My Observations
posted04/16/2010 10:37 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2010 06:46 PM (UTC)
So, I was looking at Boons twitter and it occurred to me after a while of looking at this pic he posted:

that it seems to be a reference to the "Show Mercy" back in MK3. Since it has the word Hospitality in there. Look at the life bars too. Also the timer reads 33 and there are two three's of course, but I'll get back to this.

Another thing I noticed is at the very beginning dates of Boon's tweets, he goes on to say "Who is Triton?" and then I remember someone in the MKO forum mentioned the word "Tri" and I checked in the General Discussion forum, which is where i remember seeing it. And yes, the user by the name of SubMan799 had made a post called "Whos getting Monster Hunters Tri?" here So it occurred to me, to check out SubMan's other threads. And a lot of the stuff this person writes seems to have connections with words on Boon's twitter just by looking at SubMan's older posts.

Here's some examples:
In this thread here which I'll go ahead and repost in case he decides to delete them:

"Anyone else agree that MK really needs to fix the fighting engine? MKDC was a step in the right direction, but the team needs to improve on that. Make it a fully 2D game, take away all dial-a-combos.

I liked how the MK team addressed infinites in MKDC with the Kombo Breakers. That was great. They just need to build on that. Maybe include something like a Super Meter? You know, along the lines of SF. Every Kombo Break would cost like a fourth of a Super Attack.

Another big issue is that the characters don't feel unique at all. They seem very robotic with their animations. It feels like the characters are all pretty much clones of each other. Please don't give the MK characters lame karate poses. Give the returning ones their original stance. You know, Scorpion with his hand by his head or Sub-Zero with his hand by his chest, and Liu Kang doing his whole Bruce Lee thing.

And finally, include the fundamental fighting game tools. Wake-Ups, Being able to break out of a command throw, short hops, footsies, ect

So basically:

2D Gameplay
No Dial-a-Combos
Fundamental Gameplay Mechanics
More Kombo Breakers
Make each character feel unique during a fight

Gameplay takes priority over everything. Who else agrees?"

Ok, so here we the user talking about Bruce Lee and Boon addresses a user on twitter named, bruceleethree. SubMan also addresses super meters and street fighter in the thread and Boon is always making references to SF, Street Fighter, the words street and fighter, and users with the name Ken in their name. As well as the mention of guest fighters. So assuming SubMan and Boon, are one in the same, then the game is adopting something from Street Fighter, as well as Kenshi from MK. Also notice how SubMan says MKDC in that post and not MKvsDC. Ed Boon says MKDC in his twitter as well and distinguishes the two in his tweets.

I also analyzed Ed's other tweets and came to conclusion that what he's doing with words is this: He capitalizes words to give clues for the next game so we can try and figure out what he's trying to tell us without actually giving it away completely. So, he'll capitalize words like USB and BAIL and SUV and ROCKS etc., Also he repeats alot of words in his tweets that are hidden within words in different places throughout sentences. So for example, the words "for" and "ton" (which he says quite a few times), if you say them together fast, you get, Forden. And he replies to someone with the name Dan as well.

Also, a lot of words, as well as words within words, sound the same as other words. So he'll use the words Harley Quinn, kin, bin, win, for example. And what you do from here is try to combine these words with other words that he repeats in his tweets and try to come up with something that makes sense and is related to something we know about MK.

I need to mention as well that when you look at a word, cross reference it with another word he mentions that falls within the same category of something (like religion) or even may not sound like they fall in the same category but have some kind of connection and you might come up with something. Here's some that fall within religion: nun, Christian, God and kross, angels and demons, which I think might just be talking about good and bad sides. Others include: wall, and the words "build" and "hang" which make building if you think about it. Then there's "left" and "right" which could be talk of the Subway arena.

Some more: "lawn" which sounds like yawn and sleep, week, wake and up which is a reference to, wake up attack gameplay mechanic.
What about wall, CRAZY, HOSPITALity (I capatalized that last one purpose), BAIL, WTF, docs, headache ......I could go on forever really.

So I'll go ahead and post a couple more threads SubMan made and I'll show you how they resemble what's written in Boon's tweets:

link to following thread:

"This thread is about the little things that are needed in the next MK


Obviously needed in MKA. It should be in the next one. Very fun mode that would work like any other tourny. Also you could pit every character into this and see which one comes out the winner without playing any match.

CPU vs. CPU in Vs. Mode:

Simple. Just let us watch computers duke it out in a match.

