
Origin: The Heavens
Alignment: Good
Allies: Raiden, Liu Kang
Foes: Shinnok, Sektor

After the battle with Shinnok, Raiden was offered the status of Elder God, which would leave the Earthrealm protector spot vacant. Raiden offered me the position, which I accepted and departed to the Heavens. I was currently dealing with the treat of Sektor’s Tekujin ninja clan when I had heard about the threat of the Deadly Alliance from Raiden, who had relinquished his status as Elder God. He told me to stay in Earthrealm, should he fail in stopping the Deadly Alliance.

Though I obeyed Raiden’s orders, the Elder Gods have informed me of everything, from the Dragon King to Raiden to the One Being. I make my way to Outworld to lead Earth’s warriors for the first time. Though I have been protector of Earthrealm for many years now, I feel worried and doubtful that I can led Earth’s warriors successfully into battle against Shao Kahn and prevent the One Being from regaining his consciousness, but I must lead Earth’s warriors into battle.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Kabal
Foes: Kobra

I was the first recruit of Kabal’s new Black Dragon. We made our way to Outworld to defeat Earth’s warriors when they had defeated the Dragon King, but recent developments prevented us from doing so. Kabal had Kobra and I fight to the death to determine who would become the first member of the new Black Dragon, I won.

Now Kabal and I have found as many as a dozen recruits for the new Black Dragon and our first task is to wipe out our enemies: The Red Dragon. I am anxious to prove myself to Kabal as his second-in-command.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao
Foes: Dragon King, Shao Kahn

I had foreseen the coming of the Dragon King in my dreams, I had corrupted my soul with evil in order to enter the Netherrealm and trap the Dragon King in the forbidden realm, but I was met with resistance from its denizens, I was forced to escape the Netherrealm, albeit with my soul still corrupted.

I desperately search for a way to clean my soul of this evil while preparing for this battle with the One Being, I am ready to push myself to my limits and fight this ultimate evil, hoping that in doing so I can find a way to purge myself of the evil I have tainted myself with.

And now the non-playable characters.


Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Sheeva, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung
Foes: Baraka, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kitana

I was attacked from behind by the wraith Noob Saibot during the battle against Shao Kahn’s army. I lay on the ground dying, until I was confronted by Shao Kahn, who healed me with the little power he had left. As a life debt, I offer my services to him.

I have wiped out the Tarkatans and prepare to do the same to the Centaurs. Shao Kahn has offered my race superiority where else Kitana only offered peace, I owe Shao Kahn so much for everything he has done for me. I fight by his side as he prepares to make his final move.

Shao Kahn

Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Goro
Foes: Everyone else

My deception had deceived everyone, I escaped into the wild to regain my strength where I witnessed my army fight with Edenia’s to the death. I witnessed Noob Saibot’s attack on Goro, which fatally wounded him. I walked up to him and healed him with the last power I had left available. We escaped and prepared to make our move.

Now with Onaga dead and the One Being speaking to me to assist his revival, he has told me everything, he revived Raiden after his sacrifice to stop Onaga and changed him greatly and will use him as a distraction to prevent Earth’s warriors from stopping him. He expects me to be his servant, I serve no one! His power will be mine and mine alone to rule! Soon all will bow before me!

There we go now the epic final battle scene, which I would have CGI cutscenes take place and describe the events that happen.

After the battle with Goro, who falls down much like Moloch in a pool of blood, before the battle with Shao Kahn you are treated to this cutscene:

(The heroes which are shown in this cutscene are: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Johnny Cage, Sonya and Jax, Shao Kahn sits on a thrown with the slowly merging Komidogu above them, Shao Kahn jumps from his throne and stands before the warriors)

Shao Kahn: It's been a long time, hasn't it Earthrealm Warriors? A month? A year? A milenium? Far too long, regardless.

Liu Kang: ....

Shao Kahn: *chuckles* It is my destiny and my right. Liu Kang, my defeat at your hands so many years ago opened my eyes. If you want to succedd you must use others to your advantage. The One Being believes himself to be using me for his own ends, while it is actually the other way around. His power will be mine to use and mine to control! I will shape the realms as I see fit! Liu Kang, I owe it all to you.

Liu Kang: Don't blame me for your insanity Kahn!

Shao Kahn: Kitana, my once loving daughter, do you see now what you could have had if you had not betrayed me? You could've ruled at my side as my princess.

Kitana: Don't you dare call me that! My father, my real father's name was Jerrod who you killed as part of your foolish conquest and now finally I will avenge him!

