early mk games can reference a character and give a pretty decent synopsis of their story. but with newer games there are many people, while even owning the game have very little knowledge of characters and their stories.

the game isn't as compelling when you fill in all the blanks, leaves no room for imagination. Just for reference i re-watched several mka endings, now i know their are trying to wrap up loose ends, but my god, there is some serious bullshit in there, if some of you people really want a sequel to that horrid game, you are out of your minds. why would the mk team take the time to rehash all the bull from the past game, not to mention suffer the backlash from die hard fan boys, bitching about who's endings should have counted, or which characters are even mentioned. (yes i know this will happen regardless, but at least each character's absenteeism could be explained will the same answer, "this is a new take on mk, forget what you knew before.")

after mkda the new characters were just uninspired, and that includes most characters that returned for mka. Ed has been talking about wiping the slate clean for along time, personally i think that could mean all new characters, except the obvious scorp and sub, or simply starting the characters stories over again. i just find a sequel so unlikely at this point, WB must be encouraging the mk team to return to the source, how could they not want mk to be the cash cow it once was?

i think continuing on this story line you are alienating a huge audience, and by that i mean, mk has obviously lost followers over the years, the community has shrunk. each iteration that progresses in story farther from the original game separates any previous fan father from what they know and love about the game and its characters. it would be like seeing the first episode of a show that had a running story line, then not watching again until the fifth season, and being completely isolated from the characters motives. are they good, bad etc. so basically even if someone wanted to give mk a try again, not only would that person find it difficult to understand and relate the story of returning characters, but the new characters leave little to be desired, in terms of originality, thus garnering them little popularity.

I think the perfect answer to this is to just resell the original classics (remixed and enhanced with online play of course) on the current gen consoles. If someone was that involved in the story and is willing to follow the franchise than it would be logical to do it with the original story and not some new remake. I seen plenty of people and know plenty of people who already know the game and would still buy a complete collection of the older games for currents gen consoles. Granted new comers (or people coming back) would have to play catch up to understand the latest game and play out the older games first.

That term "forget what you knew before" is fail. Without even a slight bit of nostalgia the game would not even be MK anymore. That would be like Street Fighter without Ryu or The Simpsons without Bart...come on dude think about it. Not that it would be a bad thing but MK would be missed. People come back for elements and characters they love. The only reason people leave the franchise is because of disliked changes in their favorite characters stories or changed moves. Its not that the game itself sucks,its just because fans are upset over the outcome of there beloved characters. Its called Mortal Kombat not Raiden Kombat or Scorpion Kombat for examples. If you leave the franchise because of that than your not a fan of MK your just a fan of that(them) character(s) specifically.
The only way I would want it to start over is if the story itself brought it on. Meaning all the characters in the last game made would have to die in some kind of large scale event. Maybe the gods could come down and smite all the fighters or whatever. The sad thing is though that no matter what,there will be immortal characters and they will or can return in some form. So the only true way to have a complete clean slate is to start a new franchise based on MK,as most would call it a spin off. I would much rather them start a new franchise than remake/reboot MK.
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05/26/2010 04:29 AM (UTC)
Well, I appreciate that you think the "term" I used is fail. I suppose I need to elaborate extensively on each and every point I make. So in that case, here we go. For starters, I think you are taking my choice of words completely out of context. When I said, "forget what you knew before," it was intended to represent the most extreme result of "wiping the slate clean" when the next game is revealed. (Everyone knows Boon has mentioned this several times.) I am not against a full spin off, with all new characters, I would be really excited to see something like that, but if it is indeed some form of reboot or remake Boon and company would have the freedom to reinvent a character from the ground up. So basically the ability to refine anything the game, while still maintaining some preexisting material for frame work. Really the options are unlimited. Thus maintaining the nostalgia factor, while still introducing new elements to the story. Kinda like what Vincent Proce did design and story wise with his sketches and resulting interview.

QUOTE FROM: LycaniLLusion

"The only reason people leave the franchise is because of disliked changes in their favorite characters stories or changed moves. Its not that the game itself sucks,its just because fans are upset over the outcome of there beloved characters."

So then your only options to gain back any part of that audience is to start over or erase everything.

Now everything discussed before this point wasn't even my main argument for why the next game won't be a sequel. Basically my argument revolved around the need for MK to reinvent itself with a tighter simplified per character storyline fitting within the traditional mysterious tournament setting. Since it has been rumored for awhile, the most obvious solution to simplifying the story, would be a reboot or remake. Now its possible it could turn out like I said earlier, with only sub and scorp, or It could include many classic Mk characters in their traditional roles, and many new characters. As long as they just keep it simple, and focus on character development, in terms of personality. It can then go anywhere after that. No weird continuations of old story lines needed.

In the case of sequel there would have to be some huge back story to explain what actually happened after Armageddon. There's no avoiding it, not to mention characters stories have been going from one extreme to the other. (Raiden- Dark Raiden, Human Smoke- most human cyborg- least human nano bot thing, Lui Kang alive - dead- i think could now be alive again, cyrax killing machine- most human cyborg, sub zero- sub 2- noob, scorpion out for vengence for sub, then quan chi- gets wife and child back- kid gets taken away, reptile- uhh you know, the list goes on and on) there's no where else to go with it all, other than like you said a catastrophic event, but why bother.

