Realistic and Balanced Roster Prediction
posted03/07/2015 08:34 PM (UTC)by
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01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
First off I don't believe the apparent leaked roster it is boring and very unbalanced I don't believe that NrS would make such a lousy roster and unbalanced roster so here is my prediction of playable character workig off about a 24-26 character roster

Quan chi
Kung Lao
Johnny/Sonya (unsure which one)

Kotal kahn
Ferra torr
Erron black
Kung Jin

My reasoning behind these predictions is mainly for balance you have 8 new characters 4 earthrealm and 4 outworld that I believe the majority will carry on to the future games and become the main antagonists. You also have a wider spread of characters from each side ie;
Earth realm/good guys; raiden, cassie, takeda, Kung Jin, jacqui, cage/Sonya, sub zero, scorpion, fujin, kenshi.
Outworld / team Kotal; kotal, ferra torr, Erron black, reptile, dvorah, ermac
Outworld / team mileena; mileena, Reiko, Goro, Kano
Netherrealm; quan chi, shinnok, Noob and kitana and Kung Loa as revenants

There are probably a couple more but these are my main predictions call me a dreamer or say I am in denial but I just hope against hope that the leaked roster everyone is posting is incorrect it provides a very boring and unbalanced variety of characters I think my roster is realistic in terms of story mode there is a good spread of characters and would adequately tell the nethereealm war, the outworld civil war and the new threat! As for guess at final boss I am still think Havik from the comics but really it could be anyone
03/06/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
First off I don't believe the apparent leaked roster it is boring and very unbalanced I don't believe that NrS would make such a lousy roster and unbalanced roster so here is my prediction of playable character workig off about a 24-26 character roster

Quan chi
Kung Lao
Johnny/Sonya (unsure which one)

Kotal kahn
Ferra torr
Erron black
Kung Jin

My reasoning behind these predictions is mainly for balance you have 8 new characters 4 earthrealm and 4 outworld that I believe the majority will carry on to the future games and become the main antagonists. You also have a wider spread of characters from each side ie;
Earth realm/good guys; raiden, cassie, takeda, Kung Jin, jacqui, cage/Sonya, sub zero, scorpion, fujin, kenshi.
Outworld / team Kotal; kotal, ferra torr, Erron black, reptile, dvorah, ermac
Outworld / team mileena; mileena, Reiko, Goro, Kano
Netherrealm; quan chi, shinnok, Noob and kitana and Kung Loa as revenants

There are probably a couple more but these are my main predictions call me a dreamer or say I am in denial but I just hope against hope that the leaked roster everyone is posting is incorrect it provides a very boring and unbalanced variety of characters I think my roster is realistic in terms of story mode there is a good spread of characters and would adequately tell the nethereealm war, the outworld civil war and the new threat! As for guess at final boss I am still think Havik from the comics but really it could be anyone

At this point it's not about believing, I, like you, don't want to believe that it's the real roster.

But from that list the only character who has not been revealed yet is Liu Kang.

Everybody else has either been leaked or shown officially.

Pretty disappointing roster, YES.

But it's the real one.
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03/06/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Denial. Denial everywhere.

Build a bridge and get the fuck over it. Either that or don't get the game.
03/06/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
As far as a balanced roster goes, I would've preferred this based on the story we seem to be getting;

01 Johnny Cage
02 Cassie Cage
03 Jacqui Briggs
04 Takeda
05 Kung Jin
06 Kenshi
07 Raiden
08 Scorpion
09 Sub-Zero

10 Kotal Kahn
11 D'Vorah
12 Ermac
13 Ferra/Torr
14 Erron Black
15 Reptile

16 Mileena
17 Reiko
18 Kano
19 Rain
20 Goro

21 Shinnok
22 Quan Chi
23 Kitana
24 Kung Lao
25 Sareena
26 Havik

DLC (Not counting guests)
27 Sonya Blade
28 Liu Kang
29 Fujin
30 Tanya
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03/06/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang's presence has been confirmed by his Italian VA, but WB had that stuff taken down. InsideMK reported it.

