posted12/29/2005 05:23 PM (UTC)by
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02/19/2004 05:54 PM (UTC)
11/30/2005 06:18 AM (UTC)
I love all the detail and work you put into it, looks like you worked very hard. GREAT job! Except I don't really see Kitana relinquishing her status as Edenia's leader though, I can see her and Jade becoming partners again and protecting Edenia together as best friends, but not giving up her 'princess' status. I liked how you had Kitana just ignore her rivalry with Mileena and let Mileena be defeated by her own thirst for power, great angle there.
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11/30/2005 06:44 AM (UTC)
Sych a pragmatic thing as an assssin dwells so much on her failurwes and happiness? confused el, let me see, trained to be a cold hearted killer for efficiency, and she succumbs to self-sorrow, depression.

I don't think thats quite possible, as -for example- real assassin would be capable of killing anyone of his/her relatives without backtought in an in-stant. Even if she relinquishes such thing, it's a denial of roots. \

For example Hassassins were trained from young age, such as ninjas, kunoichis and Mangudais to kill, they have completely assimilate theese things concerning killing, and they cannot relinquish. And Kitana is several thousansd of years old. such denial of roots would not be logical, and cannot have any emotional background strong enough to change it (since it cannot be, -example: Ghenghis Khans assassin Mangudai's suicide at-tack on the Persian Sah- thus rendering this partially unbelievable for me.

The bios possesses some good points, indeed, it has many good points, but the romantical and lightweighted aproach is something i would and could not digest.

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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/30/2005 07:13 AM (UTC)
Excellent work here. It's funny how the route you have Kitana atake is the occupatio a character I have created has. Anyway, excellent detail. It's nice seeing Kitana disregard Mileena enough to not be threatened by her and just to go about doing something else. Predicatable it would be, but it works for them both. Anyway, great work!
11/30/2005 08:25 PM (UTC)
Hey there XiahouDun84. That's a pretty good bio you got there. I think I actually like it more than the original bio you wrote for her. I like how it takes Kitana's story in a different direction, though I do wonder if there'll be more in store for her story. Are you going to be writing a new ending for her as well? As for the drawings, pretty good stuff, but like I said sometime ago, I think the face needs some work. But, nonetheless, good stuff overall.
12/01/2005 02:07 AM (UTC)
Thanks much for the feedback thus far.

Chrome Wrote:
Sych a pragmatic thing as an assssin dwells so much on her failurwes and happiness? confused el, let me see, trained to be a cold hearted killer for efficiency, and she succumbs to self-sorrow, depression.
I don't think thats quite possible, as -for example- real assassin would be capable of killing anyone of his/her relatives without backtought in an in-stant. Even if she relinquishes such thing, it's a denial of roots.
For example Hassassins were trained from young age, such as ninjas, kunoichis and Mangudais to kill, they have completely assimilate theese things concerning killing, and they cannot relinquish. And Kitana is several thousansd of years old. such denial of roots would not be logical, and cannot have any emotional background strong enough to change it (since it cannot be, -example: Ghenghis Khans assassin Mangudai's suicide at-tack on the Persian Sah- thus rendering this partially unbelievable for me.
The bios possesses some good points, indeed, it has many good points, but the romantical and lightweighted aproach is something i would and could not digest.

As Kitana points out, after discovering the truth about her past and vowing to overthrow Kahn/restore Edenia, she turned her back on her old(assassin) ways and remade herself as Edenia's Princess. In the process becoming less of a cold-blooded assassin and more of a noble, heroic Princess.
As Kitana embraced her lifestyle as Edenia's Princess she also experienced the possibilty of being truly loved by someone and living in true peace, as opposed to her lifestyle as Shao Kahn's assassin that was packed with lies and deceit while living in a decrepid wasteland. She finds herself longing to enjoy this peace everlasting...becoming more hopeful and further distancing herself from her assassin ways. Which is why when it all comes tumbling down, it comes as a crushing blow.
But Kitana actually does not succomb to her self-sorrow. She instead returns to her assassin roots and renounces the possibility of living in peace, like I said...adopting a much more cynical or perhaps pessimistic outlook. She accepts her life as a warrior and re-embraces her life as an assassin and becomes more pragmatic and realistic, as opposed to before, where she was more hopeful and perhaps a little idealistic.
Not a great example, but think like Batman. Unlike many other heroes, Batman has no intention of someday retiring and living a happy life. He intends to fight his war on crime until he dies. Having her life taken out from under her for the second time, Kitana has taken a similar outlook. As she says, she will suffer constant battle so no one else has to.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Hey there XiahouDun84. That's a pretty good bio you got there. I think I actually like it more than the original bio you wrote for her. I like how it takes Kitana's story in a different direction, though I do wonder if there'll be more in store for her story. Are you going to be writing a new ending for her as well? As for the drawings, pretty good stuff, but like I said sometime ago, I think the face needs some work. But, nonetheless, good stuff overall.

