New types of Races, Clans, Creatures, and Hybrids.
posted09/10/2006 10:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/01/2004 04:58 AM (UTC)
What new types of races would you like to see in MK8? What about different hybrids?

So far we have Oni's, Reptiles, Tarkatans, Vampires, Shokans, Centaurs, Cyborgs, Demons, and alot others. But what new characters or races would you want? Here are some of my ideas:

Zombies - Real zombies brought up from the graveyard. These zombies would be actual cannibals that prey on any type of flesh (people from Earthrealm & Edenia).

Gargoyles - New creatures, living somewhere in Outworld. Their realm was long ago taken over by Shao Kahn; then merged with Outworld. They would have blue skin colour with glowing white eyes. They'd look more on the human side and unlike other Outworld warriors (Baraka), the Gargoyles would be a force that fights for good.

Dracula - A superior in Nitara's race (or maybe the leader).

Minotaur - A new and powerful creature (future sub-boss?). Maybe the Minotaurs would have their own realm as well.

Chimera - I've always wanted to see a Chimera in MK. It would be bad ass, just thinking about the look. The Chimera would have the head and legs of a Lion, body of a Goat, tail as a Snake. He'd be menacing, looking mostly Lion-like; constantly shooting fire balls. He could be sub-boss material, or maybe just a regular new character.

Cerberus - A 3-headed dog (who guards the entrance to Hades in Greek Mythology). This would be another bad ass character; having Hades or maybe a new Underworld realm in MK would be sweet too.

Phantom - A new warrior from the Chaos Realm, much more powerful than Havik. He would be dressed in all dark purple with a cape on. For his face, you wouldnt see any skin......just the Phantom of the opera mask.

Genie - Possible future boss? I'd like that idea. For his story, his force was captured by Raiden or the Elder Gods because they knew of his dark and evil powers to grant wishes. The genie was now set free from a character already in the MK universe.....

Pirates - I think Pirates would fit into MK perfectly. I've always wanted them in as possible future threats, so I think a new pirate character from a new realm would rock. He'd have swords, cannons, and would want to rule all realms, similar to Onaga.

Insects - An insect character would be sweet IMO. His special powers would vary from different insects & bugs that he's made up of.

Fairy - Having a Fairy would be pretty cool too, as long as they don't make it look childish. The fairy would be similar to Ashrah, but would instead have heaven-like powers. She would be a good character, sided with Raiden and Fujin.

Mummy - A new character risin from the dead. He'd look egyptian-like, and comes from a new realm that looks like Egypt (lots of pyramids, etc).

Witches - We definately need a gothic witch in MK. Her powers would involve witch craft and dark magic.

Komodo Dragon - A new warrior from Reptile's race. Bigger and more monster looking.

Lin Kuei Warrior - I think a new Lin Kuei warrior would be awesome. However, they'd have to make him look alot different than Sub-Zero or other ninja-like characters. His special powers? Metal. He'd fully be able to transform himself into metal/liquid metal. He can change his arms into knives, blades, stabbing weapons, chains, etc. Basically, he'd be like the t-1000 from terminator 2.

Now what about hybrids? I think hybrids are awesome.....especially if it's with animals or another type of hybrid. IMO Kintaro has one of the best hybrids.....a half Shokan half Tiger is sweet, we need to have more characters like that. Thats why I thought a Chimera would be neat because it has alot of Lion features to it.

My idea's for hybrids? I was thinking a Wolf hybrid would be nice.....but then I thought about it again and realized that a new Wolf character would remind me of Saberwulf (Killer instinct) too much. In this case, I think a Hyena character would be awesome. Whether if it's a hybrid or a full blooded Hyena, I think having one in MK would fit perfectly. Why? they are known to be dark and evil animals (Africans say they are witches in animal form). Maybe a new witch character in MK would be half (or full) hyena. She'd probably look gothic with black lipstick, spikes, and dark glowing purple eyes. Maybe the leader would look more menacing, with dark grey fur; black spots all over it. The Hyenas would be the next generation tarkata's......evil, powerful, and deceptive. Maybe they could come from their own pitch dark realm that exsists in the most deepest and darkest places of Outworld. Their powers? it would involve vodoo and black magic.

Anyways, tell me your thoughts and post all your idea's! You can also talk about new realms here if you want.
08/05/2006 01:25 PM (UTC)
Hey I remember a thread like this a long long time ago. I am glad you resurrected it. By the way, I like your thinking, heh, heh.

