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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

06/18/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
I agree that if I chose Scorpion I should have all special moves that Scorpion has. I shouldn't have to pick between a Scorpion that could or could not do a certain special move. If NRS is doing this I probably won't enjoy the gameplay. To me this seems a lot like a recycled Deadly Alliance or Deception only this time they are limiting us to one type.

For example in Deadly Alliance you had three different styles where each style had its own basic attacks and combos yet each style possessed the same special moves as the other. Sub-Zero had the same specials. Now it seems like they've reversed this to where you choose a style and now each style has their own special moves with the basic attacks available in all three variations?

I do like how dark and gritty the game looks but so far it also looks too comic-book like and a lot like Injustice which I never truely enjoyed that much. Yet the story will still bring me back and if this variation thing is true I cannot dump too much on it until I try it but so far I'm hearing mixed opinions about it everywhere more negative than positive.
06/18/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
Ashrah - Vodoo, Demon Light, Kriss.
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06/18/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
I would think it obvious but I'd like to point out to the OP that just because you personally can't think of 3 variations for characters doesn't mean that NRS won't.
06/18/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:

Please no! Why would you wanna separate the special moves characters already have, in 3 variations? That is a terrible idea! Never in a million years would I wanna choose betweem Mileena's roll and her telekick. As I am sure Kitana users wouldn't wanna choose between her fans and her kicks, Jade's staff and razorang, etc. It would piss a lot of people off.

I did that because from what I saw that's what it seems like NRS is doing already. At least to me it looks like they are keeping one or two special moves for all variations (Scorpion's spear, Sub-Zero's ice projectile) but all their other iconic special moves are split across variations. And BTW I put Mileena's roll and telekick in the same variation. So you wouldn't have to choose between them.

I don't think NRS is going that direction. Scorpion has his signature moves in all of his variations from what we've seen. They just added a few more for each variation (summon demon, fireball, etc) or added his weapon as a separate one. That I agree with.
06/18/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
I hope that Reptile has this three:

1) Viper Style with lots of poison and acid moves.
2) Chameleon Style with lots of stealth, his tongue and invisibility combo's.
3) Dragon Style with lots of powerhouse moves and bite/claw moves.

Noob could have
1) Void Style
2) Shadow Style
3) Black Hole Style

This will be very hard on Tanya... What could she have?
1) Illusion Style (I want her to be the queen of illusions much like Master Mind from X-men Brotherhood)
2) Athletic Style (With her spinning drill kick stuff)
3) Cruel Style (with all the sitting on neck stuff and twisting it.)

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