04/10/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Out of the whole stream I got super excited when they showed the Fatal 8 bracket, my friend "MIT" Malik Terry is in the friggin Fatal 8!!! :D We went to high school together. :P lol
04/10/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
I missed this stream, is there a link I can watch it now?
04/10/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
Wow jax and his daughter are super boring. Guns really? That's the best they could come up with? Also told u guys she would have a ground pound.
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Twitch = Silent_Edge XBL = Silent Edge EX

04/10/2015 03:05 AM (UTC)
Youtube mortal kombat final stream. You'll find it there.
04/10/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
I am really liking Jacqui. She has interesting moves, she is quick and has a lot of personality.
04/10/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Boring stream and a stream that is totally insulting to our intelligence, even though this stream is a few days away from the game all they have is the same old bullshit and they still have stages blocked.

They act like we are idiots who still have not figured that Shinnok is the boss hence them skipping his intro with Johnny Cage with the excuse of "Opps I pressed the button by mistake" Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. I don't know who believed that, lol.

Then we have the fight between Mileena and Kano, ohhh sorry did I say "fight" I mean "Scripted 3 fights" where the D guy can obviously win ALWAYS but still let's Seth wins and acts like it's a surprise.

Serious insult to our intelligence. All and all the worst stream of them all with a boring ass ending with the "Boss" coming, I wish it was Ed Boon that would have been a better surprise than Tacos picking Goro who by the way is ON DISK and you still have to pay for him if you don't pre-order.

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm a diehard mk fan and I haven't spoiled anything for myself. I've been waiting for this game since the first trailer dropped in what, may? Why would i blow it so close to the release of the game? I don't understand that mindset. what a disappointment putting the game in for the first time would be. Also why do people think the matches at the end are "fixed" nobody is betting money on these lol. Those guys just aren't as good as pro players.
04/10/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
I liked Jax and Jacqui gameplay, still don't see why they get a lot of hate. I don't think Jax got this much hate in MK 9
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04/10/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)

Yes friends. That mention from Derek was to me. What a great guy! For the record, he's 1-0 against me in mk9 and we were 50/50 in Harley mirrors over 20-30 games.

You wait, Derek. The ps4 has a record function. This will be good :)

I'm all seriousness, THANK YOU to him and NRS for the birthday shout out and for "coincidentally" releasing the launch trailer on my b day.

Prepare. I'll be at the first major with a new main...
04/10/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Boring stream and a stream that is totally insulting to our intelligence, even though this stream is a few days away from the game all they have is the same old bullshit and they still have stages blocked.

They act like we are idiots who still have not figured that Shinnok is the boss hence them skipping his intro with Johnny Cage with the excuse of "Opps I pressed the button by mistake" Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. I don't know who believed that, lol.

Then we have the fight between Mileena and Kano, ohhh sorry did I say "fight" I mean "Scripted 3 fights" where the D guy can obviously win ALWAYS but still let's Seth wins and acts like it's a surprise.

Serious insult to our intelligence. All and all the worst stream of them all with a boring ass ending with the "Boss" coming, I wish it was Ed Boon that would have been a better surprise than Tacos picking Goro who by the way is ON DISK and you still have to pay for him if you don't pre-order.

You need to go outside more.... You're always miserable man, it's kinda sad
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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04/10/2015 06:56 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Reloaded for 2017 please.

Oh lawd please this... on one condition:

NRS doesn't cop out with another dumb create-a-fatality system.
04/10/2015 07:08 AM (UTC)
For the 25th anniversary id love shaolin monks remastered id jizz.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

04/10/2015 09:27 AM (UTC)
25th anniversary/2017 will undoubtedly be Injustice 2,

What did they do for the 20th anniversary/2012? They were busy with Injustice 1.
04/10/2015 10:20 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
25th anniversary/2017 will undoubtedly be Injustice 2,

What did they do for the 20th anniversary/2012? They were busy with Injustice 1.

Really?! What a fucking shame.
04/10/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

So, as for arenas, I have no idea why they're holding them back other than just letting the casuals be surprised when they get the game. That's the only explanation I've got. It sucks but what're we gonna do about it, you know?

