04/12/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Think about it this way...

You got Ed Boon himself to debunk your thread. How many of us have been on here for how many years? How many of us have had Ed Boon reference one of our own threads directly?

If I were you, I'd be pretty happy about that!

As to the content of this thread, I think that you definitely make some logistical leaps that I wouldn't personally make. But you know what? Until we get the facts, no one's wrong in my eyes.

I still remember Cyberdog getting lambasted by everyone (myself included) before MK vs DC was announced because he kept saying that he had inside info or knew someone and was saying that this would be a VS game against DC Universe. He was right and a lot of people (myself included) were eating crow over that.

As absurd as the idea sounded to me, as impossibly ridiculous and completely different than anything we'd seen before in MK... He was right.

So again, I don't agree with your line of logic on alot of what you're connecting. I don't believe that you can take words and rhyme them to get a different meaning out of them. But I do think it's cool that you're going to such lengths to find info.

Just relax a little on the hate. I mean, one minute, Boon's a mastermind capable of putting together these intricate puzzles/conspiracies and the next he's a simpleton? I get that you're mad, but everyone's wrong sometimes. Everyone makes an incorrect guess. Like I said, we won't even know who's right and who's wrong until concrete info starts coming down the pipeline. So don't even worry about it man!

As for other people on this board getting mad at you, I think that everyone just wants some info ASAP, ya know? It's part of why we're here.

Anyways, take it easy on the hate, and keep looking for clues like the rest of us, buddy!

Even the rumors about MK vs DC Universe was a lot more concrete than this. Though there was no way to confirm what the title would be exactly, TRMK (the leading website in MK news before MK Online was around) had confirmed well a year in advance to the MK vs DC release date that it would be some sort of versus game. That was one concrete thing to go on.
04/12/2010 09:52 PM (UTC)
AdornedByFire Wrote:
Why do I get the feeling BIG SYKE and Icebaby are in on it too? Why are you guys capitalizing words? Hmmm.....?

Yeah Casselman, but I thought those were just visits not actual posts.

And Cyberdog, I'm thinking the same about you too, hehehe. But I see what you did there. Age16, as in the 16th of April. And HospITALitY as his hometown. I saw that one before you made your post though, it was just to much stuff to put in. And don't worry I see "pit" too.

naww im not in on nothing. im too DumB fArr theM complx puzlzes. Lol......

04/12/2010 11:56 PM (UTC)
@GoDisNotHereTODAY: Thanks for the support! And even more so for not deciding to attack me. Instead, that's what other's decided to do, instead of just disregard my way thinking. And they still continue to attack me after you told everyone to lay off. So you can see why I became upset. Go figure. But, I don't think they would use the same words, if we were face to face though.

@SubMan799: I actually meant to apologize to you earlier about calling you out, if I was wrong. Which now I do believe that I am since Boon has addressed this thread.

@skillz: Thanks for your support!

@subzero961: That's not how I was looking at things though. I was looking at Boons tweets and cross referencing them with SubMan's posts and to see what they had in common. As well as just looking at Boon's tweets by themselves and seeing which words were being repeated and capitalized and had similarities in the way they sounded. Then I would see what possible connections they could have to MK, based on the contents of past games. Such as a returning character or gameplay element. As opposed to you, just throwing something random out there, thinking that was my way of thinking.

@You-Know-Who: Thanks! You sound like someone who is actually capable of reasoning and coming to terms with someone else and just doesn't immediately attack a person if you feel they are wrong.

@Baraka407: Thanks! Yeah, I won't deny, I wasn't upset about people's reactions toward my posts, but hey I'm human just like them and have a right to feel that way. But I couldn't care less. It's not like I know them in real life.

@jbthrash: So I can't accept, that you want me to accept, that I sound crazy, when I went ahead and said in my last post, "Well, now I'm not so sure SubMan is Boon, but it's not like I didn't have my doubts to begin with" Which meant that was a mistake on my part, in case you misinterpreted it. Are you following along?

Also you say, "As far as that 9+25= False. That could actually mean something but you didn't even mention it in your first post, and if it does mean something I doubt anybody could make sense out of it."


"Anyways I'm off to live my life instead of wasting it on Ed Boon twitter puzzles that probably don't mean anyting. I'll be back to speculate once real news has come in."

Well, I can't type/think of everything to put in a post. But which one is it, could his twitter postings mean something or not?

