Reboot or Sequel? State which one you want and why.
posted05/26/2010 09:34 PM (UTC)by
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04/13/2010 10:53 PM (UTC)
This seems to be a big debate on these boards so I wanted a thread for everybody to air their reasons and excuses as to what move the MK series should take, story wise.
05/19/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)

I really have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing the MK1 tournament and all those fucking characters start from scratch.

Why in holy blue fuck would I want to see Liu Kang's quest to achieve his destiny start over, or Johnny Cage trying to prove he's a legit fighter, or Sonya & Kano's rivalry AGAIN?
Because it was so compelling the first time around, right..?

Yeah, let's wipe away all the development and progress characters like Sub-Zero and Kitana have made because, who the fuck wants to see them continue to grow and develop. Start them all over...rendering one of the things that made them great characters completely moot. Or even better, make them shallow jokes from the start.

And characters like Sareena, Havik, Hotaru, Nitara, Drahmin, Ashrah, Kenshi, and others who've only just started and have actual potential to go somewhere..? Meh...fuck them.
We need to make way for Liu Kang and co. because maybe this time....THIS TIME....they might actually be interesting.
05/19/2010 04:23 AM (UTC)
I don't really care tongue
Although I do find it hard to see how they can continue from Armageddon I don't necessarily want to start over. If they DO start over though I think it shall be interesting to see what they do with it grin
05/19/2010 05:04 AM (UTC)

I didnt like many of the new characters introduced in the newer Mk's. A reboot implies simplicity and emphasis on classic fighters. I'm not that concerned about the storyline, but I personally believe that the MK storyline is too complex for it's own good, and a reboot will yet again simplify things.

If they can somehow pull of a sequel without lame new characters & storyline I wouldnt go crazy. Playing MK vs DC just reminded me how much I loved the classic mk characters. I'd like a cast very similar to that for mk9.
Adam Ronin
05/19/2010 06:41 AM (UTC)

The culmination of everything that is MK was in MK's 1 and 2 for me. That storyline was amazing to me. The Japanese mythology, the eccentric characters from Outworld, the tournaments. I loved it all.

I have been a die hard fan since the beginning and stuck by MK through all its games. But...MKA sucked to me. Where the fuck can they go from that? And I dislike a majority of the newer characters. I want them to start over. Go back to the first tourny. Add in Kenshi and some other favorites and rework the stories so they are from the get go.

MKA was a disaster story and it can only get worse. Reboot the motherfucker.
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05/19/2010 08:43 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

I really have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing the MK1 tournament and all those fucking characters start from scratch.

Why in holy blue fuck would I want to see Liu Kang's quest to achieve his destiny start over, or Johnny Cage trying to prove he's a legit fighter, or Sonya & Kano's rivalry AGAIN?
Because it was so compelling the first time around, right..?

Yeah, let's wipe away all the development and progress characters like Sub-Zero and Kitana have made because, who the fuck wants to see them continue to grow and develop. Start them all over...rendering one of the things that made them great characters completely moot. Or even better, make them shallow jokes from the start.

And characters like Sareena, Havik, Hotaru, Nitara, Drahmin, Ashrah, Kenshi, and others who've only just started and have actual potential to go somewhere..? Meh...fuck them.
We need to make way for Liu Kang and co. because maybe this time....THIS TIME....they might actually be interesting.

Pretty much sums it up.

Though I'll add that poor character creation isn't a reason for a reboot. They could easily just drop those characters and continue a new story with the popular classics (not my choice, but makes more sense than a reboot). Sure, some characters have undergone irreversible changes, such as Liu Kang, but is anyone actually ready to dispose seven games of progress for Turkey Boy?

Reboots are nothing more than "what if" tales. The MK mythology has already been told. You can continue it, or you can end it and write a separate story with recycled elements. There is no starting over.
05/19/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
Definite choice is a sequel. I could not really state it any better than T.U.N.'s post before me. MK always evolves in some manner and it needs to keep going in that direction. Otherwise it just needs to sadly end and the team can start making a prequel or a new franchise.
05/19/2010 12:20 PM (UTC)
05/19/2010 12:45 PM (UTC)
Reason: It makes sense.

Where the hell did all this reboot crap come from anyway? Do we owe all our thanks to those crappy concept drawings from that artist that were passed around a while back? I'm not surprised his ideas were flushed down the toilet.

Mortal Kombat is a game. Games don't need reboots. That cluster fuck Threshold Entertainment created is what needs the reboot.

I agree with all the reasons previous posters have given.

