My MK: Armaggedon storyline
Hey all, here's how I think the events of MK: Armaggedon might go down (if that is the title)

(Opening movie: narrated by Liu Kang)

The prophecy had been fulfilled... the Dragon King returned to Outworld, and under the influence of the One Being, merged the 7 Komidogu into one in order to resurrect the One Being, but he met resistance from the warriors of Earthrealm. Eager to redeem himself, Shujinko challenged Onaga in Mortal Kombat, with all the realms riding on his victory.

(Shots of the Dragon King’s palace until finally we see inside where we see warriors, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ashrah, etc. giving their energy to Shujinko as he fights the Dragon King, for a while Shujinko and Onaga go at it, with seemingly Shujinko gaining the upper hand....)

Shujinko fought well against the Dragon King, but in his old age, he was too exhausted to finish the fight.

(Shujinko falls to his knees panting hard as the Dragon King laughs and begins to merge the Komidogu)

Defeat seemed certain, but the ninja specter and newly appointed Champion of the Elder Gods, Scorpion leaped into the fray and stunned the Dragon King just long enough for Shujinko to finish the Dragon King.

(Scorpion stuns Onaga with a fireblast, which allows Shujinko time to finish him off in one final attack)

Onaga had been killed...

(Onaga falls to the ground, dead, but the Komidogu continues to merge.)

This victory was short-lived, as the Komidogu continued to merge and with it all realms, the Dragon King’s palace began to collapse

(The heroes start to run out as the palace crumples, but suddenly Raiden teleports in front of them)

My mentor, the Thunder God Raiden appeared, apparently he had survived his suicidal attack on Onaga, but what he did next cannot be put into words...

(Raiden mutters his incantation and fires his lightning at Shujinko for a few seconds, Shujinko stands in place, slowly being brunt until finally, he explodes)

Shujinko is dead...

(Raiden teleports out, leaving the heroes stunned, but they have no time to absorb the shock as they all make it out of the palace before it explodes.)

The destruction of Onaga’s castle caused a wave of shock, sending vast amounts of energy in all directions. One of them hit my reanimated corpse and soul and merged them into one...

(Liu Kang’s corpse and soul are zapped by this energy, causing them to merge into one and he is now alive again)

Though I am appreciative of my return to life, I know that unless the One Being is stopped, it will be short-lived. Everything had been leading up to this, from my triumph in the Mortal Kombat tournament to the return of the Dragon King, this is the final battle.

Playable characters: (In no particular order)

Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Wraith (New Character) (and probably the only one at that)

Sub-Boss: Goro
Final Boss: Shao Kahn/One Being

By the way, Xiao, I'm sorry for using the name Wraith, but I couldn't think of anything else, and the idea of Scorpion's wife is too good to pass up. On to the bios:

Liu Kang

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kung Lao, Kitana, Raiden, Johnny Cage
Foes: Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Quan Chi

“I had returned to life due to the energy of the Komidogu. I could not rest easy, however, the One Being has become to awaken and people are counting on me to stop it, though I am still the Champion of Mortal Kombat, that title means nothing now. My death at Shang Tsung’s hands has destroyed me inside. I no longer feel confident, I know I would be no match for the One Being should he return.”

“My mentor, Raiden has fallen under the One Being’s influence, he is unwittingly aiding the One Being’s revival. He has been like a father to me, I never knew my real parents and now I find myself having to face a man, I’ve looked up to for so long. I do not know if I could bring to finish him. Kitana, my only love, I recall how she once proposed to me, I would like to become her husband, but my duties as Mortal Kombat Champion forbid me from doing so. In addition to the coming of the One Being, I must make a choice, continue as Mortal Kombat champion or marry the woman I love.”

Kung Lao

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kitana, Raiden, Johnny Cage
Foes: Goro, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Quan Chi

“My quest to avenge my friend and brother Liu Kang had failed, I was killed by Shang Tsung. I do not know how long I lay dead on the battlefield, but I was revived by Onaga, and turned into his slave, but I was freed from his control by the spirit of Liu Kang and the warrior Ermac. Now free, I thought with the death of the Dragon King, I would finally be able to leave the fighting behind me. How wrong I was.”

“Goro, the Shokan Prince, who killed my ancestor, the original Kung Lao has returned to the side of evil once again taking Shao Kahn’s side. I made peace with Goro, I thought he was an honorable warrior. This just shows, he’s nothing but a coward. I will find Goro and this time, I will kill him. Though I promised to assist my friend, Liu Kang in the battle with the One Being. I cannot let Goro get away with this. People have always looked at me to be like my ancestor and Liu Kang. Well, I will tell you now, I am not Liu Kang or my ancestor and I do not want to be. This is my last battle as a warrior.”