As for the fights, I think they're having fun with it but I think when Tyler won, it was obvious why he won. People were cheering him on so they thought it'd be "exciting" if he won. And since it's been obvious maybe not that Derek is trying to let him win, but that Derek is letting him get some cheap shots in. Either that or Derek is just toying with Tyler completely. Either way, it's fine with me. I can see why it annoys you but at this point I'm watching the game to see the gameplay and could care less if it's them fighting or them demonstrating. I'm seeing it in action and that's what I'm watching for.

As for Goro, not everybody who plays MK cares about playing as a boss character either. IF they want him, they had/have their options. Either they should've pre-ordered, they can buy him for $5 or they can wait and get the DLC characters with him for no added price in the Komplete version next year. I'm not condoning the behavior of that decision by any means but that's the reality. People had six months to look up MK, to see it on some website, to view a trailer on YouTube, and everytime there was Goro staring you in the face at the end of said trailers. NRS marketed the character to the point of being obnoxiously annoying about it so if someone didn't know about it and waited to get the game after release, well then, don't know what to tell ya. That's not who they were marketing the character towards.

With all that said, I completely understand your point of view and where its coming from, I just don't think its as big of a deal as many are making it out to be. There are way worse offenders when it comes to pre-order shit (Arkham City for an example; an exclusive skin that is exclusive to certain stores via pre-orders so there's virtually no way to get them all until they make you purchase them).

Let's agree to disagree on them hiding the stages even though they also didn't show them on a stream they called "All access". People seemed to deem that stream "Bullshit access".

And for the Derek letting Tyler win thingy, again like I said my problem is not with it being scripted or him letting Tyler win, my problem is him acting like we 5 year olds and he was like "Oh nawww I can't believe I lost, this is impossible" He didn't say those exact same words but it obviously came off as if he was trying to trick little kids into believing that he truly lost.

If it still entertained you, like I said, good for you. I'm really happy somebody got entertained by that match, I sure as hell wasn't and this is coming from a person who usually enjoys their matches.

As for the Goro thing. It doesn't matter if people are doing more horrible things with Pre-orders, that doesn't excuse them and you say that you are not defending them but that's what it seems like.

I already told you that not everybody heard about MKX and they may only even know it exists after it gets released, what if these people want to play as Goro why do they have to pay for something that part of the game?

It's the truth, we are not getting a full game we are getting a game with something missing, doesn't matter if it's a small thing such as one character, the truth is that it's not full.

Goro is on disk, no reason for him to be kept behind a pay wall.

Point is, Goro should not be behind a pay wall if he was going to be part of the game. If he wasn't the Sub-boss and wasn't on disk I can understand him being costing money and that would be fine but as long as he is part of the actual game and is the Sub-boss there is no way in hell I can justify that and feel like I'm speaking the truth.

Blaming people for not Pre-ordering is not really the answer, some people might not trust in games anymore and they always want to wait for reviews that come out after the game is already out to decide whether to buy the game or not.

OttoVonRuthless Wrote:

You need to go outside more.... You're always miserable man, it's kinda sad

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.
04/10/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

All of that is fine and dandy but that still doesn't change the fact it's a proven money-making plan. Pre-order exclusives and DLC are just things you and everyone else have to get used to. It's part of the culture now. Does it suck? Yes. Is any amount of our bitching going to stop it from happening? No.

I'm not defending their decision, I'm just being a realist. For every one of us that bitches, there will be another five people who blindly pre-order whatever for just the smallest additional content just so they can have more. That's the truth of the matter so our opinions don't matter on that subject. The same thing for DLC. You say it's an incomplete game, I say it's just extra shit NRS did to try and sell their game, early DLC if you will. I have no doubt in my mind that if they never wanted to do pre-order incentives, Goro probably never would've been playable in this game on the launch roster and would've just been in the Arcade Ladder until a possible DLC slot. If you see it differently, that's fine, it's whatever but that still doesn't change the fact that pre-order bonuses and DLC are not going away and I've come to accept that fact already. It'd make your life a hell of a lot easier if you did, too, but that's up to you.
04/11/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

All of that is fine and dandy but that still doesn't change the fact it's a proven money-making plan. Pre-order exclusives and DLC are just things you and everyone else have to get used to. It's part of the culture now. Does it suck? Yes. Is any amount of our bitching going to stop it from happening? No.

