About Me

04/09/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
I'd be fucking shocked if we get MK11 in 2017. Literally fucking shocked
About Me
04/09/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Reloaded for 2017 please.
04/09/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm not really angry, I just had pizza so I don't know how or why I would be angry :). I'm just being honest.

1) I'm not saying spoil anything, Stages don't spoil things especially the 4 stages they have locked. My point was that there was NOTHING new.

2) Stopped watching that bullshit a long time ago because of how dumb it is. I don't have problems with things being scripted my problem is with bad acting. His "Oh I don't believe you won" is cringe worthy. I enjoy a lot of movies which are scripted and have good acting, I don't enjoy bad acting in movies... If you were entertained good for you :).

3) Calling people stupid for not pre-ordering is just ignorant and not a really smart thing to even say. You do know not everybody knows about MKX so tell me what if somebody only knew about the game in May and wanted to play as Goro who is DLC and also on disk. Isn't that a bit shady? Pre-orders don't have to be on disk.

Goro is the sub-boss with ZERO explanation and a stupid move from NRS.

All your points just fall flat and can be summed up with "Let me kiss NRS's ass more please"
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/09/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
tfw senpai didn't notice you
04/09/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Clearly you've ingested too much pizza, Frockey.
Now gimme
04/09/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
NO! No pizza for you, spider scorpion human!
About Me
04/09/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Gotta be honest, I'm pleasantly surprised by the Jax and Jacqui variation walkthroughs. I didn't think they would look fun to play as, but they do.


I am really liking Farmer Jax also.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/09/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

No excuse?
Not everyone wants to gamble $60+ on a game they may not like.
After the job NRS did on Injustice, me and my friends are actually worried about this (we didn't like Injustice at all).
One of my friend's went out to buy a PS4 JUST for this game.
Y'know, the same strategy some people here keep "preaching" after the 360/PS3 version got delayed. "herpderp save ur money u poor ppl". Sound familiar?
And that's what he did even after me and another friend told him to really think about it and save his money for something else really important.
Whose going to look mad fucking stupid for spending $500+ (console,game,controller) IF none of us like this game next week?
04/09/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
Please, not another console war

I liked it better when it was Microsoft vs Sony.
04/09/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm not really angry, I just had pizza so I don't know how or why I would be angry :). I'm just being honest.

1) I'm not saying spoil anything, Stages don't spoil things especially the 4 stages they have locked. My point was that there was NOTHING new.

2) Stopped watching that bullshit a long time ago because of how dumb it is. I don't have problems with things being scripted my problem is with bad acting. His "Oh I don't believe you won" is cringe worthy. I enjoy a lot of movies which are scripted and have good acting, I don't enjoy bad acting in movies... If you were entertained good for you :).

3) Calling people stupid for not pre-ordering is just ignorant and not a really smart thing to even say. You do know not everybody knows about MKX so tell me what if somebody only knew about the game in May and wanted to play as Goro who is DLC and also on disk. Isn't that a bit shady? Pre-orders don't have to be on disk.

Goro is the sub-boss with ZERO explanation and a stupid move from NRS.

All your points just fall flat and can be summed up with "Let me kiss NRS's ass more please"

LOL You think I'm kissing NRS's ass? You just wait till Tuesday then when the spoiler gates are open for all cause I have a SHIT TON I'm gonna be bitching about that I'm just holding my tongue on for now, trust me. I'm just stating the obvious;

1) Can't speak to them hiding stuff because there are dialogues that are spoilerish, perhaps they were just covering their bases seeing as the convo's are random.

2) They do the fights cause casuals like the competition crap, it's nothing they take seriously. That's obvious and has been from the beginning so being angry about that now is pointless.

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

As for Weapon's comment, that's why people should be smart consumers but most aren't. I don't have tons of money to blow on games so I do my research, I read reviews and anything I'm not sold on I go to RedBox first and rent the thing for a night. If I'm sold, then I purchase. I never understood the logic of blindly buying things unless you know 100% without a doubt you're going to like it no matter its flaws.
About Me

04/09/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm not really angry, I just had pizza so I don't know how or why I would be angry :). I'm just being honest.

1) I'm not saying spoil anything, Stages don't spoil things especially the 4 stages they have locked. My point was that there was NOTHING new.