For the record, I'm writing this storyline as though it's the final Mortal Kombat game, so therefore all endings will be canon and for the most part will resolve each character's story properly (some of the plots I make for some characters will be resolved in other's endings)

Origin: Earthrealm/Netherrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: The Elder Gods, Sub-Zero, Sareena
Foes: Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Moloch and Drahmin

“I have been made into the Elder God’s Champion, I was sent to stop the Dragon King from shaping the realms as he saw fit, seeing this as a chance to rid myself of the evil taint in my soul and finally be able to ascend to the Heavens to be my wife and son at last, I agreed. Though I succeeded in aiding in the cause of the Dragon King’s death, I was too late to stop the reemergence of the One Being. Forced to run, I align myself with Liu Kang’s forces as a representative of the Elder Gods’ behalf, but I have discovered that my hated foe, the evil sorcerer Quan Chi is not dead as previously thought, rather he escaped Raiden’s blast at the last second. Though I know I cannot stray from my mission, my lust for vengeance is still in my mind.”

“I have also discovered from my one-time enemy and also who I had once vowed to protect, Sub-Zero that the wraith I encountered while in service of the Elder God, Shinnok, known as Noob Saibot, his true identity is the man who killed me so many years ago. I killed him two years after, falsely believing he was responsible for the deaths of my family and clan. I am indirectly responsible for this new evil, I have vowed to myself I will end the evil I helped create, yet there is something else as well... I sense something else from the past is following me...”


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Smoke, Scorpion, Sareena
Foes: Hotaru, Noob Saibot, Frost

“My brother, the one I looked up to so much, has become a wraith known as Noob Saibot. With my best friend Smoke at his side, I found them in the Netherrealm, I surely would’ve died, if not for Ashrah, she fought with my brother, while Smoke undid my brother’s programming and shut himself down, I took my friend’s body back to Lin Kuei Headquarters to be repaired. I do not know what happened between my brother and Ashrah.”

“Undoing Smoke’s reprogramming, I brought forth his soul once again, though I could not free him from his robotic body. Sareena, who I suspect once loved my brother has discovered who he has become. She did not take it well. With the One Being threat currently looming large, I find myself having to fight a personal battle, but I am quite surprised for I am to be helped in my task of stopping my brother, by my old enemy, Scorpion, once I informed him of the news, he said he would help. Though Scorpion believes we should just stop Noob Saibot entirely, I believe that deep down my brother is still in there.”

Johnny Cage

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sonya, Liu Kang, Jax, Kung Lao, Raiden
Foes: Reptile, Kano, Goro, Kintaro

“I fell in battle against Baraka and his Tarkatan hoards along with my friends and allies in a final battle against the Deadly Alliance, I was resurrected by Onaga to be his slave. Mindlessly following his orders, I was confronted by Ermac, I fought him, but was no match for him. Liu Kang’s ghost freed me from his control and I joined Shujinko in the battle against the Dragon King, after that I thought I could finally make “Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance”, but with the current crisis at end, I must fight one more time and maybe when this is over, I can make an epic finale to the Mortal Kombat movie series.”

“I have known Sonya Blade since we met on Shang Tsung’s island, a decade ago. She and I have had a love/hate relationship, we didn’t get along, but strange as it is, I found myself attracted to her. If we live through this, I think I’m gonna ask her to marry me.”


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Johnny Cage, Jax, Cyrax, Kenshi
Foes: Kano, Mavado, Frost

“I was killed in the assault on the Deadly Alliance, like my friends, I was revived to serve as Onaga’s slave. I was freed by my friend Liu Kang and the warrior Ermac, I assisted in the fight with the Dragon King, I gave my warrior’s strength to Shujinko, who managed to defeat Onaga, but we were unsuccessful in stopping his merging of the Komidogu, with the One Being about to be revived. I am ready to step up to the challenge.”

“I have discovered that my old enemy, Kano is still alive. I will find him and I will make him pay for his crimes, I have also discovered the existence of the Red Dragon clan, I will make sure that they pay for using us to accommodate their needs.”
10/06/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
^My mistake


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Jarek, Tasia, No Face, Tremor
Foes: Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage, Mavado, Kabal

“I was betrayed by Quan Chi as he allowed my old rival, Mavado to fight me, I put up a hell of a good fight against the grunt, but he threw me off the ledge, but let’s say I have a habit of cheating death. Holding on to the ledge, I watched in the shadows the battle against the Dragon King, waiting for my moment, until the palace began to collapse.”

“I have discovered that one of my old Black Dragon members, Kabal has started to reform the Black Dragon clan. I cannot allow this grunt to form something is rightfully mine, I will find him and rip his heart out!”


Origin: The Heavens
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Fujin
Foes: Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Onaga, Shinnok

“In a last effort to stop the Dragon King, I unleashed my godlike essence upon him, but it failed, strangely my energies reformed on Earthrealm, how I do not know. Regardless of the case, I had grown angry and outraged at what had happened. That fool Shujinko let himself be deceived into reviving the Dragon King. He had to pay for his crimes. Despite the fact that he undid his mistake, was of no importance, he paid for his crime with his life.”

“I had heard legends of the One Being from the Elder Gods, but I did not know the full tale. If I am to protect Earthrealm, I must stop this threat for good. If anyone wishes to stand in my way, then they shall die.”
About Me

10/06/2005 05:26 AM (UTC)
Even though as overused it may be, it is nice to see them. The whole purpose of theese is to find the most suitable and shocking plotline and make the people remember it as a possibility.