The ONLY justification I can see for a reboot is because all these new gamers need to be emersed in the story of Mortal Kombat, and they're too spoiled to go back and play the old school games to learn. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT; LEARN. A verb that kids these days are having trouble grasping.
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05/19/2010 01:46 PM (UTC)
Reboot. A reboot will give characters, such as Scorpion, the chance to get a new story, and a better story at that.
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05/19/2010 03:11 PM (UTC)
Im kinda split on this.

A reboot means something went severely wrong *COUGH* MKA. Ok i wont be a fanboy, although i loved MKA's kontent and gameplay for the most part, the story drove it right of the metaphorical bridge right into the metaphorical bottom of the lake. Theres nowhere to go without having to swollow some strange reason why the predicted "END" by dahlia wasnt really the end and furthermore, why this next threat is going to be significant compared to that and if so, why diddnt she see it? Its kind of a maze of puzzles and IF they can figure it out and deliver, then im all for a Sequel.

Now Reboot.... No....
Ok I am a Resident Evil FINATIC. I love that game and franchise more than any other. They hit a wall with RE3. But then in a genius act of resurrection, out comes wesker who we all thought was dead with an amazing plot twist. Not only that, he was allied with Birkin to do so. Literally turned my world upside down.

BUT THEN public pressure happened and capcom wanted to change the whole formula and scrapped 2 AMAZING Beta's that kept true to the story for what? the RE4 that we got. I know I know im gonna get "RE4 was amazing shut your mouth casselman!!!" and you should say that. Because RE4 was amazing BUT. It wasnt a RE game, it just had the name. Plot walls make companies jump to rediculous circumstances. RE came back once with a great twist in RECVX. But then re4 and 5 were literally the biggest piecces of crap ive ever seen and this is my favourate game series to date.

I dont want to see MK hit the same wall and have to do that kind of bs. Its still savable. Just have Dahlia's powers not really be from Dahlia but some influencable force looking to use her to gain the power of blaze for itself. Maybe a shard of the conciesness of the one being trying to manifest itself in an unhole form. It works and we can get right back on track with a multi-game story against that struggle.

Now although Reboots are out of the question in my mind. I would not mind a reMAKE. We all know that besides the dedicated fans. Really nobody knows the MK story accept "oh wait.. is it a tournament!?". I feel a remake with the storylines of MK 1-4 with a story mode would be amazing. It is no doubt a huge project. But it would bring everybody right back into the story and up to date as most people can still get their hands on a copy of MKDA-MKA. And then we can continue on to MK10/MKX or whatever.

so my #1 choice is Sequel, with possibly my Dahlia idea or something along thos lines.

#2 is a Remake of at least MK 1-4.

"out of the question" is a Reboot. sorry i dont want it after thinking.

05/19/2010 03:18 PM (UTC)

Reboot the film series, but keep the games rolling.

I like quite a few characters that debuted in the post-MKT era and I want to see more from them. I'm sick of Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn just as I am of Liu Kang... No more!

I want to see Ashrah slaying vampires, I want to finally see how Fujin protects the Earth, I want Kenshi back and so on...

As for the classic characters like Liu Kang, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung etc., I only want to see them back as some sort of bonus material or whatever, but story wise they should be inactive.
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05/19/2010 03:24 PM (UTC)
well said. Id really like to see them bring in Chaosrealm and Seido/Orderrealm more in terms of direct relation to the story. Havik and Hotaru could ahve a great opposing rivalry that could cause more than a little termoil in the MK universe.
05/19/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
What do you guys and gals think about this:

A sequel that takes place after Deception and pretends Armageddon never happened.

The only thing we'll miss out on his a huge version of blaze, daegon, taven, and whatever idiotic side stories they crammed into the konquest mode.

You also gotta admit... Armageddon didn't really answer any of the questions that we were left with after Deception. Everyone just magically came back alive to fight. It's as if Onaga and the Deadly Alliance totally forgot about what their original goal was. wow
05/19/2010 04:07 PM (UTC)
Good points. MKA basically mashed together the whole MK universe without considering the story, so where do you go from there? I'd love to see the story continue, and how they would pull it off. Cassleman's idea sounds pretty good.

I wouldn't be too disappointed if they decided to re-tell the story a bit from the MK1-MK3 era, but I hate the idea of a brand new storyline with the same classic charcters.

But to be honest, I'll pretty much buy whatever they are selling, especially if it plays well, and has enough blood and gore to rival GOW3, etc. The blood and guts bar has been raised, and I'm stoked to see what MK9 has to offer!

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05/19/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
What do you guys and gals think about this:

A sequel that takes place after Deception and pretends Armageddon never happened.


