new kharacters please!!!
posted09/15/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2010 09:20 AM (UTC)
Dont get me wrong, I like what Ive seen so far from the returning kharacters but Im actually more interested in seeing the new khatacters being released this time around. but all they keep dropping are returns sleep
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09/06/2014 06:04 AM (UTC)
I agree that we are due for another new character. I'm not worried that they won't do a good job based on what we've seen so far, but you'll never know. For all we know, when they finally reveal the rest of the new characters it could be downhill from there. Not saying that I think they will suck, just curious and would like some reassurance at this point.

Likely though we'll get the inevitable hit and misses. Let's just hope it's more hits than misses in this game.
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09/06/2014 06:25 AM (UTC)
I'm going to laugh so hard if this game ends up only having 7 new characters. Not saying that's the case, but it would definitely be a surprising turn of events.
09/06/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I'm going to laugh so hard if this game ends up only having 7 new characters. Not saying that's the case, but it would definitely be a surprising turn of events.

I wouldn't mind it tbh. There are so many characters I wanna see return. Mileena, Rain, Sheeva, Nitara, Ashrah, Fujin, Reiko, Kai, Frost, Bo Rai Cho, Havik, Hotaru, Kira. Just thinking about all those characters revamped in the new engine I get a boner!
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09/06/2014 09:11 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I'm going to laugh so hard if this game ends up only having 7 new characters. Not saying that's the case, but it would definitely be a surprising turn of events.

If so, then I can honestly not care about MK anymore.

I think the realistic assumption would be that it is going to be around 10, give or take two.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/06/2014 09:45 AM (UTC)
I suspect the majority of reveals will be returning characters. I mean, there's 7 months left, 9 characters revealed, we're getting an average of one a month....
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09/06/2014 10:09 AM (UTC)
I'm with you. Enough of these MK9 returnees for now. I want some newness.
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09/06/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
I'm ready for a new character , bring them on! I like all the new ones so far , i hope they can keep the momentum going
09/06/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
It's time we get more new character reveals. They bring some hype into the game as new comers and can be interesting. Take our first four newbies, they are very interesting.
09/06/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
I don't even mind if they are not new, but at least show someone not in the last game.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/06/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
The reveal of characters so far has been for marketing I would think. After the first six we have had Raiden, Kano and now Goro. This early in the reveal of the game I would think Warner Bros to placate and reassure fans that series staples are in the game.

I would expect the newer fighters to the franchise be revealed in groups so that if people are not interested in one there is another that could interest them. This is one way to combat the unknown of fan reaction to newer characters.
09/06/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
A new character or somebody who wasn't in mk9.
09/06/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Well, we've seen 3 returning characters since the announcement of MKX, those being Raiden, Kano and now Goro. A new character reveal would make sense. And then some more returning character reveals before the next. Y'know, to balance it out.
I hope no Goro gameplay is shown right now, it should be somewhat of a surprise. I'd like to see a more human new character. We've gotten a giant brute, a bug lady, and a Aztec god. Cassie doesn't count IMO, she's cool but I want to see a fully brand new human character.
09/06/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
I would love some new character reveals. But to be honest I think NRS logistically has to reveal returning characters first.
09/06/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love some new character reveals. But to be honest I think NRS logistically has to reveal returning characters first.

"Has to?" NRS wants to reveal the returning characters first to get them out of the way, is more like it.

If they want to do that first, then why did we get 4 new characters at E3?

We have 4 returnees and 4 new which balances out the roster. Goro won't be on the main roster.
If we get the 6 characters from the boot hint (if still a valid thing), then I'm thinking that possibly 3 are returnees and 3 are new.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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09/06/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
with 7 months to go I really think we will start getting 2 character reveals a month 1 NEW and 1 Returning. I think we will get a NEW character reveal on the 21st.

I still think that we'll get a Goro trailer on Mortal Monday!!
09/06/2014 09:00 PM (UTC)
I'd rather get returning characters first and save the new ones to be discovered on their own in the game. I say this because the character reveals are just too short to give any new character justice. The reaction is inevitably "Who?" We still have no idea who the fuck Ferra/Torr is. New character reveals over returnees at this point are more confusing than hype. With returning characters we have more to speculate on based on what games they've been previously in, are they popular well known characters, do their rivals now have a chance to make it in also, etc. Like if say Reiko got released it'd mean that other MK4 characters have a chance and the game won't just be the MK1 cast. With new characters its like, well here's a midget riding a giant and a bug lady throwin bugs, enjoy! There's nothing to take from that.

But I'd be happy getting anything though. Even gameplay from already revealed new characters. Anything would be nice. NRS marketing team are Ents in no rush.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/06/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
Well I would like to see someone NOT from MK1 for the next reveal.

But I'm ready to see more new faces. I'd love if we could have the next reveal be an all new character and the reveal after that maybe someone from MK4-MKD.
09/06/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
I'd like...

- a druid: a female one who is like Nightwolf. Since Shang Tsung & Quan Chi, we haven't had a female sorceress yet.

- a contortionist: a female Voldo from the realm of chaos or Outworld

- an angel: the true champion of the Elder gods

- a bird-like warrior

- a new vampire if Nitara doesn't return. Still would be nice to have Skarlet join in.

- a new earth warrior replacing Tremor. A golem maybe? Who can use various earth elements: rocks, stone, sand, dirt & crystals.

- a new necromancer after Quan Chi who has the power of a lich
09/06/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love some new character reveals. But to be honest I think NRS logistically has to reveal returning characters first.

"Has to?" NRS wants to reveal the returning characters first to get them out of the way, is more like it.

If they want to do that first, then why did we get 4 new characters at E3?

We have 4 returnees and 4 new which balances out the roster. Goro won't be on the main roster.
If we get the 6 characters from the boot hint (if still a valid thing), then I'm thinking that possibly 3 are returnees and 3 are new.

Valid points. I would lovee it if they kept up the half and half deal right up through to release.

The way I see it though, Is that NRS is not receiving any pressure to reveal new characters. People are first and foremost concerned with which one of their favorites will be included or ommitted.

The point of the e3 reveal with 4 new characters and 2 returning was to make it perfectly clear that MKX was be tailored to the next "generation". Now that that point has been made it will be interesting to see who gets revealed.
09/11/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
With Liu Kang and the other heroes gone, there may be no hope left for Earth's survival.

So far Cassie Cage is the only hero. And hard to determine which Sub-Zero he is and who side he's on.

WE NEED NEW HEROES FOR MK! Until the old ones return to normal.
09/11/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
I would love some new character reveals. But to be honest I think NRS logistically has to reveal returning characters first.

"Has to?" NRS wants to reveal the returning characters first to get them out of the way, is more like it.

If they want to do that first, then why did we get 4 new characters at E3?

We have 4 returnees and 4 new which balances out the roster. Goro won't be on the main roster.
If we get the 6 characters from the boot hint (if still a valid thing), then I'm thinking that possibly 3 are returnees and 3 are new.

Valid points. I would lovee it if they kept up the half and half deal right up through to release.

The way I see it though, Is that NRS is not receiving any pressure to reveal new characters. People are first and foremost concerned with which one of their favorites will be included or ommitted.

The point of the e3 reveal with 4 new characters and 2 returning was to make it perfectly clear that MKX was be tailored to the next "generation". Now that that point has been made it will be interesting to see who gets revealed.

Also valid points.
09/11/2014 08:39 AM (UTC)
Well out of the 9 characters we know 4 of them are new so............
09/11/2014 09:02 AM (UTC)
Cage, Liu Kang and Sonya are coming up! If you like it or not!

I sure don't like it! I FREAKING HATE IT!
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