2) Stopped watching that bullshit a long time ago because of how dumb it is. I don't have problems with things being scripted my problem is with bad acting. His "Oh I don't believe you won" is cringe worthy. I enjoy a lot of movies which are scripted and have good acting, I don't enjoy bad acting in movies... If you were entertained good for you :).

3) Calling people stupid for not pre-ordering is just ignorant and not a really smart thing to even say. You do know not everybody knows about MKX so tell me what if somebody only knew about the game in May and wanted to play as Goro who is DLC and also on disk. Isn't that a bit shady? Pre-orders don't have to be on disk.

Goro is the sub-boss with ZERO explanation and a stupid move from NRS.

All your points just fall flat and can be summed up with "Let me kiss NRS's ass more please"

LOL You think I'm kissing NRS's ass? You just wait till Tuesday then when the spoiler gates are open for all cause I have a SHIT TON I'm gonna be bitching about that I'm just holding my tongue on for now, trust me. I'm just stating the obvious;

1) Can't speak to them hiding stuff because there are dialogues that are spoilerish, perhaps they were just covering their bases seeing as the convo's are random.

2) They do the fights cause casuals like the competition crap, it's nothing they take seriously. That's obvious and has been from the beginning so being angry about that now is pointless.

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

As for Weapon's comment, that's why people should be smart consumers but most aren't. I don't have tons of money to blow on games so I do my research, I read reviews and anything I'm not sold on I go to RedBox first and rent the thing for a night. If I'm sold, then I purchase. I never understood the logic of blindly buying things unless you know 100% without a doubt you're going to like it no matter its flaws.

04/09/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

LOL You think I'm kissing NRS's ass? You just wait till Tuesday then when the spoiler gates are open for all cause I have a SHIT TON I'm gonna be bitching about that I'm just holding my tongue on for now, trust me. I'm just stating the obvious;

1) Can't speak to them hiding stuff because there are dialogues that are spoilerish, perhaps they were just covering their bases seeing as the convo's are random.

2) They do the fights cause casuals like the competition crap, it's nothing they take seriously. That's obvious and has been from the beginning so being angry about that now is pointless.

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

Okay you might not be kissing their ass but it sure does seem like it because you have not responded to any my points and instead just dodged scorpion style.

1) I didn't say anything about the Intros when I responded to your point. I said they could've at least had the 4 stages unlocked and showed us at least one of them, my point was that they didn't show anything new that we have not seen before in other streams that they have been on. I did say they skipped Shinnok's intro but that was a separate point not the one I made.

So you have not responded to the first point I made.

2) This has nothing to do with that, what does what you said have to do with what I said. I said they can be fun and at least well acted instead of the bullshit "Oh do I really have to act like I was surprised?" thing they passed off.

3) WHAT?! Again it has nothing with what I said. I said you do know that not everybody knows about MKX let alone Goro. I'm not talking about people that already know the game I'm talking about people who don't even know the game exist but find out it does in May and decide to buy it, they buy it and find Goro locked behind a pay wall and he is already on disk. There is no excuse for having to pay things which are already part of the game and are on disk.

Point is - Goro is part of the game, he is the sub-boss. Why do I have to pay for something which is PART of the game I bought?

No excuse for bullshit like this, I thought Goro was not going to be involved at all which then would make sense for you to pay for him because he is an extra and not something which is part of what you already bought. This is why people thought that Goro was not going to be the Sub-boss for the longest while.

I really don't wanna fight over shitty people like SOME of the people at NRS or WB whoever made the choice for Goro to be on disk and also you have to pay for him. I love MK. I don't have to like the shitty people who made that choice.

Also this guy says the truth 100%:

WeaponTheory Wrote:

No excuse?
Not everyone wants to gamble $60+ on a game they may not like.
After the job NRS did on Injustice, me and my friends are actually worried about this (we didn't like Injustice at all).
One of my friend's went out to buy a PS4 JUST for this game.
Y'know, the same strategy some people here keep "preaching" after the 360/PS3 version got delayed. "herpderp save ur money u poor ppl". Sound familiar?
And that's what he did even after me and another friend told him to really think about it and save his money for something else really important.
Whose going to look mad fucking stupid for spending $500+ (console,game,controller) IF none of us like this game next week?

I know this too well. I am lucky enough because MKX is coming out for PC otherwise I would have not been able to play it until Aug. I got my PC as a gift and it doesn't even meet the req for MKX but with enough tweaks I can surely run it.