Shao Kahn: *laughs* Your father was a fool, Edenia will be mine once again soon. You fools! I am nothing like how I used to be. I have been waiting for this day for so long. When you plead for mercy, I shall crush your skulls and look into your eyes as you die.

Scorpion: Enough talk!

Shao Kahn: Yes! Now you fools shall FEEL THE POWER OF SHAO KAHN!

For two rounds, the player fights an intense battle with Shao Kahn, you will feel as though you have beaten the game when you defeat me, but the game's not over yet...

10/09/2005 02:31 AM (UTC)
Ah, new bios. Here are some new comments.

Shang Tsung

Hmm, I think this is a pretty decent bio for him. I really liked the way he was in MKDA and would like to see him like that again for MK7. Btw, I think it's important to list Kenshi as one of his enemies.

Quan Chi

Quan Chi is from the Netherrealm and Raiden is another of Quan Chi's enemies along with Drahmin and Moloch. For his allies, what about Noob Saibot and Tanya? Anyway, regarding your bio for him, why did he have to leave the amulet behind? How did the amulet get to Shao Kahn's palace? Did Shao Kahn take it sometime after Onaga's destruction? Other than that, his story is alright.


That's pretty interesting and logical that Havik would do such a thing. The storyline sounds like it's in the right direction though I hope to see more to it. On a side note, before he came across Kenshi, Mavado crossed paths with Sonya and Jax before (separately) and defeated both of them.


Well, I think his storyline is rather linear and I think that there could be more to Kabal going on.


I think it's a pretty fitting bio for her but how is Tanya an ally of hers?


Well, I think the bio is alright but to me, it doesn't really develop Jade's character. I think that something to spark the beginning of a change in her character can spice things up. Although she is currently my favorite female MK character, I am completely aware that her storyline is lacking so I hope you can see where I'm coming from with this.


It's cool to have Reptile come back in his human-like form, but I think there should be more to his storyline than just revenge. If he truly believes that Khameleon isn't gone, he should try to search for her so the two can get together and do what comes naturally, if you catch my drift. tongue Also, Cyrax is an enemy of his.


Basically, my views on your bio for him are the same as Reptile's. It should go beyond something that of revenge. Also, wouldn't Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, and Bo' Rai Cho also count as his enemies?


Ah, so you've derived your inspiration from XiahouDun84's work eh? Interesting...Although this is another revenge storyline, I think it can kind of work as long as there's other development to it..


Well, this seems like another revenge based storyline. On a side note, Sonya is also kind of her enemy.

Regarding Blaze, I think he's actually a pretty interesting character with some potential. Overall, I wasn't really too impressed with these since most of them seemed too much about revenge and very little to nothing about character development. I guess Kung Lao's is still my favorite so far. I look forward to seeing more of your bios though.
(Shao Kahn stands still for a moment which allows him to receive a Bicycle Kick from Liu Kang, which knocks him down on the ground, then we see Scorpion trying to the break destroy the Kamidogu, with a fireblast, Scorpion succeeds in shattering the Kamidogu, but when the day appears won, one energy thread remains and shoots itself into Shao Kahn’s body.)


(Now Shao Kahn stands up, but he talks in a completely different voice.)

Shao Kahn: You fools thought you could stop me? I can never be stopped.

Liu Kang: What the...? Shao Kahn... how....?

Kitana: That is not Shao Kahn...

Shao Kahn: Heaven and Hell both fear what I behold, my power holds no equal, I am the air that you use to breath, I am the ground you stand on, I am the water you drink, I am everything. I am absolute. I am power. I am the One Being...

Kung Lao: The Kamidogu have been destroyed, you cannot be alive!

One Being: Imbecile. You may have destroyed the Kamidogu, which would have prevented my return to my original form, but I was able to fire a core of my essence into Shao Kahn, I now speak to you through him. Once I defeat you, the realms will be no more and the Elder Gods will die.

(The good guys step forward and prepare to fight)

One Being: None of you are a match for me. You can try to run, but what good will it ultimately do?

Liu Kang: (shaking with fear and despair) We... We.. cannot win....

Then the battle begins, the players finds his/her attacks cannot hurt the One Being and he/she is quickly reduced to an inch of health in which another cutscene plays.

(The warriors are all on their knees, Kung Lao is holding his side in pain)

One Being: It is done.

(But then another warrior teleports in and appears before them, it is Raiden, in his old look once again)

Liu Kang: Raiden!

