Perfect Konquest mode?
posted06/26/2010 11:18 PM (UTC)by
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09/18/2006 03:42 PM (UTC)
What the perfect Konquest mode should be?

IMO, it should be a free roaming game like deception but with the ability to fight in real time (just like MKA's Konquest mode). We could learn many moves as we advance trough the game. The fighting engine could look like shaolin monks but with more attacks.

Game progression shoud look like oblivion or GTA: Quest spots. After completing a quest, we could revieve some coins to go to stores and buy things like weapons, Konquest and arcade outfits ect..

What do you think?
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06/07/2010 04:37 AM (UTC)
id rather not accidentally hit square instead of X and punch somebody i need for a super unlockable. hahaha

MKD had a perfect formula. Im happy with that. But i dont want ANY konquest mode until they have finished the polishings on the fighting engine and made saure we are getting the most solid and brutal game to date. All they have to do is try and top themselves every game using that formula and we will not be mad at all when a few years pass.
EDIT: Temp approves of this message.
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06/07/2010 04:37 AM (UTC)
I'm at the point where the best konquest mode is no konquest mode. The energy could be better used. I know it's a different team, and it's not like they'd be working on the graphics or gameplay if they weren't busy with Konquest, but really, it's just one more mode the creators have to test and debug.

Put that effort into the training mode maybe, or just have the konquest mode team serve drinks to the other programmers. Better yet, start working on konquest mode AFTER the game comes out so I can not buy it for ten dollars online.

EDIT: Cassel's post wasn't up yet when I started writing, but you could put my signature on that as well.
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06/07/2010 04:53 AM (UTC)
Will do.

You Know, MKD wasnt that bad, but thinking about it even more. WHen they started creating an in-depth and interactive konquest mode complete with in-game fighting, death traps, transitions and secret areas.

I think its safe to say that there was more effort put into Konquest that the fighting aspect.

Immagine if there was no Motor Kombat and Konquest. Story mode is cutscenes with the actual fighting engine incorperated in. If we got all thos hours of development and recording time for mo-kap and voice-over put into polishing the fighitng engine and adding more options and moves etc...

-Wake-up attacks would have been 10x better.
-Motaro could have had 4 legs and fully integrated into the game
-Every character could have had unique fatality moves
-The animation glitch for taller characters wouldnt be so apparent.
-Special moves could have been incorperated into combos making the game more freelance
-Graphics and character models could have been improved
-Test your might/sight could have been incorperated with existing programming from MKDA, could have taken 2 days tops.
-BIOS actually could have been written giving us SOME sort of story for ANY character beyond the point of MKD other than the main features of Konquest.
-Endings could ahve been written/Drawn contributing to my previous point. Instead of Katas and rediculous endings.

....I think ive made my point.
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06/07/2010 06:48 AM (UTC)
For me the perfect Konquest mode would have Deception's sprawling world with Armageddon's action-oriented gameplay. Also, it would be cool if Konquest wasn't used as an excuse to take a dump on canon.
06/22/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
Konquest mode was very one sided in terms of telling the story, the game would focus on a central theme and the protagonist of the Konquest would interact with an already established base of characters who already have a grounded story, but when you run into the protagonist it was ignored and had them focused on the central plot of the game.

The cool thing about Konquest though was in Deception, you had a free roam experience and you could get secrets by bumping into different characters and such, that I enjoyed.

I would like though for there to be no Konquest mode though in a traditional Mortal Kombat game, you can always make a game like Shaolin Monks which was a great game and had that experience.