Hell, even if Vogel comes up here, he might have a few ideas to incorpo-rate. NOw onto the bios: I am very NOT fond of Wraith. I think it is very unwise to tamper an already established plotline and Scorpion shouldn't be tormented anymore with this, especially if they are moving him away from the revenge plotline.
10/06/2005 05:53 AM (UTC)
Hmm, well, I think that overall, you have some pretty good ideas. I like the main storyline and the bios themselves are nicely done so far. I would've liked to have seen Kenshi, Rain, Sindel, and Khameleon in your list. I will point out some things regarding your main storyline. First off, it's spelled Kamidogu, not Komidogu. Secondly, there are 6 Kamidogu and Shinnok's amulet, which btw, isn't a Kamidogu. Lastly, well, I wouldn't use the word revival. Merging the Kamidogu with the help of Shinnok's amulet brings the shattered consciousness of the One Being back together thus making reality cease to exist though I guess you're trying to find a loop around the loss of reality least for the time being.. Anyway, onto the bios.

Liu Kang

This is actually nicely done and very fitting, imo. I think that Bo' Rai Cho should be included in Liu Kang's allies list. I do have two questions regarding Liu Kang's bio. How is Raiden being influenced by the One Being? How did he unwittingly aid in the One Being's revival?

Kung Lao

This is excellent! It's one of my favorites so far and fitting to Kung Lao's character. I will note that like with Liu Kang's allies list, Kung Lao's allies list should also include Bo' Rai Cho.


I think this one is nicely done as well though I will note that from something that Tobias said regarding Scorpion's vow, it didn't happen, even despite there being the backstory in Scorpion's UMK3/MKT ending...I think that until Scorpion learns the true identity of Noob Saibot, he will continue to think that there is only one Sub-Zero.


I think that overall, this is good, but I would like to see an explanation as to how and why Sub-Zero went to the Netherrealm. Did he see Noob Saibot and Smoke in Outworld and on their way to a portal to the Netherrealm in which Sub-Zero followed them? What about him going back to Earthrealm? I thought he and Kenshi were traveling together to find a way back to Earthrealm. Did the two warriors go their different ways after a while? What became of Hotaru who was following them? I think that it would make sense to have Raiden and Kenshi listed in his allies list along with Sektor, Quan Chi, and possibly Shinnok under his foes list. I think that with Sub-Zero back in Earthrealm and with the threat of Sektor and his Tekunin growing that there'd be a mention of it somewhere in his bio. I guess that you'll perhaps cover that when you do Sektor's bio, yes?

Johnny Cage

Well, the bio is at least more than the craptacular storyline of his from MKDA. I don't think having Johnny Cage wanting to marry Sonya like that is quite a good idea. I think it would make more sense for the two to get hooked up before ever getting as far as marriage. Overall, I think that a bit more should be done for Johnny Cage's storyline to give him a bit of a new direction but at the same time, not straying away too much...I guess however for now, things are pretty good. I do wonder why you listed Kintaro as one of his foes.


Well, I don't think it's exactly a bad bio, but it takes Sonya's storyline on the same path it's pretty much been. I would definitely like to see something new and exciting for character. On a bit of a smaller note, don't forget about Jarek as one her foes.


Before talking about his bio, I'd like to point out a couple of minor things. 1. I think Shang Tsung should be listed under his allies and 2. There's a spelling error on Kabal in the foes list. Anyway, I think the bio is ok. It's going in the right direction in terms of what you put for him, but I think that he needs more to his storyline if he were to return.


The bio is good and fitting for him. There's not really much else to say for this one.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/06/2005 09:12 AM (UTC)
There are 6 Kamidogou. The amulet is used to control the others. With the fusion of them, as Sub-Zero7th said, the realms and everything and everyone else should cease to exist.

Of the bios, Sonyas needs soemthign different for her story. The clan thing has gotten very stale and she needs to leave Kano alone or at least have these as side goals and not her main goas.

I like Kanos bio as it seems fitting for him and at least it takes him off a 'servant' type role.

I hope you'll be explaining at some point that Goro only joined Kahn again as a life debt. Having Kung Lao think he is a coward is brillant.

The rest of your work is great and you should pay attention to the rest of what Sub-Zero7th has said, since as ever, I agree with it all.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Hmm, well, I think that overall, you have some pretty good ideas. I like the main storyline and the bios themselves are nicely done so far. I would've liked to have seen Kenshi, Rain, Sindel, and Khameleon in your list. I will point out some things regarding your main storyline. First off, it's spelled Kamidogu, not Komidogu. Secondly, there are 6 Kamidogu and Shinnok's amulet, which btw, isn't a Kamidogu. Lastly, well, I wouldn't use the word revival. Merging the Kamidogu with the help of Shinnok's amulet brings the shattered consciousness of the One Being back together thus making reality cease to exist though I guess you're trying to find a loop around the loss of reality least for the time being.. Anyway, onto the bios.

Liu Kang

This is actually nicely done and very fitting, imo. I think that Bo' Rai Cho should be included in Liu Kang's allies list. I do have two questions regarding Liu Kang's bio. How is Raiden being influenced by the One Being? How did he unwittingly aid in the One Being's revival?

Kung Lao

This is excellent! It's one of my favorites so far and fitting to Kung Lao's character. I will note that like with Liu Kang's allies list, Kung Lao's allies list should also include Bo' Rai Cho.


