Post-launch Characters - MKX DLC vs Street Fighter V
posted07/21/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
SFV post-launch characters will be obtainable with in-game currency

In the meantime, NRS charges $30 for 4 characters, lol.

See Also: Street Fighter V announced...PS4 & PC exclusive
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

07/19/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
Go away

JK it would be cool but as long as people will buy it. Publishers will continue to charge
07/19/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
NRS isn't charging you that, WB is

And I'm sure this currency will be difficult to obtain so might as well just use your wallet
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/19/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
There is a very good reason why the post launch characters will be obtainable with in game currency. The roster for Street Fighter V is small and they are postioning Street Fighter V as a "service which suggests that Capcom will release a lot of post launch characters. I think they have to let people earn the characters in game otherwise it will fragment the player base to much.
07/19/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
NRS is selling 4 characters and 15 outfits for 30$.
07/19/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
The important thing is seeing how Fighters are emulating the MOBA buisness model. You may not be able to buy characters with in game currency (I don't think Killer Instinct does this either) but I see them prolonging the course of the game with sustained content releases: Kombat packs consistantly, at least till MKx leaves the PS4/Xbone top 10 best sellers.
07/19/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
NRS isn't charging you that, WB is

And I'm sure this currency will be difficult to obtain so might as well just use your wallet

This. They'll make it as hard as they please to obtain this "in-game currency" because video game companies need to make money so you can damn well bet they'll make them available through real world currency as well for those not willing to put in the time / effort. If you think it's gonna be easy with SF currency, well, wishful thinking most likely unless you're willing to dump hundreds of hours into a game just for extra playable characters. Not just that but you're kidding yourself if you don't think Capcom knows 80% of the people playing those characters would rather just fork over a few bucks than losing so many hours just to unlock them.

Plus, when it comes to it MK > SF.
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07/19/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
And what if it's anything like getting currency in MK mobile tho? Lol
07/19/2015 05:15 AM (UTC)
IIRC you can buy the characters as well, you use real money to buy "zenny" which you will be able to use to purchase the characters and other content. I am sure there will be some ludicrous requirements to unlock them to provoke people into buying them lol
07/19/2015 05:26 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
IIRC you can buy the characters as well, you use real money to buy "zenny" which you will be able to use to purchase the characters and other content. I am sure there will be some ludicrous requirements to unlock them to provoke people into buying them lol

Yep, pretty much.
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
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07/19/2015 05:29 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
IIRC you can buy the characters as well, you use real money to buy "zenny" which you will be able to use to purchase the characters and other content. I am sure there will be some ludicrous requirements to unlock them to provoke people into buying them lol

This. Just look at KI as an example. Killer Instinct was marketed as a platform too, and look how they handled things. While KI still required you to purchase characters and costumes a lot of the in game unlockables (audio tracks, accessories, player title cards and icons) have pretty ridiculous unlock requirements. If you want to unlock them early, they make you spend real money for in game currency to unlock them early. And since we're talking about actual characters here in SF, I'd assume the unlock requirements will be even greater.

This upcoming beta, is specifically designed to help Capcom & Sony fine tune both the network code as well as acquire analytic data, so they can structure the in game economy.

What's even funnier about this, is a lot of people gave Killer Instinct crap for it's "platform" approach and now Capcom/Sony are following the exact same approach. Basically the way I'm looking at the Sony deal now, is that Sony felt they needed to go out and get an exclusive fighting game in order to compete with MS and Killer Instinct.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/19/2015 12:04 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
SFV post-launch characters will be obtainable with in-game currency

In the meantime, NRS charges $30 for 4 characters, lol.

See Also: Street Fighter V announced...PS4 & PC exclusive
it may be an interesting concept, but IIRC, Crapcom is the company that has been close to going belly up for some time now. While NRS is owned by one of the biggest media companies there is. I have no problem supporting MKX by buying their dlc, because I know that it's going to be great quality. I'm not sure how great an idea it is for Crapcom to be potentially giving away dlc sales, giving their financial situation. But that's ok with me, maybe SF5 will be the final nail in the coffin of Crapcom
07/19/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
What's even funnier about this, is a lot of people gave Killer Instinct crap for it's "platform" approach and now Capcom/Sony are following the exact same approach.

I still don't like the platform approach. I hate that it feels like an incomplete game right off the bat. But they are doing better with the platform angle than KI so I can't be too angry.

And I love how Capcom does this thing, which majority if people are happy about. But because this is an MK forum, people hate the idea. But if NRS did it with DLC characters, they'd be sucking their dicks off with praise.
07/19/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
Nobody hates the idea. We like the concept of another way to buy the DLC characters. We're just saying it will take a lot of work if you take the in-game currency route, something the MKX DLC prices bashers don't seem to understand.
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-sig by MINION

07/19/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
This'll work well for Capcom because they'll probably release characters people want. Sakuras and Fei Longs and such.
07/19/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Kabal20 Wrote:
What's even funnier about this, is a lot of people gave Killer Instinct crap for it's "platform" approach and now Capcom/Sony are following the exact same approach.

I still don't like the platform approach. I hate that it feels like an incomplete game right off the bat. But they are doing better with the platform angle than KI so I can't be too angry.

And I love how Capcom does this thing, which majority if people are happy about. But because this is an MK forum, people hate the idea. But if NRS did it with DLC characters, they'd be sucking their dicks off with praise.

