02/25/2015 11:05 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero. Even more so when you consider Classic Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot both had bios and endings that made them distinct characters. Yet people accepted this massive retcon in Mortal Kombat Deception. People accepted the massive retcons, in Mortal Kombat 2011, so I guess anything could happen.
02/25/2015 12:53 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Kuai did survive the automation process....Then he died of an uppercut and got turned into a revenant
simple as that

He overcame the programming. He wasn't able to strip himself of the cyber technology Because it was fused with his body.

However once he died and became a revenant I suppose he could have been granted another body. But that's just dumb imo.

I like bi Hans soulnado theory better.
02/25/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

I'll take counter-point and say I preferred Noob before he was revealed to be Sub-Zero 1. A mysterious, living goddamn shadow who altered his tactics from game to game (and borrowed from multiple characters, allowing speculation to run wild) was far more appealing to me than "Oh, it's that guy who got fucking owned in the first game."

I tend to agree I liked his initial mystery as a hidden fighter who observed the tournaments and reported back to shinnok I didn't really like him being a mindless servant to quan chi in the last one hopefully he gets back to secretive origins in this game all the while serving his own purpose of becoming ruler of the netherrealm!!!
i wouldn't go as far as calling him mindless. He definitely had/has an agenda of his own. "At what end? To serve the forces of neatherrealm and outworld"-Cyber Sub
"It suits my purpose"-Noob Saibot.
That statement plus his mk9 ending tells us that he is indeed biding his time
02/25/2015 03:00 PM (UTC)
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I like Noob, he's not content with being some thug or lackey like Baraka or Reptile, he's an irredeemable jackass who relishes being a scumbag and is just waiting for when the time is right to make his big move.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/25/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero.

When UMK3's masked Sub-Zero removed his mask, he was "a warrior missing from a previous tournament", implying it wasn't Bi-Han/ MK1 Sub. He has no bearing on the Noob retcon.

UMK3 Sub-Zero can't even be considered a canon character; this is why nobody ever brings it up.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/25/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
FROST4584 Wrote:
What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero.

When UMK3's masked Sub-Zero removed his mask, he was "a warrior missing from a previous tournament", implying it wasn't Bi-Han/ MK1 Sub. He has no bearing on the Noob retcon.

UMK3 Sub-Zero can't even be considered a canon character; this is why nobody ever brings it up.

Wasn't it Canon at some point that Bi-Han and Kuai-Lang were the 7th and 8th SubZero? I specifically remember reading that here at the MKO like a decade ago. But it could've been FanFic. If that's the case tho, then the Masked SubZero of Umk3/T could've been SubZero the 6th.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/25/2015 04:19 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
FROST4584 Wrote:
What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero.

When UMK3's masked Sub-Zero removed his mask, he was "a warrior missing from a previous tournament", implying it wasn't Bi-Han/ MK1 Sub. He has no bearing on the Noob retcon.

UMK3 Sub-Zero can't even be considered a canon character; this is why nobody ever brings it up.

Wasn't it Canon at some point that Bi-Han and Kuai-Lang were the 7th and 8th SubZero? I specifically remember reading that here at the MKO like a decade ago. But it could've been FanFic. If that's the case tho, then the Masked SubZero of Umk3/T could've been SubZero the 6th.

The widely misinterpreted/misquoted source from that is the MK Mythologies booklet, which stated that Kuai and Bi-Han's father was "a fourth generation Lin Kuei warrior". People from there assumed that this meant there had been a Sub-Zero in every generation of Lin Kuei, though that's never been stated as fact. That statement points to "generations of Lin Kuei".

Even taking that into account, I have no idea how people wound up with the generational figures they did (and I was down with it at one point). I think people shoehorned UMK3 Sub in there to "get him to fit into canon" without any explanation or second thought as to where he fit in via the brothers' father, retroactively making Bi-Han #6 and Kuai Liang #7 (At least, I remember people calling Kuai Liang number 7. It could have been 7 and 8. Memory's hazy).

In any case, the whole "generational" figure is based on a lot of wild and inconsistent speculation and really shouldn't be taken as fact at all.
02/25/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
I think it's simple.

Kuai Liang turned into a cyborg(Which honestly was done for shock value just like almost everything they did in MK9 aka Kung Lao,Kabal,Jax,Kitana,Nightwolf,Stryker etc... dying)

So it's a very good possibility that they'll back up and say "Ohhh this can turn a cyborg into a human again" while pointing to a bullshit device or in the comics case the Kamidogu.

