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06/13/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
I really think Sonya would be awesome, as a 50 years, no nonsense, combat vet. She could have an alt where she is younger, the 3 combat variations would let you choose a fighting style that represents her younger days, and another style could be less acrobatic, and focus more on counters, grapples and limb breakers.

I'd really like to see her get this treatment.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/13/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
I don't know, I see Sonya playable in the past. But I feel like Cassie has that Cage personality because she grew up with Johnny as a single father.

Or Cassie adopted her late father's attitude from watching his old films and was raised and trained by her mother.

I just never want Sonya to be dead. tongue Though the dog tags have me concerned. As far as replacing older female characters with younger ones; its only Sonya who'll be affected by such a thing. I'm doubtful we'll see Kira again (a pity) and Frost is already still seen as a copy of a character so I can't see them doing it yet again. But Sonya, given the series' history of how its portrayed women is probably in danger of being replaced. For now anyway.

Yeah I feel like she's going to be raised by one parent but I'm going with the former.

And I never answered to the OP. Most of the females are already "older" and when they age, they don't show it. Just bringing up the females from MK9 (dead or not)...
- Kitana (10,000 years old)
- Mileena (Clone, original timeline same as Kitana but still shouldn't age in new timeline)
- Jade (Edenian)
- Sindel (She already looks older in MK9)
- Sheeva (Shokan's can live up to a long time as well)
- Skarlet (Another creation that I just don't see aging)

The only exception from the cast is Sonya, and I don't know if she's going to be alive or dead but I'm leaning toward the latter here.

And to move on to the next games. I don't see these ladies aging as well...
- Tanya (Edenian like the rest)
- Li Mei (Outworld)
- Nitara (Vampire)
- Sareena (Demon)
- Ashrah (Same as above)
- Khameleon (Saurian)

Frost and Kira are the exceptions here but I feel like they have a really small chance of ever being brought back.
06/13/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
I'd like to ask the question, why does it really matter if the Earthrealm women (or males for that matter) age? From a marketing perspective, it makes no sense. People want to play as young, athletic, powerful characters. Also, most of Earthrealm's aged heroes wouldn't be able to compete with the seemingly ageless non-Earthrealm creatures.

I understand some people are concerned with exploitation of women and sexism, but this is a videogame. A very violent, mature videogame that depicts people having their intestines shoved through their own eyeballs, but people are concerned with exposed cleavage? Priorities, people.

It's fantasy.
06/13/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)

Actually does anyone know where the 10,000 year old thing came from? Wasn't it mentioned in the movie first? If so, then where did that idea come from? I don't remember it being made canon in the games until UMK3. UMK3 came out after the movie didn't it?

06/13/2014 12:59 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'd like to ask the question, why does it really matter if the Earthrealm women (or males for that matter) age? From a marketing perspective, it makes no sense. People want to play as young, athletic, powerful characters. Also, most of Earthrealm's aged heroes wouldn't be able to compete with the seemingly ageless non-Earthrealm creatures.

its more so about making things fair. I don't see how all these fighting games opt to keep males when they get older but retire the women just cause they're not in their 20's/ early 30's

I mean Michelle from tekken isn't even that old but she still got replaced by her daughter. Yet senior citizens like Heihachi, Baek, and Wang get to stay competing with the young folk. So if they can apply this fantasy element to these older men being able to stay in competition, i don't see why the same can't be applied for women.

Sonya is one of the few girls in MK that ages normally, so her chances in surviving storymode til the 25th year relies heavily on whether the mk team wants to keep a woman her age in the series.

if in the next game, Johnny Cage gets to return and they kill off Sonya while shes still young (waaaay before the end of the 25th year), it'll really show what i'm talking about.

Regardless of her age in the series, there are still many fans who want to play as Sonya and not someone who plays a little bit like her.
06/13/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Either way, it's been long established for years that Kitana and all Outworlders don't age the same way humans do. I mean, look at the first Mortal Kombat game where it mentions that Goro and Shang Tsung have been the champions for the last five hundred years. That alone has implied that these non-Earthrealm creatures were capable of living for centuries, something that sets them apart from ordinary humans.
06/13/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'd like to ask the question, why does it really matter if the Earthrealm women (or males for that matter) age? From a marketing perspective, it makes no sense. People want to play as young, athletic, powerful characters. Also, most of Earthrealm's aged heroes wouldn't be able to compete with the seemingly ageless non-Earthrealm creatures.

