03/06/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Thanks kenshi that is exactly what I was trying to say.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Okay, first off;

1) Everyone needs to calm down. Not everyone visits these forums all the time, it's 75% likely the majority of people buying this game haven't seen the leaked roster or keep up with it or even know of the leaks that legitimize the list.

2) Everyone is free to criticize or praise this roster based on who is included. Jumping on people because the like or dislike the roster is equally pathetic both ways, no one has the same taste. This is a forum. It's purpose is to post your thoughts or concerns.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/06/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

So my denial still stands there is no confirmation for Jax, johnny, Sonya pr Shinnok or Liu kang seeing him a dark out of focus tower picture is all up to interpretation I will wait for the confirmed reveals before I go jumping to conclusions my friends

Johnny Cage was outright confirmed by a producer at Netherrealm. There are people playing HIS story chapter at GDC.
03/06/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
1) this is referring to the leak from jamesmk who has made numerous predictions and statements about who is and isn't playable and changed his statements many times before. I take this predictions with a grain of salt.

Yes, that is the JamesMK list. A list that now other people are coming forth and confirming who have no ties to JamesMK and have their own sources via other forums (namely TYM).

Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
2) Sonya and Shinnok in the trailer means they are confirmed does it? They were cinematic cuts and not gameplay by that logic then Lei mei, rain and zombie sindel should all be confirmed to as they were all in the story trailer too. As for Sonya on the tower and faction screen is that Sonya or is it cassie? No confirmation and no gameplay for Sonya leads me to believe she hdnt yet been confirmed doesn't mean she won't be but she hasn't yet! As for the johnny, Jax and kenshi leaks where were these confirmed? Was there gameplay trailer that I missed? As for Jaxs design well he is in story mode isn't he and he needs a design go that roght?

So my denial still stands there is no confirmation for Jax, johnny, Sonya pr Shinnok or Liu kang seeing him a dark out of focus tower picture is all up to interpretation I will wait for the confirmed reveals before I go jumping to conclusions my friends

1) Shinnok is in this game, his story and the Netherrealm War are an intregal part of it, thanks to what we know from the comics. He will most likely be a boss, sub-boss or playable.

2) Ed Boon gave the hint of 5 reveals in that trailer. It's under heavy assumption those reveals were Takeda, Jacqui, Kung Jin, Mileena & Shinnok because Erron Black was too blink and you'll miss him where-as Shinnok's scene and his amulet was touted as the backbone of the story.

3) That was Sonya on the factions screen. Cassie has no collar on her outfit where-as thanks to the leaked screenshot, we know Sonya does and it matches 100%.

4) Johnny Cage and Kenshi were both as of yesterday confirmed to be playable thanks to an NRS employee slipping up during an interview. He even mentioned a J. Cage nut punch Brutality as one of his favorites. Also, Kenshi was seen in a screenshot from the mobile version of MKX as playable.
03/07/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
Ok ok so I can concede that johnny and kenshi are confirmed as I put in my predicted roster but Sonya? Still no confirmation of her will they really give us Sonya, johnny and cassie??? That is way over kill on the family tree in my opinion. Also I am still not sold on Shinnok being playable it is likely but his appearance in story trailer doesn't mean playable cause as I stated before rain and sindel were in that trailer too!

Also what about Jax? He was one of the worst least popular characters from the last game why would he be back in this one? And why would he not be revealed by now he is boring and uninteresting why would nrs save him to near release to reveal? I doubt that he will make it. And Liu? Yeah he is a possibility I really don't want him back which may be clouding my judgement of him but still there is nothing to suggest his inclusion and playability yet
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PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/07/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:So my denial still stands

Right there! He admitted it. Thread closed.
03/07/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
I will never get over this shitty ass roster. Worst in quite some time. Good job on the colossal fuck up NRS. Talk shit if u want, bit I'm gonna keep crying about this till launch. Still a day 1 purchase but boy am I disappointed.
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Props to MINION
03/07/2015 12:16 AM (UTC)
BadMeetsEvil Wrote:
I will never get over this shitty ass roster. Worst in quite some time. Good job on the colossal fuck up NRS. Talk shit if u want, bit I'm gonna keep crying about this till launch. Still a day 1 purchase but boy am I disappointed.

03/07/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
BadMeetsEvil Wrote:
I will never get over this shitty ass roster. Worst in quite some time. Good job on the colossal fuck up NRS. Talk shit if u want, bit I'm gonna keep crying about this till launch. Still a day 1 purchase but boy am I disappointed.