I'm not defending their decision, I'm just being a realist. For every one of us that bitches, there will be another five people who blindly pre-order whatever for just the smallest additional content just so they can have more. That's the truth of the matter so our opinions don't matter on that subject. The same thing for DLC. You say it's an incomplete game, I say it's just extra shit NRS did to try and sell their game, early DLC if you will. I have no doubt in my mind that if they never wanted to do pre-order incentives, Goro probably never would've been playable in this game on the launch roster and would've just been in the Arcade Ladder until a possible DLC slot. If you see it differently, that's fine, it's whatever but that still doesn't change the fact that pre-order bonuses and DLC are not going away and I've come to accept that fact already. It'd make your life a hell of a lot easier if you did, too, but that's up to you.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/11/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:

Yes friends. That mention from Derek was to me. What a great guy! For the record, he's 1-0 against me in mk9 and we were 50/50 in Harley mirrors over 20-30 games.

You wait, Derek. The ps4 has a record function. This will be good :)

I'm all seriousness, THANK YOU to him and NRS for the birthday shout out and for "coincidentally" releasing the launch trailer on my b day.

Prepare. I'll be at the first major with a new main...

I thought so! Good on ya man.

Hope you can come out on top vs his MKX Mileena! wink
04/11/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
I am not a fan of pre-orders/DLC either but like somebody above said, its here and its probably here to stay whether we like it or not.

I wanted Goro, I didn't want to take the chance of not having him, so I pre-ordered the game. I get some people don't want to buy games right out the gate because they want to wait for reviews but at this point its kind of like (I hate saying this) tough shit, if you want him, pre-order the game or buy him later. I don't like that shit either, but I wanted Goro so I did what I needed to make sure ill have him, anybody else who wants him should probably do the same or buy him for full price at a later date, anyone who doesn't want to pre-order or buy him later should just go along without him until the Komplete Edition comes out.

I usually don't think that way but complaining isn't going to do anything at this point, maybe if the majority of the fanbase rallied together way earlier something could have changed idk, but the game is out in 4 days, so its either pre-order and get him for free, buy him later, don't buy him at all, or wait for GOTY Edition.
swerzy Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Your face when every mortal kombat site got a shout out BUT this.

If I recall, MKO has never gone the extra mile with NRS so I see no reason why NRS should give us a shout out. Besides, why would they give a shout out to a place that has half of its members do nothing but give them shit for the past month.

MKX has a lot of fan... ``inspired`` kontent incorporated into it.

I only asked about the credits screen in the ``Story Spoilers`` thread, because I was hoping maybe there`d be a shoutout to the fans:
``Thanks to our legions of loyal fans, and kontributors...`` or something.
If we didn`t buy MK in the first place, they wouldn`t have the cash moneys.
There can be no rain, without it`s many drops...

I`m not looking for glory, my peers & colleagues in the fan art/fan game community are far more talented, and proffessional than I am.
It`s one thing to make pretty pictures...
It`s another thing entirely to make them move properly, and assign move properties with coding.

I don`t want to ruin the fun, and point out what I know is from whom. I`m not sure what kind of agreement, if any, they have with NRS.

04/12/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

And for the Derek letting Tyler win thingy, again like I said my problem is not with it being scripted or him letting Tyler win, my problem is him acting like we 5 year olds and he was like "Oh nawww I can't believe I lost, this is impossible" He didn't say those exact same words but it obviously came off as if he was trying to trick little kids into believing that he truly lost.

Did you expect good acting from these guys? They aren't actors, and they are live. I could see myself saying something stupid like that if I was tasked with losing on purpose.

As for the Goro thing. It doesn't matter if people are doing more horrible things with Pre-orders, that doesn't excuse them and you say that you are not defending them but that's what it seems like.

Excuse them? No, but it gives validity to the fact money can be made that way. However they don't really have too much to excuse themselves for, but we will get into that.

I already told you that not everybody heard about MKX and they may only even know it exists after it gets released, what if these people want to play as Goro why do they have to pay for something that part of the game?