I understand some people are concerned with exploitation of women and sexism, but this is a videogame. A very violent, mature videogame that depicts people having their intestines shoved through their own eyeballs, but people are concerned with exposed cleavage? Priorities, people.

It's fantasy.

^This guy gets it.

But I would be kind of annoyed if they didn't age characters who needed to be aged. This is the only fighting game I play so I'm not familiar with what other games do in a situation like this.

Sonya is the only Earth female though. All the other ladies are from Edenia and Outworld, so they can pretty much look the same forever.

06/13/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Men and women age differently, though. Characters like Heihachi and Wang are the embodiment of martial arts masters. They actually increase in strength and ability as they age, it's that whole "Elderly Master" thing.

This is more of a story issue for me. Why bother introducing Sony and Johnny's daughter unless there is some pivotal meaning for her being there, like her parents were killed? The game itself is supposed to take place in the future with new characters who are either completely new or share some relationship to past characters.

I don't think the MK team is being sexist as you're implying. It's not like they took Sonya's daughter and made her a sluttier, younger version of her. She's dressed very modestly in comparison to women in the last game and I found her style is very unique, despite being Sonya and Johnny's daughter, making her an original character.

Eventually Sonya and other Earthrealm characters are gonna get to be too old, and most likely get killed, as is the nature of MK. At some point the MK team is gonna have to retire these characters for new ones and as I said earlier, I think MK2011 was the last game for a ton of characters before the team introduces us to newer, younger Kombatants.
06/13/2014 01:26 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Men and women age differently, though. Characters like Heihachi and Wang are the embodiment of martial arts masters. They actually increase in strength and ability as they age, it's that whole "Elderly Master" thing.

This is more of a story issue for me. Why bother introducing Sony and Johnny's daughter unless there is some pivotal meaning for her being there, like her parents were killed? The game itself is supposed to take place in the future with new characters who are either completely new or share some relationship to past characters.

I don't think the MK team is being sexist as you're implying. It's not like they took Sonya's daughter and made her a sluttier, younger version of her. She's dressed very modestly in comparison to women in the last game and I found her style is very unique, despite being Sonya and Johnny's daughter, making her an original character.

Eventually Sonya and other Earthrealm characters are gonna get to be too old, and most likely get killed, as is the nature of MK. At some point the MK team is gonna have to retire these characters for new ones and as I said earlier, I think MK2011 was the last game for a ton of characters before the team introduces us to newer, younger Kombatants.

Retiring/replacing characters for story reasons is not optimal, especially in a fighting game.

Is Sheeva more deserving at being in the game than Sonya, just because she doesn't age? I think not, because Sheeva has been given several chances and still hasn't clicked with the players, i'd understand if people want Tanya/Li Mei/Ashrah/whatever over MK1-3 characters since they really haven't been given enough spotlight to truly click with the fans, but ultimately, i think storyline should be put aside in fighting games, i love that MK has a decent one, but they can always have some excuse or reasons for fighters being there.
06/13/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
I totally agree with your post. There has been a double standard when it comes to older females in fighting games and the medium as a whole. The thing with Cassie though... I like Cassie lol. I think shes just an overall better designed Sonya. No need to have new modern Sonya and "old but still has double d's" Sonya.

So if it's a matter of making better character than I'm all for it. I do agree though, I would like some wise old female character. (Who isn't immortal)
06/13/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Men and women age differently, though. Characters like Heihachi and Wang are the embodiment of martial arts masters. They actually increase in strength and ability as they age, it's that whole "Elderly Master" thing.

I don't think the MK team is being sexist as you're implying. It's not like they took Sonya's daughter and made her a sluttier, younger version of her. She's dressed very modestly in comparison to women in the last game and I found her style is very unique, despite being Sonya and Johnny's daughter, making her an original character.