Here is what I think:


















Angels/Blood Angels



Man Walking Tigers





New Clans/Guilds

Order of Paladins

Guild of Archers




Rogues Guild

Rangers Guild







Thats it for now, I will think more later.
08/05/2006 07:23 PM (UTC)
Awesome ideas man, I love the Clans.

I think having a half Saurian half Tarkata would be bad ass. He'd look similar to Baraka, except with green skin and all scaly. He would have a snakes tongue; instead of blades coming out of his arms it would be poisonous vines that wrap around, and is used to whip, lash, or throw.

A type of humanoid Hydra would be nice too IMO.
We need to make a new race for Meat to belong to. Demons with no skin that eat people to survive.

Noob's race...demons that inhabit bodies. They usually live in corpses and have to find new ones every couple of days, but can take over a soul and use it until the soul overpowers them(Noob controlling older Sub-Zero).
08/05/2006 10:47 PM (UTC)
hmmmmmm how about a race of Fireheads,they have well FIREHEADS,a big bod,two hooves for feet,and the race will be called Zybrarias
08/06/2006 12:15 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
Awesome ideas man, I love the Clans.

I think having a half Saurian half Tarkata would be bad ass. He'd look similar to Baraka, except with green skin and all scaly. He would have a snakes tongue; instead of blades coming out of his arms it would be poisonous vines that wrap around, and is used to whip, lash, or throw.

A type of humanoid Hydra would be nice too IMO.

Thanks man

Yeah, a Saurian half Tarkata would be bad ass. Your idea on a Hydra humanoid would be awesome IMO.
08/06/2006 01:18 AM (UTC)
thebrotherhoodof light
08/06/2006 02:55 PM (UTC)
whats that
08/06/2006 05:58 PM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:
thebrotherhoodof light

Ha! Now that's something we havn't really seen yet.....a character that can control light.
08/06/2006 08:16 PM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
thegodofevilman Wrote:
thebrotherhoodof light

Ha! Now that's something we havn't really seen yet.....a character that can control light.

Except for Ashrah dude. Plus we got the Temple of the Order of Light. But yeah that would work, Brotherhood of Shadow vs. Brotherhood of Light. A classic rivalry between clergies.
08/07/2006 02:08 PM (UTC)
Check this out, I am trying to find pictures for my creatures posted above:













Thats it for now, I will find more pics soon.
08/07/2006 07:08 PM (UTC)
Those are some bad ass pics. The zombie and goblin look sweet. I was gonna do the same but the pics I have are too large. But if you look up Chimera or Cerberus then you'll find some pretty sweet concepts.

08/07/2006 07:11 PM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
Those are some bad ass pics. The zombie and goblin look sweet. I was gonna do the same but the pics I have are too large. But if you look up Chimera or Cerberus then you'll find some pretty sweet concepts.

Thanks man, I will add more races and more pics soon enough. The Dragon Points should be rolling right in for the both of us, LOL.
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08/08/2006 05:14 PM (UTC)
For thinking in cliches?
08/08/2006 06:07 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
For thinking in cliches?


Hmm...I didn't think this type of thread was overused or repeated that much, thats why I created it. The last thread created about similar things like this is on the 5/6th page and I didn't wanna bump it...

08/09/2006 01:33 AM (UTC)
Here is a new race:


Those are four different pictures of Terrians. If any of you remember Earth 2 the TV series, that’s where they are from. I think MK can incorporate them in their own way. Here is a description of them:

Terrians are tall, bipedal creatures that live underground, inside a network of caves beneath the surface. Terrians resemble the New Guinea "mud-men" in form. They are all male, and consider the planet to be their Mother. They have a complex tribal system. Terrians also function in a "group-mind" structure, but are non-violent. However, they are willing to fight if necessary. Any Terrian who goes against the group mind is automatically cast out of the tribe. The Terrians are also guardians of the planet. They communicate via the Dream Plane, similar to the aboriginal Dreamtime or shamanic trance. They also have the ability to communicate via a whale-like trilling. Their weapon of choice is a "lightning stick", which shoots energy bolts that are supposedly channeled from the planet's magnetosphere.

That's the Earth 2 race description of them. I really think MK can have Terrians, if not something similar. They can be like ancient guardians of the Soul Tombs ever since Shao Kahn conquered their realm. The possibilities are endless.
08/09/2006 08:13 PM (UTC)
i think Minotaurs would be a good add....say they lost thier realm and had to serve under shokan/centaurs...untill and uprising...??? which either aloud them to become the new powerful race in out world, or it aloud them to get their realm back
08/09/2006 09:05 PM (UTC)
Those Terrian concepts are awesome.