Thanks. As of now I don't have an ending completely thought out yet. I've given some thought to adding more stories and endings and building a whole new storyline, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. For now I'm playing it by year, so to speak.
12/06/2005 11:08 PM (UTC)
12/06/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
I think it's a good bio and gives her a different direction. It can fit. I have a different concept idea for Sindel in which she and Shao Kahn come across each other and he offers to help Sindel take down Onaga and even have some of the Shokan army aid the Edenian/Outworld alligned army against Onaga's Tarkatan hordes but Sindel must agree to become his Queen and be loyal to him. Sindel agrees reluctantly due to feeling no other solution, but also manipulating Kahn due to his resources and knowledge of Onaga since he once served him.
12/07/2005 01:29 AM (UTC)
Wow, sure beats mine! I like Sindel's story a lot. I can see you made her ending in Deception canon. I's not so fond of the images though. Kitana's clothes are too baggy, she should be wearing tight clothes. Sindel, I like how she wore that one peice that shows her thighs and you know. but overall i like ur story a lot.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/07/2005 07:24 AM (UTC)
That's really sweet. this is a great bio for Sindel. It's nice seeing the new direction of the story and that she has more feeling and character than has really ever been shown in her characer in the games. You've done a good job with this one. Excellent work.
12/10/2005 12:53 AM (UTC)
If I were to rate these two bios on a scale from 1 - 10 (10 being the highest), I'd probably rate both around 8.5 - 9. Those are some excellent bios.
12/10/2005 12:07 PM (UTC)
It only took me a half hour to read those bios.
But well done.....................
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12/10/2005 12:13 PM (UTC)
Vry good as usual, but I don't like them to be honest. perhaps becouse it is the exact path of every edenian fic I've seen so far to, more or less to an extent. I would prefer them battered.
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12/11/2005 03:46 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
. I would prefer them battered.


X~good bios only thing is you should take tanya off of kitanas foes list and put her on sindels.
12/11/2005 04:09 AM (UTC)
But doesn't Tanya count as one of Kitana's enemies? confused
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Torian says hi, Torian says bye

12/13/2005 11:37 AM (UTC)
Hi! I'm Torian or ablackeyedpeaslova. I just want to tell you how much Ilovede your Jade and Tanya story. It was seriously good! Will you make chapter 3 soon. Please, your story was awesome. To get back to me or email me at Thanks gringlassestonguefurious
12/14/2005 06:57 AM (UTC)
12/14/2005 09:15 PM (UTC)
Very nice!

I like how saddened Mileena feels about being pushed aside by Kitana. The only thing I don't want to happen is Mileena to get a pretty face, but I like how you've made her want one. Bringing jade into the equasion was also a wise choice, she was Kitana's best friend, there would have to be some jealousy from Mileena. Its nice to see how Mileena feels about Tanya, though I don't understand what she has to do with Mileena (perhaps you could explain further if you do Tanya next? I'd love to see that)

These are fantastic bios and really emphasize on the character's emotions. I love them! Great work! grin
12/14/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)
Hmm, it's pretty good and makes sense. I wonder how she'll deal with all of these different threats to her.
12/14/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)
I kinda miss the whole love story with Mileena and Baraka, that needs to be re-kindled. I love how Mileena referred to Tanya as "that whore". It made me LOL. grin
12/15/2005 02:27 PM (UTC)
Well, the bios are kind of long-winded, but since I'm something of an author myself I cannot complain. When someone is a good writer then it is a good thing when they write more, and you are a good writer from what I can see. You have found some incredibly workable twists in the plot, and I love the idea of Mileena having her own destiny, even if she is living in Kitana's place. I kinda dislike the idea of her hating her face, but then, the only reason she actually didn't mind having the face was because Baraka liked it, and now that he's dead its just an iconvenience. The bios themselves are excellent, but there was something else that really caught my attention.

Those concept pictures are absolutely the King, like, they are wonderful. They are everything that Kitana and Sindel should be, none of this "thong" rubbish. I really like seeing them portrayed like that, it makes them seem that much more in touch with this world of violent kombat they are in. Its so nice to see fighters rather than lingerie models in those two. Many congratulations and many thanks for those two drawings. However, if I might make a suggestion. I would like to see the Mileena concept at some point, since if its as good as the other two then it'll be the best of the bunch.
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Torian says hi, Torian says bye

12/17/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
I, this is ablackeyedpeaslova or Torian. When will you finsih chapter 4 for the Jade and Tanya mythologies story. Chapter 1-3 was really good! I can't wait til you make chapter 4. Your a really good writer! grinwinkglassestonguesmile
12/20/2005 09:03 PM (UTC)
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12/20/2005 10:14 PM (UTC)
12/21/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Gee...that's real constructive.....
Anyway...I think this is actually a pretty good bio for Tanya and at least it takes her out of the whole Kano-ish route. It does make sense and is going somewhere. I guess you'll be explaining how Quan Chi returns, yes? I notice you have Rain listed as one of her allies. I take it you went for that "Bonnie and Clyde" thing or did you go for the "pretty boy" concept you mentioned once? Now, there's one other question I have. When Tanya refers to Jade as "my love", is that just a sisterly thing or is there something more to it?
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