03/07/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
To everyone who says we should get over it, deal with it, and there's nothing we can do about it.....not true at all. If enough of us voice how shitty this roster is, they will have to listen. It could even lead to the characters who should have been in to show up as dlc. We do have a voice.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/07/2015 05:20 AM (UTC)
BadMeetsEvil Wrote:
To everyone who says we should get over it, deal with it, and there's nothing we can do about it.....not true at all. If enough of us voice how shitty this roster is, they will have to listen. It could even lead to the characters who should have been in to show up as dlc. We do have a voice.

Several people have pointed out that DLC is something they plan ahead of the game's initial release. No matter how much we complain, it is doubtful we can influence DLC choices for this game.

I think the only way us fans can affect things is by making such a big stink that the NEXT game, MK11, does for MK4/DA/Deception characters what Deception did for MK3 characters back in the day, which is give them a second chance. Remember, part of why Deception brought back characters like Mileena, Baraka, Tanya, Ermac, Nightwolf and Kabal was due to fan demand in the wake of Deadly Alliance which, much like Mortal Kombat X, was a 'fresh start' and focused almost solely on core MK1/2 characters and a batch of newbies.
03/07/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
03/07/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
I thought in a stream they said the dlc has not been decided yet. Of course they could of been just not telling the truth
03/07/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
I am going to agree with Noob Smoke on this. A lot of the old favorites are going to be in game but prolly as a guidance type character for cassie, Jacqui, takeda and kung jin. kung lao is in game, kenshi got added to the mkx mobile game and an ign report I just watched said confirmed for mkx is Johnny Cage. Sonya is in special forces mode so she is in the game yes as playable more than likely no. im sure the same goes for jax as well. The guy who posted leaks for the roster is known to be a fake since a few years ago and people are taking what he has stated as legit. but im just waiting till I see it in a mkx stream or ed boon himself states whats real to the game himself or other team members that actually work on the game. Remember they troll people on a regular basis everyone at NR Studios so who to say the leaked list isn't a troll move by NR to mess with us lol.
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03/07/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
We don't need to predict the roster, sweetie; it's known.

Could you explain clearly this statement please ?confusedfurious
03/07/2015 08:14 AM (UTC)
Fujin isn't a realistic prediction imo.

He has a minimal appearance in the comic, in which his costume wasn't updated from Armageddon. One of his moves has been given to Kitana. And we've already seen evidence from the challenge tower descriptions that he may even be dead.

The only people who still believe Fujin has a chance are deluded Fujin fans. And while they have every right to maintain their hope... There are LOADS of characters who have no evidence one way or the other, wheras Fujin actually has several pieces of NEGATIVE evidence, making him a poor predilection imo.

I know there are people around here who will argue that point til the cows come home, which again is there right, but the very fact that it's subject to easy debate makes him a less than realistic choice imo.
03/07/2015 09:31 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Fujin isn't a realistic prediction imo.

He has a minimal appearance in the comic, in which his costume wasn't updated from Armageddon. One of his moves has been given to Kitana. And we've already seen evidence from the challenge tower descriptions that he may even be dead.

The only people who still believe Fujin has a chance are deluded Fujin fans. And while they have every right to maintain their hope... There are LOADS of characters who have no evidence one way or the other, wheras Fujin actually has several pieces of NEGATIVE evidence, making him a poor predilection imo.

I know there are people around here who will argue that point til the cows come home, which again is there right, but the very fact that it's subject to easy debate makes him a less than realistic choice imo.

Just for the record I am not a fujin fan but I am sick of raiden and who better to replace him then fujin the man they originally intended to however stuffed it up so I am happy for him to another chance. Now onto your logic about him having a small role in the comic so he won't be in the game how big Ermacs role in the comic? Or Kung Lao? Or kitana? Or quan chi? Or what about Reiko? He is massive in the comic yet according to the font of all knowledge jamesmk he is not in the game! See my point yet?
03/07/2015 01:34 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Fujin isn't a realistic prediction imo.

He has a minimal appearance in the comic, in which his costume wasn't updated from Armageddon. One of his moves has been given to Kitana. And we've already seen evidence from the challenge tower descriptions that he may even be dead.

The only people who still believe Fujin has a chance are deluded Fujin fans. And while they have every right to maintain their hope... There are LOADS of characters who have no evidence one way or the other, wheras Fujin actually has several pieces of NEGATIVE evidence, making him a poor predilection imo.

I know there are people around here who will argue that point til the cows come home, which again is there right, but the very fact that it's subject to easy debate makes him a less than realistic choice imo.

Kitana doesn't exactly have Fujin's lift move, he does it in a different fashion and you can decide whether or not to slam the opponent to the ground for a juggle or leave them in the air for a different throw/dive kick set up. (atleast it was this way in MK4, in Armageddon I believe he has two specials seperated from this)

I mean I guess you could say i'm a "deluded" Fujin fan but I don't believe that at all. He definitely will be in the game as a NPC at least, playable albeit a very slim chance he still could be. I don't understand why him being in his Armageddon costume gives him a negative chance, Shawn already stated that the costumes do not confirm if a character will be playable or not. I believe the challenge tower is just a mission, but if it's not well I guess that's not too big a surprise considering its NRS.

If you told me a year ago that Fujin wouldn't be in MKX I would seriously doubt that, and it's looking to be that way. I honestly considered him a lock for this game but I guess NRS just doesn't like this character or wants to cash in on him being DLC.

feels shitty to be a fujin fan atm
03/07/2015 08:34 PM (UTC)
I personally believe this theory to be honest with you guys. NR came out and retold the mk1 to 3 stories in 2011 which was fine and dandy and it had major differences from what originally we knew bout mk1 2 and 3. So now you have the comics that are out tying in the sotry gaps between mk9 finish to the NR Wars and then tie into mkx which im sure we are going to see some of the stuff in the actual game. so we will prolly see in some fashion li mei which boon on his twitter made a joke bout that, and you have shinnok which was teased at the end of mk9 so you may have more characters returning that were in mk4 or deadly alliance at this point. but the thing im starting to figure out is that the fact the story has changed and shang as we know at this moment is dead, shao kahn is dead you aren't going to get deadly alliance, deception and armagedeon anytime soon. So a lot of these characters that were introduced in those games don't have a chance of ever appearing in another mk game unless the explore the armagedeon story again when they done with mk. so I think boon and company have a lot up their sleeves with this game and the roster is a fake that got leaked. im sure those characters are in game but not playable
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