But if they want to stay true to past MK games then this Sub-zero can NOT be Kuai Liang.

Because this Subby is fully human... when Cyrax wanted to regain his humanity he was only able to regain his emotions and... well humanity.

But he could never turned fully human again, he was still half human and half machine, Cyborg from Injustice Style.

So why should Kuai Liang be fully Human again when Cyrax can't do that?

As for Bi-Han there is a way to make him Subby again which is the theory that everybody has about the Soulnado.

So my guess, This Subby is Bi-Han.

Bye Bye Kuai Liang.
02/25/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
Or, you know, Quan Chi just resurrected him in a new body he created.

02/25/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Or, you know, Quan Chi just resurrected him in a new body he created.


LMAO! Wizard.

That also, I mean isn't this what the mortal kombat story is about at this point?

Guy 1: "Ohhh look that character died"

Guy 2: "Is he a popular character"

Guy 1: "Yeah..."

Guy 2: "Ohh don't worry he'll be back really soon :)"

So to be honest, the story of death in mortal kombat is the most useless story and the least interesting.

On the other hand, I remember someone pointing out that you could raise the stakes other ways besides Death.

And I agree with whoever said it. In mortal kombat at this point death is the most funny thing every.

I swear to god when a character dies next I'm just going to bust out laughing... Unless it's someone like Hsu Hao :(.

RIP I will miss you <3.
02/25/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
FROST4584 Wrote:
What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero.

When UMK3's masked Sub-Zero removed his mask, he was "a warrior missing from a previous tournament", implying it wasn't Bi-Han/ MK1 Sub. He has no bearing on the Noob retcon.

UMK3 Sub-Zero can't even be considered a canon character; this is why nobody ever brings it up.

If course he was a real character in UMK3/ MKT. He has a bio and ending like everyone else. His bio clearly states that , once thought dead AND returned for a 2nd try at killing Shang Tsung. In other words, Scorpion killed him and he managed to find some way to return. Classic Sub-Zero in UMK3/MKT is the original Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat 1.

Noob Saibot was just a wraith from Hell, ordered by Shinnok to serve Kahn until the moment was right to attack.

The original Sub-Zero is Noob Saibot is because the current writers retcon it to be, in MK Deception. Continuity wise ( at least original timeline) , no way the original Sub-Zero could be Noob Saibot. More so when you consider Classic Sub-Zero's ending:

Having been killed in the first tournament(MK1*), Sub-Zero somehow seems to have emerged to win the third tournament(MK3 series*).

A warrior who has long been missing from a previous Mortal Kombat, and one who will return in the fourth tournament(MK4*). Yeah, I know that the younger Sub-Zero was in MK4.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/25/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
FROST4584 Wrote:
What even more amazing that people seem to forget/ don't care that the original Sub-Zero , returned in UMK3. Therefore, it is impossible that Noob Saibot to be the the original Sub-Zero.

When UMK3's masked Sub-Zero removed his mask, he was "a warrior missing from a previous tournament", implying it wasn't Bi-Han/ MK1 Sub. He has no bearing on the Noob retcon.

UMK3 Sub-Zero can't even be considered a canon character; this is why nobody ever brings it up.

Wasn't it Canon at some point that Bi-Han and Kuai-Lang were the 7th and 8th SubZero? I specifically remember reading that here at the MKO like a decade ago. But it could've been FanFic. If that's the case tho, then the Masked SubZero of Umk3/T could've been SubZero the 6th.

The widely misinterpreted/misquoted source from that is the MK Mythologies booklet, which stated that Kuai and Bi-Han's father was "a fourth generation Lin Kuei warrior". People from there assumed that this meant there had been a Sub-Zero in every generation of Lin Kuei, though that's never been stated as fact. That statement points to "generations of Lin Kuei".

Even taking that into account, I have no idea how people wound up with the generational figures they did (and I was down with it at one point). I think people shoehorned UMK3 Sub in there to "get him to fit into canon" without any explanation or second thought as to where he fit in via the brothers' father, retroactively making Bi-Han #6 and Kuai Liang #7 (At least, I remember people calling Kuai Liang number 7. It could have been 7 and 8. Memory's hazy).

