Raiden: Good or Evil
posted11/18/2007 09:16 PM (UTC)by
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07/17/2007 08:34 PM (UTC)
Should Raiden be smile or furious in the new mortal kombat game? If he is good, then will he be able to stop the evil that treathens the game? If not, will he part of the evil? confusedconfusedconfused
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07/30/2007 03:23 PM (UTC)
I say he be good.

And isn't 5 smilies too much?
07/30/2007 04:17 PM (UTC)
I think Raiden should become an antagonist, but still be "good."
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07/30/2007 06:57 PM (UTC)
King_Raiden Wrote:
I say he be good.

And isn't 5 smilies too much?

Yes, 5 smilies IS too much...unless you've got 5 heads that are smiling in tandem but I don't believe this to be the case.

Anyway, as for the question Raiden has (in my opinion) sucked the past couple of games because they tried to make him some "dark badass." Just seems very unneccassary and forced.
07/30/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
i agree with the guy above me, raiden always sucked IMO i was never a fan of him and they went from the jesus of MK to this new dark guy that just doesnt fit him well at all, only cool thing i could imagine if they did it rite: make it so he parts with evil but really tricks them just so he can find info of evil then stop whatever plan evil may have
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07/31/2007 03:34 AM (UTC)

Dude, will you ease up off of the emoticons?....and for that matter, will you calm down on making so many threads all over the place? It's called "Trolling" the forum and could get you banned. You and the Mkman1 are both flooding the forums. Even if the content fits the forum the threads are in, you're making too many.

Nicely now, please stop it//slow down. Not trying to be a "jerk" or whatever about it.

------------------------Now, about the topic------------------------------

scorpionsorigin Wrote:
Should Raiden be good or evil in the new mortal kombat game?

Raiden is still, and has always been aligned with "Good". I don't see that changing about his character if he makes the next game. I think the best way to take him, is the way of a suitable punishment. Make Raiden human. The more I think about this idea, the better it gets.

scorpionsorigin Wrote:
If he is good, then will he be able to stop the evil that treathens the game?

Yes, he should just about always be a part of what stops evil forces. However, I would be interested to see him demoted from God-hood, and act within the spectrum of a "good guy", but be aligned as a pretty much Neutral character on the roster. Say that because he'll have to figure out what to do with himself, maybe go through some spells of serious depression, ect. I think if they keep him a "good guy", but take his "God Rites" from him, it makes for a more interesting story than say, "making him the Evil boss" and all that jazz. I also think it just makes more sense cuz he's not evil now.

scorpionsorigin Wrote:
If not, will he part of the evil?

Nope, should never happen with Raiden. If they do that, spare me and just kill//destroy him.
07/31/2007 08:56 PM (UTC)
keep raiden good, cuz to much effort to make him a evil badass.
10/18/2007 10:27 PM (UTC)
i think Raiden should be more of a misundertood good guy, but not evil...he's not necearily evil, he's just pissed and lost his patience...but like the Raiden guy up there said, he SHOULD be demoted from God status , and become another normal kombatant
10/18/2007 11:19 PM (UTC)
I think of Raiden as either "neutral" or "unknown" with his alignment. Right now, he's very much an anti-villain, kind of like Magneto or Ra's Al Ghul. I personally like this new Raiden, and I want him to stick with it.
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10/18/2007 11:58 PM (UTC)
I agree with, thePredator151 'cause it sounds right in a way. Take his "god-powers" away and make him a regular character. Also, with him not having those powers...he can become a bad-guy and rule as main boss with dark powers. But most likely I'd like to see him go back to his old roots(ie costume wise(MK2/MK4).wow
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10/19/2007 12:20 PM (UTC)
wow Raiden should be the one to be GOOD.He had a very cool costume when he was blue. wow
10/22/2007 03:04 AM (UTC)
Please...please...bring back the good (aka "Light") Raiden. Let the MK: A bio be non-canon like the bios from MK: Triology.
Cleanse The Corruption! Elminate the One Being from Raiden's Head!
10/24/2007 06:06 PM (UTC)
raiden shud not return because he sucked when he went bad and they cant just bring him back good
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10/24/2007 11:42 PM (UTC)
In my opinion Raiden should always be allied with good forces and probably will be.

My Opinion: In the years of Mortal Kombat they have created more powerful evil Combatants who try to take power over evil forces (Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and so on) and in this to me overpowering the good, If Raiden were to trade sides it would be somewhat unnecessary and uneven.

For the Game: I'm almost positive Raiden will not be traded to the evil forces at worst Corrupt with evil.
11/10/2007 12:12 AM (UTC)
i liked raiden as an evil character because he throws off the balance of the entire game and creates a believable threat to his former allies i admit that i would like to see a raiden vs. fujin showdown in mk 8
11/14/2007 12:09 AM (UTC)
scorpionsorigin Wrote:
Should Raiden be smile or furious in the new mortal kombat game? If he is good, then will he be able to stop the evil that treathens the game? If not, will he part of the evil? confusedconfusedconfused

dead raydenwow
11/18/2007 06:52 AM (UTC)
Right now, Raiden is on a very thin line.

He’s messing with things that could very well bite him in the ass. Such as reanimating Liu Kang’s corpse to do his bidding, not to mention it specifically states:

Liu Kang’s MKD Bio:
Why someone would desecrate my grave and reanimate my body, I cannot say. Somehow my corpse retains my knowledge of martial arts and has killed many innocents. Though I am not the perpetrator of these slaying, I cannot help but feel responsible for the brutality committed by my corporal form. The battle between mind and body has begun.

I can only imagine Liu Kang being furious.

And aligning himself with Shinnok to get to the bottom of things.

Raiden’s MKA Bio:
Though I tried to conceal my activities, my use of the dark energies did not go unnoticed. Shinnok appeared before me and proposed an alliance. He would help secure the protection of Earthrealm in return for my aid in some undisclosed plot. I am no fool. I know well the treachery of this former Elder God. I accepted his offer and will complete this task, but only to discover his true objective. Until then, I will use Shinnok to serve my own ends.”
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11/18/2007 09:16 PM (UTC)
I actually like the unknown alignment. It takes away some of Raiden's... god-like air if he's always the epitome of morality and explains everything he's doing. Kind of like in real life: We don't know why some children die of cancer or accidents, but we kind of trust everything will fall into place somehow.

...I like that quite a bit, actually. I don't want to see him placed in a good/evil chart with mortals, but something too great (or ambiguous) to fully understand, to the players and other characters.
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