Not everybody can buy a PS4 and surely not every is lucky enough to find a job that pay enough for him to have the luxury of getting a PS4 and the game.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/09/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
*sigh* I strongly believe Jacqui's Shotgun Variation should had been a Kickboxing Variation instead.

What would that even be? Kick boxing is boxing with kicks and knee strikes, which she does. Fighting style is more for normals, you still need some specials.

She'd get a running knee attack. Instead of the weapon shot she does after her dash move in the other variations. She'd do a jump and knee then in the back. Ex version does more damage.

She'd get an input grab where she does two knees to the enemy face and then a kick to their legs. Ex-version ends with a knock up kick.

She'd also get some kickboxing related strings.

Not hard to come up with it.
04/09/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
Good God people, shut up.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/09/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
LOL You think I'm kissing NRS's ass? You just wait till Tuesday then when the spoiler gates are open for all cause I have a SHIT TON I'm gonna be bitching about that I'm just holding my tongue on for now, trust me.

Oh dear...

Anxiety swarms the hype with this statement.

Can't wait to get my hands on Goro, or Goro's hands on someone else I should say. MUCH better presentation than his trailer.

Jax is still kind of meh, but I like his X-ray. Jacqui has piqued my interests quite a bit though. Hold the fuck up, did Casselman just get a shout out? Happy Birthday man!
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/09/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Hold the fuck up, did Casselman just get a shout out? Happy Birthday man!

lol I wonder if it's the same Casselman.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/09/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm not really angry, I just had pizza so I don't know how or why I would be angry :). I'm just being honest.

1) I'm not saying spoil anything, Stages don't spoil things especially the 4 stages they have locked. My point was that there was NOTHING new.

2) Stopped watching that bullshit a long time ago because of how dumb it is. I don't have problems with things being scripted my problem is with bad acting. His "Oh I don't believe you won" is cringe worthy. I enjoy a lot of movies which are scripted and have good acting, I don't enjoy bad acting in movies... If you were entertained good for you :).

3) Calling people stupid for not pre-ordering is just ignorant and not a really smart thing to even say. You do know not everybody knows about MKX so tell me what if somebody only knew about the game in May and wanted to play as Goro who is DLC and also on disk. Isn't that a bit shady? Pre-orders don't have to be on disk.

Goro is the sub-boss with ZERO explanation and a stupid move from NRS.

All your points just fall flat and can be summed up with "Let me kiss NRS's ass more please"

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

As for Weapon's comment, that's why people should be smart consumers but most aren't. I don't have tons of money to blow on games so I do my research, I read reviews and anything I'm not sold on I go to RedBox first and rent the thing for a night. If I'm sold, then I purchase. I never understood the logic of blindly buying things unless you know 100% without a doubt you're going to like it no matter its flaws.

Come on dude not everyone can or will spend the full price of a newly released game. Not everyone can immediatly go and pre-order the game.

Why should these people have to pre-order and pay full or nearly full price just to play as Goro?

Why do they have to pay more if they decide to wait one day, when reviews are out and they can make a more informed decision than us who ARE going in blindly?

Goro is already in the game. And they're locking him behind a pay wall.

There's 0 way you can support that decision and not be either a shill or a blind fanboy.

Pre-order should've been some skins for the playable characters. They«re cosmetic.
Not an entirely playable character.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/09/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Hold the fuck up, did Casselman just get a shout out? Happy Birthday man!

lol I wonder if it's the same Casselman.

It's just gotta be. First name matched as well. Fellow James here so I should remember this, lol. Time will tell once he logs on.

But if it is, GG @ trolling Derek my friend.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/09/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
As for Weapon's comment, that's why people should be smart consumers but most aren't. I don't have tons of money to blow on games so I do my research, I read reviews and anything I'm not sold on I go to RedBox first and rent the thing for a night. If I'm sold, then I purchase. I never understood the logic of blindly buying things unless you know 100% without a doubt you're going to like it no matter its flaws.

Alright, so let's rewind that back one more time.

A character as a pre-order bonus is bullshit.
There's no way to get Goro character for free unless you blindly buy the game in advance.
Because after the game is released, Goro is going to be $$$.

