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07/19/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.
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Get that ass BANNED

07/19/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
If it's gonna be long and tedious, I'll be fine with that. It gives me time to learn and master characters all while farming the in game currency to eventually unlock a character. I don't wanna pay for a character I might not like when I can just play, learn shit and then eventually get him/her. If I dont enjoy that character, thats alright. I didn't waste 5 bucks. That 5 bucks could go to a burrito at the mexican place down the street. Fuck yeah.
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07/19/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
If it's gonna be long and tedious, I'll be fine with that. It gives me time to learn and master characters all while farming the in game currency to eventually unlock a character. I don't wanna pay for a character I might not like when I can just play, learn shit and then eventually get him/her. If I dont enjoy that character, thats alright. I didn't waste 5 bucks. That 5 bucks could go to a burrito at the mexican place down the street. Fuck yeah.

That's one of the things I like about MKX dlc, you can play them before you buy. I was going to buy Jason and played his tower but I didn't like him.
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Get that ass BANNED

07/19/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
If it's gonna be long and tedious, I'll be fine with that. It gives me time to learn and master characters all while farming the in game currency to eventually unlock a character. I don't wanna pay for a character I might not like when I can just play, learn shit and then eventually get him/her. If I dont enjoy that character, thats alright. I didn't waste 5 bucks. That 5 bucks could go to a burrito at the mexican place down the street. Fuck yeah.

That's one of the things I like about MKX dlc, you can play them before you buy. I was going to buy Jason and played his tower but I didn't like him.

Yeah that was a pretty damn smart move by them.
07/20/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.
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07/20/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.
07/20/2015 12:43 AM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.

Says the MK fan
07/20/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.

Says the MK fan

Says anyone who's ever played a game that implements the same system. It's designed to be outrageous because they WANT you to break, feel overwhelmed and purchase it with real-world money, that's the whole point of there being two routes of buying currency, in-game or real-world. It really has nothing to do with any sort of bias as I think everyone here against the practice would throw just as much horseshit at NRS if they tried this.

As fans of MK, we want Street Fighter and Killer Instinct to succeed and I'd openly question anyone who suggests otherwise. It gives NRS more of an edge to work off of a healthy rivalry in the fighting game genre, thus pushing them to better themselves. However, it doesn't negate the fact it's a shitty, gimmicky tool that they've now adopted that only benefits a hardcore few and leaves the majority behind to cough up the dough or do without.
07/20/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.

Says the MK fan

Says anyone who's ever played a game that implements the same system. It's designed to be outrageous because they WANT you to break, feel overwhelmed and purchase it with real-world money, that's the whole point of there being two routes of buying currency, in-game or real-world. It really has nothing to do with any sort of bias as I think everyone here against the practice would throw just as much horseshit at NRS if they tried this.

As fans of MK, we want Street Fighter and Killer Instinct to succeed and I'd openly question anyone who suggests otherwise. It gives NRS more of an edge to work off of a healthy rivalry in the fighting game genre, thus pushing them to better themselves. However, it doesn't negate the fact it's a shitty, gimmicky tool that they've now adopted that only benefits a hardcore few and leaves the majority behind to cough up the dough or do without.

What's your point? It's infinitely better than MK's model, since the newbies have to pay to unlock anyway, but the people that actually put effort into the game can get the characters for free. Like i said above, you have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay. I don't see what's so hard to understand, and why the MK fans keep writing essays.
07/20/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.

Says the MK fan

Says anyone who's ever played a game that implements the same system. It's designed to be outrageous because they WANT you to break, feel overwhelmed and purchase it with real-world money, that's the whole point of there being two routes of buying currency, in-game or real-world. It really has nothing to do with any sort of bias as I think everyone here against the practice would throw just as much horseshit at NRS if they tried this.

As fans of MK, we want Street Fighter and Killer Instinct to succeed and I'd openly question anyone who suggests otherwise. It gives NRS more of an edge to work off of a healthy rivalry in the fighting game genre, thus pushing them to better themselves. However, it doesn't negate the fact it's a shitty, gimmicky tool that they've now adopted that only benefits a hardcore few and leaves the majority behind to cough up the dough or do without.

What's your point? It's infinitely better than MK's model, since the newbies have to pay to unlock anyway, but the people that actually put effort into the game can get the characters for free. Like i said above, you have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay. I don't see what's so hard to understand, and why the MK fans keep writing essays.

Uh, the DLC premiere towers? You can try them if you don't want to buy them, as many times as you want for that week. That's generous enough imo
07/20/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
Because you don't seem to understand how this system works. It's not to reward long time fans or people who put a lot of work in the game. It's there to discourage you and make you pay up. The game also launches with 8 characters less than MKX to make you want to expand your roster.

And NRS gets a lot of flak on the mobile forum for using this exact method with souls and gold cards.
07/20/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Because you don't seem to understand how this system works. It's not to reward long time fans or people who put a lot of work in the game. It's there to discourage you and make you pay up. The game also launches with 8 characters less than MKX to make you want to expand your roster.

And NRS gets a lot of flak on the mobile forum for using this exact method with souls and gold cards.