I think this one is nicely done as well though I will note that from something that Tobias said regarding Scorpion's vow, it didn't happen, even despite there being the backstory in Scorpion's UMK3/MKT ending...I think that until Scorpion learns the true identity of Noob Saibot, he will continue to think that there is only one Sub-Zero.


I think that overall, this is good, but I would like to see an explanation as to how and why Sub-Zero went to the Netherrealm. Did he see Noob Saibot and Smoke in Outworld and on their way to a portal to the Netherrealm in which Sub-Zero followed them? What about him going back to Earthrealm? I thought he and Kenshi were traveling together to find a way back to Earthrealm. Did the two warriors go their different ways after a while? What became of Hotaru who was following them? I think that it would make sense to have Raiden and Kenshi listed in his allies list along with Sektor, Quan Chi, and possibly Shinnok under his foes list. I think that with Sub-Zero back in Earthrealm and with the threat of Sektor and his Tekunin growing that there'd be a mention of it somewhere in his bio. I guess that you'll perhaps cover that when you do Sektor's bio, yes?

Johnny Cage

Well, the bio is at least more than the craptacular storyline of his from MKDA. I don't think having Johnny Cage wanting to marry Sonya like that is quite a good idea. I think it would make more sense for the two to get hooked up before ever getting as far as marriage. Overall, I think that a bit more should be done for Johnny Cage's storyline to give him a bit of a new direction but at the same time, not straying away too much...I guess however for now, things are pretty good. I do wonder why you listed Kintaro as one of his foes.


Well, I don't think it's exactly a bad bio, but it takes Sonya's storyline on the same path it's pretty much been. I would definitely like to see something new and exciting for character. On a bit of a smaller note, don't forget about Jarek as one her foes.


Before talking about his bio, I'd like to point out a couple of minor things. 1. I think Shang Tsung should be listed under his allies and 2. There's a spelling error on Kabal in the foes list. Anyway, I think the bio is ok. It's going in the right direction in terms of what you put for him, but I think that he needs more to his storyline if he were to return.


The bio is good and fitting for him. There's not really much else to say for this one.

Thanks. Well yes Tobias said the vow wasn't canon, but he's not exactly in charge of the MK storyline anymore is he? wink (If I recall Vogel sent Gavok (the author of the MK Plot FAQ at GamefAQS) and only said Johnny Cage dying in MKT and then being revived in MKG didn't happen, he didn't say anything about Scorpion's vow. ) Well Kintaro as one of Johnny Cage's, well in my MK storyline thread, I was going to have at the end of the MK2 story a big battle much like what was seen in the MK: SM intro where in Shao Kahn's arena, Raiden's fighting Shao Kahn, Liu Kang's fighting Shang Tsung, Johnny Cage is fighting Kintaro, Sonya and Jax fighting Kano, Sub-Zero fighting Reptile (he is later assisted in this by Scorpion), Smoke fighting Jade, Kung Lao fighting Baraka and Kitana fighting Mileena. (Noob Saibot can be seen watching the fight) Also Raiden's manipulations will be revealed soon enough. Also I'll be listing the reasons why the characters who are not on the list are not in the game.

Origin: Realm of Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sindel, Jade
Foes: Shao Kahn, Deadly Alliance, Tanya, Mileena

“Ever since I discovered the truth about my past, I vowed to redeem myself for my sins as Shao Kahn’s assassin, when I heard of Liu Kang’s death, the man I loved, at the hands of Shang Tsung, I vowed to avenge him. I fought with Quan Chi, but I was no match for him and he killed me. I was resurrected by Onaga and turned into his slave, once again I found myself serving evil, but not by choice. Sadly, while I was under Onaga’s control, he made me kill my own mother, Sindel.”

“I was freed by Liu Kang and Ermac and when Jade told me how my mother died, I was devastated. Returning to Edenia, I found my clone Mileena had taken my name, what she had desired to do. I cannot let her get away with this. I will defeat my clone once and for all. There will be no chances to reform for her this time.”


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sonya, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Liu Kang
Foes: Kano, Jarek, Hsu Hao, Mavado

I was killed in battle against the Deadly Alliance, along with my fellow comrades. I awoke only to find myself under the control of the Dragon King, forced to serve him, I fought many battles for him until finally Liu Kang and Ermac managed to set me free. Now free, I join my friends in battle against the One Being.

I was attacked by the Red Dragon leader, Mavado. He was trying to get revenge for Hsu Hao, who I had killed before fighting the Deadly Alliance. Though I fought him off, I had learned everything about the Red Dragon and Kabal and the new Black Dragon. I am now following Mavado back to the Red Dragon Headquarters, where I aim to end this battle once and for all.
10/06/2005 10:11 PM (UTC)
These are pretty cool ideas but I strongly disagree with goro being the sub boss yet again. He was already in MK1 and MK4. We need an original, big hulking sub boss for MK7.
Noob Saibot

Origin: Earthrealm/Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Brotherhood of Shadow, Frost
Foes: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Sareena

Smoke and I feigned loyalty to the Dragon King, though we secretly plotted our own agenda: to rule the Netherrealm, like my former master Shinnok did before me. As we made our way into the Netherrealm, we had been followed by my little brother, Sub-Zero. Though I will admit that he has become stronger than I suspected. I told him who I was, but before Smoke and I could kill him, we were attacked by Ashrah. Sub-Zero escaped with Smoke, but Ashrah was no match for me, I threw her into the pits of the Netherrealm, she will never earn her redemption now.