While I do agree that the roster is not all the impressive... We have not seen it all yet.

There is still DLC to come and there might be even hidden characters we don't know about.

But if the list is true and that's all we are getting which at this point we still don't know.

Then yes, This roster is not that great. Shitty? Not really, but not impressive either.

It's just a bundle of boring SF characters with some amazing characters like Quan Chi and Kenshi.
03/07/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
What have we got to look forward on the dlc? Two lousy characters? They will probably be shitty earthrealm warrior to go with the rest of the roster maybe lei mei and Kai! Worst roster ever! Luckily I don't believe in the leaked roster and still waiting for the real roster be revealed!
03/07/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
I already told you, At this point it's no longer about "Believing"

The roster is near the end and only 1-2 spots left.

One for Liu Kang And one spot for a character we still don't know(That's if he even exists)

You may believe what you want, But calling characters like Kenshi,Quan Chi,Shinnok,Mileena or any other character, Hell even Hsu Hao shitty. is not a nice thing to do.

Just like you are a fan of Noob/Smoke. I assume.

And you would get hurt or feel upset a bit if someone calls Noob/Smoke shitty, fans of those character will also feel a bit upset.

I really don't know what to tell you anymore that others have not said.

The leak is true, SO FAR.

If you have any proof that it's not, I would love to hear it. Otherwise, there is a thread for bitching about the roster.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/07/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
It's already gotten to this sort of ridiculous denial and we are still over a month out. Oooh boy...gonna be an interesting few weeks here on MKO.
03/07/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I already told you, At this point it's no longer about "Believing"

The roster is near the end and only 1-2 spots left.

One for Liu Kang And one spot for a character we still don't know(That's if he even exists)

You may believe what you want, But calling characters like Kenshi,Quan Chi,Shinnok,Mileena or any other character, Hell even Hsu Hao shitty. is not a nice thing to do.

Just like you are a fan of Noob/Smoke. I assume.

And you would get hurt or feel upset a bit if someone calls Noob/Smoke shitty, fans of those character will also feel a bit upset.

I really don't know what to tell you anymore that others have not said.

The leak is true, SO FAR.

If you have any proof that it's not, I would love to hear it. Otherwise, there is a thread for bitching about the roster.

I don't have any proof that the leaked roster is not true and as of yet I have no proof that it is true either! I didn't call Shinnok, quan chi, kenshi and mileena shitty I actually like those guys I don't like Kung Lao, Sonya, johnny, Jax and Liu kang I find them boring and old and think they will really struggle with the variation system especially Jax! What will his three variations be???
03/07/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
Lol he will have different arm attachments
03/07/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
It's fine if you don't want to "believe" it, but with all the proof you're just setting yourself for disappointment. The faster you accept that the leak is the final roster, the easier you'll come to terms with it.
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03/07/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
03/07/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
Its not the most diverse roster tbh.

However, have faith in NRS. I'm sure they have a plan ;).
03/07/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I already told you, At this point it's no longer about "Believing"

The roster is near the end and only 1-2 spots left.

One for Liu Kang And one spot for a character we still don't know(That's if he even exists)

You may believe what you want, But calling characters like Kenshi,Quan Chi,Shinnok,Mileena or any other character, Hell even Hsu Hao shitty. is not a nice thing to do.

Just like you are a fan of Noob/Smoke. I assume.

And you would get hurt or feel upset a bit if someone calls Noob/Smoke shitty, fans of those character will also feel a bit upset.

I really don't know what to tell you anymore that others have not said.

The leak is true, SO FAR.

If you have any proof that it's not, I would love to hear it. Otherwise, there is a thread for bitching about the roster.

I don't have any proof that the leaked roster is not true and as of yet I have no proof that it is true either! I didn't call Shinnok, quan chi, kenshi and mileena shitty I actually like those guys I don't like Kung Lao, Sonya, johnny, Jax and Liu kang I find them boring and old and think they will really struggle with the variation system especially Jax! What will his three variations be???

I don't know, I don't like Jax either but he has his fans.

And variations are not really hard to come up with, They have a team with over 100 people, I'm sure with their combined ideas and thoughts they'll find 3 variations.

Look at Reptile, Not the most creative ideas, imo.

But he still has some pretty neat things and he seems to be interesting.

I didn't know how they would come up with three variations with Kung Lao but they did.