MK always had the most delusional, biased, and hypocritical fans out of all the fighting games. Console exclusive content (SCIV, SFxT), preorder DLC (all of them), on disc DLC (SF4, MVC3), DLC characters and gameplay defining DLC were never OK until MK did it.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/19/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
I greatly appreciate and love the idea of unlockable content via in-game currency, and wish more American games would do it, rather than resorting to "ZOMG BUY MOAR STUFFFZ WIF REEL MONEYZ".

That said, Street Fighter is about as appealing to me as watching grass grow. I just hope it sets a precedent.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

07/19/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Kabal20 Wrote:
What's even funnier about this, is a lot of people gave Killer Instinct crap for it's "platform" approach and now Capcom/Sony are following the exact same approach.

I still don't like the platform approach. I hate that it feels like an incomplete game right off the bat. But they are doing better with the platform angle than KI so I can't be too angry.

And I love how Capcom does this thing, which majority if people are happy about. But because this is an MK forum, people hate the idea. But if NRS did it with DLC characters, they'd be sucking their dicks off with praise.

MK always had the most delusional, biased, and hypocritical fans out of all the fighting games. Console exclusive content (SCIV, SFxT), preorder DLC (all of them), on disc DLC (SF4, MVC3), DLC characters and gameplay defining DLC were never OK until MK did it.
I've never had problems with preorder bonuses, your just a bitch
07/19/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
Agreed.. people, quit with NRS bashing.

I'd say the money issue comes with the WB. They are driven more by $$$ than any gaming studio would be.
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Get that ass BANNED

07/19/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
The fact I can still get them for free just by playing the game beats paying with real money any day.

And I remember when the mods would bust peoples asses very quick for name calling. Where the hell are our mods?
07/19/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
It's a fantastic idea but I'm skeptical until we see how difficult/impractical it is to do it without paying. Fingers crossed, though. I'd much prefer this to be the model.
07/19/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
The fact I can still get them for free just by playing the game beats paying with real money any day.


I don't have to pay a dime for future content because I can just play the game and earn it. Now I get that Capcom will not make it quick or easy to earn the characters, it's a given. You're not going to pay for them so you'll have to grind for fight money. But hey, that 's fair to me.

It takes me back to when I had to buy characters from the Krypt. I have no problem grinding in games so I'm very happy about this.
07/19/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
I foresee it being ridiculously difficult, either that or it will be so time consuming that resisting the urge to just buy it now will be close to impossible lol

Watch, it'll be some shit like beat the final boss with a perfect on very hard within 20 seconds without blocking once lol
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

07/19/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I foresee it being ridiculously difficult, either that or it will be so time consuming that resisting the urge to just buy it now will be close to impossible lol

Watch, it'll be some shit like beat the final boss with a perfect on very hard within 20 seconds without blocking once lol

You'll probably get extra coins for playing on a harder setting, finishing with a perfect, an Ultra or whatever they're called now.
07/19/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Kabal20 Wrote:
What's even funnier about this, is a lot of people gave Killer Instinct crap for it's "platform" approach and now Capcom/Sony are following the exact same approach.

I still don't like the platform approach. I hate that it feels like an incomplete game right off the bat. But they are doing better with the platform angle than KI so I can't be too angry.

And I love how Capcom does this thing, which majority if people are happy about. But because this is an MK forum, people hate the idea. But if NRS did it with DLC characters, they'd be sucking their dicks off with praise.

I wouldn't be pleased with it if NRS did it, in fact, I'd still be annoyed and screaming from the rooftops. I just hate the mobile practices, no matter who does it. It's masquerading the content as free when, in reality, for the huge majority of cauals who are really only going to play this game for a month or two at best tops, they'll have to pay out of pocket for the content. Capcom knows this, hence why there's two payment options from the get-go. It's only "free" DLC for those hardcore's who're already gonna invest hundreds of hours into the game. For everyone else, they're just shit out of luck and it's retarded. In a perfect world, these characters would already be in the base game, or "easily unlocked" like they were back in the days of Deadly Alliance / Deception, but those days are gone and now these mobile practices are splitting fanbases to where only the dedicated get things for free, everyone else who doesn't have the patience (or the time, for that matter) to sink in that amount of playtime gets screwed.

It's a gimmick, pure and simple. It's not "for the fans," it's a ploy to most likely put off so many people at the amount they'd have to conjure up in in-game currency that they'll immediately say "Fuck this" and just buy out of pocket to save themselves the time and effort. It's the same thing Rockstar is doing with GTA: Online. "Oh, look at all this shiny, amazing new content! You want it, fucking earn it bitch!"

It's a shitty gimmick to get people to invest insane amounts of hours into your game, not necessarily because your game is amazing and fun, but because you're locking the content people are GOING to want (i.e. more characters) and forcing them to grind in your product. Gone are the days where you have to unlock things via skill, no, now-a-days you just have to sit on your ass and grind all day long, months at a time, just to unlock a new character. It's pathetic and I'm glad NRS doesn't take this road. Even if they did, I'd still do what 80% of the people who buy this SF game are gonna do, and just immediately pay out of pocket because it saves me the migraine of having to grind out in-game currency for a month or two just to have fun with a character who's locked behind a pay-wall because I'm not necessarily the greatest player of all time, nor do I want to invest so much time when I honestly have better things in life to do and would rather just fork over 5 bucks.

And not JUST that, but if 5 bucks is honestly that much of an issue for people, use Bing Rewards, get 5 bucks a month for free and WHAM, there ya go, free DLC without the hassle. I've been doing it for so long and I can't honestly remember when the last time was that I paid MY actual money for DLC for games that I play.
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