06/14/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Animalities were fun in MK3 but that's about it. I'd rather have Friendships. They were hella fun and they could replace Babalities.

Animalities were only in MK3/UMK3/MKT, so if you found them fun in that game what's to say you wouldn't find them fun in MKX?
06/14/2014 03:32 PM (UTC)
I don't think Animalities should ever come back honestly. They are just a thing of the past. If anything, given with the serious tone of this game, they should just bring back Brutalities. It is heavily combo based, and would probably trigger a possibility of having a KI vs MK in the future if there ever were one.

But if Brutalities were to come back, it would be cool to see at the end of the animation for the character to do something specific to of his or her nature, like for example if it were Subzero, he could do like a freeze uppercut and let them explode. If it were Scorpion, he could take his mask off and reveal his skull like always, blow his flame breath on the loser and while they're set on fire, uppercut them to let them explode.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
06/14/2014 03:32 PM (UTC)
Please, no Hara-Kiris. The more I played MK:D, the more I hated those.
06/14/2014 03:38 PM (UTC)
I love the "Animalities don't make sense" argument. Does any other finisher besides Animalities make sense logistically? Of course not.

Why in the fuck would a character just suddenly be friendly to their opponent after beating the living shit out of them? Why would someone straight up explode after a series of repeated attacks? How in the fuck can people turn their opponents into babies?

I know Animalities are out there. But let's not pretend the other finishers make any damn sense.
06/14/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
Please, no Hara-Kiris. The more I played MK:D, the more I hated those.

I'm curious, why didnt you like them? I thought they were they best and most sensible additional finishers since the fatalities.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

06/14/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
Hara Kiris would be fun, Trying to preform it before they can do there fatality online!

But I want Friendships, mainly because if you beat a 13 year old mic screamer (the kind who "fuked ur mum last night bruv" it would be fun to just like, give them an ice cream cone or something. I loved how Babalities were actually kept kind of secret. I got a lot of funny reactions doing them online in MK9, plus most where quite funny. Kind of off-topic but all these years later I still can't believe Annihilation used Anamalities as a huge plot point.
06/14/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
I loved every finisher types, animalities included. I'd be open to new ones, as well.

And I just can't resist suggesting animalities for two of the characters: Kotal Kahn and Scorpion.

KK: Turns into a giant mosquito, plants his dart into the opponent and suck all their blood away.

Scorpion: turns into a cow, rams his opponent down, shoves his udder in his opponent's mouth and forces them to drink milk until they suffocate. Hey, Scorpion is MK's cash cow, so it fits. Heh. And yes, I know cows are female.

And instead of a lion roaring when the word "animality" appears, it should a roar/grunt/sound from the appropriate animal, like "MOOOO" followed by the annoucer saying "Animality" for Scorpion.

06/14/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
I would prefer friendships because if i play with Cassie against my "parents" i want an option instead of the killing choices.

Animality.. hm.. no. I would love to see brutalities with x-rays at the end. This would fit.

We already had babalities in MK9 and pls no Hara Kiri... It was annoying me.
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/14/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
My vote would be for Friendships or something similar. I hate it when you have two characters who would never try to harm each other (e.g., Jax and Sonya) brutally murdering each other at the end of a fight...but by the same token sometimes you just want to perform a finishing move.
06/14/2014 04:25 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Animalities were fun in MK3 but that's about it. I'd rather have Friendships. They were hella fun and they could replace Babalities.

Animalities were only in MK3/UMK3/MKT, so if you found them fun in that game what's to say you wouldn't find them fun in MKX?

Coz some of them were plain stupid but it was good comic relief for those games. MKX seems to be going on a more serious direction and Animalities wouldn't fit it imo. Friendships and Babalities would fit better I think.
About Me
"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
06/14/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Zebron Wrote:
Please, no Hara-Kiris. The more I played MK:D, the more I hated those.

I'm curious, why didnt you like them? I thought they were they best and most sensible additional finishers since the fatalities.

Because after I win two rounds, especially if it was a really tough fight, I feel like I've earned the right to do a fatality. And then it just gets taken away.
06/14/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
If Animalities were to return, they could look really cool on new-gen consoles. With the non-human characters, NRS could get really creative with the types of animals (creatures) they use. That being said, I'm not holding my breath for them returning in MKX. I see Friendships as the much more likely past "ality" to make a return and I'm really hoping they do.
06/14/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Animalities should return, they would be awesome! I guess it's brutalities because the system was almost finished for MK9.
06/14/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I love the "Animalities don't make sense" argument. Does any other finisher besides Animalities make sense logistically? Of course not.

Why in the fuck would a character just suddenly be friendly to their opponent after beating the living shit out of them? Why would someone straight up explode after a series of repeated attacks? How in the fuck can people turn their opponents into babies?

I know Animalities are out there. But let's not pretend the other finishers make any damn sense.

After fatalities Animaltities have always been my fav, im hoping for a return.
06/15/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
Idk I'm just really into Brutalities.

Animalities are cool, but seems really illogical when thinking about the execution of it. Transforming each character into a unique animal that performs some awesome execution seems like too much work for NRS.

The problem with Hara Kiris for me is they are 9 times out of 10 my character slicing their head off. Why do I want to do that? I find it boring and (To poke fun at my friend Jaded-Raven) there are by definition, no samurais in MK so why would they do it hah.

Friendships are like babalities. Silly, point blank period. They go in the same category to me as Bo Rai Cho's fatality where he farted his opponent into flames. If they are going for humor, do something dumb like that.

I'm gunning for brutalities because I like how challenging they used to be to perform. I really liked the ridiculous combo sequence the characters did. Always enjoyed literally beating my enemies into oblivion.
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