Do you agree?
04/09/2015 10:51 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Man you sure are full of anger today. lol

1) You know, there ARE people who don't know the game is leaked, who don't look up leaked information and who don't spoil themselves like us diehards so of course they're gonna still keep that close to the chest. That's just common sense.

2) The stream is entertainment for us, entertainment is scripted 99% of the time so who cares? So is wrestling, look how popular that shit is.

3) That's the whole point of Goro being a pre-order. It's free. There's no excuse not to pre-order if you want Goro. Honestly, the people who didn't are just stupid and out $5 instead of pre-ordering literally anywhere and getting him for free.

I'm not really angry, I just had pizza so I don't know how or why I would be angry :). I'm just being honest.

1) I'm not saying spoil anything, Stages don't spoil things especially the 4 stages they have locked. My point was that there was NOTHING new.

2) Stopped watching that bullshit a long time ago because of how dumb it is. I don't have problems with things being scripted my problem is with bad acting. His "Oh I don't believe you won" is cringe worthy. I enjoy a lot of movies which are scripted and have good acting, I don't enjoy bad acting in movies... If you were entertained good for you :).

3) Calling people stupid for not pre-ordering is just ignorant and not a really smart thing to even say. You do know not everybody knows about MKX so tell me what if somebody only knew about the game in May and wanted to play as Goro who is DLC and also on disk. Isn't that a bit shady? Pre-orders don't have to be on disk.

Goro is the sub-boss with ZERO explanation and a stupid move from NRS.

All your points just fall flat and can be summed up with "Let me kiss NRS's ass more please"

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

As for Weapon's comment, that's why people should be smart consumers but most aren't. I don't have tons of money to blow on games so I do my research, I read reviews and anything I'm not sold on I go to RedBox first and rent the thing for a night. If I'm sold, then I purchase. I never understood the logic of blindly buying things unless you know 100% without a doubt you're going to like it no matter its flaws.

Come on dude not everyone can or will spend the full price of a newly released game. Not everyone can immediatly go and pre-order the game.

Why should these people have to pre-order and pay full or nearly full price just to play as Goro?

Why do they have to pay more if they decide to wait one day, when reviews are out and they can make a more informed decision than us who ARE going in blindly?

Goro is already in the game. And they're locking him behind a pay wall.

There's 0 way you can support that decision and not be either a shill or a blind fanboy.

Pre-order should've been some skins for the playable characters. They«re cosmetic.
Not an entirely playable character.

I never said it was a smart thing to do, I've just accepted that this is the way the gaming industry is and me bitching about it isn't gonna do anything when so many gaming consumers just blindly pay for anything and everything they can get their hands on. They're the reason we have micro-transactions.

That's why it's a glorious pre-order. If a consumer doesn't like the reviews that come out or doesn't like what they see, go in and cancel it and get your $5 down back. No harm, no foul. So I still see no visible harm behind it. If anything, it's just a mild inconvenience.

As for Sharefrock's lengthy reply, I'm about to go into a late meeting so I'll get to it later. I did see he mentioned I skimped on some of his points and that's because I'm sitting here going back and forth with colleagues until the speaker comes in so I wasn't giving your argument my full attention at the moment. However, I'd just like to put out while I may have come off blunt about it, I've never said I agree with the marketing tactic they're using, it's just the reality. If people aren't that interested in MK to know its coming out, I don't think they'd likely give two shits about playing as Goro. If they do, then there's always the cheaper Komplete Edition that'll be on its way and they can pay less for more characters in a years time. They had/have their options, its up to them to decide what to do about it. People seem to be forgetting a pre-order is $5 down. If you cancel it, you get your $5 back. You don't lose anything by pre-ordering and changing your mind later if you think you won't like the product. It's honestly not that big of a damn deal, folks. Like I said earlier, mild inconvenience. Not everyone gives a crap about Goro, just like not everyone is gonna buy the DLC. For those who want him, he's there. For those who don't give a damn, it's nothing lost.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/09/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)
Color me surprised Jax and Jacqui are actually pretty cool after all. Nice variations.
04/10/2015 12:00 AM (UTC)
Jacqui actually looks fun to play as.

Good on you for exceeding my expectations for the time being.

You good too Jax. Just that grapplers aren't my cup of tea
04/10/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

LOL You think I'm kissing NRS's ass? You just wait till Tuesday then when the spoiler gates are open for all cause I have a SHIT TON I'm gonna be bitching about that I'm just holding my tongue on for now, trust me. I'm just stating the obvious;

1) Can't speak to them hiding stuff because there are dialogues that are spoilerish, perhaps they were just covering their bases seeing as the convo's are random.