Eventually Sonya and other Earthrealm characters are gonna get to be too old, and most likely get killed, as is the nature of MK. At some point the MK team is gonna have to retire these characters for new ones and as I said earlier, I think MK2011 was the last game for a ton of characters before the team introduces us to newer, younger Kombatants.

i don't think bringing real life elements regarding the genders aging differently really justifies anything. Men are stronger than women physically but in these games you have 5'4 tall females beat the crap out of a huge bear or a 4 armed monster. Like i said before, if the fantasy element of these games can be applied to older male fighters, can't the same be for women figthers in their 40's/50's?

huh?? i don't think the mk team is sexist.... i never have. Everything i said is in regard to those japanese games and if MK does follow the same route with Sonya, i'd think it be a little unfair to Sonya fans. Thats all.

I agree with the last statement but for me i think 40/50-ish is an age thats too early to retire.... even in this world of fictional female fighters... Maybe 70/80-ish then yeah
06/13/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Every game should have a decent story, otherwise there is nothing endearing to the game, especially one like MK where the initial attraction was the fact you could kill people in horrific ways.

Look at the new Killer Instinct. Very cool game. But people were disappointed in the lack of content, especially no STORY mode. We couldn't learn more about the characters and that makes them uninteresting.

Sometimes people fail to realize the importance of a game or any series having a great story. Why do you think everyone is so concerned with what the story is, what characters will be in it, new characters etc. Because they care about the story and the characters interwoven into it. But then people are selfish and they believe if THEIR favorite character isn't in the game, then it's not worth playing, and so they hate on the unreleased game.
06/13/2014 01:50 AM (UTC)
huh?? i don't think the mk team is sexist.... i never have. Everything i said is in regard to those japanese games and if MK does follow the same route with Sonya, i'd think it be a little unfair to Sonya fans. Thats all.

It's not just unfair to Sonya fans. It's unfair to Stryker fans. It's unfair to Jade fans. It's unfair to Sindel fans. Sure, you can say, "well, they're all dead", but maybe Sonya is dead too, along with Cage, which is why Cassie is fighting in the next MK, probably cuz she was raised and trained to do so.

This game is going to be unfair to everyone whose fav character isn't going to be in this game. The MK universe has over 100 characters (including every MK spinoff, comic, TV show etc). Someone has their own favorite which most likely won't be in the new game. Mine is Reptile, and I think the chances are slim, because the MK team is moving ahead with a new story, setting, characters etc. But I'm okay with that because I'm sure there will be some throwback to him.

The simple fact of the matter, though, is no one really wants to play as an older Sonya, when we have her daughter now and a ton of new characters. Sonya's been around for TWENTY YEARS. At the very least, someone from the MK4 and onward era deserves a chance.
06/13/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Every game should have a decent story, otherwise there is nothing endearing to the game, especially one like MK where the initial attraction was the fact you could kill people in horrific ways.

Look at the new Killer Instinct. Very cool game. But people were disappointed in the lack of content, especially no STORY mode. We couldn't learn more about the characters and that makes them uninteresting.

Sometimes people fail to realize the importance of a game or any series having a great story. Why do you think everyone is so concerned with what the story is, what characters will be in it, new characters etc. Because they care about the story and the characters interwoven into it. But then people are selfish and they believe if THEIR favorite character isn't in the game, then it's not worth playing, and so they hate on the unreleased game.

You are completely missing the point. I'm not sure about you, but most people that bought MK9 beat story mode maybe a couple of times and spent most of their time playing online/arcade/whatever with their favorite characters, fact is, people will obviously be upset if the characters they like to play as are not in the game, regardless of if the storyline of the game is GREAT or mediocre, it's a fighting game after all.
06/13/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
06/13/2014 02:04 AM (UTC)

Most part of the characters of MK are immortal, will not say otherwise.....

The characters die and always come back because? by magic?

Now the age of Sonya is important? only for her haters.

She can stay out playbable in this game, but I do not accept if she in future games be replaced by his daughter.

She is the classic female character from MK, has a history in the game, and it would be unfair to be removed from the game because of age.

MK its a GAME not REAL LIFE to one character to be removed because her age.
06/13/2014 02:28 AM (UTC)
Cassie Cage is nothing like Sonya or Johnny Cage, so the fear of clone replacement is pointless.