Third Costume:

Who doesn't want this in? I want to see other versions of a character, and this won't take up too much space

Tag Mode:

5 on 5 tag, or two on two. They have this in almost every fighting game. This is a must have. If they put in a crappy little mini-game that takes away the MK style in the next game, and leave this out, it will be one of the worst things to do in a game ever.

Krypt to Return:

I didn't like this krypt. Wasn't fun to buy stuff, and know what we'll get. The MKDA krypt was the best because you had to buy characters, not do little stupid tasks. In MKDA you wouldn't know what you'd get (unless it was very pricey.)

Funny Videos:

The ads in MKDA were great. Cooking iwth Scorpion, Frost's AD, ect. I loved reading these. Made a good laugh.

That's all I have. Remember, post little things. That's why I didn't pos t Gameplay stuff"

Well Boon does mention little big and planet, and LBP a few times in his tweets and SubMan talks about a two on 2 on 2 match, as where LBP has four players online. And here SubMan talks about 4 player combat too like the old concept art we saw in MKD.

Some more threads:

this is the link to the post/thread made below.

Okay, I had an idea for a new gen MK game. Here's the info:

Enter Mortal Kombat


It has been 100 hundred years since Liu Kangs win in Mortal Kombat. After Armaggedon, Liu Kang became the ruler of Edenia by Kitana's side living in peace. When Liu Kang here's of the next Mortal Kombat Tournament, he must leave Edenia, and defend Earthrealm. The Elder Gods forbid it, for now that Liu Kang resides in Edenia he cannot fight for Earthrealm.

Liu Kang figures that there is no need. All the evil in the world is gone. The Elders tell Liu Kang of a powerful warrior who is the son of a huge enemy Liu Kang had to face in Armaggedon. It is Shao Kahn's son, Trin Kahn.

Liu Kang had one year to train a warrior named Echo to save Earth. When the tournament arrives, Echo is ready to win......


Arcade Kombat:
The usual Arcade like fights. This time you won't be fighting for character's endings. Instead you fight for unlockables.

Story Kombat:
This is a story mode. Take a fighter through this, and learn of his story. Fight characters that are part of his/her storyline, and discover what fate they will have.

Enter Mortal Kombat:
Take a created character through their own story. It will be fully interactive with you making the choices on what to do.

Dojo Mode
A training mode

Versus Mode
Standard versus mode, but with the choice to fight a computer, or watch two computers go at it.

Endurance Kombat
Fight your way through a tower of tag teams to win the ultimate prize of 500 koins for a chosen type of koins. Unlock more difficulter towers to earn more koins. You will be pitted against two warriors in a fight just like the endurance mode in MK1. Except this time it's a tower full of 'em!

Types of Towers for Endurance Kombat:

Trainee's Tower: 4 battles With Liu Kang and Kung Lao as bosses

Warrior's Tower: 5 Battles With Li Mei and Death as bosses

Master's Tower: 6 battles With Trin Kahn and Shao Kahn as bosses

Champion's Tower: 7 Battles with a last three on one battle featuring Trin Kahn, Li Mei, and Shao Kahn in random order.

Mortal Kombat
A tournament mode.

Kreate A Fighter

here are the characters. Their storylines will be added soon:

(New) Echo
(New)Tom Cage
Kung Lao

Li Mei
(New)Trin Kahn
Johny Cage

Super Unlockables:
Liu Kang
Shao Kahn

Don't worry folks. Much more to come. I'll add how to unlock tstuff, the storylines of each characters, and more. Please post comments

Update: Character Bios

Echo: A young man who lived in a village in Earthrealm. Echo always dreamed of becoming a great fighter. When Liu Kang came to Earthrealm to train a fighter to win the Mortal Kombat tournament, he instantly realized that Echo would be the one. He trained him for a year, and when the tournament had finally arrived, he knew Echo was ready. Echo was ready for any challenge......

Tom Cage: The son of Johny Cage and Sonya, Tom Cage became an orphan when they died. Cage never knew who his parents were. He worked with the FBI for a while when he grew up. The FBI knew about how Cage and Sonya died, and who killed them, but never told Cage, for Cage might leave, and search for him. Cage eventually overheard a few agents talking about it, and ran from the FBI to kill the murderur. He was caught by the FBI, and frozen. There was no other way to deal with it. They didn't wanna throw him in jail, for he had been an excellent agent, and if they didn't, he'd run away again.

When Cage was unfrozen 70 years later, he found out about the Mortal Kombat tournament. He thought for sure that the killer was dead, so he decided to enter the tournament as did his parents. The FBI knew everything about his parents, and that they were heros. He wanted to succeed them. Little did he know that the killer was still around.....