Just wait and see which brings me to this.

petrcech Wrote:
Its not the most diverse roster tbh.

However, have faith on NRS. I'm sure they have a plan ;).

Exactly what he said, Wait. It's like you yourself said, We still don't know the full roster, so why jump the gun and get upset if you still don't know the roster?

What we got so far is not MK for me. but I'm still going to wait.

Because honestly, Where is Baraka? He is one of the unique characters.

Where is Kabal? He was supposed to have Reptile's Slow mo move.

MK has always been for me at least a game where a lot of special and unique characters fight, from different realms which have different stories and as of now what I see is MK:SF2.

Someone pointed out in a thread not too long ago that this really is the unofficial sequel to MK:SF.

It's funny because it's true.

But like I said let's wait and see. Don't get upset yet or at all. Just enjoy the game for what it is.

If your favourite character didn't make it in, don't get upset, I'm sure Sektor won't make it but I'm still looking forward to the game and as long as I don't think of the negative and look at A LOT of the positives, and there is a lot of positives in MKX.

Then I'll enjoy it for sure and so will you :).
03/07/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
Look I will stil get the game and I am sure I will still love it.
scorpion is one of my top three and he looks excellent in this game so I Am dying to master him but even if my favourite characters Noob and smoke got confirmed tomorrow I would still be terribly disappointed with this rumoured roster because there are so many better more interesting characters that deserve a chance and would fit in great with the story and the variation system in MKX. I was so happy at the end of Mk9 because I saw it as a bit of a clean out of te old heroes and expected this game to kick off with our four new heroes plus a few returnig like Sonya, cage, kenshi and raiden then maybe redo some of the 3d characters that deserves a second chance but it looks more and more like we won't be getting that. And that is very very disappointing to me.
03/07/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Look I will stil get the game and I am sure I will still love it.
scorpion is one of my top three and he looks excellent in this game so I Am dying to master him but even if my favourite characters Noob and smoke got confirmed tomorrow I would still be terribly disappointed with this rumoured roster because there are so many better more interesting characters that deserve a chance and would fit in great with the story and the variation system in MKX. I was so happy at the end of Mk9 because I saw it as a bit of a clean out of te old heroes and expected this game to kick off with our four new heroes plus a few returnig like Sonya, cage, kenshi and raiden then maybe redo some of the 3d characters that deserves a second chance but it looks more and more like we won't be getting that. And that is very very disappointing to me.

I understand you, not only that but I agree with you.

Like I said before the roster is filled with human characters, not only that. SF human characters.

So it is quite disappointing but my first question would be.

What can you do about it?

My second question would be after you realize you can't do anything about it, Why would you work yourself up?

Game is fun and I'm very happy for you that you have Scorpion to main.

Just look at the positive side, you'll be able to use characters you hate as fatality dummies.

I know I'll be using Jacqui and Jax as my fatality dummies.

So either way I still have something to look forward to, Nothing we can do about the roster. I just hate to see people get worked up, relax bro and enjoy what you have. NRS are not making the smartest decisions by putting those characters in while leaving characters who survived and would logically make sense to be there in.

It seems that now, If you die you'll have a higher chance of being playable in the next game. So let's hope Sektor gets horribly murdered.

I Really don't want him to miss the next game if he is not in this one.
03/07/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
Baraka and Rain should be in imo, just for the sake of story mode in Mileena vs. Kotal. What's the point in her having a rebel army if the only fight is between her and Kotal & co??
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/07/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Baraka and Rain should be in imo, just for the sake of story mode in Mileena vs. Kotal. What's the point in her having a rebel army if the only fight is between her and Kotal & co??

Baraka, Rain and Reiko all could have made good henchmen for her. I really don't get the logic behind giving Kotal FIVE fucking people by his side(D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, Erron Black, Reptile and Ermac) but giving her ZERO.
03/07/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
Unless some of them actually betray Kotal and join her, it really doesn't make sense. Maybe this is one of the questions someone should tweet them about
03/07/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:

Thank you
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Props to MINION
03/07/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:

Thank you

03/07/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
Maybe they didn't want to have as many punching bags in this game. In MK9 a lot of the characters I like (Like Reptile and Baraka) were literally used as meat puppets for us to beat up during story mode, and as you likley remember, people bitched about it. So maybe they tried not to include anyone that had no real relevance to the story this time around.

I would much rather them take people like Baraka and make them important or relavent but idk I guess they felt he wasn't necessary as a playable character this time around sad
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