Official Shinnok MKX Thread!
posted04/14/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)by
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07/14/2004 01:41 AM (UTC)
Let's start this by saying im super f'n hyped my boy is an on board roster lock.
this is the best he's appeared in any game with the exception of his holographic image in mk9.

The things that most intrigue me about shinnok is simple. But I will rant a bit and go into further detail.

Mk4 saw his debut which I admit I was a little curious on him. Started out that way for me anyway. Mortal Kombat had it's own version of Count Chocula.

All jokes aside shinnok is and always was interesting to say the least. The pale white skin similar to quan chi. It always made me wonder what race is he and quan chi. Why are they the only 2 characters with that skin complexion is there more of them like there is shokan and tarkata? Would love to know.

And that hat he wears. Is that a source of power or energy. Was it given to him as a gateway to pass through portals without the amulet. What's it's purpose and how come we've never seen it come off except when turns into Lucifer?

This is stuff that always intrigued me and why I been passionate for him as I was for stryker until his story was told in mk9. Great closure for me it was really what I needed and I'm hoping mkx will follow suite for shinnok. In mkmsz we found out he was a fallen elder god who wanted power in the amulet. His true form is lucifer and that he's lord shinnok to quan chi who has no real alignment with shinnok other then greed to tap into power all his own which he firmly had in mk4/da/deception/mk9?

What really has me wondering is all the red gems embedded into his wardrobe. Does these have anything to do with the gems you had to break in mkas konquest? Does this allow him passage to the floors of his spire? Something im itching to find out really bad.

Shinnok to me has always been the most mysterious character to me. And one I've loved for a long long time. The fact that he exist, was a fallen elder god, is lucifer, battled raiden to stalemates in the heavens has probably if not more mastery over magic then that of quan chi shang tsung shao kahn? Just has me wondering what's holding his potential back from being exploited the same way quan chis has with the progression of games.

Either way I'm fucking stoked my boy is in and made it. I'm really hoping for that lack of depth to be expanded on immensely in this game so shinnok can be a full fledged fleshed out character!

Here's to my favorite Fallen Elder god in MKX! #Hypeover9000
03/15/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
You have a lot of passion for Shinnok, Congratz bro :).

He looks amazing. Design wise, I like that he has all those red jewels, I don't know it just fits Shinnok and his personality. After all his fall was his greed.

The "hat", I don't know if it's actually a hat or a part of him. Is pretty nice and in this game it looks better because it's similar to a crown rather than a silly hat. Again fitting the character of Shinnok.

I personally like Shinnok, Always have liked him. What I liked most about him in MK4 is his creative and awesome fatalities that involve the skeleton hands, I like Shinnok in MKA because they gave him some of skeleton hand moves as well. They have always been awesome.

Story wise, I think he is a formidable boss and a powerful one. He, after all, killed lesser gods like Raiden and Fujin with the help of the Brotherhood of shadow. And he looks to be amazing in this game as well, I really can't wait to see how he plays and where they go with his story. I hope they don't let him take a break for about 3 games after this one, like they did when they first introduced him.

He is great and he will always have a place in the MKU, I also hope he doesn't get betrayed by Quan chi. That was cool and all but time for a different story.

And the last thing I want to say... Again COOL FUCKING SIG! Seriously I think that sig is badass.

Happy for you man, Shinnok will kick ass in MKX :).
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/15/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
Shinnok will definitely probably be in my top 3 main characters. He looks amazing. Glad he made the cut since 3D era spots were few lol
03/15/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
Shinnok was always one of the most underrated characters in the series, i'm so glad he's finally back, his MKX version will hopefully do wonders for him, and make him much more popular, on par with Kenshi and Quan Chi. Sad because i was hoping the MK4 character would be Tanya, but Shinnok would've been my second choice, and they did him justice.
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03/15/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
I think he should join the Special Forces and quit being so grumpy smile Everybody cool is doing it!

I'm happy he made it in, he was my top choice for post-Trilogy inclusion. I find him the most intriguing and compelling of the sorcerers. My gripe has always been his looks and somewhat goofy hat, but MKX Shinnok transcends gripe. He looks ominous, mysterious and powerful.

Can't wait to see him in action, with some bitchin' Skeleton Hands specials!
03/15/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
I am also extremely shocked that he's probably the only character in the game that made it because of story importance, and not popularity. He's popular for a post-MK3 character, though.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
I must admit, for a minute I was getting worried about Shinnok. Up until a week ago, they seemed to be ignoring the fact that they teased us with him at the end of mk9. I was worried that they were gonna give him some bs cameo and go with a new plot. I'm glad they finally showed him to us and with a sick design no less.

He's kicking ass in that whole cage trailer, I know he'll eventually lose, but it's gonna be entertaining to watch him fuck everybody up first.
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Top 5 MK Fighters: Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung

03/15/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
Let's start this by saying im super f'n hyped my boy is an on board roster lock.
this is the best he's appeared in any game with the exception of his holographic image in mk9.

