no informaion has been released on mk7,I dont know what is Ed doing now!!!!!!!
posted12/19/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2005 03:06 PM (UTC)
WHat the hell is that,I mean many months have been gone,and nothing really new on mk7,not even a single word,I think it's gone to far ,Ps3 is going to be released on 2006 new generation,and many games that are new has been shown execpt for Mk7,nothing,not a word,I don't know what fuck is Ed doing right now with friends,at least he should release some clips or pictures by now,I am sure that Mk7 is going to be released on 2007,maybe 2008,but not 2006 offcoures not 2006,too slow too slow Mk team,we have to wait and see E3 2006 the new games on ps3,and if Mk7 is not shown,then all I can say is sorry,you people have to wait more years same as me,all I am asking is move their ass and work more harder,it's mk future,well this is the future of mk which is nothing,there is no time,do you think guys,that mk team is working on mk7 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hell to all
good luckfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
11/27/2005 08:45 PM (UTC)
No need to get worked up. Personally, the way I see it Shaolin Monks has barely been released... There's no need for any info just> yet.
11/27/2005 11:34 PM (UTC)
Shaolin Monks just came out two months ago.
So far MK7 is supposedly going to have the largest roster ever, and might be called Armageddon. And supposedly the engine will be better.
What else are you want?

And frankly, I'd rather they take their time and try to make a really good MK7 than rush a half-assed piece of crap.
11/27/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
"And frankly, I'd rather they take their time and try to make a really good MK7 than rush a half-assed piece of crap."

Like MKDA and MKD.
11/28/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
didnt the mk team say that they would release an mk game every year...
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11/28/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
didnt the mk team say that they would release an mk game every year...

Yeah whats your point?

As people have said i would love a great MK that will be an excellent play and that takes time to make than some crappy one that was made in a shorter space of time.

"Good things come to those who wait"
11/28/2005 09:05 PM (UTC)
ok, first you people get anxious and angry that Boon isn't making games fast enough. Then when it comes out, and you complain when Ed says "we didn't have time to add that" It takes time to make a video game. You still gotta wait about... 300 more days. Releaseing a game once a year is pretty fast progress.
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-Isaac Watts
11/28/2005 10:27 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
"And frankly, I'd rather they take their time and try to make a really good MK7 than rush a half-assed piece of crap."

Like MKDA and MKD.

Actually, MKDA was a good game since MK2 imo. MKD on the other hand...? Well, you, I and those on the XBox and PS2 boards know how we feel about MKD. winktongue

11/29/2005 12:08 AM (UTC)
I hope they DON'T rush it!!!

Its that kind of impatience that gives us crapppy MK games, like MK Trilogy and Mortal Kombat 4 Gold.
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11/29/2005 03:35 AM (UTC)
Vasculio Wrote:
I hope they DON'T rush it!!!

Its that kind of impatience that gives us crapppy MK games, like MK Trilogy and Mortal Kombat 4 Gold.

Man MKT and MKGOLD were batter fighting games man a lot more batter dont be dissing them man ok.
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11/29/2005 06:07 AM (UTC)
If they really are releasing a game a year, then I'd suspect we'll start hearing the first rumblings of rumors around March, followed by the first magazine showing in April, a decent sized showing at E3 and a steady media stream leading up to an October release. Again, that's just speculation assuming that they're going on the schedule similar to MK:D's. The only issue I see with that is the fact that MK:D didn't come out after a non-fighting game release year. The MK team had more time and was still working on current generation hardware. With MK:SM coming out only a few months ago, as others have said, I'd have to think that unless the MK team has been working on MK7, keeping it under wraps, while the other company (who's name escapes me) worked on MK:SM, then the timetable should undoubtedly be pushed back. If nothing else, they'll probably take longer to work with the next gen hardware. If that's the case, then don't worry if you don't hear anything for perhaps even a year.

I don't mind that at all though. If they can improve the fighting engine (ie rebuild most, if not all of it from scratch), make graphical improvements, add better story arcs, more unique characters, a plot with real depth, not cliched confusing bits of plot told through pictures and voiceovers, etc etc etc then I'm all for a long waiting period.
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11/29/2005 07:22 AM (UTC)
That post is exactly why we got MKD. Fanboys running around demanding they hurry up and therefore they give us trash. Of course that's not the only reason. They better take their time with MK7. It doesn't need to be rushed out at all. The longer it takes to make, the better it should be. Till then, those of you who wish it to be out quicker, can eat cake. tongue
11/29/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)
GhostDragon Wrote:
Versatile Wrote:
"And frankly, I'd rather they take their time and try to make a really good MK7 than rush a half-assed piece of crap."

Like MKDA and MKD.

Actually, MKDA was a good game since MK2 imo. MKD on the other hand...? Well, you, I and those on the XBox and PS2 boards know how we feel about MKD. winktongue


I though MKD was better then MKDA i mean we had more fatalities, death traps and hara kari's
But to be honest before MKD was out there was info n pictures of MKSM!!! i would like some news too i dont want them to rush the game just give us sum info on what to expect i.e. is this going to be a MKDA and MKD put together or a triolgy 2??
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11/29/2005 06:10 PM (UTC)
How exactly do fatalities, death traps, and hara kiris translate into a better game? DA was technically a better playing game then Deception but both games are nothing more than expensive coasters honestly.