(But Raiden does not respond, instead he traps the other good guys in a force field which surprises them)

Raiden: I had heard stories of you, One Being. You have used me to your own ends.

One Being: Yes, Thunder God. In order to distract the Gods and bring about my return, I needed the power of one of their own, you have served my purpose well.

(Raiden attacks with his torpedo dive which the One Being blocks and strikes Raiden away, for a while the two go out, with Raiden slowly beginning to gather his godlike essence, suddenly he thrusts it into the One Being, soon a vast explosion follows)

Liu Kang: RAIDEN!

(The good guys are protected from this blast, but then the shield dissolves and the dust clears in which we see the One Being kneeling on the ground, panting and weak. Raiden however is no where to be found.)

Liu Kang: (drops to his knees) No...

One Being: (panting) I will admit that caught me off guard, but it was not enough to kill me. Raiden has failed and so will you!

Johnny Cage: We’ll see about that! (charges)

Sonya: Johnny! (follows him)

(Soon Kung Lao who is still holding his side, Jax, Sub-Zero and Scorpion charge as well. However Kitana stays behind when she sees Liu Kang pounding his fists on the ground, frozen.)

Liu Kang: He’s gone... I don’t believe it.... Raiden’s really.... Gone....

Kitana: I know.

Liu Kang: Kitana, I can’t do this... He was like a father to me... We can’t win this fight.

Kitana: (walks over and slaps Liu Kang, who looks up at her shocked) Stop it! The Liu Kang I know wouldn’t act like this. He’d stand up and give this guy the fight of his life. (She grabs his arm) Now get on your feet. Raiden didn’t do that for you to act like this. He wanted you, all of us to defeat him. He may have given us the chance we need to end this battle for good... now stop shaking and get up and fight!

Liu Kang: (after taking in her words, he smiles and starts to stand up) Kitana... thank you. (She smiles at him)

(Liu Kang turns and faces the One Being, the camera gives a close up of both Liu Kang and the One Being and then the final fight begins and if you are Raiden, Raiden will still appear, but consider that to only be there so you can his ending)
(The player finds his health restored and the One Being weakened, making him fightable. Then finally after a long fight, the battle ends with the words: FINISH HIM! Appearing above which leads to the final cutscene.)

(The One Being stands shaking like the usual defeated character in Mortal Kombat, Kung Lao is the first to attack with his hat which slices Shao Kahn’s chest, then gives him a sharp kick to the head, then Johnny Cage attacks with first his Forceball and then Shadow Kick which sends the One Being back, then Sonya uses her ring toss following by her leg grab to throw him to the ground, when he gets up, Jax gives the One Being his Piston Punch, which knocks him towards Sub-Zero, who punches him twice and freezes him which launches him back, when he is unfrozen the One Being stands up only to be speared by Scorpion who shouts “GET OVER HERE!” and pulls the One Being toward him, Scorpion punches the One Being for a few seconds and then finishes with his Backflip Kick which sends the One Being flying, Kitana uses her fan lift followed by her air punch which knocks the One Being to the ground soon the One Being rises only to be confronted by Liu Kang, who charges up his fireball and lets it fly, burning Shao Kahn’s body then Liu Kang starts running and just like how he defeated Shang Tsung, hits the One Being with his Flying Kick which causes him to fall off the ledge.)


(The One Being is impaled by a spike as he falls. Soon Shao Kahn’s body explodes, the One Being screams as his consciousness is permanently broken and he is silenced forever, Shao Kahn’s helmet flies back up and lands near Liu Kang, it is covered in blood.)

Coming soon the text endings which will reveal what happened to all the characters and their final fates.

With the One Being destroyed, Outworld lay in leadership chaos ruined by Shao Kahn’s tyranny, although the majority of the population remained kind-hearted, Shao Kahn’s death left Outworld without a ruler, therefore without judgment, and order. Ermac decided to fill the vacant seat, but rather than serve as Outworld’s emperor, he would becomes its guardian.

Ermac found and broke all the orbs; which had merged all the realms, which Shao Kahn had conquered, with Outworld, he then helped rebuild Outworld to a land of indescribable beauty and purity.


After the defeat of the One Being, Nightwolf still retained the evil taint in his soul, which continued to haunt him, until he came across Ermac, who helped him by removing the evil taint in his soul. Nightwolf thanked Ermac and returned to Earthrealm.

Nightwolf returned to his tribe on Earthrealm and returned to his peaceful ways, Nightwolf often looked back on his experiences and recalled the many battles he fought. Nightwolf would live on in peace, finally retired from fighting.