Li Mei: When The One Being was destroyed, he put part of himself inside Li Mei so he would still ahve a way of returning. Li Mei became more powerful, and was being controlled. She became the queen of Outworld by winnning a tournament that would decide the ruler. Li Mei was mad with power. She even killed her old master Bo Rai Cho. She is the one trying to take Earthrealm through Mortal Kombat. She is a force to be reckoned with.....

Nitro: The man who killed Sonya and Johny Cage. He kiled them to revenge a great clan that was destroyed by them. All of the Blach Dragons were killed. Nitro is trying to rebuild the lost clan.

Nitro escaped the FBI by going into a portal that led to Outworld. The portal was created by Li Mei. In return for saving Nitro, Li Mei wanted him to fight for her in the next Mortal Kombat tournament. She thought that he could be useful if he killed two of Earth's greatest warriors. To get him to live for the next tournament, Li Mei sent Nitro to Edenia for years, and when he returned he actually looked younger. Nitro had been training in Edenia.

Li Mei sent Nitro as a fighter to help her chances in Mortal Kombat.

Bronze: A Lin Keui warrior under Sub-Zero's training. Bronze was a child doomed to die in a village that was constantly attacked by raiders. His parents were killed there. When the child was about to lose his life, Sub-Zero came to the scene, and killed the raiders. He saved the child.
The date that Bronze was saved was 2070.

Bronze had been trained by Sub-Zero to help win Mortal Kombat. Sub-Zero had heard of Li Mei, and Trin Kahn. Bronze and Sub-Zero entered the tournament, ready to win one for Earthrealm.....

Death: A warrior killed by Hanzo Hasashi when Hanzo was still an assasain. His code name was Death, for anyone who saw him, never saw anything else again. Scorpion was the only one who defeated him, and one loss was too many.

Death has been suffering for years in the pits of the netherrealm. He has sworn to kill Scorpion for what he did to him. Death finally found a way to escape the netherealm, and is now in Outworld. Death enters Mortal Kombat, positive that Scorpion will be there....

Scorpion: A specter that was transformed into the Elder God's tool. Scorpion helped stop Armeggedon. In return he was given the chance to live with his family in the heavens. But he must go to Earth and fight whenever there was danger.

The Elders sent Scorpion to enter in Motral Kombat. They trust him above all others. He is their Champion......



Sonya: Beat Story Mode with Nitro
Johny cage: Beat Story Mode with Tom Cage
Li MeiFight Li Mei in Arcade Mode, and then go on five more levels where you fight her again. Defeat her, and she' your
Trin Kahn: Beat Story Mode with all Default characters, then enter Arcade mode with an unlockable character and go through 10 fights. Then you battle Trin Kahn. Win and he's yours
Vin: Defeat Mercury and Vin as a tag team in Endurance Kombat. There's a 1/5 chance you'll face these two together in endurance. They will never appear with any one else until they are unlocked.
Mercury: Do what you did with Vin. Then defeat Story Mode with Vin

Fujin:Beat Stroy Mode with all new default characters.

Scorpion: Defeat Master mode in Endurance Kombat

Death: Defeat Champion mode in Endurance Kombat, then beat Scorpion's story, and beat the "Enter Mortal Kombat" Mode.

(SU) Liu Kang: Unlock all unlockable characters, defeat story with all characters, beat "EMK" mode with three different characters, beat all Endurance Rounds, and finally defeat Liu Kang when he appears in Arcade mode.
Those are some unlockables. I'll do more later"

So, remember I mentioned the words kin, vin, bin, win, well I think that has to do with the character Vin and Tom Cage that'srelated to the word kin. Since he's the son of Johny Cage and Sonya it says. Also Mercury is a reference to Citizen Kane. Because Boon uses the word sit alot in his tweets as well as within other words like opposite, visiting and site and you get "Cit" from that. Then for the word Zebron, I took out bro and your left with zen so that becomes Citizen and "kin" is Kane. When I look that up on wikipedia I notice it makes a reference to "Mercury Players" and there you see how everything is connected. Looks like a refernce to Mercury to me.

If you've wondered why his tweets sound like that of a teen, then it's most likely due to him being cryptic. Most if not all his tweets are meant to be clues even when he replies to someone he's using their name as a clue, hahaha! So getting back to the HOSPITALITY pic, I said I would talk about, it shows the two 3's on the clock. Well by everything Boon has said, it looks like this new game might be a cross in some way with MK2 and MK3.

I don't see how SubMan799 "Seven, 7, 9, 9" can not be Boon.

