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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/24/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
Trini_Bwoi Wrote:
I don't see how Noob Saibot doesn't get in, simply because his powers are unique and a great showcase of technology. Ideas should be racing at NRS for what could be done with Noob.

Exactly! During one of the very first interviews, Ed Boon said he wanted MKX to be a " grand spectacle of a game"... To me, this means showing off some badass movesets. So I would assume anyone with an elemental-based power is whom NRS would work on first, and be the most excited about. (Shadows, Ice, Fire, Lightning, wind, etc.)
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GT: Dimitri1033

02/24/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
I think Noob will be in, but I don't think he'll be the same Noob that we know. What I mean is, he won't be Bi-Han.

My theory is when Noob got kicked into the soulnado in MK9, it cleansed him of the wraith part of his body and turned him back into Bi-Han.

I think Quan Chi will realize he lost one of his best servants, turn and look at Kuai-Liang, and just be like, "Oh okay, you're Noob now," and turn Kuai into the new Noob. Would be interesting if the new Noob still kept the cyber-form or something.
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02/24/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
I hope Noob Saibot will be in MKX, but like said just before, as Noob Saibot with all his power, dark as a shadow, not as a Sub-Zero thing. Maybe as a secret character like he always be.
I think Sub-Zero belong to Kuai Liang now, long live to Sub-Zero, long live to Kuai Liang !!!
02/24/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Im so damn sick of seeing this soulnado theory it is ridiculous. The soulnado is OVER people. You would think if he was cleansed then something would have emerged at its implosion. It didnt though. Also, implying he is elder gods champion would imply the elder gods actually need something to be protected from. They dont even KNOW that Shinnok or the netherrealm wars are going to occur.

Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

There is NOTHING which insinuates Bi-Han is Sub-Zero. The darker persona some of you seem to think Sub-Zero possesses is honestly in your heads. Just like the whole thinking Kitana was Mileena until we seen her unmasked.

I dont know why this soulnado theory has taken off, but it is nothing more than fan theory which people are taking as actual events of the game.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/24/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Im so damn sick of seeing this soulnado theory it is ridiculous. The soulnado is OVER people. You would think if he was cleansed then something would have emerged at its implosion. It didnt though. Also, implying he is elder gods champion would imply the elder gods actually need something to be protected from. They dont even KNOW that Shinnok or the netherrealm wars are going to occur.

Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

There is NOTHING which insinuates Bi-Han is Sub-Zero. The darker persona some of you seem to think Sub-Zero possesses is honestly in your heads. Just like the whole thinking Kitana was Mileena until we seen her unmasked.

I dont know why this soulnado theory has taken off, but it is nothing more than fan theory which people are taking as actual events of the game.

The soulnado theory is taking off becuz of the 2min long cutscene NRS took time and effort to make in mk9. But like I said I my post, I think the soulnado actually made him stronger. Also remember, the soulnado did NOT cleanse Scorpion in the previous timeline, so Idk why ppl think it would cleanse Noob.
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Props to MINION
02/24/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
My theory for Bi-Han in MKX is based off the comics and in game footage we've seen so far,

I think he has been revived along with kitana and kung lao. and is Sub-Zero again. leaving someone new to become the next Saibot (maybe Forrest Fox)

*Potential spoliers(comic and in-game)*

It's a little dated since there hasn't really been any new sub-Zero info in awhile
02/24/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
Trini_Bwoi Wrote:
I don't see how Noob Saibot doesn't get in, simply because his powers are unique and a great showcase of technology. Ideas should be racing at NRS for what could be done with Noob.
i agree ten fold
02/24/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
Noob is and always will be my favorite character. His fighting style and story is by far the most interesting and dynamic. I'm kind of glad the central story doesn't ever revolve around him though. I don't like how the main characters stories go and tend to get stale and annoying at times. Noob is timeless and I love the route they started him on in mk9 until the soulnado, LOL. I'm hopeful that he will be back main roster or dlc. Hopefully main roster though so he's in the story. The brotherhood doesn't have a strong showing on the roster yet so I believe he will be back. I'd like him to be with quan again but more as an equal and not a subordinate. More of a rogue spirit. As far as him being bi or kuai is prefer bi as he's the more "evil" of the two and I lean towards the more sinister characters. Hence why my mains have been Shang and Noob since part 2 and 3. I then added Quan when part 4 came out (who honestly didn't love that fatality).
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02/24/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
Inferno Scorpion.