2) They do the fights cause casuals like the competition crap, it's nothing they take seriously. That's obvious and has been from the beginning so being angry about that now is pointless.

3) Yes, they are dumb. Goro has been thrown in anyone's face who even may have the smallest interest in MKX for half a year now, since September. That's half a friggin' year he's been pimped out over and over and over. He's been attached to every trailer, they've mentioned him every stream, hundreds of tweets about him, a friggin' poster featuring his face in my local Gamestop is hanging up; if anyone who had even 2% interest in this game has seen ANYTHING of it, I'd bet they've seen Goro and saw he's pre-order exclusive. If they wanted him, they should've pre-ordered. Simple as that, they have no one to blame but themselves if they didn't and now they're out 5 bucks. To any who find out about the game late, then guess what? Komplete Edition 2016. That's all I'll say.

Okay you might not be kissing their ass but it sure does seem like it because you have not responded to any my points and instead just dodged scorpion style.

1) I didn't say anything about the Intros when I responded to your point. I said they could've at least had the 4 stages unlocked and showed us at least one of them, my point was that they didn't show anything new that we have not seen before in other streams that they have been on. I did say they skipped Shinnok's intro but that was a separate point not the one I made.

So you have not responded to the first point I made.

2) This has nothing to do with that, what does what you said have to do with what I said. I said they can be fun and at least well acted instead of the bullshit "Oh do I really have to act like I was surprised?" thing they passed off.

3) WHAT?! Again it has nothing with what I said. I said you do know that not everybody knows about MKX let alone Goro. I'm not talking about people that already know the game I'm talking about people who don't even know the game exist but find out it does in May and decide to buy it, they buy it and find Goro locked behind a pay wall and he is already on disk. There is no excuse for having to pay things which are already part of the game and are on disk.

Point is - Goro is part of the game, he is the sub-boss. Why do I have to pay for something which is PART of the game I bought?

No excuse for bullshit like this, I thought Goro was not going to be involved at all which then would make sense for you to pay for him because he is an extra and not something which is part of what you already bought. This is why people thought that Goro was not going to be the Sub-boss for the longest while.

I really don't wanna fight over shitty people like SOME of the people at NRS or WB whoever made the choice for Goro to be on disk and also you have to pay for him. I love MK. I don't have to like the shitty people who made that choice.

So, as for arenas, I have no idea why they're holding them back other than just letting the casuals be surprised when they get the game. That's the only explanation I've got. It sucks but what're we gonna do about it, you know?

As for the fights, I think they're having fun with it but I think when Tyler won, it was obvious why he won. People were cheering him on so they thought it'd be "exciting" if he won. And since it's been obvious maybe not that Derek is trying to let him win, but that Derek is letting him get some cheap shots in. Either that or Derek is just toying with Tyler completely. Either way, it's fine with me. I can see why it annoys you but at this point I'm watching the game to see the gameplay and could care less if it's them fighting or them demonstrating. I'm seeing it in action and that's what I'm watching for.

As for Goro, not everybody who plays MK cares about playing as a boss character either. IF they want him, they had/have their options. Either they should've pre-ordered, they can buy him for $5 or they can wait and get the DLC characters with him for no added price in the Komplete version next year. I'm not condoning the behavior of that decision by any means but that's the reality. People had six months to look up MK, to see it on some website, to view a trailer on YouTube, and everytime there was Goro staring you in the face at the end of said trailers. NRS marketed the character to the point of being obnoxiously annoying about it so if someone didn't know about it and waited to get the game after release, well then, don't know what to tell ya. That's not who they were marketing the character towards.

With all that said, I completely understand your point of view and where its coming from, I just don't think its as big of a deal as many are making it out to be. There are way worse offenders when it comes to pre-order shit (Arkham City for an example; an exclusive skin that is exclusive to certain stores via pre-orders so there's virtually no way to get them all until they make you purchase them).
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God of War is Back!

04/10/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)

I liked this part.grin
04/10/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote: Ultimate MKX.

People still would probably hate the roster, but I would love to see that. Even if they only update the non returning MK9 characters and give the cameos move sets, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
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