I'd be down for this.
05/19/2010 04:17 PM (UTC)
Reboot... Remake.
How are those two soooo different?
05/19/2010 04:59 PM (UTC)
This is from a movie site, but I think it sums up the differences pretty accurately:

Reboot -a discarding of much or even all previous continuity‚ in the series, to start anew. Effectively, all previously known fictive history is declared by the writer(s) to be null and void, or at least irrelevant to the current storyline, and the series starts over.

Remake -generally used in reference to a movie which uses an earlier movie as the main source material, rather than in reference to a second, later movie based on the same source.

By those definitions, I think a remake would be more likely than a reboot...I can't see them scrapping the whole story and starting from square one. Who knows...I guess we'll find out soon enough. wink
05/19/2010 05:10 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
This is from a movie site, but I think it sums up the differences pretty accurately:

Reboot -a discarding of much or even all previous continuity‚ in the series, to start anew. Effectively, all previously known fictive history is declared by the writer(s) to be null and void, or at least irrelevant to the current storyline, and the series starts over.

Remake -generally used in reference to a movie which uses an earlier movie as the main source material, rather than in reference to a second, later movie based on the same source.

By those definitions, I think a remake would be more likely than a reboot...I can't see them scrapping the whole story and starting from square one. Who knows...I guess we'll find out soon enough. wink

Toe-may-toe ... Toe-mah-toe

It all means the same to me. Either way you're starting from scratch and rewriting an already existing story just to make improvements.
05/19/2010 05:43 PM (UTC)
Touché...I don't really's either going to be a continuation of the story, or something else. Either way, hopefully we'll get something with a great story, a solid fighting engine, and quality online structure/play...and buckets 'o blood would be a plus.
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05/19/2010 05:58 PM (UTC)
A sequel. It's the only way really. Previous posts have pretty much said all that needs to be said on the matter. MK has evolved and progressed and to undo all of that makes all that has been done seem a huge waste. The series should continue forward and evolve further and learn from the mistakes of old to bring us a game worthy of the collective history of the games previous.
05/19/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)
while there are individual characters I'd like to see grow, as a whole, Midway has raped MK's center plot. There's nowhere for it to go after the clusterfuck that was MKA.

Also so many of the changes were forced; Zombie Liu Kang!? Terrible. Elder God champion Scorpion? riiiight. Dark Raiden!? Incredibly forced. These weren't natural progressions, they were abrupt 360s, for the sake of shock value. That's just bad writing.

There are some changes that worked; Sub-Zero's character growth was great. Midway also made the most of pretty weak characters like Sektor, Cyrax, and Nightwolf. Noob Saibot's identity reveal, was of course genius. But so many characters have been jobbed so hard (Kung Lao comes to mind) that they don't matter anymore. 90% of MK characters have nowhere left to go; and you guys want to keep current continuity around for the 5-6 that do have potential.

So the plot has been painted into a wall, several of the main characters have had illogical, irreversable damage done, and Midway has shown them incapable of making more than 3 good new characters per replacing the cast with new Kombatants is not an option.

The best option is a reboot, or at the very least a reboot sequel ( a sequel with information pertaining to how continuity has changed; for example doing away with 90% of the deaths, since everyone came back anyway, doing away with damaging storylines like Scorpion's nonsensical vendetta against the Elder Gods etc.) That way you get a new game, that pushes the story forward, but can undo some of the mistakes made in MK4-7.
05/20/2010 01:39 AM (UTC)
I have a feeling that if it's a reboot, the story is going to go to waste again. I just have a feeling.

I would like a sequel, I just want to know who lived and who died, Raiden could be a potential boss due to what he has been through since Deadly Alliance. I think it'll be more entertaining.

I don't want to see a reboot of something that's like "what if this happened..." I don't want to re-see something that I've played before. I mean, it'll be an interesting twist for a reboot but, I just don't think it'll be as much fun as a sequel would be.
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05/20/2010 03:16 AM (UTC)
it think its going to be a remake or prequel, if it is a remake it will be mk1 with a lot more characters, more back story, and more character development. don't be surprised to see a story that allows for a sequel to follow, with brand new storyline possibilities.

if its a prequel it will focus around the time of kung lao. elaborating on that story and the other fighters of that time.

but i wouldnt rule out going as far back as the creation of the tournament.

i have to say if its a sequel that focuses on the more recent character developments, it will probably suck. does anyone else feel the majority of new characters don't feel very mk-ish?
05/20/2010 03:47 AM (UTC)
Come to think of it, a game that takes place between 2 mk storylines would be nice. E.g MK9 takes place between MK4 & MKDA. They can tell an untold story to feel in some gaps. Didnt Street Fighter 4 do something similar?

A prequel to MK1 isnt too bad of an idea, but it completely kills the prospect of MK1-MK2 characters appearing.
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