Shang Tsung

Shang Tsung desired to retake Liu Kang’s soul and add it to his soul. When he confronted the Shaolin Monk, he fought with his old rival once again, but this time Quan Chi would not be there to help him, Shang Tsung ran off vowing to get his revenge. Shao Kahn had saved Shang Tsung from death to serve as a way to distract Earth’s warriors to allow him time to take the One Being’s power before Earth’s warriors arrived.

Injured Shang Tsung started to return to the palace, but he was confronted by the blind warrior Kenshi. Kenshi had heard from his ancestors that they sensed Shang Tsung was still alive and went after him to finally achieve his redemption. Kenshi and Shang Tsung fought, but ultimately Kenshi came out the victor and struck Shang Tsung down with his sword. The many souls that Shang Tsung absorbed were now all released and free to ascend to the Heavens, Shang Tsung died a most painful death.

Quan Chi

Having been forced to throw away his amulet to distract Onaga to allow him to get away. Quan Chi had found his power to be cut in half. Making his way to Shao Kahn’s palace, who had apparently found the amulet inside the remains of the Dragon King’s palace where the Kamidogu had been taken to be protected.

Quan Chi snatched the amulet, unknown to Shao Kahn and began to regain his former power. Quan Chi would wait for the right moment to take out Shao Kahn, but something else drew his attention, in the Netherrealm, he sensed that Scorpion and Wraith were fighting, when Quan Chi corrupted her soul, he made it so that he could see what she was doing at all times. Quan Chi wasn’t about to take this chance to miss seeing Scorpion finally disposed of for good and made his way to the Netherrealm.


With Fujin out of the way, Sektor could finally conquer Japan. When Sektor and his clan made their way to Japan’s grounds, they were surprised by the Lin Kuei, who had been ordered by Sub-Zero to defend Japan.

Sektor’s insanity reached breaking point and he blindly attacked the Lin Kuei, killing many of the clan members in the process as the Tekujin started to gain advantage of the fight, Sektor was confronted by his primary target: Cyrax.


On the battlefield of the war between the Lin Kuei and Tekujin, Cyrax confronted his old enemy; Sektor on the battlefield and the two challenged each other to Mortal Kombat. Although Cyrax had been weakened from his time in Outworld, he managed to hold his own, until finally Sektor lay defeated.

Cyrax did not kill Sektor and turned to leave as the Lin Kuei started to overcome the Tekujin, consumed by insanity Sektor tried to self-destruct which would destroy every being in the nearby area, Cyrax acted quickly and trapped Sektor in a net, so he only destroyed himself. Soon the Lin Kuei triumphed over the Tekujin wiping the clan out, with the battle won, Cyrax would return to the Special Forces where he would continue to serve as their agent.


Mileena had now inherited the title of Princess of Edenia, with Sindel’s death, Kitana was to become queen. Although, she was not Kitana, as long as everyone believed her to be so, Mileena would soon become the queen, but she knew she’d have to get rid of the only one who could stop her: Kitana.

With only hours away from the crowning ceremony, Mileena prepared herself for what she had been waiting for her whole life, but she was attacked, not by Kitana, but by her old lover: Baraka.


Baraka was now the sole surviving Tarkatan in Outworld, with his race now on the edge of extinction. Now left with no options, he made his way to Edenia where he approached Mileena and challenged her to Mortal Kombat.

Baraka fought well, but fell to Mileena’s superior speed. Mileena spared Baraka the pain of suffering and finished him, laughing as she did. With Baraka’s death, the Tarkatan are no more.


On her way to stop Mileena from becoming Queen of Edenia, Kitana remained devastated at the loss of her mother and though Jade often tried to comfort her, Kitana still felt angry at herself for what she had done. One night, as she slept near the Edenia Palace, she saw her mother and her father, Jerrod. Speaking to her, Sindel assured Kitana that what she did was not her fault and Onaga alone. She was happy to finally be Jerrod once again, Kitana also spoke to her father for the first time and he told her that he was proud of who she became and for the first and last time, daughter and father embraced each other. As they assured her to finally achieve her destiny and become Queen of Edenia.

While Jade held off the Palace Guards, Kitana bare witness to Baraka’s death, challenging Mileena for the crown of Edenia, the two “sisters” fought for the final time. Both combatant seemed equal with neither able to best the other, but the words of her mother and father inspired Kitana and she once again killed who she once considered her sister. Long live Queen Kitana.