The things that most intrigue me about shinnok is simple. But I will rant a bit and go into further detail.

Mk4 saw his debut which I admit I was a little curious on him. Started out that way for me anyway. Mortal Kombat had it's own version of Count Chocula.

All jokes aside shinnok is and always was interesting to say the least. The pale white skin similar to quan chi. It always made me wonder what race is he and quan chi. Why are they the only 2 characters with that skin complexion is there more of them like there is shokan and tarkata? Would love to know.

And that hat he wears. Is that a source of power or energy. Was it given to him as a gateway to pass through portals without the amulet. What's it's purpose and how come we've never seen it come off except when turns into Lucifer?

This is stuff that always intrigued me and why I been passionate for him as I was for stryker until his story was told in mk9. Great closure for me it was really what I needed and I'm hoping mkx will follow suite for shinnok. In mkmsz we found out he was a fallen elder god who wanted power in the amulet. His true form is lucifer and that he's lord shinnok to quan chi who has no real alignment with shinnok other then greed to tap into power all his own which he firmly had in mk4/da/deception/mk9?

What really has me wondering is all the red gems embedded into his wardrobe. Does these have anything to do with the gems you had to break in mkas konquest? Does this allow him passage to the floors of his spire? Something im itching to find out really bad.

Shinnok to me has always been the most mysterious character to me. And one I've loved for a long long time. The fact that he exist, was a fallen elder god, is lucifer, battled raiden to stalemates in the heavens has probably if not more mastery over magic then that of quan chi shang tsung shao kahn? Just has me wondering what's holding his potential back from being exploited the same way quan chis has with the progression of games.

Either way I'm fucking stoked my boy is in and made it. I'm really hoping for that lack of depth to be expanded on immensely in this game so shinnok can be a full fledged fleshed out character!

Here's to my favorite Fallen Elder god in MKX! #Hypeover9000

I'm as happy as you are. I can't wait to see how he plays in MKX.
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03/15/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
Glad this thread was well received. Thanks to everyone participating in it!
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03/15/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
First time I saw Shinnok back in MK4 I was like... meh but in time... he has kinda grow on me. In MKX his design looks superb and I can ́t wait what role does he plays in the story and how he collide with Reiko and Havik being in the medallion. The misterious/disturbing thing here is... what is Quan Chi Fuç* ́ng doing??
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03/15/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
I must admit, I didn't like Shinnok in MK4. I thought his design was a little silly and the idea of him being a playable boss made him feel less intimidating. Plus, until then, the bosses, for the most part, had been big, hulking creatures or demons.

However, I used him a lot in MKA. That's when I realized he had a lot of potential as a character if given the time to develop him properly. Plus, with him not being the boss, it made him better in my mind.

And I've been hoping that he would be in this game since pretty much day 1. I love the new design and can't wait to see actual gameplay of him.

Glad you got your boy, Minion. I know you were losing faith in this game for a while. I hope his inclusion restored your faith.
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
03/15/2015 07:02 PM (UTC)
Bodisamba Wrote:
First time I saw Shinnok back in MK4 I was like... meh but in time... he has kinda grow on me. In MKX his design looks superb and I can ́t wait what role does he plays in the story and how he collide with Reiko and Havik being in the medallion.

The misterious/disturbing thing here is... what is Quan Chi Fuç* ́ng doing??

That's a good question. Quan chi looks to be going into the pinhead from hell raiser direction. The black leather outfit and all. Make me wonder if the amulet traps people does it manifest them how the puzzle box does to the cenobites. Maybe that's why they are that skin color. Makes me wonder now.
03/15/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
Shinnok is the post MK3 character I feel deserved a comeback the most. Out of everyone he had the worst showing. He was the boss of MK4 but was nothing but a carbon copy of Shang Tsung, only less cool. Armageddon comes along and he looks cool and has original moves.

And now here we are with MKX, hopefully he plays well. But honestly, I doubt I'll use him. Unless he really wows me, there's just too many people I want to play this time around.
03/15/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
I didn't doubt Shinnok would be in the game. Him and Quan Chi made too much of a presence in mythologies, and at the end of MK 9 to miss this game. I would have liked to see Quan Chi have some loyalty for once in a fucking game but based on how the Neatherrealm war ends I'd say he's doing his same old shit.
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
03/15/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I must admit, I didn't like Shinnok in MK4. I thought his design was a little silly and the idea of him being a playable boss made him feel less intimidating. Plus, until then, the bosses, for the most part, had been big, hulking creatures or demons.

However, I used him a lot in MKA. That's when I realized he had a lot of potential as a character if given the time to develop him properly. Plus, with him not being the boss, it made him better in my mind.

And I've been hoping that he would be in this game since pretty much day 1. I love the new design and can't wait to see actual gameplay of him.

Glad you got your boy, Minion. I know you were losing faith in this game for a while. I hope his inclusion restored your faith.