02/24/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
If Noob returns I hope it is the team-up of Noob-Smoke.

No offense but I hope to never see that again. It dilutes the characters IMO. That's my least favorite version of Noob. Still used him as my main though. Smoke was made awesome in mk9. I don't undertand why anyone would want him merged again after that outing.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/24/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
IF Bi Han is "cleansed" somehow, I don't think he'll be too happy about that.

"I have no flaws. Quan Chi has perfected me."

Bi Han LOVES being Noob, even more so than being Sub-Zero. Hence the implication that he had flaws when he was Sub-Zero.
02/25/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Noob will probably go back to the Netherrealm like nothing happened.

02/25/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Im so damn sick of seeing this soulnado theory it is ridiculous. The soulnado is OVER people. You would think if he was cleansed then something would have emerged at its implosion. It didnt though. Also, implying he is elder gods champion would imply the elder gods actually need something to be protected from. They dont even KNOW that Shinnok or the netherrealm wars are going to occur.

Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

There is NOTHING which insinuates Bi-Han is Sub-Zero. The darker persona some of you seem to think Sub-Zero possesses is honestly in your heads. Just like the whole thinking Kitana was Mileena until we seen her unmasked.

I dont know why this soulnado theory has taken off, but it is nothing more than fan theory which people are taking as actual events of the game.

The soulnado theory is taking off becuz of the 2min long cutscene NRS took time and effort to make in mk9. But like I said I my post, I think the soulnado actually made him stronger. Also remember, the soulnado did NOT cleanse Scorpion in the previous timeline, so Idk why ppl think it would cleanse Noob.

Yeah, but MK9 also killed every character and everyone made a BIG deal out of it. Oh look though, Kitana and Kung Lao are back on the roster.

Then, Shinnok shows up at the end of MK9 and that made everyone think Shinnok is "definitely" going to be the big bad in MKX. Guess what though, that is most likely not the case as the comics already mention he's been imprisoned again.

In fact I really didn't see the soulnado as a gigantic cleansing of Noob Saibot. I saw it as them acting as if they had killed someone else. I mean how do you kill an unpure spirit who essentially can't die? Answer: Throw him in the purest vessel you can. If Scorpion hadn't escaped the Soulnado it is said the purity would have ripped him to shreds.

I'm not saying it can't happen, but I feel like people are jumping to conclusion on this damn soulnado without any real evidence to backup their claims.

IMO, it makes much more sense to say Kuai Liang was brought back to life just like Kitana, Kung Lao, and Jax. Being cybernetic should not matter. He was dead so he is essentially a soul.
02/25/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
You can't get angry about people getting on the soulnado theory your right it is only fan theoryand there is no evidence to support it but that is what fans of something do in light of no new information they think about things and they read into things and draw their own conclusions from it. If they only wanted to kill Noob off then why not just give him a crappy death like all the earth heroes wasn't cyber sub zero killed with an uppercut? I personally believe it was done for a reason what reason I don't know but the splitting and cleansing theory is as good as any and at any rate Noob will definately be back in this game one way or another!