In any case, the whole "generational" figure is based on a lot of wild and inconsistent speculation and really shouldn't be taken as fact at all.

Damn huh. Very interesting. Thanx for the clarification ShadoLoo
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/25/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
QuanChi's revenants might have healing abilities like the Black Lantern zombies. So if Kuai-Lang's human torso is removed from his robotic shell, it could possibly "grow" the rest of his human body. Just a thought. I'd personally rather Kuai be SubZero and Bi-Han be Noob Saibot.
The only thing human, that i saw was left in the cyborg. Was the brain... so its possible that his real body could be intacted. But who knows?! I'll just wait and see...
02/26/2015 03:02 PM (UTC)
I feel that Smoke has a greater chance of making a spot on the roster than Noob Saibot. He was awesome in MK9, but I'm going to jump on the bandwagon of fans who think that Bi-Han is Sub-Zero again in MKX.

When Noob Saibot was thrown into the soulnado, I feel that his soul is going to be transported to the heavens just how Scorpion was thrown into the soulnado at the end of MK: Deadly Alliance. Perhaps the vortex of the portal was so strong that it ripped apart Noob Saibot and Bi-Han's soul was cleansed allowing him a second chance at life. Perhaps when Bi-Han's soul is in front of the Elder gods they will remember his journey through MK: Mythologies and restore him to life in an effort to take down both Shinnok and Quan Chi because he had experience going against them before.

Quan Chi has possession of Kuai Liang's soul so who knows what direction the story can go in. I'm hoping that Bi-Han is back and plays a huge role in the Netherealm war in aiding the defeat of Shinnok.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/26/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:

If course he was a real character in UMK3/ MKT. He has a bio and ending like everyone else. His bio clearly states that , once thought dead AND returned for a 2nd try at killing Shang Tsung. In other words, Scorpion killed him and he managed to find some way to return. Classic Sub-Zero in UMK3/MKT is the original Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat 1.

Noob Saibot was just a wraith from Hell, ordered by Shinnok to serve Kahn until the moment was right to attack.

Until the Deception retcon.

The bio is given from the perspective of the Kombatants thinking that UMK3 masked Sub is MK1 sub having somehow returned to complete his mission:

Thought to have been vanquished in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mysteriously returns. It's believed this secretive member of the Lin Kuei, a legendary clan of Chinese "ninjas", has returned to again attempt an assassination of Shang Tsung. To do so, he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's tournament

Note the use of the word "believed", as in, "he must be coming back to finish his mission". That's what everyone around who sees him thinks, that this is MK1 Sub. The ending proves that wrong when he takes off his mask and it's "someone else", which you quoted.

FROST4584 Wrote:

The original Sub-Zero is Noob Saibot is because the current writers retcon it to be, in MK Deception. Continuity wise ( at least original timeline) , no way the original Sub-Zero could be Noob Saibot. More so when you consider Classic Sub-Zero's ending

Except for the fact that the retcon, which happened in Deception, is part of the original timeline...which...obviously, Deception is part of, as was written by Vogel (and NOT the current writing team, it was nearly a decade ago).

Moreover Noob Saibot has existed since MKII, like you pointed out; it's impossible with that fact in mind for UMK3 masked Sub to be Bi-Han. I know very well Saibot and MK1 Sub were considered seperate entities at that point, but UMK3 Sub's ending was written with the midset of having him be a surprise reveal that they never followed through on; at that time they still considered Bi-Han dead and buried. They didn't intend UMK3 Sub to actually be him. It was a matter of "This is someone impersonating Bi-Han" not ""Bi-Han was always really someone else".

No matter which way you slice it, retcon or no retcon, UMK3 Sub's ending is an angle that was never followed through on, never explored, and never, ever taken up; hasn't been in years. The best way to look at him nowadays is "old version of Bi-Han with a nonsense ending"; completely non-canon like UMK3's human Smoke; a representation of a fighter who no longer actually existed in that shape, at that time.
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/27/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Just came back after leaving a comment here yesterday....

Had no idea how upset people would get over a soulnado THEORY.

Christ. Chill out and stop being dicks. I never knew this forum to be so hostile.
02/27/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
Blue-Mario Wrote:
I mean he's the most iconic brotherhood of shadow member

When your peers are Shinnok, Kia, Jataaka and Sareena, that's not much of a stretch.
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02/27/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
QuanChi's revenants might have healing abilities like the Black Lantern zombies. So if Kuai-Lang's human torso is removed from his robotic shell, it could possibly "grow" the rest of his human body. Just a thought. I'd personally rather Kuai be SubZero and Bi-Han be Noob Saibot.