While Kitana fought with Mileena inside, Jade held off the Edenian Guards, who had been ordered by Mileena to prevent Kitana from reaching the throne room. Though Edenia’s guards were quite skilled, Jade proved she was far superior to any of them as she single-handily defeated them all.

With Mileena’s death, Edenia is finally at peace, but Kitana refused to be crowned Queen until the One Being had been successfully stopped, she left Jade in command of Edenia as she left to help Liu Kang in stopping the One Being. Jade would later become the Captain of the Guards given to her by the new King and Queen of Edenia.

There we go the first few endings are done which tie up the Lin Kuei/Tekujin and Edenia subplots. Hope you liked the first few coming up next: Scorpion, Sareena, Smoke and Sub-Zero vs. Noob Saibot and Frost and the three-way battle between the Special Forces, Black Dragon and Red Dragon!

Kabal had managed to gain enough Black Dragon members to finally able to wipe the Red Dragon for good. When Kabal had heard that Mavado survived, he vowed to make sure that this time he would make the attack count. Waiting for the right moment, Kabal led the attack on the Red Dragon’s headquarters.

Kabal and Mavado fought once again while the carnage occurred around them. As Kabal prepared to finish Mavado, both were quite surprised by the sudden appearance of a man who was thought to be dead: Kano.


Kira was picked to serve as the field commander of the Black Dragon in their assault on the Red Dragon. Kira eagerly led the attack on the Red Dragon and helped Kabal fight Mavado although the true battle was just beginning.

Kira killed many Red Dragon members, but when she intervened in the fight between Kabal and Mavado, Mavado took Kabal’s hookswords and brought Kira’s life to an end.


Kano followed Kabal to the Red Dragon’s Headquarters where he watched the final battle between the Black Dragon and Red Dragon begin. Shortly after, he bare witness to the fight between Kabal and Mavado, seeing this as his opportunity, he stunned Mavado and attacked Kabal.

Kabal fought well, but his exhaustion from his fight with Mavado, allowed Kano to defeat him. Kano then ripped out Kabal’s heart and held it in the air as Kabal drew his dying breath.


Jax contacted the Special Forces for back up as he witnessed the war between the Black Dragon and Red Dragon for the first time. As he and Sonya led the Special Forces into battle, it soon became a three-sided war.

Jax personally fought with Mavado, while Sonya battled Kano. Mavado appeared to have the advantage, but Jax’s resolve kept him fueled for the fight and Jax defeated Mavado, who died from his various wounds shortly after. After the battle, Jax announced his retirement from the Special Forces.


Sonya had a score to settle with Kano, although she had defeated him so many years ago when Shao Kahn invaded Earthrealm, she knew that Kano would not make the same mistake again.

Sonya was nearly defeated again by Kano, but using her legs, she was able to throw Kano off, which this time snapped his neck. The long rivalry between Sonya and Kano was finally over. All Black Dragon and Red Dragon members who survived the battle were then taken into custody. The conflict was finally over.

Get to the Noob Saibot battle after which will include Smoke, Sub-Zero, Sareena, Frost and Noob Saibot's final fates. (And hopefully Scorpion and Wraith as well)
More endings!

Noob Saibot

Thanks to Frost’s help, Noob Saibot’s desire to conquer the Netherrealm, seemed only mere moments away. Thanking Frost for her help, she told her of his former partner Smoke and how he had betrayed him when he refused to help kill his brother, Frost said she would kill Smoke first as the first part of her vengeance against Sub-Zero.

With his army ready to be activated, Noob Saibot stepped forth and prepared to achieve his goal, but he first he would have to defeat his old enemies: Sub-Zero, his younger brother, Scorpion, the specter who killed him, Sareena, his former attraction and Smoke, his former partner. The battle for the Netherrealm had begun.


Smoke traveled with Sub-Zero, Scorpion and Sareena into the Netherrealm to do battle with Noob Saibot. Although Smoke’s actions were not of his own doing, Smoke felt the need to redeem himself for serving evil. Sub-Zero was surprised to find that they were confronted by a wraith, who identified herself as Frost.

Sub-Zero was shocked to learn her true identify and when she attacked him, Smoke defended his friend and fought with her while the others fought with Noob Saibot. Smoke fought well, but was defeated by Frost, as Smoke started to deactivate again, this time for good, what he had wanted since he regained his free will had finally happened. In his last moments of life, Smoke shed a tear and as he died, he became human.