My army is nearly ready, but I have learned that my brother is on his way to fight me, along with Scorpion and Sareena. I remember once loving Sareena and I know Scorpion to be the one who killed me. This shall be dealt with accordingly; I will convince Scorpion to join my side. He thinks he’s a “good guy”, but I know that he and I are exactly the same. He will fight for me and we will destroy my brother.


Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke
Foes: Noob Saibot, Quan Chi

After my escape from the Netherrealm, I was able to regain my human form, I remember the man I fell in love with, the human Sub-Zero. I made my way to the Lin Kuei temples where I had heard a “Sub-Zero” was the grandmaster, rather it was not the same the same Sub-Zero, I fell in love with, it was his younger brother. He knew of me and offered me sanctuary with the Lin Kuei as a way of showing gratitude for helping his brother.

I’ve enjoyed living here, it provides a nice comfort, especially when compared to the Netherrealm, but when Sub-Zero left with Frost to battle the Deadly Alliance, he did not return for a while, leaving many to presume he had died, but when he returned he brought a robot back with him. He has told me that the wraith known as Noob Saibot has been revealed to be the original Sub-Zero, his brother and the man I loved. I join with Sub-Zero and the ninja specter Scorpion and risk returning to the Netherrealm.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/07/2005 12:29 AM (UTC)
I agree with some of these Idears but also think that Goro should not be a Sub Boss. I think that Kintaro would make a much better fit since he has been gone so long.

I also think that there could be more than one Sub Boss fight. It could either be 2 different matches like on MKT's "Master" ladder or You could fight 2 huge Sub Bosses at the same time. It could actually be Goro and Kintaro together now that I think about it. I would love to see those two team up together for once. smile

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, Nitara
Foes: Reptile, Sektor

Thanks to the creature known as Reptile, I was stranded in Outworld, while on a mission for the Outworld Investigation Agency. However, I made myself a temporary partnership with the vampire Nitara, who led me to the caverns of a dragon egg, I gave her the orb she desired and she transported me back to Earthrealm, not long after I got back, I found myself confronted by someone I never thought I’d see again.

It was my old fellow Lin Kuei warrior, Sektor. He had become a grandmaster of his own clan, the Tekujin, he had been trying to conquer Japan in my absence, I do not know how, but he was not succeeding. I found that his first target for assassination: is me.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: None
Foes: Cyrax, Smoke, Sub-Zero

My defeat at the hands of Sub-Zero forced me to flee to Japan, where I started my own clan; the Tekujin, to conquer Japan, however my clan was held at bay by the Wind God, Fujin. With the current reemergence of the One Being, I see this as the perfect time to take advantage of this chaos.

My old enemy, Cyrax has returned. He is to be the Tekujin’s first target for assassination, which I will do myself. He wants humanity; there is no humanity in his robotic body! I will take whatever humanity he thinks he has and show him that he is nothing more than a soulless robot!
10/07/2005 07:30 AM (UTC)
Red my post in the thread that has the website registered. It should be interesting. will be a shock that Shao Kahn is finally revealed as The One Being's avatar!!!!!
About Me

Deep within the netherealms lies the ELDERGOD SHINNOK powerless without his amulet

10/07/2005 07:44 AM (UTC)
thats bull no shinnok and u make it sound like shang tsung was conrtoling raydens body like he was in sm
About Me

10/07/2005 07:47 AM (UTC)
Shinnok was crap.

And Shang tsung can shapeshift into anything living without obstruction.
10/07/2005 02:00 PM (UTC)
Everything sounds legit ecxept For Liu Knag Being good. I think Liu Kang will be Raiden's lacky ever since Playing MKSM. Liu Kang always clings to Raiden's Words
^Right. Of course I should start taking into account everything Shaolin Monks said and did with every character. smile
Since I'm not currently at home where i can work on the bios. I'm going to list the MIA characters and explain why their missing.


He fought with Johnny Cage during the events of MK2, he nearly won, but Cage was was able to rip off his arms and then his head. (One of the only things from Shaolin Monk's I'm taking into accout as I'm sure Kintaro was killed)


After discovering the truth about his past, Rain attempted a one-man suicide attack on Shao Kahn, he failed and died.


She succeeded in telling Reptile the truth about their race's past and how they were destroyed by Shao Kahn, but she was killed by Motaro for this treachery.


After taking Kano back to Shao Kahn's palace to be horribly tortured, he was killed in a surprise attack by Sheeva.


She was killed by Shao Kahn, when she tried to do the same to him.

Hsu Hao

His heart was ripped out by Jax.


Killed by Kira.


He charged Sonya after Shinnok's defeat, but she stepped aside and he fell to his death.


After escaping with Jade, she went to Outworld to try to free Kitana from Onaga's control, however she met and confronted by the 5 brainwashed warriors, Sindel and Jade put up a great fight, but ultimately Sindel was struck down... by Kitana.