Clearly, Boon wants a completely new set of protagonists and villains, so I doubt we'll be seeing any kind of clone.
06/13/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
I was just thinking, people are always saying characters get killed all the time and seemingly return, but that isn't the case. Hardly any characters have actually been killed canon-wise in the game and brought back. Allow me to share some examples:

Ignoring MK: Shaolin Monks, naturally, we have:

1. Noob = killed by Scorpion in MK1, resurrected by Quan-Chi
2. Mileena = killed by Kitana in MK2, resurrected by Shao Kahn, then killed between MKT-MKG and resurrected in the Netherrealm by Shinnok
3. Johnny Cage = killed by Motaro, resurrected from Heaven by Raiden
4. Liu Kang = killed by Shang Tsung, resurrected into a zombie by Raiden

Just the ones that come to mind.

And I think in MK:D, most of the Earthrealm characters were "killed" or were merely beaten and placed under a spell by the Onaga.

Most of the other characters were either "presumed" dead or were only seriously injured and recovered, such as Kung Lao, Kabal, Kano etc.

Anyway, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are the only returning characters we know of so far, and they're the two main mascots, so it makes sense. We can't pass judgement until we see more returning characters.
06/13/2014 03:55 AM (UTC)
jack4813 Wrote:
An older man is a man with experience, a man with knowledge gained only from living a long, hard life. He is mature, and wise.

An older woman is ugly.

Ah, patriarchy...

back to tumblr with you.

Anyways nothing wrong with and old male or female character. just do it right make them look cool, and a good story.
06/13/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
It's not just unfair to Sonya fans. It's unfair to Stryker fans. It's unfair to Jade fans. It's unfair to Sindel fans. Sure, you can say, "well, they're all dead", but maybe Sonya is dead too, along with Cage, which is why Cassie is fighting in the next MK, probably cuz she was raised and trained to do so.

This game is going to be unfair to everyone whose fav character isn't going to be in this game. The MK universe has over 100 characters (including every MK spinoff, comic, TV show etc). Someone has their own favorite which most likely won't be in the new game. Mine is Reptile, and I think the chances are slim, because the MK team is moving ahead with a new story, setting, characters etc. But I'm okay with that because I'm sure there will be some throwback to him.
The simple fact of the matter, though, is no one really wants to play as an older Sonya, when we have her daughter now and a ton of new characters. Sonya's been around for TWENTY YEARS. At the very least, someone from the MK4 and onward era deserves a chance.

uuhh you're completely missing the point >_> It would be unfair if they kept old Johnny but not old Sonya cause of her age. but this is all speculation IF they do follow what the japanese games did.

There are plently Sonya fans who would still like her in presence in the game regardless of age. Who are you to say no one wants to play as Sonya in her 40's/50's? are you by definition "everybody"?

40-50's years old is not that old for goodness sakes.
06/13/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
Most of the women in MK live for hundreds or thousands of years.

Only those from Earthrealm are at risk of dying of old age, and that's just Sonya, Kira, and Frost.
06/13/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
SO much talk of "Fair" in here. Do I need to quote Master Splinter up in this bitch?

"Do not seek justice. Seek victory."

Stop talking about what's fair. Life is not fair. Understand that NRS owe us nothing. MK continues to exist 20 years later. Things could be far worse.

Sonya is NOT going to get bumped because of old age. If she gets bumped it will be due to injury/death. Or fuck, what if she abandoned her family (Johhny and Cassie) because she was tired of being mixed up in all of Raiden's drama? That would be the most interesting thing the character has EVER done.

06/13/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
How could Frost be human if she does ice moves like Sub-zero? I'm confused...
06/13/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
I just want to mention that Jeri Ryan, who played Sonya in Legacy, is 46 years old. So I don't think it would be too crazy for them to put Sonya in.

That being said, I fully expect both Sonya and Johnny to be left out of this game, and you know what? I'm totally fine with that. Johnny Cage is my favorite character and Sonya is one my tops, but I will be completely happy with just Cassie.

What MK seems to be doing right that other games like SC and Tekken did wrong, is while Cassie takes elements of past characters, she's fully fleshed out and not just a new skin with another characters moves.
06/13/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Brunoamamaria Wrote:
How could Frost be human if she does ice moves like Sub-zero? I'm confused...

Frost is part human and part Cryomancer, like Sub-Zero.
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