Frost had killed Smoke as the first part of her vengeance against Sub-Zero. While she prepared to do the same to her former mentor, Sub-Zero held Smoke’s lifeless body in his arms and cried while Scorpion fought with Noob Saibot. Frost failed to noticed Sareena coming in to attack her.

Frost fought with Sareena, who defeated Frost while Sub-Zero enraged by Smoke’s death, froze Frost with his freezing powers and with a kick from Sareena, she fell into the nearby lava, although lava would traditionally melt ice, Sub-Zero’s dragon medallion had made the ice strong enough to resist as Frost would be forced to remain in her icy tomb forever.


With both Smoke and Frost dead, Noob Saibot tried to convince Scorpion to join his side, but Scorpion proved himself to no longer be influenced by the evil that condemned him to the Netherrealm, Sareena approached Noob Saibot, but rather than fight him, she attempted to reach out to him.

For a moment, it appeared to have worked as Noob Saibot embraced her in his arms, Sub-Zero thought for a moment that his brother had returned, but it was all a ploy as Noob Saibot grabbed her neck and while Scorpion and Sub-Zero watched with horror, Noob Saibot ripped Sareena’s head from her shoulders.


Sub-Zero and Scorpion watched as Noob Saibot mercilessly killed Sareena. In this moment, Sub-Zero realized that his brother was gone and that he could never return. Scorpioin told Sub-Zero that the Elder Gods had granted him the ability to open up a soulnado, this soulnado would’ve killed Scorpion for good had he not been able to escape into the void, however this soulnado would have no void to escape into. Sub-Zero distracted Noob Saibot, which allowed Scorpion to open the soulnado.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero hurled Noob Saibot into the soulnado and watched as his hellspawn body was ripped apart. With Noob Saibot gone, Sub-Zero mourned the loss of Sareena and Smoke, but Scorpion (of all people) assured him that they had given up their lives for a noble cause and instead of mourning their deaths, they should honor them and for the first time, Scorpion and Sub-Zero shook hands as the two old rivals made peace. Sub-Zero returned to the Lin Kuei, where he found himself to be a respected grandmaster, Earth will be well protected with the Lin Kuei under Sub-Zero’s leadership.
10/10/2005 07:57 PM (UTC)
Here are the rest of my reviews:


His storyline is actually pretty good. One thing I forgot to mention is that the spelling of Sektor’s clan name is Tekunin, not Tekujin.


It’s simple, but pretty good, and I’m glad that you had her kill Kobra off.


It’s pretty good. I like it though I kind of wish that his storyline could have 1 or 2 characters tie into it.


It makes sense. On a side note, I wish they would’ve left Goro dead.

Shao Kahn

Well, it’s fitting but I do have a couple of things to say. First off, I don’t think the One Being should be referred to as “heâ€? or “sheâ€? but as an “itâ€?. Also, the One Being’s influence over Shao Kahn is a subconscious manipulation though I guess you could make it work with Shao Kahn being in contact with the One Being since you had your story in which the One Being’s return is coming close.

Main ending:

I think it’s alright overall, but if the One Being’s consciousness is permanently broken, does that mean that the realms are stable or does it mean that all of reality is lost?



Sounds pretty good…gives him a purpose…


Since when does Ermac have such a power? Perhaps if Nightwolf were to come across someone like Kenshi or Liu Kang, it could make a bit more sense.

Shang Tsung

It’s ok, but I would’ve imagined that being more of an ending for Kenshi while Shang Tsung’s ending involves him gaining ultimate power or something. *shrugs*

Quan Chi

I don’t think that it makes sense for him to throw away Shinnok’s amulet to distract Onaga when you have Raiden and Shang Tsung already distracting him by their blasting attacks.


I think that there could’ve been more to his ending. Once again, it’s Tekunin, not Tekujin.


It’s an alright bio and at least Cyrax has a bit more going on this time around like in MKDA.


This is kind of odd. I think it would’ve made more sense for Mileena to have been more fortunate in her ending.


Same thing like I said with Mileena’s ending but this time applying to Baraka. I think that with the way you’re making it so the Tarkatan race is nearly extinct that Baraka would try to make a deal with Mileena so that they can make peach with each other and join forces once again but this time, being King and Queen of Edenia and them repopulating the Tarkatan race.


It’s a pretty decent ending.


It’s decent like Kitana’s though I think Jade could also be like Kitana’s personal protector or something.


It’s ok…would’ve liked to have seen a bit more to it…

Hmm, I don’t know if I like this. That just seems like too soon of a finish to her character.