After the battle with the Dragon King, Havik attempted to approach the Dragon King's corspe, however he failed to notice the falling debris and was crushed.


After the battle, Kenshi disappeared. His whereabouts unknown. (This will be covered in one of the character's endings)


Shinnok was killed by Liu Kang and Raiden during his second attempt at taking Earthrealm.


Tanya walked toward the captured Jade, but this was all a trick for Jade to cover Tanya in Tarkatan essence (I forget what it was exactly), she was devoured.


Stryker died valiently in the final assualt against Shao Kahn's forces.


Kai was killed by Quan Chi, during the final battle with Shinnok, his death enraged Liu Kang, which gave him the strength to help Raiden defeat Shinnok for good.


Reiko fought with Johnny Cage during MK4/MKG, Reiko fought well, but was killed by Cage. Bo Rai' Cho When Li Mei turned on her allies, Bo Rai' Cho was struck down by his own student, his lifeless body fell to the ground. Li Mei After betraying her allies, Li Mei was attacked by Sonya. Sonya killed Li Mei, who's soul descended into the Netherrealm. Hotaru (See Kenshi's MK:D ending) Dairou (see his MK:D ending, except this time it was the other way around) Darrius After Hotaru's death, Darrius was shortly captured by Seido's guards, he now sits in a jail cell. Shujinko Dude, did you not read the opening?! He's dead!

I think I got all of them, let me know if I missed any.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sareena
Foes: Sektor, Noob Saibot, Shao Kahn

For many years, I lay deactivated in one of Shao Kahn’s dungeons in a state of despair and misery, but I was reactivated by the wraith, Noob Saibot and made into his slave. Traveling with him through Outworld, we were confronted by my best friend, Sub-Zero.

I nearly killed my best friend under my master’s orders, but when the demon known as Ashrah attacked Noob Saibot, I overcame my reprogramming and fell to the ground. Sub-Zero took me back to Lin Kuei headquarters and rewrote my programming, bringing back my old personality, though I still do not feel human...


Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kenshi
Foes: Shao Kahn, Ashrah

Thanks to the blind warrior Kenshi, we were freed from the mind control placed upon us by Shao Kahn. Wanting to redeem ourselves for our past sins, we sought to do good deeds. We encountered the spirit of Liu Kang, who told us of his plight, we sought to help. We freed the minds of his friends from Onaga’s control, though we knew that the Dragon King was only the beginning of this evil.

We helped Shujinko in his fight with the Dragon King and we now find that the One Being has begun to awaken; this will mean the end of reality as we know it. Fortunately, Onaga’s death somehow managed to delay his return to consciousness, which has bought us some time, but time is running out.
10/08/2005 05:28 AM (UTC)
Yes, Tobias is no longer in charge of the MK storyline, but if you observe the way Scorpion's MK4 ending and primary MKDA bio along with some of the stuff mentioned in Scorpion's and Sub-Zero's Konquest storylines, it seems rather clear that there was no vow made and that Scorpion thinks there's only 1 Sub-Zero. The big brawl idea for the end of MK2 may not be something I'd like to see. It works for MK1 but I think when it comes to MK2, the fights should be more separate as opposed to one big brawl. I think Liu Kang would've been the one fighting Shao Kahn along with Kung Lao fighting Shang Tsung or Kintaro or Jax fighting Kitnaro and Sub-Zero fighting Scorpion. When Jax frees Sonya and Kano, there's no fight. Kano pretty much escapes into Outworld and this is of course after the heroes return to Earthrealm so I don't think having Sonya and Jax fight Kano would make much sense. Anyway, moving on to your other bios...


Well, her storyline sounds fitting, but I think that its a bit linear unless you have something else planned for her storyline like mentioning something in her ending or another character's ending.


Well, I think he has an ok storyline. It's relatively linear like Kitana's, but maybe it could possibly open up to something a bit more.

Noob Saibot

Hmm, the part about feigning loyalty to Onaga sounds a wee bit similar to VainQueur's storyline for him, and like I said with his, I don't quite like this concept as I feel it slows down Noob's storyline a bit. Which part of the Netherrealm is Onaga in anyway? If he's in the lower planes, especially for too long, he can be trapped there forever...Well, least his spirit could...I don't know...Now although this is in the Netherrealm, what exactly happens to Ashrah? Does she die and get transported to a lower plane of the Netherrealm? Does she change back more into her demon self? I'd like to know. When it comes to the Sub-Zero/Sareena romance thing, I don't think it's accurate to say that the two love each other. They really never got to know each other or anything though there did seem to be a bit of an interest. How does Noob know exactly what Scorpion thinks of himself? What are you planning to have Noob plan for Sareena or will that be revealed in his ending? Overall, it's not too bad.


Like I said in my review for Noob's bio, I don't think they really loved each other. I think it's really more of an odd attraction that possibly could've developed into something more given that Sareena wasn't killed and sent to the 5th plane of the Netherrealm and Sub-Zero not dying at the hands of Scorpion and being turned into Noob Saibot. I'm a bit curious as to why you have Smoke listed as one of her allies. What do you plan to have Sareena do when she accompanies Sub-Zero and Scorpion? Does she want to save Noob and try to change him back or something else?