The game's not even out, and we don't know how it's going to work, and you're already assuming shit :-/

But you're a blind MK fan so nevermind
07/20/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
NRS has there way of handling DLC characters, Capcom has theres. It worked for KI because it was a new experiment on a new platform. People like the way KI did it, some don't. People like the way MK does it, some don't. There's no use fighting amongst yourselves over it, just enjoy the games for what they are will be.
07/20/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I wouldn't be pleased with it if NRS did it, in fact, I'd still be annoyed and screaming from the rooftops. I just hate the mobile practices, no matter who does it. It's masquerading the content as free when, in reality, for the huge majority of cauals who are really only going to play this game for a month or two at best tops, they'll have to pay out of pocket for the content. Capcom knows this, hence why there's two payment options from the get-go. It's only "free" DLC for those hardcore's who're already gonna invest hundreds of hours into the game. For everyone else, they're just shit out of luck and it's retarded. In a perfect world, these characters would already be in the base game, or "easily unlocked" like they were back in the days of Deadly Alliance / Deception, but those days are gone and now these mobile practices are splitting fanbases to where only the dedicated get things for free, everyone else who doesn't have the patience (or the time, for that matter) to sink in that amount of playtime gets screwed.

It's a gimmick, pure and simple. It's not "for the fans," it's a ploy to most likely put off so many people at the amount they'd have to conjure up in in-game currency that they'll immediately say "Fuck this" and just buy out of pocket to save themselves the time and effort. It's the same thing Rockstar is doing with GTA: Online. "Oh, look at all this shiny, amazing new content! You want it, fucking earn it bitch!"

It's a shitty gimmick to get people to invest insane amounts of hours into your game, not necessarily because your game is amazing and fun, but because you're locking the content people are GOING to want (i.e. more characters) and forcing them to grind in your product. Gone are the days where you have to unlock things via skill, no, now-a-days you just have to sit on your ass and grind all day long, months at a time, just to unlock a new character. It's pathetic and I'm glad NRS doesn't take this road. Even if they did, I'd still do what 80% of the people who buy this SF game are gonna do, and just immediately pay out of pocket because it saves me the migraine of having to grind out in-game currency for a month or two just to have fun with a character who's locked behind a pay-wall because I'm not necessarily the greatest player of all time, nor do I want to invest so much time when I honestly have better things in life to do and would rather just fork over 5 bucks.

And not JUST that, but if 5 bucks is honestly that much of an issue for people, use Bing Rewards, get 5 bucks a month for free and WHAM, there ya go, free DLC without the hassle. I've been doing it for so long and I can't honestly remember when the last time was that I paid MY actual money for DLC for games that I play.

I don't feel like they are forcing people to buy the characters. I think it's a choice. Plain and simple. If they WERE forcing people to buy the characters, why even have them available via in-game currency at all? Wouldn't it make more sense to only have them available via by purchasing them with money?

The business model isn't for everyone, but this one definitely suits me. And I'm alright with that.
07/20/2015 02:07 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Because you don't seem to understand how this system works. It's not to reward long time fans or people who put a lot of work in the game. It's there to discourage you and make you pay up. The game also launches with 8 characters less than MKX to make you want to expand your roster.

And NRS gets a lot of flak on the mobile forum for using this exact method with souls and gold cards.

The game's not even out, and we don't know how it's going to work, and you're already assuming shit :-/

But you're a blind MK fan so nevermind

Aside from the super obvious and the fact that not everyone here is as open minded as some and open to debate, you started a topic that basically shits on NRS in some fashion due to WB's marketing and how they approach DLC, basically inviting a flamewar. Considering what forum you're on. what did you honestly expect?

As for assuming, you're also assuming they'll be relatively lenient with their unlock goals while others are (rightly so) more skeptical given how many developers abuse the practice of the mobile unlock (in-game currency) system. Honestly speaking, neither side knows the nitty-gritty specifics so it's pointless debating whether Capcom are doing a favor to their players or a huge pain-in-the-ass inconvenience for the majority of their players who will not want to spend that much time devoted to one game. As KungLaodoesntsuck pointed out, it basically boils down to personal preference and opinion (which no one is ever right or wrong about) so calling someone a blind fanboy because they disagree with you on the methods of selling DLC is a bit harsh.
07/20/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
As for assuming, you're also assuming they'll be relatively lenient with their unlock goals while others are (rightly so) more skeptical given how many developers abuse the practice of the mobile unlock (in-game currency) system. Honestly speaking, neither side knows the nitty-gritty specifics so it's pointless debating whether Capcom are doing a favor to their players or a huge pain-in-the-ass inconvenience for the majority of their players who will not want to spend that much time devoted to one game.

I never assumed anything, please learn to read.

Only the MK fans on a MK forum would act like having a choice (whether it's a "pain in the ass" although there's no further information on the unlocking method, other than being via in-game currency) is worse than having no choice at all but to pay with real money for the characters. And then writing essays about how "they want players to get frustrated so they feel forced to pay for them" SMH.
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07/20/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
You guys actually think you going to be able to earn enough in game currency to actually unlock these characters in any kind of reasonable time frame? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... thats adorable.