Some others:

Cockatrice - A dragon's form, but with a rooster's head. Sometimes described as having red to black eyes.

Lamia - female demon who, in the form of a beautiful women, entices and eats children.

Moon-Woman - A woman who lays eggs; and sits on them, hatching giants.

Mantygre - The body of a tiger, and the head of an old man with horns.

Cynocephali - Dog-headed tribes. Could be a new clan in MK.

Tigolopes - Creatures with webbed feet.

Woodwose - Humanoid tree. A creature that lives and originates from the forests.

Anubis - Creature with the head of a jackal or wolf.

Athor - Egyptian creature with the head of a cow.

Sebak - A creature with the head of a crocodile. Could be a new Saurian in MK.

Ka - Creature with the head of a frog.

Enfield - A hybrid animal with the head of a fox, chest of a greyhound, talons of an eagle, and the hind legs and tail of a wolf.

Kara-Shishi - Chinese lion.

Sea-Bishop - A fish that appears like a bishop.

Sea-Monk - A fish that looks like a monk.

Nereid - Sea people that had golden hair and lived in their father's (Nereus) underwater palace.

Leviathan - Demon king of the seas.

Behemoth - Humanoid hippopotamus that can drink rivers in one gulp. Arch enemy of Leviathan.

Valkyries - Sinister spirits of slaughter. Dark angels of death.

Aroich - Demon of vengeance.

Agramon - Demon of fear.

Baalzephon - Guardian of hell.

Balban - Demon of delusion.

Leonard - Demon of sorcery (looks like a giant black goat).

Pytho - Demon of lies; is a serpent demon.

Succumbus - Female demon that seduces males while they are sleeping.

Banshees - Restless spirits of evil witches and females.

Ghouls - They look human but they have sharper teeth and nails. Ghouls also apparently have a green tinge to their skin.

Liches - Powerful necromancers and have become powerful enough to live on after death as a Undead necromancer.

Jack-Frost - An elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold weather.

Hippocerf - Mythical creature which is half horse and half deer. This creature represents indecision.

Dryads - Feminine spirits of nature that reside in the forest.

Bugbear - A monstrous humanoid Bear.

Kappa - Creature that has the body of a tortoise, the head of a monkey and limbs that are lined with scales.

Yuki-Onna - Female demon that inhabits snow storms and causes travelers to become lost. Eventually the travelers become exhausted and freeze to death.

Yama-Uba - Female mountain demon.

Jaguar - King of the Underworld (also king of darkness).

And there are dozens more.

RaisnCain - Check out some bad ass concepts Here. The artist has amazing pics.....too bad the MK Team can't look into those.

Tell me what you think.
08/10/2006 01:45 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
Those Terrian concepts are awesome.

Some others:

Cockatrice - A dragon's form, but with a rooster's head. Sometimes described as having red to black eyes.

Lamia - female demon who, in the form of a beautiful women, entices and eats children.

Moon-Woman - A woman who lays eggs; and sits on them, hatching giants.

Mantygre - The body of a tiger, and the head of an old man with horns.

Cynocephali - Dog-headed tribes. Could be a new clan in MK.

Tigolopes - Creatures with webbed feet.

Woodwose - Humanoid tree. A creature that lives and originates from the forests.

Anubis - Creature with the head of a jackal or wolf.

Athor - Egyptian creature with the head of a cow.

Sebak - A creature with the head of a crocodile. Could be a new Saurian in MK.

Ka - Creature with the head of a frog.

Enfield - A hybrid animal with the head of a fox, chest of a greyhound, talons of an eagle, and the hind legs and tail of a wolf.

Kara-Shishi - Chinese lion.

Sea-Bishop - A fish that appears like a bishop.

Sea-Monk - A fish that looks like a monk.

Nereid - Sea people that had golden hair and lived in their father's (Nereus) underwater palace.

Leviathan - Demon king of the seas.

Behemoth - Humanoid hippopotamus that can drink rivers in one gulp. Arch enemy of Leviathan.

Valkyries - Sinister spirits of slaughter. Dark angels of death.

Aroich - Demon of vengeance.

Agramon - Demon of fear.

Baalzephon - Guardian of hell.

Balban - Demon of delusion.

Leonard - Demon of sorcery (looks like a giant black goat).

Pytho - Demon of lies; is a serpent demon.

Succumbus - Female demon that seduces males while they are sleeping.

Banshees - Restless spirits of evil witches and females.

Ghouls - They look human but they have sharper teeth and nails. Ghouls also apparently have a green tinge to their skin.

