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04/17/2010 06:43 PM (UTC)
Game badly needs a reboot story wise the series has flatlined.
You cant really follow on from armageddon that story pretty much ran the series into a brickwall.
If you reboot the series from scratch rewrite storylines that will shock the hell out of people and make the game great again.
04/17/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
ed recently posted that he would have made a mk game with better fighting mechanics a long time ago if it was up to HIM............ yeah i dont think hes in charge......
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04/18/2010 12:49 AM (UTC)
I think what he meant was because of midway always rushing them to get a game out every year
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04/18/2010 06:13 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
ed recently posted that he would have made a mk game with better fighting mechanics a long time ago if it was up to HIM............ yeah i dont think hes in charge......

Are you referring to the twitter post:

"if it was only up to me that game would have been made by now. But it's not only up to me. :("

That was in reference to Shinnox question. He's referring to the MK vs Street Fighter, not the gameplay mechanics.
04/18/2010 10:25 AM (UTC)
Some games just wait a bit longer to start showing stuff, I wouldn't start jumping to conclusions because it's a month or two later than usual. I think it's much better for them to hold off on unveiling information etc., thus allowing the hype to be stronger come release. There's been games where they just reveal everything too early, and by the time the game comes out it's just not as exciting, and you feel like everything is just a little underwhealming. MK games usually don't have a whole lot to unveil to begin with, thus less time required to start pumping out info and footage. Beyond the theme of the game, the story, fight mechanics, the roster, and any sort of extras, what else is there to release? It's not like the game has an 8 hour story mode, coupled with a massive multiplayer mode with unlockables and multiple maps and details etc.

They could release some info and footage starting in May, follow that up with some footage and gameplay shown at E3, and from there on they would have 3 months to release all the little details and roster etc. Far too often do we get info way too early only to suffer through some boring weeks in between. I wouldn't worry too much about the whole thing.

However, if they do decide to release it next year, it can only be a good thing IMO. There's so many great games each year, it's not like the extra wait will be that tough on fans, and the quality will pay off in the end. I would really like to see some more replay value put into the game, and with more unlockables/secrets etc, to keep you playing longer. The last game was really lacking on that aspect.
04/18/2010 03:48 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
ed recently posted that he would have made a mk game with better fighting mechanics a long time ago if it was up to HIM............ yeah i dont think hes in charge......

Are you referring to the twitter post:

"if it was only up to me that game would have been made by now. But it's not only up to me. :("

That was in reference to Shinnox question. He's referring to the MK vs Street Fighter, not the gameplay mechanics.

yeah thats what im talking about. thanks, i thought he was replying to this though.........

@noobde wld u ever consider redoing umk3 (or any mk) with new mechanic features that the newer mks have? breakers, wakeup, etc??
11:11 PM Apr 14th via web in reply to noobde
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04/18/2010 04:13 PM (UTC)
True. that post was directed towards UMK3. Im pretty much on stalker-level on Ed's Twitter.
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04/18/2010 05:47 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:

yeah thats what im talking about. thanks, i thought he was replying to this though.........

@noobde wld u ever consider redoing umk3 (or any mk) with new mechanic features that the newer mks have? breakers, wakeup, etc??
11:11 PM Apr 14th via web in reply to noobde

Ah, got ya. I would definitely put money down for a gameplay enhanced MKII. Still hate the reboot idea, but MKII with modern gameplay features would rock my shit.

Casselman Wrote:
True. that post was directed towards UMK3. Im pretty much on stalker-level on Ed's Twitter.

I hear that. I refreshed his twitter twice already since I started writing this post.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/18/2010 07:37 PM (UTC)
hahaha immagine how bad its gonna get when we start getting news?

calling into work claiming to be in bed but all you hear is the windows refresh click sound snippet over and over again. I love this forum. lol
04/21/2010 04:13 AM (UTC)
We'll get information soon enough. Boon is teasing, and two actresses have leaked that they are doing work for the game. In some ways, we have been getting leaked info here and there. Some of Boon's Twitter pics have given us the impression that we'll be able to use weapons and such.
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