It's the truth, we are not getting a full game we are getting a game with something missing, doesn't matter if it's a small thing such as one character, the truth is that it's not full.

Alright this is where I get to tell you your wrong.
Let's take two perspectives here. Let's say it isn't a full game. Well why not? because we are missing 1 character? Well unless you play mobile you don't get certain skins, so if you don't have a proper device and time, you don't get the "full" game. Time is money, so in a way you are paying for those extra skins by playing the mobile game. What about when the kombat pack comes out? Guess what, the people that pick up the game after that have to pay WAAAAAY more to get what you call the "full" game.

Now let's take my perspective. It is a full game. But what about Goro? He is extra. You really have to understand how important money is to a series of video games.... how do you keep making games with no funds?

They can sell the game for a certain price which will have to coincide with the resources they put into the game. They cannot put a higher amount of resources into the game than they expect to get in return. They have to make a profit.

If Goro wasn't included in MKX at all.... guess what... the game would sell for the exact same amount! Therefore, by pre-ordering you are getting Goro for free, and the people who don't have the option to buy Goro, extra content, for 5 dollars.

Now valid arguments would include the amount of content and all of the resources they put into it compared to the price of the game/ the price of DLC content.

IF they can make more money by adding more content then what would be expected from a "full" game, why wouldn't they? Do you want more MK or less MK? Well if you want more with good quality, expect to pay for it. Or get some of it free because you pre-ordered and stop whining.

Goro is on disk, no reason for him to be kept behind a pay wall.

Point is, Goro should not be behind a pay wall if he was going to be part of the game. If he wasn't the Sub-boss and wasn't on disk I can understand him being costing money and that would be fine but as long as he is part of the actual game and is the Sub-boss there is no way in hell I can justify that and feel like I'm speaking the truth.

Lol at "Feel like I'm speaking the truth" Feeling like you are right means nothing
So what he is on the disk? Like I said, it draws back to resources poured into the game as well as profitability. Whether something is on the disk or not does not warrant the game being "full". Again, it really does go back to money and if you don't understand that this whole thing is pointless.

Blaming people for not Pre-ordering is not really the answer, some people might not trust in games anymore and they always want to wait for reviews that come out after the game is already out to decide whether to buy the game or not.

Not blaming them, that's fine if they want to sit back and not take the risk of buying a game that they might not like. However, they aren't being punished for not pre-ordering. The people pre-ordering are being rewarded for doing so by getting content for free that will cost most the others 5 dollars. tongue
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

04/12/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
In regard to the argument going on above:

Does anyone really think that more than a handful of people are going to wait for reviews before buying any Mortal Kombat game? People know what MK is all about by now. We've seen MKX gameplay on TV, on the internet, it plays on the screen when you wander into Gamestop. Unless you're the kind of person who is so into it that you won't buy it unless it has the exact characters/game elements/story you were looking for, you knew full well whether you would want to buy the game or not the moment you saw the poster. And if you're 50/50 about buying it, its because you're ambivalent about the series, not because you're waiting for reviews. With this kind of game, the reviews will tell you nothing useful that you didn't already know.

And if you've already made the decision in your head months ago, and the Goro preorder has been known for months, why not get the free content? You could order this thing one day in advance and get Goro.
04/12/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
In regard to the argument going on above:

Does anyone really think that more than a handful of people are going to wait for reviews before buying any Mortal Kombat game? People know what MK is all about by now. We've seen MKX gameplay on TV, on the internet, it plays on the screen when you wander into Gamestop. Unless you're the kind of person who is so into it that you won't buy it unless it has the exact characters/game elements/story you were looking for, you knew full well whether you would want to buy the game or not the moment you saw the poster. And if you're 50/50 about buying it, its because you're ambivalent about the series, not because you're waiting for reviews. With this kind of game, the reviews will tell you nothing useful that you didn't already know.

And if you've already made the decision in your head months ago, and the Goro preorder has been known for months, why not get the free content? You could order this thing one day in advance and get Goro.

Agreed but I figured my post was long enough as it was. Figured I would entertain his hypothetical situation lol.
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