Another of his VAs, @tomtchoi on twitter shared that clueless gamer skit and added the comment "Should have used LiuKang"

May not be word for word, but you can just see the tweet on his TL. Plus he favorites tweets about Liu Kang being in the game or not.
03/06/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
oo bad the leaked roster is the roster. Liu kang has been confirmed basically lol the roster was spot on. Only person left now is erron black.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/06/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
We don't need to predict the roster, sweetie; it's known.
03/06/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
Where are all these confirmations??? I really must have missed something because I have seen nothing to confirm anyone outside of the reveals and the new ones form the story trailer perhaps someone can point in the direction of the following confirmations that I have missed;

Johnny cage

I have seen the living tower pics and the pic of Sonya on the faction screen but that is not confirmation where is gameplay pics of these characters I really think it is just a rumour that enough people have jumped on board with it to make it appear real. Cause if it is real then it is truly a lousy lousy roster from nrs
03/06/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
Here's the REAL question;

Do we really think that ? Random Select square will remain? MK has never had one before as part of the actual select screen with its own square, so if that's the case, other than Goro, there is still one missing character everyone seems to be overlooking.

Just sayin'.... confused
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03/06/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Where are all these confirmations??? I really must have missed something because I have seen nothing to confirm anyone outside of the reveals and the new ones form the story trailer perhaps someone can point in the direction of the following confirmations that I have missed;

Johnny cage

I have seen the living tower pics and the pic of Sonya on the faction screen but that is not confirmation where is gameplay pics of these characters I really think it is just a rumour that enough people have jumped on board with it to make it appear real. Cause if it is real then it is truly a lousy lousy roster from nrs

If anyone wants to know what the true meaning of denial is, this post (and thread) should suffice nicely.
03/06/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Where are all these confirmations??? I really must have missed something because I have seen nothing to confirm anyone outside of the reveals and the new ones form the story trailer perhaps someone can point in the direction of the following confirmations that I have missed;

Johnny cage

I have seen the living tower pics and the pic of Sonya on the faction screen but that is not confirmation where is gameplay pics of these characters I really think it is just a rumour that enough people have jumped on board with it to make it appear real. Cause if it is real then it is truly a lousy lousy roster from nrs

Its lousy to YOU. Alot of people are fine with the roster. I wish fujin, kai, reiko, havik, hotaru, drahmin, and others made it in but i have enough favs in along with the new characters.
03/06/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)

They will not change the roster to please those who dont like ...............

Accept or wait for the next game ........

Or sit and Cry.............
03/06/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
Still say there's something to that Random Select box. It's weird that MK would have one now when they've never had one before. It just seems incredibly odd and out of place.
03/06/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????
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03/06/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????

Wow you really are in denial. I thought you were just being pissy but you genuinely are in denial.
03/06/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????

Okay, Imma break this down for ya as to cause no more confusion;

1) Few weeks ago, someone with ties to NRS posted a list of what he claimed is the roster for MKX. It contained all of the characters we knew to be included that had already been revealed and also included the likes of Shinnok, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya Blade and confirmed the identity of Kung Jin as the bow user before the story trailer was released.

2) Now here we are, Jax has a detailed game model leaked, Johnny and Kenshi confirmed via NRS slip, Sonya from the story trailer as well as the Tower and factions trailer, Liu Kang on the towers, Shinnok in the trailer.

It's just all too obvious. However, does that necessarily mean that's it? Possibly, but I can almost guarantee the random select box on the select screen will not be there come release frankly because I can't see them giving an entire square this time around to random select, just seems off.
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03/06/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????

If you've been on this thread even once this past week you'll know that Jax, Kenshi and Johnny have all been leaked or confirmed playable.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/06/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
but I can almost guarantee the random select box on the select screen will not be there come release frankly because I can't see them giving an entire square this time around to random select, just seems off.

Could be where they plan to put DLC characters this time. Unless they intend to add another line below.
03/06/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Wow u guys are jerks. There will always be backlash. U guys saying stop crying are the ones that need to get over it.
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03/06/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Wow u guys are jerks. There will always be backlash. U guys saying stop crying are the ones that need to get over it.

I'm perfectly content with the roster and I honestly couldn't give a shit if you like it or not. It appears it's YOU who needs to get over it.
03/06/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????

Okay, Imma break this down for ya as to cause no more confusion;

1) Few weeks ago, someone with ties to NRS posted a list of what he claimed is the roster for MKX. It contained all of the characters we knew to be included that had already been revealed and also included the likes of Shinnok, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya Blade and confirmed the identity of Kung Jin as the bow user before the story trailer was released.

2) Now here we are, Jax has a detailed game model leaked, Johnny and Kenshi confirmed via NRS slip, Sonya from the story trailer as well as the Tower and factions trailer, Liu Kang on the towers, Shinnok in the trailer.