I am man. Thanks. Not going to bullshit you. Sometimes being a passionate mk fan has it's ups and downs. I know mk has it's fair share of characters people want fleshed out. Fujin and tanya are among some people been asking an awful lot about. Sometimes it's hard I won't lie. The shit that made mk big for us growing up always twisting and turning. I guess it's inevitable to happen it's just hard to watch the old leave untouched or unheard of while the new breaks in. I know patience is a mfer and I try to bite my lip on certain things. I guess I wasn't expecting mkx to go this route. I honestly thought after mk9s ending it would be a combination of mkmsz and mk4 since shao kahn had fallen earthrealm would of had to deal with netherealm invasion.

Though I jumped to conclusions on the roster. The gameplay and visuals are stunning. And seeing that quick time event stuff looks amazing. The game looks and plays beautiful I gotta be honest.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 07:17 PM (UTC)
I think their skin color is a coincidence. I figured Shinnok could take anyform or color he wanted.
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03/15/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
Shinnok is one of my favorite bosses. I am proud to see him back.wink
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/15/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
Shinnok looks better than ever. He's always had the story potential, and now it finally looks like he's going to live up to it. Very imposing, very bad ass.
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03/15/2015 08:11 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
The "hat", I don't know if it's actually a hat or a part of him. Is pretty nice and in this game it looks better because it's similar to a crown rather than a silly hat. Again fitting the character of Shinnok.

It's definitely a crown. It was a relic in MKA konquest.

MINION Wrote:Mortal Kombat had it's own version of Count Chocula.

LOLOLOL This is super funny. In England we don't have this cereal, so I'm seeing the comparison for the first time.

I've never played / owned MK4, so my only Shinnok experience was MKA, and it really wasn't enough to make him shine, although i rate him as one of the better characters to fight as (mostly for the amulet staff and the skeleton hands).

I'm glad NRS is not just acknowledging but fully realising this part of the old timeline's events We'll get to see in detail his badassery.
03/15/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
I just hope they don't make him weak in MKX. He's a fallen ELDER god. This means in story mode he needs to kick some serious ass.

Please guys, don't make such a compelling villain weak. I want Shinnok to be hard to beat. I want to feel like I'm fighting a pissed off evil elder god.

This character needs his due.

DISCLAIMER: Making him say "Do you wanna pie?!" ...."Do ya?" only for Raiden to blast him away saying "Not today!" in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon's intro DOES NOT COUNT.
03/15/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
Shinnok's currently the most underutilized boss of MK history so this'll definitely be his time to shine. I feel like MKX will do him justice because with all the buildup of preventing Shinnok from being released from the amulet, of course that's exactly what's going to end up happening.

The story trailer scene of Cassie fighting the revenant seems like that'll be the time when he comes back(even though they serve Quan Chi). In the first MKX comic Sub did say that Quan Chi was defeated as well so perhaps both Shinnok and Quan Chi come back from their defeat from the Netherrealm War. It would make sense gameplay wise since fighting Shinnok one time in story mode wouldn't be practical.

Btw Shinnok isn't actually Lucifer lol Lucifer was the ruler of the Netherrealm before Shinnok was banished there, but he and Quan Chi took him out so Shinnok could be the new ruler.
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03/15/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)

Oh, God, don't ruin it! tongue
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

03/15/2015 08:57 PM (UTC)
Shinnok's MK:9 Story mode ending was a clear indication he would be in MK:X.
03/15/2015 09:09 PM (UTC)
His design looks fucking awesome, I'm so glad he made it in the game as a playable character. I'm pretty sure he's the character you unlock after beating the story mode.
03/15/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
Yeah if he's on the roster, and it looks like he most likely will be, I gotta play him. I always thought Shinnok had the most potential to be an absolute badass. He's had such a unique look and cool abilities and an awesome back story, how could a fallen elder god who rules hell not be badass? I remember being intrigued by him in MK4 as well but his generic game play kinda kept him from being interesting. But to me, him and Reiko were the coolest revamped characters of MKA (altho the game was garbage) and it looks like history is repeating itself even if Reiko is a NPC.

I'm dying to know what Shinnok's variations are. Like I'm so crazy hyped, if I find out he plays anything remotely like Shang in MK9 or Quan or something I will learn to play those characters before MKX releases just to be a LITTLE bit prepared and to scratch that hype-ness itch (if that makes sense??). NRS is sooo incredibly good with designing play styles that fit their character's personalities, like Quan's cheap ass rune trap and Shang's tricky unbreakable combos, i just can't wait to see what they do with Shinnok. I'm predicting a brutal skeleton hand zoning variation of some kind, but there's so much they could do with him. We got a little info on his impostor variation that was a bit underwhelming (he just used other character's trade mark moves) but I have the feeling that was just the tip of the ice berg and that variation has a lot more to it.

As far as appearance goes he could not have looked cooler. Every time I see OP's sig I have to watch it like 5 times through before I scroll on lol, cannot wait to see that full fight play out.
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