You literally have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay for them. Laugh at that.

And you're going to spend just as much money in in game transaction, anybody that thinks this is better than what MKX is doing is delusional.

Says the MK fan

Says anyone who's ever played a game that implements the same system. It's designed to be outrageous because they WANT you to break, feel overwhelmed and purchase it with real-world money, that's the whole point of there being two routes of buying currency, in-game or real-world. It really has nothing to do with any sort of bias as I think everyone here against the practice would throw just as much horseshit at NRS if they tried this.

As fans of MK, we want Street Fighter and Killer Instinct to succeed and I'd openly question anyone who suggests otherwise. It gives NRS more of an edge to work off of a healthy rivalry in the fighting game genre, thus pushing them to better themselves. However, it doesn't negate the fact it's a shitty, gimmicky tool that they've now adopted that only benefits a hardcore few and leaves the majority behind to cough up the dough or do without.

What's your point? It's infinitely better than MK's model, since the newbies have to pay to unlock anyway, but the people that actually put effort into the game can get the characters for free. Like i said above, you have NO access to DLC characters in MKX unless you pay. I don't see what's so hard to understand, and why the MK fans keep writing essays.

Why do you keep saying MK fans? You're on a fucking mk forum lol. MKX is fine with their DLC. You can try the character out to see if you want to drop the $5 on them. SF5s plan sounds cool but I'll wait and see how it goes when the game is out.
07/20/2015 02:17 AM (UTC)
Nobody's writing essays. We're only speaking from experience. But I guess I'm a blind MK fanboy for bing overly cautious with Capcom and the promise of a mobile game-like system?

Geez, guess I'll stop my Guilty Gear Xrd download and stop looking forward to SFV and TK7.
07/20/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
As for assuming, you're also assuming they'll be relatively lenient with their unlock goals while others are (rightly so) more skeptical given how many developers abuse the practice of the mobile unlock (in-game currency) system. Honestly speaking, neither side knows the nitty-gritty specifics so it's pointless debating whether Capcom are doing a favor to their players or a huge pain-in-the-ass inconvenience for the majority of their players who will not want to spend that much time devoted to one game.

I never assumed anything, please learn to read.

Only the MK fans on a MK forum would act like having a choice (whether it's a "pain in the ass" although there's no further information on the unlocking method, other than being via in-game currency) is worse than having no choice at all but to pay with real money for the characters. And then writing essays about how "they want players to get frustrated so they feel forced to pay for them" SMH.

No offense but I don't understand how you can so adamantly back a payment system that (no debate about this) WAS devised and begun in an effort to force people to either keep playing their game to get the best or newest stuff or pay as a short-cut to get said content. Hell, we don't have to look any further than MKX Mobile. Want the best team in the game so you can breeze on through? Then sink in 40-50 hours to level up your basic cards, or pay a few bucks to get some gold ones. Sorry, as a personal preference (no matter if it's Mortal Kombat or fucking Candy Crush) I don't accept that type of BS. Either make it available off the bat with no gimmicks (free or paid) or have it in the core game, period.

At least MK doesn't beat around the bush and spout off nonsense about "free" DLC, while conveniently leaving out the details of how much work will be necessary. I see a lot of people praising it now, but come the games release, I'm willing to bet there are going to be a lot of highly unhappy individuals who will not be pleased by the amount of effort they will have to endure to unlock said DLC.

If you like that and you're gonna sink that many hours into the game either way, then honestly, that's a great break for you. For the casuals though that Capcom honestly needs right now to be highly invested given their current situation, not so much.
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07/20/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)

Mind officially blown.
07/20/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
I do think that being given the option, if done wrong, is worse. If you expect me to pay for content, I'll pay no problem (if I want that content). You worked hard on it so you deserve payment for your services. As soon as you give me the option you have, essentially, blackmailed my time. Hours of my life are going to disappear to get the free content unless I pay you to give me my time back.
07/20/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)

Mind officially blown.

Looks pretty badass doesn't he?

As for the topic at hand. I like having the option of earning post release stuff in game. I may not use that option, but I like and respect that it is available to me.
07/20/2015 01:11 PM (UTC)
I've got almost two million koins post clearing the Krypt, it would be lovely if I had some use to them.

I believe players should be rewarded for the longevity of play, makes a good incentive to keep the community active.
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07/20/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
I've got almost two million koins post clearing the Krypt, it would be lovely if I had some use to them.

I believe players should be rewarded for the longevity of play, makes a good incentive to keep the community active.

It sounds good and generous on paper, but EVERY other game that has incorporated a microtransaction model like this has abused it.
07/20/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Darkmage41 Wrote:
I've got almost two million koins post clearing the Krypt, it would be lovely if I had some use to them.

I believe players should be rewarded for the longevity of play, makes a good incentive to keep the community active.

It sounds good and generous on paper, but EVERY other game that has incorporated a microtransaction model like this has abused it.

well then, there is nothing to lose, we're still getting ripped off paying for kombat packs and additional character skins, atleast this'll give us something to strive for.
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