Here, SubMan talks about wanting to make a tournament with DC characters, long before MKvsDC came out: link

Thisthread says his birthday is on the 22 and Boons is on the 22.

I just think there is too many coincidences for this stuff not to be true.

I'm not going to post every thread but here's more if you want to look at them.

RE: 5 Lists of Top 5s for MK9

For that last thread I'm not sure what SubMan means by 2.5D???

Subman goes on: "SFIV, a modern 2D fighter with 2.5D graphics. One of the best fighters ever made. Why should MK have to be 3D when games like SF, BlazBlue and KoF have proven that 2D is still the best.

A fast and frantic 2D fighters with no combos to memorize will always be better than a slow 3D fighter."linky

I wanted to mention that I saw another thread of SubMan's where he posted a bio for Kenshi and some other characters for MK7 but I lost it. I'll see if I can find it later. Anyways it turned out to be that the bio was almost exactly the same including the mention of Sub Zero and the portal to get home. Anyways,links here for Kenshi's Armageddon bio kard

There might be others from the MK team posting on these threads, that don't want to be known to the public and MKO probably hasn't caught on to any of this till now, hahaha! Most likely also why there are many "Noobs" on board.

My guess is that we can expect to see/hear something about the game April 16th when the clock hits midnight. According to this tweet by Ed about the movie, Kick Ass. Although, yes I know it is dated 2008, as are many of the other posts I linked to of SubMan. I think however Boon's planning is like that of Jigsaw from the SAW films. Such as the whole story has not revealed itself yet. They might be using old concepts for this new game.

So yeah, just take a look at SubMan799's other postings and cross check them with Boons tweets. And try to decipher other stuff as well with the information I provided you on how to do it.

Anyways, heres what he goes on to say,

"WOW...Twilight kicked ass this weekend....wait a minute. I couldn't possibly care less. I'm not a 13 yr old girl 8:41 PM Nov 23rd, 2008 via web"

That's all for now.
04/10/2010 06:56 PM (UTC)
your funny, but you MIGHT be on to something though........

no shit sherlock. lol
04/10/2010 07:07 PM (UTC)
Is it me, or are there WAY too many threads that talks about Boon? Can't we just make one thread specifically about this kind of information?
About Me

Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/10/2010 07:07 PM (UTC)
This is the most interesting post ive Seen on these forums in the past few years. If you are right. This is gonna be HUGE.

I guess if we get something on the 16th (this friday). Then we will know. Great stuff man.... I cant say anythign more. Not 100% convinced. But GREAT STUFF!
EDIT: ok almost 9000 posts? thats hard to say its him. Hes got double my posts and he works fulltime with little free time during the day. I really want to believe this.

About Me

04/10/2010 07:53 PM (UTC)
Well researched but I am 100% certain that subman is not boon, subman is 16 and lists his home town as the vatican city in italy.
Dont get me wrong Im sure boon spys on this site from time to time but thats not him.
04/10/2010 08:01 PM (UTC)
Why do I get the feeling BIG SYKE and Icebaby are in on it too? Why are you guys capitalizing words? Hmmm.....?

Yeah Casselman, but I thought those were just visits not actual posts.

And Cyberdog, I'm thinking the same about you too, hehehe. But I see what you did there. Age16, as in the 16th of April. And HospITALitY as his hometown. I saw that one before you made your post though, it was just to much stuff to put in. And don't worry I see "pit" too.
04/10/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
Forgot to mention that Vatican City also falls in with religion and oh yeah Ed's twitter, "noobde" is NOBODY. This seems fairly obvious but without the type of strategy I used to solve these riddles, some of it isn't visible to the naked eye.

I have also seen Boon post 100%, but I'm not sure about what that refers too... :(
04/10/2010 08:19 PM (UTC)
I don't have time 4 all these fucking guessing games just give us some fucking info on mk9 and b fucking done with it. I'm getting fucking tired of this shit......................................
About Me

04/10/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
Im not a plant sent to spy lol
Im just joe public trying to get info.
I dont believe subman is boon but you have opened my eyes to something that nobody else has spotted even yourself.
Thanks a million for that not saying what it is though.
talk about hidden in plane
04/10/2010 08:52 PM (UTC)
My beautifull brain.....