And so you think I should find actual evidence before basing speculations on it? Haha, well in my case, what's the need of speculation if I were to have said evidence. Even the people that manage this site have theory's on what stuff on Boons twitter means. Like this page. That theorizes Boon's three E postings.

@TemperaryUserName: Yeah, I guess he does work his ass off. While I wont deny I was sort of angry at Boon by the way he addressed my first post of this thread on hisTwitter, in a seemingly negative way (could be wrong about this though). My simpleton comment, sort of also reflected the brokenness of gameplay, in how he programed the first MK and (maybe the later ones?). As well as the way he sometimes types on twitter. Like how you might see an average teen type. And how Ed's mind might not be as complex as I thought, in order to make such puzzles out of words. But that could also be due to him not wanting to make such abstract puzzles. So don't get me wrong.

@cyberdog: Don't be so rude! And apparently you didn't read the rest of my posts. Because if you did, you would see where I even say, I believe I'm wrong about certain things.

All in all, I'm doing the exact same thing other people are/have done on this board. Which is try to figure out Boon's clues. Except one of my methods, just took on a different path. A path someone could have easily decided to take on as well, if it had occurred to them.
04/13/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
@subzero961: That's not how I was looking at things though. I was looking at Boons tweets and cross referencing them with SubMan's posts and to see what they had in common. As well as just looking at Boon's tweets by themselves and seeing which words were being repeated and capitalized and had similarities in the way they sounded. Then I would see what possible connections they could have to MK, based on the contents of past games. Such as a returning character or gameplay element. As opposed to you, just throwing something random out there, thinking that was my way of thinking.

I understand what you were doing. But my point still stands on what you were basically doing. If I looked hard enough I could find a Boon tweet and find enough capitalized letters to spell out "Shawn" and "Fawn" myself. It's all still equally BS.
04/13/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
But what I was basically doing, wasn't what you say I was doing. Yes, you can look at it like that if you want. As one person could see a color as dark blue and someone else black. But I don't see it that way.

Also, you have to talk about the specifics of what I was doing. Not some probability. Probability, could mean just about anything.....
04/13/2010 01:20 AM (UTC)
Actually yeah it was, it was essentially the same thing I said you were doing. The only thing I didn't do in my example was waste my time to make some vague connection actually on Boon's tweet (because it's a waste of time).

Like I said before, if I looked hard enough I could make meaningless connections myself and make Ed say anything I wanted him to say. If I wanted to find "evidence" that MK Trilogy was going to be a bonus game in MK9 then I most certainly can make vague references supporting the idea and select a few key words to back it up.
04/13/2010 02:02 AM (UTC)
subzero961 Wrote:
Actually yeah it was, it was essentially the same thing I said you were doing. The only thing I didn't do in my example was waste my time to make some vague connection actually on Boon's tweet (because it's a waste of time).

Read my last post.

Like I said before, if I looked hard enough I could make meaningless connections myself and make Ed say anything I wanted him to say. If I wanted to find "evidence" that MK Trilogy was going to be a bonus game in MK9 then I most certainly can make vague references supporting the idea and select a few key words to back it up.
Except, you would be saying MK Trilogy would be in the next game, not me. Again, specifics. Also, you don't know if everything he's saying is meaningless, in regards to things being in the next game. And you seem to be quoting "evidence", as if that's what I've provided (as if there was no way around it). When I was just providing my thoughts and predictions.

04/13/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
AdornedByFire Wrote:
subzero961 Wrote:
Actually yeah it was, it was essentially the same thing I said you were doing. The only thing I didn't do in my example was waste my time to make some vague connection actually on Boon's tweet (because it's a waste of time).

Read my last post.

Like I said before, if I looked hard enough I could make meaningless connections myself and make Ed say anything I wanted him to say. If I wanted to find "evidence" that MK Trilogy was going to be a bonus game in MK9 then I most certainly can make vague references supporting the idea and select a few key words to back it up.
Except, you would be saying MK Trilogy would be in the next game, not me. Again, specifics. Also, you don't know if everything he's saying is meaningless, in regards to things being in the next game. And you seem to be quoting "evidence", as if that's what I've provided (as if there was no way around it). When I was just providing my thoughts and predictions.

You are missing my point entirely, I'm not saying anything, my point is that if I wanted to I could connect what anyone said to mean something entirely different by doing exactly what you did.