Well, it sounds linear like Kitana's and I think it's a bit too soon for Cyrax and Sektor to see each other again. That sort of thing should more likely be for each others' endings.


How does Sektor know of the One Being? Since when has Cyrax been an enemy to Sektor in the past? Overall, it's linear like Cyrax's. I'd think that there'd be a mention of plans for Sub-Zero and the new Lin Kuei in his bio.


I'm not sure if and where this is going. If there is something going with this, I look forward to it.


This is a fitting bio for him. I look forward to seeing what his ending is like.

MIA characters

Kintaro: Ok, that would make sense for him to be dead but I think him dying at the hands of Kung Lao or Jax would be better.

Rain: Eh, I don't like this idea as it's wasted potential, imo. I would like to see Rain return and be a redeeming character like Ermac, but with a bit more to him such as maybe an interest in Kitana.

Khamelon: Like with Rain's, I think this is a waste of good potential. She could return and try to find Reptile so the two can unite and repopulate the Raptor race. Maybe even having Nitara in her storyline would add something interesting.

Motaro: Ok.

Sheeva: Ok.

Hsu Hao: Ok.

Kobra: Ok.

Jarek: Ok.

Sindel: Although she hasn't really had too much of a storyline in the series so far, I do see potential for her character and I wouldn't want to see her get killed anytime soon.

Havik: Eh, I really don't like this idea. No offense, but it just sounds lame and uninspired. I think that a lot can be done with Havik.

Kenshi: I look forward to that...

Shinnok: Well, I don't think Gods can actually die so I guess a different form of punishment would be taken to deal with the likes of him.

Tanya: Yay! grin

Stryker: Woohoo! grin

Kai: Although I'm not really much of a fan of him, I can kind of see a bit of potential in him.

Reiko: I think having him die isn't too good of an idea and is wasted potential like Rain and Khameleon. I think having Shao Kahn and maybe Noob Saibot have some part within his story could be good.

Bo' Rai Cho: Well, this would make sense, but I don't know if I'd want him dead, at least of yet. *shrugs*

Li Mei: I don't know...I like Li Mei and for her to die like that and so soon is something I don't like. I think that her struggling between good and evil to the point where she goes insane would be a bit of an interesting story for her.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Thanks again for the heads up on your new bios. I look forward to hearing your feedback as well as some more bios.
Well I added some more MIA to the original post and will be including some here.

Moloch and Drahmin

After throwing Scorpion into the soulnado, they wandered around Outworld searching for Quan Chi, but they were confronted once again by Scorpion, who had just descended from the Heavens, they attacked him again, but this time Scorpion had been granted new powers and easily defeated them. And sent them back to the Netherrealm.


After recieveing the orb from Cyrax, Nitara returned to her home realm, where she still resides.


Now free, Blaze still wanders around continuing his quest (I don't care much for Blaze which is why I'm not bringing him back)


Uh... who really cares? OK, if you must know he's somewhere in Earthrealm doing who-knows what.

Shang Tsung

Origin: Earthrealm/Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro
Foes: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Quan Chi

After Quan Chi and I defeated Raiden in Mortal Kombat, we turned on each other, and he overpowered me. My lifelong ambition to rule Earthrealm and Outworld had been lost, however the Dragon King shortly after made his reappeared. Raiden, Quan Chi and I combined our powers to attempt to stop him, but it was not enough. Before Raiden sacrificed himself, I unleashed as many souls as I could to defend myself, which I have recently discovered included Liu Kang. However, I was blown backwards into the nearby Soulnado. They all came at me to rip me apart, however soon the Soulnado vanished with my palace and I was buried underneath the rubble, barely alive. When I was found, I was quite surprised to see who had rescued me.

It was Shao Kahn, I thought Quan Chi and I had killed him, but yet somehow he still lived. He knew of my treachery and he said the only reason he allowing me to live was because I would be needed for his next task. The One Being has begun to awaken. I had only heard legends of the One Being, never believing it to be true, but yet, according to Shao Kahn, the legends are true. I have also discovered that Liu Kang lives again, yet that is not my primary concern for I have sensed that someone else is following me.

Quan Chi

Origin: Unknown
Alignment: Evil
Allies: None
Foes: Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero

Victory was in my grasp; both Raiden and Shang Tsung had been defeated. Soon both Earthrealm and Outworld would belong to me. I noticed Raiden preparing to sacrifice himself, I quickly leapt into a portal, but I had to leave my precious amulet behind. Now with my power cut in half, I make my way to Shao Kahn’s palace, where the amulet is being kept to retain my old power.

The ninja specter Scorpion is unaware of my survival. Though I have no interest in dealing with this annoyance at the moment, I have my own secret weapon to use against him. Once I have my amulet, the realms will not be ruled by Shao Kahn, not by Onaga, not by Shinnok, but by me.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Hsu Hao
Foes: Kano, Kabal

I had defeated the last Black Dragon, Kano as my payment for riding the Deadly Alliance of the warrior who was spying on Shang Tsung. Though I did not care much for Shang Tsung, Quan Chi was proving to be a valuable ally. After hearing from him, the potential threat of the Lin Kuei, I discovered evidence that Shang Tsung had allied himself with Moloch and Drahmin, two enemies of Quan Chi, I ordered Hsu Hao to eliminate Shang Tsung. Shortly after Hsu Hao left, I was attacked by Kabal, a Black Dragon member I thought I had killed. He defeated me and left me for dead.

