12/22/2005 03:48 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Yes, we all know you hate Tanya and don't care about the Edenian characters. That's been established.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think this is actually a pretty good bio for Tanya and at least it takes her out of the whole Kano-ish route. It does make sense and is going somewhere. I guess you'll be explaining how Quan Chi returns, yes? I notice you have Rain listed as one of her allies. I take it you went for that "Bonnie and Clyde" thing or did you go for the "pretty boy" concept you mentioned once? Now, there's one other question I have. When Tanya refers to Jade as "my love", is that just a sisterly thing or is there something more to it?

Glad to see you liked it, cause I know you're no Tanya fan either.
When I finish the Edenian cast, I plan on focusing on the Netherealm characters, so I'll most likely be getting to Quan Chi eventually.
I'm not exactly sure where I'm taking Rain yet. He'll be neutral, and I'm thinking of going for some sort of amalgam of the ideas I suggested in the Rain thread a few weeks back. I'll see when I get to him.
As for for the nature Tanya keeps referring to Jade as "my love"......that's something I'm leaving open to interpretation. Read it however you like.wink
12/22/2005 07:11 PM (UTC)
Heh, yeah, I'm definitely no fan of Tanya, that's for sure. I'd have her be dead, but if she's going to be put in any more games, she ought to have at least a decent enough storyline.

Netherrealm characters next, eh? Sounds interesting. You still gonna do the whole Kia-Jatakka thing?

Noted about Rain and the Tanya thing...lol...

I have been reading your Jade and Tanya fanfic and it's pretty good though one thing I should point out is that Bojutsu is simply the art of the Bo (long staff). wink
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12/22/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
You have simply no idea what I meant by -sigh- smile

As for the other remark, no you're wrong. I actually began to dislike MK as a whole overall. Thats why I resigned from doing fanfic.
Hmm interesting bios. I also wanted someone to go after Goro for what he did, but I had it be Kung Lao instead of Kitana, since I kind of felt that they needed to get the Kung Lao/Goro feud started up again. Well only because they brought Goro back, but that's a another story for another time.

BTW, Sub-Zero7th has told me that you even did some MK8 concepts (Despite the fact that it's probably not going to be out until 2008 smile) My new idea for Kitana would've been that she was still under Onaga's control, but the heroes were able to capture her, but since Liu Kang is well no longer a spirit, he can't set her free, so yeah working on a solution to that. But your idea is fine. Once you get to Scorpion (I imagine he'd be under Netherrealm characters) are you going to give him the same story he had in your old one or would it be a new storyline? I personally want to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero team up to stop Noob, but that's just me...
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Thanks redman for the sig!

12/29/2005 04:39 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

They say Quan Chi's skill in sorcery is greater than Shang Tsung's. In exchange for what I know, I requested he give me the means to cure Mileena's face. The sorcerer agrees.....and I get leverage over the freak. Now I have what she wants.

"Jade is now returning to Edenia to clear her name and eliminate Mileena. My two foes are about to fight amongst themselves. How delicious. For the time being, I will wait and watch. When the time comes, I shall make my move and destroy them both. And when I unmask Mileena's deception and kill her, Edenia will hail me as their savior. They forgave Kitana...why not me?

"And Jade...my love....for your sake, pray Mileena kills you before I get a hold of you."

As opposed to my previous Tanya bio, I had Jade's ending actually happen...playing up the "doubt she survived" part and having Tanya survive badly scarred and whatnot.
Basically, I'm just having Tanya do what I think she should be doing in the story. Emphasis on her feud with Jade, little bit of background on it, and having her plot to take down Mileena. No more Kano-like behavior.


My thoughts are these. First off, great job on the first 3 profiles. This one bothers me a bit.
Why do Edenians like to call each other whores? It's a bit repetitive. And why would Tanya go out to get leverage on Mileena by getting what her foe wants... just for Tanya to simply kill her... That would make her trip to Quan Chi pointless.
12/29/2005 05:23 PM (UTC)
ErmackDaddy Wrote:

My thoughts are these. First off, great job on the first 3 profiles. This one bothers me a bit.
Why do Edenians like to call each other whores? It's a bit repetitive. And why would Tanya go out to get leverage on Mileena by getting what her foe wants... just for Tanya to simply kill her... That would make her trip to Quan Chi pointless.

To be fair, "whore" is only used twice. Once by Mileena to Tanya and once by Tanya to Mileena.

Now, the thing you should know regarding Tanya is that I'm pushing her as a very smart and cunning character. She is NOT going to simply hide in the corner while Jade and Mileena fight and then kill the winner. Like I said, no more Kano-ish behavior.
For now, she's watching and waiting for the best oppurtunity. And she's going to use everything at her disposal. Since she has what Mileena wants....what's Mileena going to do to get it? Something Tanya can...and plans to...use to her advantage. She also has cards she's not showing in her bio. When I get to Rain, you're going to find he plays a part in Tanya's schemes against Jade.
Ultimately, Tanya's end-goals are: kill Mileena; rule Edenia; torture Jade. How exactly she goes about accomplishing these goals is something that will be further elaborated on in her ending when I get to it.
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