I think what happened was a dragonball scenario, where they magically all got their bodies back healthy. It had been a awhile since they all died from MK9 to the end of the netherrealm war.

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02/27/2015 01:06 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Just came back after leaving a comment here yesterday....

Had no idea how upset people would get over a soulnado THEORY.

Christ. Chill out and stop being dicks. I never knew this forum to be so hostile.

It's been intolerable these past few weeks. Trolls and bitchy arguments are spreading worse than the goddamn black plague.
02/27/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Just came back after leaving a comment here yesterday....

Had no idea how upset people would get over a soulnado THEORY.

Christ. Chill out and stop being dicks. I never knew this forum to be so hostile.

It's been intolerable these past few weeks. Trolls and bitchy arguments are spreading worse than the goddamn black plague.

The ongoing who's-in-who-isn't anxiety over the game isn't helping matters. It's been getting worse as the release date draws closer. It wasn't even this bad last summer after the game was first announced.
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/27/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Just came back after leaving a comment here yesterday....

Had no idea how upset people would get over a soulnado THEORY.

Christ. Chill out and stop being dicks. I never knew this forum to be so hostile.

It's been intolerable these past few weeks. Trolls and bitchy arguments are spreading worse than the goddamn black plague.

The ongoing who's-in-who-isn't anxiety over the game isn't helping matters. It's been getting worse as the release date draws closer. It wasn't even this bad last summer after the game was first announced.

I've been visiting this site since the mk5.org days, and never have I seen people flip out so badly over ideas just being thrown around. I guess fans aren't allowed to speculate anymore? It's ridiculous.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/27/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
I've been visiting this site since the mk5.org days, and never have I seen people flip out so badly over ideas just being thrown around. I guess fans aren't allowed to speculate anymore? It's ridiculous.

Which is very strange considering everything was pretty much set in stone before the reboot. Not to mention the possibilities still to come from MKX. A lot of speculation to be had.

I don't hate the soulnado theory, I just stand by Noob wanting to stay Noob and not be "cleansed". He's made it clear that's his preference. Then on the other hand, if it does cleanse him, he really doesn't have a choice.
02/27/2015 08:32 AM (UTC)
Before I dig into this, I want to say that I have lurked this site for years and I have never felt compelled to make an account until this thread. I'm honestly shocked at how many people actually think Bi-Han is Sub-Zero in MKX. They literally did the same ad campaign in MK9, and people assumed that because Raiden altered the time-line, the elder Sub-Zero(then unnamed) would live in place of the more iconic Sub-Zero from pretty much every game except MK1 and MKMSZ. f I had to speculate, I would assume that NRS chose not to do this because it was easily the most obvious choice for a "Blunder God does this but it leads to these unexpected consequences" event in the MK1-3 plotlines, and what they wanted to do was be surprising. But before I go unintentionally giving MK9's story mode too much credit, the story-line was pretty haphazard in general. I'm actually not too surprised people are reading too much into the Noob soulnado thing. I don't think it's wise to assume NRS actually had a plan when they wrote that scene. Either way, Noob Saibot was Noob Saibot, not Bi-Han. He was not one of Quan Chi's revenants and would not have been restored to life after the Netherealm War. If you guys are seriously reading the comics, I don't see how this can be confusing. Thus far, we have seen one(ONE) Sub-Zero. We know he used to be a Revenant for Quan Chi during the War, but he isn't now. We have seen him acquire a scar. We have even seen in-game allusions to his undead status as a former Revenant given a second chance in the in-game intro dialogues. He's Kuai Liang. We also learned from the comics that some unknown demon has been tearing through the realms. As far as demons go, we have a short list of pre-existing characters, and since Boon confirmed the final boss as a returning character, Noob Saibot seems like a good fit. How about a new, more plausible, Soulnado theory. What if Noob Saibot was so evil that he corrupted the Soulnado? Scorpion, powerful as he is, was never really that evil. He was just pissed off. Noob Saibot however relished in how evil he had become. The Brotherhood of Shadow does get a faction slot over Outworld, despite only really have Quan Chi as a representative.
02/27/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot as the boss is something I can get behind, he's certainly ambitious enough
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