I was rescued by a creature from the Chaosrealm known as Havik, who nursed me back to health, he told me to return to Earthrealm and prepare for the new Black Dragon clan. I have learned that Hsu Hao has been killed by Special Forces member Jax. When I return to the Red Dragon, the Special Forces will be the first to die.

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Kira, Kobra, Havik
Foes: Mavado

I had reclaimed my hookswords from the Red Dragon member Mavado and recruited two new members for my new Black Dragon: Kira and Kobra, I had the two fight to the death with Kira coming out the winner. With this Kira and I started to gather up warriors for the new Black Dragon.

We are slowly gathering our new clan members. Waiting for the right moment to eradicate the Red Dragon from the face of the Earth. Now they will know what it is like to be wiped off the face of the Earth.


Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Tanya, Shao Kahn
Foes: Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Baraka

My destiny has been achieved at long last; I finally possess my sister’s status and now command the realm of Edenia. Under instructions of the Dragon King, I was to lead Edenia’s armies to their deaths by Baraka’s army. However, I was quite surprised to learn that Edenia’s forces emerged victorious.

With this news, I sought to get rid of the one who knew the truth: Baraka. I fed him to flesh-eating worms and returned to Edenia. However, my sister Kitana has been freed from the Dragon King’s control, she is coming for me with Jade to retake her status. I will not let her take this away from me again! When she comes to fight me, it will be her final battle. I will prove myself the superior warrior to both her and my father, Shao Kahn.


Origin: Realm of Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Kitana, Sindel, Liu Kang
Foes: Tanya, Mileena, Reptile
Sindel and I had failed in returning Kitana to her former self, Sindel had been killed and I was forced to run. Up against 5 warriors at once, I knew I would be no match. Onaga was sure to emerge victorious, but I was going to make sure Tanya died before that could happen. I allowed myself to be captured and when Tanya walked up to me, I covered her in Tarkatan essence, I watched Tanya die.

Now that Onaga has been defeated and Kitana returned to her formal self by Liu Kang, I told her how Sindel had died, she was most devastated, I keep trying to assure her that it wasn’t her doing, but she will not listen. We return to Edenia to rid ourselves of Mileena once and for all.

Origin: Zaterra
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Khameleon
Foes: Shao Kahn, Deadly Alliance, Johnny Cage

I followed Nitara and the robot Cyrax to where the last Dragon Egg was kept, when it cracked open, a beam blasted into my body and the Dragon King was reborn in my body. Through his eyes I witnessed the battle against Earth’s warriors. With Onaga killed, shortly after the palace collapsed, my body started to transform...

I awoke to find myself in my original form, my human-like form. Yet, my intelligence and sanity have also been restored. I remember everything; Khameleon, and how Shao Kahn had my race wiped out. Khameleon, I do not believe she is truly gone, but I know who to blame for all of my problems; Shao Kahn. I will find him and make him pay for everything he’s done to me.


Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Deadly Alliance, Onaga
Foes: Shao Kahn, Goro, Mileena

I am now the sole surviving Tarkatan, my race has been almost completely wiped out, first many of my troops fell in battle against Sub-Zero and then Edenia’s army and the rest have just recently been annihilated by the Shokan. Now I have no allies left, and I am on the run.

I know who exactly to blame for all this: Mileena. She sold my army out, and tried to kill me, when I find her, she will pay for this treason with her life. She and I were once lovers, but that life is now over. Mileena will soon be ripped apart by my blades.


Origin: Earthrealm/Netherrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Quan Chi
Foes: Scorpion

I remember in my former life that I had a family, a husband and child. My husband, Hanzo Hasashi reluctantly worked for the Shirai Ryu, in order to provide us with the most comfortable life possible, I begged and pleaded for him to retire from his dangerous profession, but he assured that his next mission would be his last and he would return to me soon. He never came back.

Later, I would be attacked by his murderer who wanted us to die as well. My child and I both died. Yet my soul descended into hell, how I do not know and I was turned into a wraith, I was met by the sorcerer Quan Chi, who offered me the chance to avenge my family’s death, I eagerly accepted and he told me everything, because of this man I can no longer be with my husband and child. I will find the man who caused all my suffering; the one called Scorpion.


Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Noob Saibot
Foes: Sub-Zero

My former master, Sub-Zero and I traveled through Outworld to do battle with the Deadly Alliance, he did not know my true intentions however as I blasted him with my ice powers and ripped the Dragon Medallion from his chest. However, I lacked the discipline to control its powers and I was consumed by my own freezing abilities.

My soul descended into the Netherrealm, where I lost everything, my ice powers and humanity. I became a wraith of darkness. I encountered the wraith known as Noob Saibot, who was gathering his army to conquer the Netherrealm, once I told him who I was and my connections to Sub-Zero, he made me his second-in-command. Soon we will have our revenge on Sub-Zero and all who will stand in our way.

Few more to go.
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