The story in the fighting games should play out in cutscenes and full fleshed out stories, I don't want to speculate how the events played out in the games, I used to make shit up back in the day on events such as how Liu Kang won Mortal Kombat 2, How Jax got his metal arms, Sub with his scar. I want to see these things happening in the games but I would like to see them be character specific. If I choose a character on the select screen I want to see how their part plays out in the grand story and who they fought and teamed up with and interacted with. For a cast of 26 characters I doubt all of them are going to bump into each other.
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06/22/2010 03:57 PM (UTC)
I like Konquest mode and I want it.It's the perfect presentation of MK Story, not just some lame bios.
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06/22/2010 09:54 PM (UTC)
Eh, I've never liked konquest mode. The idea of playing through the story is nice in theory, but I'm just fine having a storymode with cut scenes for that. Divert those resources toward some better single player modes that will enhance the longevity of the game long term, not just another mode to beat and forget.
06/23/2010 03:41 AM (UTC)
I'd rather them have no Konquest mode and focus more on important things.
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06/23/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
The perfect konquest mode would be it's own game, really....
But inside of the flagship title, I think right now it might play, and flow alot like MKSM, look like MKvsDC, and be about as lengthy as MKD.

Story depth that gets close to say God of War, with a delivery system that looks like it could be inspired by something like Prototype (alot of other games qualify actually) would be good enough.


With MK9 being a 2D fighter, I don't really buy the idea that if they spent time on a konquest mode, it'd genuinely hinder a great arcade mode fighting mechanic. I don't think that idea gives them enough credit as 2D fighting game developers, originally. I think if we're not comparing them to other franchises, they could be considered masters within the 2D field of fighting game mechanic design by now. UMK3 was really good... to the point no doubt, that they became confident enough to throw every character in MK into MKTrilogy. Just saying, I believe they know what they're doing with 2D.

For this particular game at least, I also don't think the graphics engine would suffer much either. Mainly because the make-up for the thing is already there. In terms of the fighting mechanic, I mean. Add to that they have more time to perfect things, and the game already looks this good. I mean look at it, the first game trailer introduced 9 characters right off the bat. 9?....I take it as a sign of confidence.

So...if you take 2, to 2 1/2yrs, and start with an engine you've been using for the previous 2ys, and add on the fact that you're already talented at the change you're making for the next game (2D) still takes a good chunk of development time to get things behaving correctly, but I'm pretty sure you save time. It's not like they're dealing with completely foreign program's just new possibilities at this point.

I think a great konquest mode is plausible is all I'm saying. But I won't hold my breathe because I see what's already in the game, layered on top of that pretty complex 2D mechanic. There's 3D graphics on character models and backgrounds, a hell of alot more stuff moving around in the arenas, that x-ray thing, and fatalities seem to behave in their own mechanic (not to mention the 3D fatality factor). There's supposed to be a good Online experience, DLC and a ? box. There's at least 26 characters at least, and I'm anticipating 20 arenas altogether. There may be a practice mode, the arcade ladder, AND THEN there is definitely a "story mode"?

My only question is what kind? The kind where we run around in it, or the kind where it's just like a big movie with fights plugged in here or there.

We're either gonna get a bunch of really good extras (Online features, DLC, secrets, extra costumes, ect...), a game with an unusual amount or length of videos // video time, or something to run around in.

I want something to run around in. *shrugs*
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06/25/2010 07:15 PM (UTC)
The perfect conquest mode would be a carbon copy of MKSM. Seriously, that game was badass.

If MKSM had several playable characters, each with their own story and no cheesy dialouge (which there was plenty of in MKSM), that would be the perfect conquest mode.
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06/26/2010 11:18 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I'm at the point where the best konquest mode is no konquest mode. The energy could be better used. I know it's a different team, and it's not like they'd be working on the graphics or gameplay if they weren't busy with Konquest, but really, it's just one more mode the creators have to test and debug.

Put that effort into the training mode maybe, or just have the konquest mode team serve drinks to the other programmers. Better yet, start working on konquest mode AFTER the game comes out so I can not buy it for ten dollars online.

EDIT: Cassel's post wasn't up yet when I started writing, but you could put my signature on that as well.

I'd rather that MKDA's Konquest mode be implemented into the Practice mode of this game, sort of as like a challenge-type deal that can win you unlockables and/or achievements for pulling off more difficult combos. Other than that, I don't want any of that adventure-type garbage in this game. Just let me fight both online and offline and rip some body parts off.
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