I don't care for news on MK7 unless they have proven that they're getting their act together and can make something worthwhile for once.
11/30/2005 02:42 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
How exactly do fatalities, death traps, and hara kiris translate into a better game? DA was technically a better playing game then Deception but both games are nothing more than expensive coasters honestly.

I don't care for news on MK7 unless they have proven that they're getting their act together and can make something worthwhile for once.

To me MKD was just MKDA but had more characters and other things i thought the gameplay was the same in both them!! only thing i noticed different was in MKDA Raiden had electricity flowing threw him! where as in MKD he didn't!
11/30/2005 04:57 PM (UTC)
I think in my opinion there should only classic returning character with an adition of a make your own fighter, 15 classics and a maximum of 15 you make yourself. It would be bigger then any other imaginable roster of any other mk game. Playing with a new character everytime you wish, offline like online, that would be cool. It would be like a soul calibre 3 game but with online play and special moves.
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11/30/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
seanay Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
How exactly do fatalities, death traps, and hara kiris translate into a better game? DA was technically a better playing game then Deception but both games are nothing more than expensive coasters honestly.

I don't care for news on MK7 unless they have proven that they're getting their act together and can make something worthwhile for once.

To me MKD was just MKDA but had more characters and other things i thought the gameplay was the same in both them!! only thing i noticed different was in MKDA Raiden had electricity flowing threw him! where as in MKD he didn't!

That's nothing to do with gameplay...
11/30/2005 08:33 PM (UTC)
To me MKD was just MKDA but had more characters and other things i thought the gameplay was the same in both them!! only thing i noticed different was in MKDA Raiden had electricity flowing threw him! where as in MKD he didn't!

That's nothing to do with gameplay...

But the game play is the same as MKDA so how can MKDA be better then MKD??

I just played it now and man is it slow compared to MKSM!! lol
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12/01/2005 12:32 AM (UTC)

The term gameplay means how you interact with the game, a simple electricity animation going round Raiden has nothing to do with that.

MK:DA has better gameplay because for the few problems and glitchs that were actually fixed for MK:D, a small amount I might add, twice as many more were created in MK:D.

More glitches, more infinates, more 50/50 mix-ups, even less useful moves.
12/01/2005 09:06 PM (UTC)
all I want is the game to be done right,in every game there is something missing and many mistakes,many ideas has been canelled because they hadn't enough time,we really don't need that for mk7,well but only if they work harder and give more ideas,the game will be nicer,I have no idea about that game only many characters (mk trilogy 2 is ARMAGEDDON)
any good news
just post it heresmile
12/01/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
We're getting an MK game every year now.

Lets do some sums.

1 year.
Millions of pressuring fans

Mk7 is more than likely gonna bomb. Unless they take their time. We were all happy with MKD and MKDA at first. But then by a week we noticed all the little snags, half finished things that had the team had more time would have been proper. AS many have said before and as I have said many times before I would rather a good game every 2 years, maybe 3 than millions of crappy ones to waste my money on.
12/01/2005 10:56 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
We're getting an MK game every year now.

Lets do some sums.

1 year.
Millions of pressuring fans

Mk7 is more than likely gonna bomb. Unless they take their time. We were all happy with MKD and MKDA at first. But then by a week we noticed all the little snags, half finished things that had the team had more time would have been proper. AS many have said before and as I have said many times before I would rather a good game every 2 years, maybe 3 than millions of crappy ones to waste my money on.

I disagree. remember when MKDA took five years to finish???

It got many postive feedback, and I thought it was really good. I played the game non-stop for at least a year. However, despite five years of work on the excelent MKDA, fans still complained about the round shaped arenas on this site (thats a needless and pointless complaint)

So more time doesnt necessarily = better.

Even though MKDA was a great game, I must say that MKD did not match the hype of MKDA. Nevertheless, I believe more people bought MKD, which means that that was as a result of MKDA's buildup towards MKD...
12/01/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
We're getting an MK game every year now.

Lets do some sums.

1 year.
Millions of pressuring fans

Mk7 is more than likely gonna bomb. Unless they take their time. We were all happy with MKD and MKDA at first. But then by a week we noticed all the little snags, half finished things that had the team had more time would have been proper. AS many have said before and as I have said many times before I would rather a good game every 2 years, maybe 3 than millions of crappy ones to waste my money on.

I disagree. remember when MKDA took five years to finish???

It got many postive feedback, and I thought it was really good. I played the game non-stop for at least a year. However, despite five years of work on the excelent MKDA, fans still complained about the round shaped arenas on this site (thats a needless and pointless complaint)

So more time doesnt necessarily = better.

Even though MKDA was a great game, I must say that MKD did not match the hype of MKDA. Nevertheless, I believe more people bought MKD, which means that that was as a result of MKDA's buildup towards MKD...

Sorry! I meant to say MKSM! Lol. MKDA was a masterpiece and it took a while and the effort was clearly visible! After that the series seemed very rushed.
12/02/2005 03:21 AM (UTC)
I'm sure they are working on mini games like Mk checkers or Mk Mahjong.smilesmilesmilesmilesmile
12/02/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
Oh good thing you cleared that up Keith. Happy to hear that you think MKDA is a good game.

By the way, I say MK should go back at least partially to round arenas. That probably diserves a thread of its own. Oh wellsmile
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