As for a Noob smoke combination I have to admit I absolutely loved those two as a tag team in deception and would love to see them teamed up again however not as a tag team but as the one character if somehow Noob and bi Han were seperated and Noob somehow joined with smoke in the netherrealm making one new entity with the powers of both Noob and smoke combined this would be awesome!!! Obviously this would be a bit of a stretch but stranger things have happened in the MK universe! Yes MK9 did an excellent job making them both seperate characters and finally gave some much needed development to smoke a hopelessly under developed character however I think the chances of both of them coming back for MKX as seperate characters is slim to nil which is sad as both a much much better characters then the likes of Kung Lao, Jax, cage, and Sonya all of whom will probably make it in somehow but at the least I can hope is one is main roster and one
Is DLC but we shall see
02/25/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

sharefrock Wrote:
Why do you always have to ruin the mood? :(

02/25/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
I really hope Bi-Han gets his rightful title back and becomes Sub-zero again :).
02/25/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't understand the emphasis on bi han being subby again. who cares who is under the mask? But I guess people feel strongly about it.

The soulnado theory is interesting to me because it is based on the fact that souls can be corrupted. There are sides of people and (not to get too star warsy but..) their is a dark and light side to souls. If the balance of power is swayed too far to either side they are technically corrupted.

This is what I believe happened to bi han, he allowed his dark side to absorb and smother his good side Through death, and became noob saibot.

Therefore, I believe it is not too far fetched to say a supernatural soul-tornado was able to split his two personas into two living beings. The dark side embodied in Noob-Saibot and the good side embodied into bi han or rather sub zero.

I would much rather have this explain sub Zero's existence in mkx than kuia surviving the automation process.
02/25/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
Kuai did survive the automation process....Then he died of an uppercut and got turned into a revenant
simple as that
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/25/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
Im sure Noob will return. I got Quan Chi, but that would be another plus if they add in my boy Noob to the mix.

Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Smoke are four fighters fighting to the death right now in getting in MKX. All four have a pretty sick resume to MK's legacy. This is a bias statement because I dont care if they dont make it, I just want to play the damn game at the end of the day anyway.

I cant shake this strange feeling Shinnok will suprise us in MkX too.
Please... smh... no more Noob-Smoke BS, i rather have Noob share duality with Saibot still...
Historical Favorite
02/25/2015 07:10 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

Everyone saying Noob wont be Bi-Han anymore is honest to god wanting to commit character assassination. Noob was NOTHING before Deception. How does nobody remember that? He was nothing. Really low on the totem pole as far as popularity for trilogy characters go and then Deception came along and revealed him as Bi-Han making his popularity explode.

I'll take counter-point and say I preferred Noob before he was revealed to be Sub-Zero 1. A mysterious, living goddamn shadow who altered his tactics from game to game (and borrowed from multiple characters, allowing speculation to run wild) was far more appealing to me than "Oh, it's that guy who got fucking owned in the first game."
02/25/2015 08:01 AM (UTC)
I hope Bi-Han is back as Sub-Zero cause I always liked the big old brother better than the younger one. I don't think he likes being Noob tbh, he hated the idea of working for QuanChi/Shinnok, so the idea is that he probably got personality washed.
02/25/2015 08:14 AM (UTC)
I mean he's the most iconic brotherhood of shadow member , and brotherhood of shadow is a Faction and has multiple stages based on them , coincidence ? I say nay !confused
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02/25/2015 10:35 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:

I'll take counter-point and say I preferred Noob before he was revealed to be Sub-Zero 1. A mysterious, living goddamn shadow who altered his tactics from game to game (and borrowed from multiple characters, allowing speculation to run wild) was far more appealing to me than "Oh, it's that guy who got fucking owned in the first game."

Quoted for truth. Fuck Noob's shitty deception ending.
02/25/2015 10:45 AM (UTC)
I'll take counter-point and say I preferred Noob before he was revealed to be Sub-Zero 1. A mysterious, living goddamn shadow who altered his tactics from game to game (and borrowed from multiple characters, allowing speculation to run wild) was far more appealing to me than "Oh, it's that guy who got fucking owned in the first game."

I tend to agree I liked his initial mystery as a hidden fighter who observed the tournaments and reported back to shinnok I didn't really like him being a mindless servant to quan chi in the last one hopefully he gets back to secretive origins in this game all the while serving his own purpose of becoming ruler of the netherrealm!!!
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