It's just all too obvious. However, does that necessarily mean that's it? Possibly, but I can almost guarantee the random select box on the select screen will not be there come release frankly because I can't see them giving an entire square this time around to random select, just seems off.

Thanks for the breakdown now let me retort;

1) this is referring to the leak from jamesmk who has made numerous predictions and statements about who is and isn't playable and changed his statements many times before. I take this predictions with a grain of salt.

2) Sonya and Shinnok in the trailer means they are confirmed does it? They were cinematic cuts and not gameplay by that logic then Lei mei, rain and zombie sindel should all be confirmed to as they were all in the story trailer too. As for Sonya on the tower and faction screen is that Sonya or is it cassie? No confirmation and no gameplay for Sonya leads me to believe she hdnt yet been confirmed doesn't mean she won't be but she hasn't yet! As for the johnny, Jax and kenshi leaks where were these confirmed? Was there gameplay trailer that I missed? As for Jaxs design well he is in story mode isn't he and he needs a design go that roght?

So my denial still stands there is no confirmation for Jax, johnny, Sonya pr Shinnok or Liu kang seeing him a dark out of focus tower picture is all up to interpretation I will wait for the confirmed reveals before I go jumping to conclusions my friends
03/06/2015 11:36 PM (UTC)
Hahaha other people's oppinions are obviously bothering u or u wouldn't say anything hahaha like I said there will always be people who disagree. Now shut up and agree to disagree
03/06/2015 11:36 PM (UTC)
Okay, first off;

1) Everyone needs to calm down. Not everyone visits these forums all the time, it's 75% likely the majority of people buying this game haven't seen the leaked roster or keep up with it or even know of the leaks that legitimize the list.

2) Everyone is free to criticize or praise this roster based on who is included. Jumping on people because the like or dislike the roster is equally pathetic both ways, no one has the same taste. This is a forum. It's purpose is to post your thoughts or concerns.
03/06/2015 11:38 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Okay, first off;

1) Everyone needs to calm down. Not everyone visits these forums all the time, it's 75% likely the majority of people buying this game haven't seen the leaked roster or keep up with it or even know of the leaks that legitimize the list.

2) Everyone is free to criticize or praise this roster based on who is included. Jumping on people because the like or dislike the roster is equally pathetic both ways, no one has the same taste. This is a forum. It's purpose is to post your thoughts or concerns.

I like the fact that you are as clam and smart as your favourite character in MK.
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03/06/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Lots of people saying I am in denial nd saying the roster is fine but still no links to confirmations?????

Okay, Imma break this down for ya as to cause no more confusion;

1) Few weeks ago, someone with ties to NRS posted a list of what he claimed is the roster for MKX. It contained all of the characters we knew to be included that had already been revealed and also included the likes of Shinnok, Kenshi, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya Blade and confirmed the identity of Kung Jin as the bow user before the story trailer was released.

2) Now here we are, Jax has a detailed game model leaked, Johnny and Kenshi confirmed via NRS slip, Sonya from the story trailer as well as the Tower and factions trailer, Liu Kang on the towers, Shinnok in the trailer.

It's just all too obvious. However, does that necessarily mean that's it? Possibly, but I can almost guarantee the random select box on the select screen will not be there come release frankly because I can't see them giving an entire square this time around to random select, just seems off.

Thanks for the breakdown now let me retort;

1) this is referring to the leak from jamesmk who has made numerous predictions and statements about who is and isn't playable and changed his statements many times before. I take this predictions with a grain of salt.

2) Sonya and Shinnok in the trailer means they are confirmed does it? They were cinematic cuts and not gameplay by that logic then Lei mei, rain and zombie sindel should all be confirmed to as they were all in the story trailer too. As for Sonya on the tower and faction screen is that Sonya or is it cassie? No confirmation and no gameplay for Sonya leads me to believe she hdnt yet been confirmed doesn't mean she won't be but she hasn't yet! As for the johnny, Jax and kenshi leaks where were these confirmed? Was there gameplay trailer that I missed? As for Jaxs design well he is in story mode isn't he and he needs a design go that roght?

So my denial still stands there is no confirmation for Jax, johnny, Sonya pr Shinnok or Liu kang seeing him a dark out of focus tower picture is all up to interpretation I will wait for the confirmed reveals before I go jumping to conclusions my friends

Oh just fuck off. I'm leaving this thread and not coming back, but let me just say that your denial is both pathetic and hilarious.

Enjoy MKX, 'cause I sure as fuck will.
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