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posted11/20/2008 10:36 AM (UTC)by
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10/08/2007 03:11 PM (UTC)
09/04/2008 03:08 PM (UTC)
At first I thought "what kind of idiocy is this?" but the way you've actually explained it does make a lot of sense. Although, with Kitana being how she is at 10,000, I don't think 11,000 will make that much difference. :P
09/06/2008 07:43 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind something along these lines. It's a plausible way to 'retire' most of the characters, while retaining the ones the MK Team wanted to retain.
09/07/2008 09:38 PM (UTC)
Is is just me or characters are beginning to get too varied? i mean who really is Hotaru and Dairou? not to mention bo rai cho couldnt they have put a new ninja or something, or Shinnok reinvented into a ninja form. Shinnok talks the talk, but his role in MK 4 was crap. I havent play armageddon yet so i dont kno how he plays.

09/08/2008 02:41 AM (UTC)
What got me thinking of it was a random memory of a really old animated X-men episode titled “Days Of Future Past” (you can youtube it if you want) There’s this one scene I remember from way back where it shows the world in the future and seeing not just everything in shambles, but seeing the graves of the current batch of X-men has an eeriness to it. I could see that being pretty cool applied to the Mortal Kombat world.Also, I was laying down some examples, how do some of you see the MK world turning out in the distant future?
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09/10/2008 09:44 AM (UTC)
I think it's an interesting concept.....I guess it would take a little more "selling" in order to get me fully on board though. But yea, I think it's interesting.

Nothing to add at this time.
09/16/2008 08:53 PM (UTC)
sorry but theres no evil left
So long as there are no more palette-swap cyborgs or infinite cyborg variations on exisitng characters, I can deal with it.

I just hate those as much as I hate cockaroaches.
09/18/2008 06:53 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero's Ice Tomb.
Or Subby froze himself for 1,000 years and then woke up.
Then he can pal around with a one-eyed mutant descendant of Mileena, and
a sarcastic alcoholic Cyborg made of random parts of Tekunins.
It'll be a laugh and a half.
09/18/2008 07:57 PM (UTC)
Well I agree with you it should take place looooooooong after the events of MKA . And maybe return to the whole tournament thing and have a new ruler trying to take the Earth for himself . Remember the Mortal Kombat tournament happened once a generation. And we can have decedents or whatever of Kung-Lao or Liu-Kang I think you get the idea. I like your idea.
10/01/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
Actually, not a bad idea. With the characters who would die due to age DEAD, and the ones who storyline some how could remain alive this might be alright. Shao Kahn's name shouldn't be forgotten but I could see a stage where it resembles Kahn's arena all that is left of Kahn is a crumbled statue with its head at his feet. I would like a lot of ruined looking stages and less Sci-Fi feeling. Also, the return of some character that is like a woah-what type of feeling.

Also, with Raiden in some kind of God Prison(stage idea) could he be eluded to as escaping the prison. Who else is in this prison? Also, can Ermac die? Maybe, in some kind of sequence you can see Ermacs garb on the ground and a number of sould erupt from Shang Tsungs tomb when its opened to see is he is there and the souls find home within Ermacs garb. I dont know?

Oh and a secret message, "Error Macro, your machine will now restart, file missing. Clean the disc. No, seriously. Your disc needs some serious cleaning. It is dirty, real dirty. Error code 184xy. Call Midway to fix this problem if it continues. Turn in your copy for half credit at a near by game trade location. Consider taking your Xbox360 or PS3 to the vet, it may be sick. Again this is a Error Macro code and Ermac does not exist"
10/01/2008 03:46 AM (UTC)
Sorry my last post is missing the middle and I can't figure out why it keeps erasing it. Update:: Sorry Fixed my last post. For some reason it didn't like "<<
About Me

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

10/03/2008 10:08 PM (UTC)
Jack Burton always likes to see original MK storylines from fellow members.

I'm actually liking this concept for a MK setting in the future. You would just have to watch the sci-fi level, though. You would need to show some sort of development/recession of the environments with all the time that's gone by, that's for sure. Show how it has all changed. Maybe certain areas have actually rebuilt and flourished? Maybe other areas were utterly destroyed and had no chance of returning to glory? This concept you've proposed has a lot of merit and room to expand.

I always thought it would be cool if a big group of MKO users were to compose and pitch an actual storyline for a game to the MK team. As a writer myself, that would be awesome. A chance like that would allow me to slide back into the flow of writing fictional stories, something I haven't had the chance to do in years. Fictional work used to be my bread and butter; anymore it's poetry, reflectional papers, research papers, and other things. I feel I've dwelled on those writing types long enough; I want to go back to where I started. Writing about the MK universe would be a great place to start.

Granted, getting a bunch of MKO users together on such a project might prove to be a hassle, especially when it came down to actually composing the story. There are so many different viewpoints on this site, so there surely would be some clashes and differences of opinion. Yet, I still find the prospect worthy of trying one day.

Again, great suggestions. I like them a lot, and I would love to see more from you.

And THAT'S what Jack Burton has to say at this time.
11/20/2008 06:27 AM (UTC)
i love this idea!
11/20/2008 10:36 AM (UTC)
It'd work great as a "what if" concept, I think. Sort of what like MK vs. DC was, but actually good on its story.
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