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07/14/2011 10:57 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
While reading several posts here I must agree:

A.) Netherrealm should have a larger role. It never has, only been shown a few times and been mentioned a few times throughout the previous series... I would greatly appreciate seeing more of this realm.

B.) Drahmin and all those other Hellish characters should make a return as well, whether or not they were that likeable amongst the fans,

C.) Quan Chi should somewhat become less of an annoyance after this game. It should be somewhat either a final appearance for right now, gets betrayed big time by Shinnok instead of having it the other way around, or something else.

Not that I don't like Quan Chi, as I stated that he is a fucking badass, but I do admit, his fame is somewhat becoming annoying.

A. That would be cool.

B. It's not really up to the fans opinon, but the devs.

C. I somewhat agree because Quan's becoming like Scorpion, except he's not shit.
07/14/2011 11:04 PM (UTC)
I hate Quan Chi. Its like hes everywhere and all knowing which he isnt, but MK9 made him that way.

My guess is that if Liu Kang is still alive then he'll go rogue and you'll have to fight him as the sub boss in the next game.
07/15/2011 04:13 AM (UTC)
VertigoPrince Wrote:
I hate Quan Chi. Its like hes everywhere and all knowing which he isnt, but MK9 made him that way.

My guess is that if Liu Kang is still alive then he'll go rogue and you'll have to fight him as the sub boss in the next game.

After being electrocuted by an Elder God and get left to rot on a diminishing rooftop?

I would assume he's dead.
07/15/2011 11:34 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
After being electrocuted by an Elder God and get left to rot on a diminishing rooftop?

I would assume he's dead.

Raiden is not an Elder God and Liu's body wasn't left to rot. Raiden took it with him as he teleported (with Sonya and Johnny) from the rooftop.
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

07/15/2011 09:24 PM (UTC)
I've only recently started nursing rather strange feelings for Quan Chi.

On one hand, I'm glad he's being promoted and given that much power because he clearly enough deserves it - not only for being probably the most powerful sorcerer of MK, but, much more, for his important and quite devious plottings and many examples of his intelligence which, speaking of his sorcery being the greatest around, could also be said to be among the highest among MK characters. It's thanks to him that we have Scorpion, Noob, the formation of the Deadly Alliance, the freedom for Shinnok, the fall of Shinnok (since he never retrieved the real amulet, which Quan stripped him of)...

But on the other hand, I feel as if majority of other grand villains suffer just because of his semi-unjust (?) exposure, e.g. Shang Tsung (the one who takes least attention because of Quan), then Shinnok, Noob, .... Hell, even Shao Kahn is presented as a retard in comparison to Quan, Quan being able to solve the 'Sindel's ward' thing in an instant, while Shao Kahn didn't get it even after millenia of pondering (and it was a matter from KAHN'S surroundings, not Quan Chi's). Of course, there is the notorious - I'd even say it has become a universal sign of how undeniable his superiority has grown to be - scene in MKD intro where he owns Shang in a battle and perhaps even attempts to kill him before Onaga's entrance interrupts him.

Eventually, you also have the prestige of Quan Chi in Legacy series, where he practically tutored Shang on how to 'turn Scorpion so easily', while Shang literally did nothing but stand and look pretty.

That said, I could acclaim Quan's position of a sub-boss, but the feeling that he will definitely once again be in limelight (this time even more, because this battle will belong to his boss) kinda irks me. It's not just the deal with him especially, it's general: WHATEVER is overexposed, tastefully or not, eventually begins to look dull and stupid.
07/15/2011 11:11 PM (UTC)
^ Nice post. Definitely agree with you that other villains are suffering from all the love Quan Chi has been getting, especially recently (MK2011 video game and MK:Legacy show).
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

07/16/2011 01:52 AM (UTC)
Let me correct what the person before was saying: Drahmin and Meat are pretty much the same existence, except Drahmin is a better design and 1000000x more interesting. Thus, Drahmin should be in the next game.

MK9 -> MK10

Shang Tsung -> Quan Chi
Kintaro -> Undead Motaro
Goro -> Moloch
Shao Kahn -> Shinnok

Include Drahmin, Sareena, Ashrah, Havik (who's there to screw up the Netherrealm), and any other Netherrealm character I'm forgetting. Drahmin, Sareena, and Ashrah would be perfect for a Netherrealm story.

Sareena especially since she could both confess to Scorpion who truly killed his clan and maybe join the heroes. I don't see why she'd still work for Quan Chi, if it is still canon that she helped Bi-Han defeat Quan Chi.

Oh, and let this be Quan Chi's big send off. I'm sick of him too, but he hasn't gotten the possible beat down he could potentially get, so I'm not done with him.
07/16/2011 02:23 AM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
After being electrocuted by an Elder God and get left to rot on a diminishing rooftop?

I would assume he's dead.

Raiden is not an Elder God and Liu's body wasn't left to rot. Raiden took it with him as he teleported (with Sonya and Johnny) from the rooftop.

Meh, been concentrating so much in defeating Kahn in story mode, I hardly paid attention to the ending. I did not see that.

Though you're right, Raiden's not an Elder God... in this timeline he's not.
07/17/2011 07:18 AM (UTC)
Quan-Chi's voice would put even James Earl Jones to shame. Therefore he should be the sub-boss of MK10, with Shinnok being the main boss of course.
07/31/2011 09:31 PM (UTC)
KuaiLiang Wrote:
He needs to betray and kill Shinnok and become the final boss, so we can finally kill the son of a bitch.

LMAO!! Come on, Quan Chi is a genius! Evil and fucked up, yes, but you gotta respect the man! lol
08/01/2011 01:41 AM (UTC)
I'm bored with Quan Chi and Shao Kahn...same ol' same ol'.....they should introduce a new boss character...a badass female boss character.. mwahahahah....that would be too sick..... I'm sure all the sexists out there will disagree.... I'm ready for something new instead of the recycling routine. The 311 song "Come Original" comes to mind....ha
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

08/01/2011 04:51 PM (UTC)
keyara412 Wrote:
hey should introduce a new boss character...a badass female boss character.

I think that the lady in green from Jade's ending was kind of being set up to be an actual threat in a future mortal kombat. Could she be the first female final boss? Or is she just a random NPC we'll never see again. Only time will tell.
08/02/2011 12:43 PM (UTC)
I could see Quan Chi as a Sub Boss but maybe one of few Sub Boss's. I think Onaga would be in there somewhere as well as Blaze.
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