Fitting ending though I wonder what comes next for Kano’s story.


I guess that’s an alright way to end his story, but then again, I don’t really see much development in his storyline. I would just like to see a bit more to him, that’s all and that’s just generally speaking for his character.


It’s ok, but like Jax’s, it doesn’t really give her that much development.

Noob Saibot

It sounds pretty good except I have one little problem with it. I don’t think Noob should want to destroy Sareena. He should try to get her to join him and rule by his side.


It sounds tragic for an already tragic character though it kind of ends his story without giving him much of a chance for something more in his storyline.


Interesting way of having Frost get killed off though I’m still curious about her origins. Also, I don’t like the idea of Sub-Zero crying. Yes, he’s a passionate warrior, but he shouldn’t do anymore than get misty-eyed or even a tear or two.


Like I said with my review of Noob’s ending, I don’t think he should want to kill her but instead have him trying to convince her to join him and rule by his side.


It sounds pretty good though I think that maybe with Sub-Zero’s ending that he could’ve reached the bit of Noob Saibot that is his brother.
Yeah, well I had trouble some of that because of those random "###" marks or something like that coming up. (At least I get them) As for Sub-Zero crying, well come on it was his best friend, who he hadn't seen in nearly a decade finally reunited, someone who he probably saw as a brother, I'd think at least he'd be very upset. Come on, if your best friend died, you'd cry a little wouldn't you?

Well I suppose the consciousness broken was a mistake, but let's say he won't be manipulating anyone in the future. How's that? Yeah well you know who knows what gender the One Being is, if any. Could be a woman for all we know. wink Besides I said these were the final endings to each character's story therefore meant to offer closure...
10/10/2005 10:00 PM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Yeah, well I had trouble some of that because of those random "###" marks or something like that coming up. (At least I get them) As for Sub-Zero crying, well come on it was his best friend, who he hadn't seen in nearly a decade finally reunited, someone who he probably saw as a brother, I'd think at least he'd be very upset. Come on, if your best friend died, you'd cry a little wouldn't you?

Well I suppose the consciousness broken was a mistake, but let's say he won't be manipulating anyone in the future. How's that? Yeah well you know who knows what gender the One Being is, if any. Could be a woman for all we know. wink Besides I said these were the final endings to each character's story therefore meant to offer closure...

Well, he should definitely feel a great sense of lost, but like I said, there shouldn't be anything more than him being teary eyed or a few tear drops or so. I just kind of see him as a Batman type of guy in some odd ways. It's hard to explain.

As for the One Being, yeah, you're right. I think it would be a bit interesting to have the One Being be a female. There hasn't really been a female boss or sub boss in an MK fighting game before. I'm sure we'll learn more about the One Being in the next MK.

Reptile journeyed far and wide throughout Outworld for any sign of Khameleon, but it seemed as though she really had perished. As he headed towards Shao Kahn’s palace to obtain his revenge, he was attacked by a female reptilian, who he recognized as Khameleon, but much like he had previously, Khameleon had lost her human form and become nothing more than a mindless pet.

Khameleon had been kept hidden for many years, and when Reptile returned to serve Shao Kahn, she was to be used in case Reptile would try to betray Shao Kahn. Reptile defended himself from her attacks and managed to bring about her human form once again. When their realm was separated from Outworld thanks to Ermac, Reptile and Khameleon would then repopulate the realm of Zaterra.


Wraith watched the battle with Noob Saibot and as Scorpion arrived at the portal to Outworld, she leapt out and attacked Scorpion. Scorpion fought back, at first he had no idea of who she was until she told him that he had killed her husband, her child and her husband’s clan. Scorpion upon realizing who she was, tried to talk to her and tell her the truth, while at first Wraith refused to listen, she eventually began to recognize her husband.

Scorpion would have to forever remain the Elder Gods and the two could never be together again, but Scorpion purged Wraith’s soul of the evil that Quan Chi tainted her with and allowed her to ascend to the Heavens to be with their child. For the last time, the couple hugged and as Wraith ascended to the Heavens, she could see a tear rolling down Scorpion’s cheek.


Scorpion prepared to leave the Netherrealm, but he was attacked by his old enemy Quan Chi, who saw the perfect chance to finally rid himself of the ninja specter, Scorpion fought with Quan Chi, however his brief reunion with his wife had changed Scorpion, he was not fighting Quan Chi out of vengeance, but rather out of self-defense. Scorpion defeated Quan Chi, but did not kill him, much to Quan Chi’s surprise. Scorpion prepared to leave the Netherrealm, but Quan Chi attempted one final attack to kill Scorpion once and for all, before Quan Chi could execute this attack, the Oni Moloch and Drahmin attacked Quan Chi and began to devour him while Scorpion left the Netherrealm, but this time he would not return.