Liches - Powerful necromancers and have become powerful enough to live on after death as a Undead necromancer.

Jack-Frost - An elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold weather.

Hippocerf - Mythical creature which is half horse and half deer. This creature represents indecision.

Dryads - Feminine spirits of nature that reside in the forest.

Bugbear - A monstrous humanoid Bear.

Kappa - Creature that has the body of a tortoise, the head of a monkey and limbs that are lined with scales.

Yuki-Onna - Female demon that inhabits snow storms and causes travelers to become lost. Eventually the travelers become exhausted and freeze to death.

Yama-Uba - Female mountain demon.

Jaguar - King of the Underworld (also king of darkness).

And there are dozens more.

RaisnCain - Check out some bad ass concepts Here. The artist has amazing pics.....too bad the MK Team can't look into those.

Tell me what you think.

Wow . . . . . . . I am speechless. I had no idea that over half of those you listed even existed. You are amazing and you know your mythology. Thanks for the complement on the Terrians. And that link, those are some amazing bad ass pics and concepts right there. The MK Team better start recruiting idea men, and better start looking into some of this stuff, because really MK is missing out on so much.
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08/10/2006 07:00 AM (UTC)
i would like 2 see some 2 headed creatures, maybe 1 good and 1 evil conciousness

maybe a pair of brothers.

or things with cenuar legs, and a shokan body, maybe baraka blades
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08/10/2006 11:33 AM (UTC)
You guys have it pretty much covered but what about:


1. Tigers(big cats)

2. Dogs(Warewolves)

3. Birds(Eagals, Ravens, ect)

4. Bears


1. Gryphons

2. Hypogriffs

3. Krackens

4. Pegasus

5. Pheonix

6. Unicorns

7. Sphinx

Of couse all of these would be "man" influenced in feature, posture and make. All diffrent kinds of possibilities though. Good idea, Bad idea.

Some are unreasonable I think but I always wondered why nobody ever used these kind of charaters to spin- off of. confused

Anyway, they're ideas wuddaya think?
Good thread btw.
08/10/2006 01:49 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
You guys have it pretty much covered but what about:


1. Tigers(big cats)

2. Dogs(Warewolves)

3. Birds(Eagals, Ravens, ect)

4. Bears


1. Gryphons

2. Hypogriffs

3. Krackens

4. Pegasus

5. Pheonix

6. Unicorns

7. Sphinx

Of couse all of these would be "man" influenced in feature, posture and make. All diffrent kinds of possibilities though. Good idea, Bad idea.

Some are unreasonable I think but I always wondered why nobody ever used these kind of charaters to spin- off of. confused

Anyway, they're ideas wuddaya think?
Good thread btw.

Hey, I like man. Especially the Pheonix, I was going to say that some time. Also, I even like the Unicorn concept, because you can have them evil and dark, or good and magical. All in all, I like your thinking.
08/11/2006 03:17 PM (UTC)
dude...i think your gettin a little carried isnt a fairy tale
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

08/11/2006 05:31 PM (UTC)
hellspear Wrote:
dude...i think your gettin a little carried isnt a fairy tale

That's true, but adding in some more races to cover some typical 'mythical' or 'fictional' Earth creatures would be interesting.

The 'werewolves' I had covered with my idea of the Therians, a tribal race of animalistic beings at war with the Vampires. Yeah, I know it's a bit cliched, but meh *shrugs*.

The Gargoyles I can definitely see in MK, perhaps as sentries for Kahn and his elite, guarding the castles and dungeons like chained dogs.

I'd like to see more Elementals in the future, and maybe some more Oni. Gods, I think, we can do without for a while. I never really got why they were playable in a game called MORTAL Kombat, anyway.
08/12/2006 04:13 AM (UTC)
hellspear Wrote:
dude...i think your gettin a little carried isnt a fairy tale

Dude . . . I think you don't understand.

Sure, MK is not a fairy tale. But like SynjoDeonecros said, a little bit of mythical elements from different mythology won't hurt.

MK needs this kind of stuff, I have said it one hundred thousand times. MK needs more mythology and above all more variety. Faries and Unicorns that you see in fairy tales, doesn't mean they are going to be the same in MK. You might have an evil dark fairy, or a Unicorn with a snake creature as its horn, catching my drift yeah?

That goes for all of the races, clans, creatures, etc. About the Terrians, that would be the best race for MK, imo. Why? Because it totally fits MK's persona. They can portray them one way or another.

I am not going to waste my energy like I did a while back, but you get it what I am saying man?
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