I....I think I need to lie down....
About Me

04/10/2010 09:00 PM (UTC)
Dont worry people this is simple cant believe I didnt fuckin see it.
About Me

Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/10/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
im pretty sure posts=visits. I could be wrong tho.
About Me
04/10/2010 09:49 PM (UTC)
I think I've just taken in too much information lol.
It's almost 2 years to the day that we got info about MK Vs DC so hope we get something soon.
This constant wondering and making stuff out of nothing is mind numbing.
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New sig on the way
04/10/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
We need some news. At least we had the countdown last time.
04/10/2010 11:06 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see this kind of story...100 years after generation of fighters...and NOT a reboot in story..just a reboot in the game mechanics..That will be interesting...
Adam Ronin
04/10/2010 11:08 PM (UTC)
Boon probably checks MKO.....

....and he no doubt has a good hearty laugh at the idiocy we all post.
04/10/2010 11:13 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Boon probably checks MKO.....

....and he no doubt has a good hearty laugh at the idiocy we all post.

Yeah, and he's propably taking some ideas from these idiocities..LOL
04/11/2010 12:13 AM (UTC)
i think some of it may just be coincidence but it may also be a diversion. expect a lot more because i strongly feel we will not get any official info until may. Boon is just being sneaky with tidbits for us so we get something to hold us off...the WB is holding things back i assume. i think the WB wants a huge panel for E3.

this post is very interesting in a psychological way but if you think about it...such hints are way too easy to pick out.i think if it refers to anything than it may just be concept art,"could have been" content and what if scenarios.

than again i could be assuming wrong...but the only legit possibilities of hints are the pics with paper the hospitality shirts pic and the trophies pic.

i think the pics refer to the game...think about it. showing the trophies pic is a hint at maybe the obvious trophies being in the game or even maybe a hint for exclusivity to the PS3. it could also be referring to a certain trophy for that part of the game on the papers under the trophies. i think the hospitality shirts were made by a different company so that may have been what brought on the patents for clothing and what not but the paper works under the shirts in the pic may indicate things like the mercy idea,friendships returning or a hospital arena. the possibilities are there but not flawless.wink
About Me

04/11/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
The sooner we get concrete news the better, still think the reveal is coming very soon.
Boons dropping hints and I think you will get up soon.
04/11/2010 06:47 AM (UTC)
I've been on to Boon's "programming skills", for at least the most part of the day. Hahaha!

So, I realize that words not only that he but his team uses on Twitter may actually have more than just one or two meanings like how I previously thought.

What the team/Ed wants us to realize though, is one basic fact. That is, that you never know who you are talking to on the Internet and therefore you can never possibly know the truth about what someone types. So speculation is just that; speculation. Which is why Boon says these two sentences in a tweet:

"Hallways are empty. Complete silence. Why can't everyday be like this? Oh that's right...then we wouldn't have jobs."


"Driving over the Golden Gate bridge"

so looking at the words "silence" and "golden" makes "Silence is Golden", which might go back to the "nun" wordplay thing and could mean we just need to patiently wait for news from them. Which is also referenced in that first tweet. We need to have "faith".

Yeah, so basically they are using English words and the lack (or not) of emotion, to their advantage. As well as lower/uppercase and misspelled words and sentence structuring to toy with our minds and make us believe it's all one big conspiracy. But again since there is uncertainty about who's who, online and trust issues, you can't be sure about what meaning said "word" has, if any. Probably go on some wild goose chase for some stuff.

Also, if any of these predictions turn out to be right when they start revealing the game, we'll all know how "idiotic" *sarcasm* these analysis are.

oh yeah...Mortal Kombat: Dark Conspiracy.......nice try guys wink
04/11/2010 07:43 AM (UTC)
You're all acting like Boon is some kind of intricate mastermind of puzzles and mind games. He isn't. He's the guy who invented Mortal Kombat.
04/11/2010 07:46 AM (UTC)
No I'm not. If you read my last post carefully you might actually see that.

Anyways, I'm just observing what is presented. Take it as you will!
04/11/2010 07:55 AM (UTC)
If I ever start my own detective agency you can totally expect me to call you! XD
04/11/2010 01:15 PM (UTC)
Sorry for my rudeness... but get a life.
04/11/2010 02:06 PM (UTC)
I agree with those who think you may be reading into things just a bit much, ABF. tongue

You're obviously very good with word games and that sort of thing, but I bet I could rearrange the words in this sentence I am typing right now to create "another meaning" for it. Actually, I mean what I type. wink

Boon is notorious for playing games with us, and he has been dropping us teases and such -- but I don't think he would give us so much to decode. Why? Because it doesn't get decoded and then it's a waste of his energy.

You should go ahead and write yourself a novel that focuses on puzzles within words and that sort of stuff. It would be a fun read. But when Boon says he is going over the Golden Gate Bridge, it might be because he is doing so.
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