You are right, I don't know for sure if everything he says is meaningless. But usually if someone wants you to find meaning behind their words they would make a connection more clear instead of making someone finding words that rhyme with yawn. So while not impossible, I feel pretty confident that Ed Boon has nothing deeper to tell us than what he literally said.
04/13/2010 02:31 AM (UTC)
I understood that you weren't saying anything (for example, Trilogy being in the next game). When I said this, "Except, you would be saying MK Trilogy would be in the next game, not me." I meant, that this statement, would be coming from you, since you said it, not me. Even if something such as this, only exists in the realm of possibility. So, I know you didn't mean anything by your statement on MK Trilogy. Are we on the same page now?
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04/13/2010 03:11 AM (UTC)
Ill let you in on a dirty little secret: mk trilogy is mk9.
04/13/2010 03:52 AM (UTC)
AdornedByFire Wrote:
Why do I get the feeling BIG SYKE and Icebaby are in on it too? Why are you guys capitalizing words? Hmmm.....?

Yeah Casselman, but I thought those were just visits not actual posts.

And Cyberdog, I'm thinking the same about you too, hehehe. But I see what you did there. Age16, as in the 16th of April. And HospITALitY as his hometown. I saw that one before you made your post though, it was just to much stuff to put in. And don't worry I see "pit" too.

In on what exactly, SIR?
04/13/2010 10:17 AM (UTC)
I searched job positions for Warner Bros. on gamasutra and came across these job postings. If you scroll all the way down you'll see positions for WB Chicago.

If you look at this one, you will see where MK is mentioned. And one of the platforms it mentions, along with the PS3 and 360 is Windows. So, we very well could be getting MK on the PC, this time around.

Also, if you look at the Character Artist position link, you will notice where it says, "These assets could include any skeletal models, along with weapons and props.". That means, we might be getting weapons back in this game, in some form. And although there is no mention of MK in that link, it does make regards to experience with Unreal Engine being a plus. And so does every other position for WB Chicago except, Sr. Artist, UI. So I'm guessing, this position might be for MK too.
04/13/2010 10:31 AM (UTC)
That's actually an interesting find, I really hope MK comes out on PC
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04/13/2010 04:37 PM (UTC)
Now you're on to something
04/14/2010 11:32 PM (UTC)
Or maybe is simple that is more easy to program/work first in "PC", later put to 360 and with these, make a "port" to PS3...
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04/14/2010 11:58 PM (UTC)
I very much doubt there will be a pc version, they are leading on ps3 and then porting to 360.
04/15/2010 12:42 AM (UTC)
Cyberdog, do you know why then Gamasutra has Windows listed under "platforms"? Could this be an error? Also if they are in fact working with consoles only, wouldn't they work on a devkit instead of PC(WIndows operating system)?
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04/15/2010 12:54 AM (UTC)
I have no idea why its listed for pc, but street fighter 4 sold poorly on pc fighters just dont fit on the format very well.
04/15/2010 06:03 PM (UTC)
If they are going to have an optional MMO-like konquest mode so that they can charge $6 monthly subscription fees, or some BS like that, then a PC version is possible.

I really hope they don’t go this route. They can charge $money for alternate costumes, but NOT online play!
04/16/2010 09:25 AM (UTC)
I find this a bit funny....all this over some random custom shirt design made by some random Mortal Kombat fan that was submitted to Shirt.Woot.com. It's a cool shirt, ordered myself one actually, but you are following a trail of bread crumbs that exists only in your imagination. I admire the effort, but feel the time taken to come up with said theory could have been better spent.
04/16/2010 10:37 AM (UTC)
wow...lolol....I'd agree with everyone in saying it's all a lot to take in....but what if you are right? Or at the very least "on to something". You DO seem like a puzzle master of words.

Yeah, Boon may not seem like the kind to bust out with a zillion puzzles, but someone could be helping him out with that. Afterall, a huge production like The Dark Knight had so many hints, clues, puzzles, and viral websites to give someone a frickin headache trying to decipher things months before the movie even hit theaters. PLUS they had puzzles that were so elaborate that they had half the people in Chicago physically running around the city for clues! So maybe there's a POSSIBILITY that Boon and pals could have been inspired by something like that. There are some twitter posts that seem a bit odd and puzzle-ish, but on the other hand, it could be Boon's bland sense of humor just simply messing with heads.

With the next installment right around the corner, anything's possible I suppose.

Also keep in mind that this wouldn't be the first time the MK franchise had puzzles and clues to things floating around. MK3 had codes hidden everywhere, including a code in the movie credits.

Boon may be no "puzzle-genious" but someone on his team might possibly be.

For the sake of all the time you've spent on your observations, I hope you're right on at least some of the things...lolol
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