After the battle with the One Being, Scorpion was awarded by the Elder Gods by removing the evil taint in his soul. Now Scorpion would never return to the Netherrealm, he had put revenge behind him, Scorpion would now longer fight for vengeance, but peace. Scorpion would remain in the Heavens, but when the realms were in danger, Scorpion would return from the Heavens to defeat the evil that threatened the realms.

You know I'm thinking I should have had Khameleon a playable character now... oh well, too late I suppose.
Time to finish this up...


Liu Kang and I had finally found Raiden, who was under the One Being’s influence. He saw this as adversaries who were trying to prevent us from stopping him, Liu Kang and I tried to convince him to break free of the One Being’s influence, but he would not listen. Liu Kang and I fought with Raiden, but his defeat was not our objective, using my powers of winds I tried to free his mind. I would not know if I was successful until later.

However, this left me exhausted and weak, I could not fight Shao Kahn and asked Liu Kang to lead the fight while I stayed to recover. With the battle over and with the realms finally at peace once more, The Elder Gods and I honor our fallen friend Raiden. In his honor, I shall defend Earthrealm for years to come.


After I used my powers to free him, Raiden wandered the realms, finally the good inside him was brought out and the true Raiden returned, but what I did not know is that Raiden intended to sacrifice himself to redeem himself for the crime he committed while under the One Being’s influence. Plunging his godlike essence into the One Being, Raiden died for good, but not without leaving Earth’s warriors with a chance to fight.

A statue was built to honor Raiden in all the realms, even Outworld. Although Raiden may gone, his words and wisdom will never be forgotten. I shall never forgot Raiden’s courage... Goodbye my friend...

Johnny Cage

With the One Being’s death, Johnny Cage returned to making movies, the idea for “Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance” was scrapped and he instead made “Mortal Kombat: Armageddon” which broke all records in its first weekend in theaters. With this money, Johnny Cage decided to retire from acting and live a life of peace.

He finally proposed to Sonya and the two were blissfully wed which was attended by their friends and allies. Together they had a daughter, who I’m told is quite a handful...

Kung Lao

After much searching, Kung Lao finally found Goro and challenged him to a fight to the death, but before they fought Goro told Kung Lao that Shao Kahn had saved him and he was merely doing this out of a life debt, Kung Lao did not believe him at first, but as they fought, he could hear his ancestor speaking to him which convinced him that Goro was telling the truth. Goro lay on the ground, beaten and near death, his last request was for an honorable death, Kung Lao granted his wish.

Kung Lao assisted in defeating the One Being, but the injuries he sustained in the battle were far too great for him to handle and he collapsed into Liu Kang’s arms. As he lay dying, Kung Lao’s requested that Liu Kang that he should make his own destiny and not be bound by the title of Mortal Kombat champion. With a smile on his face, Kung Lao died...

Liu Kang

Thanks to Liu Kang and his friends, the One Being had been defeated and silenced forever. However, all was not right for Liu Kang as the deaths of his mentor and best friend had devastated him, but he decided to honor Kung Lao’s last request and knew what that destiny was. This time, he accepted Kitana’s offer to rule by her side and the two finally after many years of blossoming romance, separation and tragedy were finally med and Liu Kang was knighted as King of Edenia.

He decided he would return the Mortal Kombat belt to the Shaolin temple, to allow a new generation of warriors to emerge and would pass this on to the future. Liu Kang and Kitana had a son, who would one day take his father’s place as Mortal Kombat champion, Liu Kang named his son “Kung Lao”. What lies in the future I cannot say, but I know this as long as Liu Kang and Earth's warriors live peace will continue to live on.

The End
10/12/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)
Hmm, I find these last few endings to be quite interesting though I will go back to what I said before about the Johnny Cage/Sonya thing in that I think that sounds to be a bit too soon since they haven't really been a couple yet nor have shown feelings for each other (or at least reveal them to each other anyway). But still, interesting stuff.
10/17/2005 07:13 PM (UTC)
That genious.WoW if that true the game will rock.but it would be even better if motaro kintaro and shiva were there.it would also rock if goro and shao kahn were playable.One more thing MORE NEW CHARACTERS
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