(this next part is off topic, and is just my hopeful speculation)

which ever way they go with the story if they're smart the game will go the route of mkvdcu, emphasizing the story mode and potentially incorporating the "create you own adventure scheme," that games like heavy rain toyed with. I also would like the game to have a more cinematic feel; leading a player along a lot like the first MK movie did. Seamless transitions between free roam/storytelling mode to fight mode. Potentially using quick time events into the cut scenes. Just make the tournament, conquest, and story modes all one mode, then any extras go the route of chess kombat, versus, or any other version of versus. Each character could have their own perspective on the events of the tournament. I think prior versions were probably aiming for something of this nature before in conquest. But I don't think were ever realized, whether it'd been time or technology constraints. Nor did they focus directly on the tournament itself, always followed one character going on a quest to eventually arrive at the tournament.
05/26/2010 07:04 AM (UTC)
FoDeah Wrote:
Well, I appreciate that you think the "term" I used is fail. I suppose I need to elaborate extensively on each and every point I make. So in that case, here we go. For starters, I think you are taking my choice of words completely out of context. When I said, "forget what you knew before," it was intended to represent the most extreme result of "wiping the slate clean" when the next game is revealed. (Everyone knows Boon has mentioned this several times.) I am not against a full spin off, with all new characters, I would be really excited to see something like that, but if it is indeed some form of reboot or remake Boon and company would have the freedom to reinvent a character from the ground up. So basically the ability to refine anything the game, while still maintaining some preexisting material for frame work. Really the options are unlimited. Thus maintaining the nostalgia factor, while still introducing new elements to the story. Kinda like what Vincent Proce did design and story wise with his sketches and resulting interview.

QUOTE FROM: LycaniLLusion

"The only reason people leave the franchise is because of disliked changes in their favorite characters stories or changed moves. Its not that the game itself sucks,its just because fans are upset over the outcome of there beloved characters."

So then your only options to gain back any part of that audience is to start over or erase everything.

Now everything discussed before this point wasn't even my main argument for why the next game won't be a sequel. Basically my argument revolved around the need for MK to reinvent itself with a tighter simplified per character storyline fitting within the traditional mysterious tournament setting. Since it has been rumored for awhile, the most obvious solution to simplifying the story, would be a reboot or remake. Now its possible it could turn out like I said earlier, with only sub and scorp, or It could include many classic Mk characters in their traditional roles, and many new characters. As long as they just keep it simple, and focus on character development, in terms of personality. It can then go anywhere after that. No weird continuations of old story lines needed.

In the case of sequel there would have to be some huge back story to explain what actually happened after Armageddon. There's no avoiding it, not to mention characters stories have been going from one extreme to the other. (Raiden- Dark Raiden, Human Smoke- most human cyborg- least human nano bot thing, Lui Kang alive - dead- i think could now be alive again, cyrax killing machine- most human cyborg, sub zero- sub 2- noob, scorpion out for vengence for sub, then quan chi- gets wife and child back- kid gets taken away, reptile- uhh you know, the list goes on and on) there's no where else to go with it all, other than like you said a catastrophic event, but why bother.

(this next part is off topic, and is just my hopeful speculation)

which ever way they go with the story if they're smart the game will go the route of mkvdcu, emphasizing the story mode and potentially incorporating the "create you own adventure scheme," that games like heavy rain toyed with. I also would like the game to have a more cinematic feel; leading a player along a lot like the first MK movie did. Seamless transitions between free roam/storytelling mode to fight mode. Potentially using quick time events into the cut scenes. Just make the tournament, conquest, and story modes all one mode, then any extras go the route of chess kombat, versus, or any other version of versus. Each character could have their own perspective on the events of the tournament. I think prior versions were probably aiming for something of this nature before in conquest. But I don't think were ever realized, whether it'd been time or technology constraints. Nor did they focus directly on the tournament itself, always followed one character going on a quest to eventually arrive at the tournament.

i was expecting this answer from you but not in such large words and future tense detail. As to your response to my quote..."The only reason people leave the franchise is because of disliked changes in their favorite characters stories or changed moves. Its not that the game itself sucks,its just because fans are upset over the outcome of there beloved characters."

Your Answer: "So then your only options to gain back any part of that audience is to start over or erase everything."

Now my response to that is...what about all those who are against that? from what i see on all different boards is that a lot of people prefer a sequel to anything else but there are also a lot wanting the new reinvented MK. which means either way they go they are potentially facing a loss of fans if they are not careful. as for needing a huge back story...that is not true. they could make a sequel to MK:DA or MK:D and come up with a nonsensical story like MK:A was just a dream that one of the characters had. if you read my other posts at all you would be able to see the fact that you do not need to start over to renew the franchise. and my remark to your term as fail i still feel the same. and you did not need to elaborate. i am not an idiot dude.

all i know is if we get a reboot that starts the story all over... i am going to petition for either a sequel or at least an explaination of who,when,where,why and what happened after MK:A.
05/26/2010 11:22 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon said he wiped the slate clean for MK5.
No reboot there......
05/26/2010 06:41 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
Ed Boon said he wiped the slate clean for MK5.
No reboot there......

05/26/2010 08:10 PM (UTC)

I'd really like a sequel if they can do something as good as MKDA or (most of) MK D again. MKD's main plot was pretty awesome, they just brought back too many characters who should've stayed dead (Liu Kang, Shao Kahn, Goro, and Raiden should've all stayed dead according to their MKDA and MKD deaths.)

I hope this whole time Vogel and co have been working reallllly hard on new characters/ stories.
05/26/2010 09:34 PM (UTC)
I dunno. As long Sub-Zero is in and the game will be good I will let it be whatever it wans.

But if I coud chouuse it would be a sequel but with mostly completely new characters and story. It should be the start of a new arc where new rivalies will be born
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