My many disappointments with MKX
posted04/08/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/27/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
Hi all just a quick post to vent my disappointments with MKX for so long I have looked forward to a new MK game and now it seems the more I learn about this game the more disappointed I get. I know many of you will shout me down and blah blah blah but I think as a fan of this series for 20 years I am more then entitled to vent some frustration at this new game righto so here it goes ( as close to chronological order as possible);

1. The kollectors edition - as soon as it was available I preordered the special edition for $180. Then over the next few weeks I looked at it over and over again and realised it was nothing but a big waste of money you get a scorpion skin a comic (which I alreay read) and a useless metal box (no kombat pack in Australia)

2. The roster - I have expressed this disappointment to death I think as have many others, way to many special forces charcaters, too many relatives, not enough diversity and to many supposedly dead charcaters very very disappointing roster.

3. The kombat pack - two guest characters what a waste for die hard fans of the series like me, one would have been more then enough. Then the two klassic characters tanya and tremor??? Wtf! how exactly are they klassic? And with so many better options left out absolute terrible choices. Tanya should have been main roster and tremor could have come later for DLC with so many good charcaters missing out on main roster why give a spot a way to someone like tremor.

4. 13 stages???? That's it only 13? What more can I say.

5. Shinnok as the unlockable charcater. How dissapointing where are the surprises where are the mysteries? I like shinnok and am glad he is back but as the unlockable charcater is a major let down firstly we already knew he was in the game and saw all his variations maybe I just expect too much from NRS.

6. Shinnok as the boss - how exactly does Shinnok fit with what ed boon said way back at the start about a surprise returning charcater that a lot of people won't see coming? Even a blind man could have picked Shinnok as the boss after the end of mk9 what a massive let down.

7. Story mode - only 12 chapters what happened to it being as long as MK9? Give a shit about the actual length of cut scenes etc that is only 12 chapters of foghting the last game had 16. Also what is with Liu kang and kitana being in charge of the netherrealm now???? Wtf???? Granted I haven't seen the story mode and hopefully it makes more sense when I play it for myself but already I don't like what I have seen.

Call me salty call me butt hurt say what you will cause I am all of those things. As I said I am a massive mk fan and have played since the days of MK1 in the arcade and have played, loved and hated each and every MK game along the way. The looks of MKX are shaping up for a big disappointment for
Me I hope I am wrong but I guess time shall tell in another week when I get it until then though my frustrations and dissapoint nets with this game stand.

Rant over
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/05/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
I agree with most of that but the Game is still awesome!

1. 12 Stages with a practice Stage

2. Comic build up to Havik and Reiko but not in the game WTF?

3. No Stage Fatalities. Yes we have Stage Brutalities :(
04/05/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
Sorry yeah I left out the fact that comic story is so awesome and is looking like not even getting a mention in the game.

Also the box/case art. I like scorpion but come on how lazy and unimaginative!
04/05/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
I agree 100% with what you said... MK9 was hands down the best ever MK... Then NRS took 10 steps backwards with MKX because they are a buncha lazy SOBs... On a new system, this game shiouldve been bigger than MK9, instead its smaller than MK:DA...
They shouldve learned their lesson from MKDA when they didnt have stage fatalities and the backlash it brought -- and they also did the same shit as with MKDA or promising a big secret, then not having one...

They wasted time on stupid ass features like "quit-alities" & practice arena (and yes practice arena is stupid when you think bout the fact that this was done instead of working on more stages & stage fatalities)...

Some charecters are very details, and others look like dulled untextured crap -- more lazyness...

Also, I think the "variations" is stupid as hell -- MK9 system worked awesome, and thats what us die-hards wanted after the 3-style 3D area junk... They brought back the classic 1 sytle fighting system/move list and it was praised - so of corse Boons stupid ass switches it to the junk in MKX...

This is the 1st MK game I havnt pre-ordered... I dont even know if im going to buy it... Boon pulled an EA Sports NHL with MKX - aka releasing half-assed product on the next gen systems... EA didnt get my money for the first time in years, NRS wont either
04/05/2015 11:38 PM (UTC)
My mand dissapointments with mko:

Mick-lucifer and killswitch. They both some lames. Fuck them and all dey supporters. Soft ass bitches.
04/05/2015 11:39 PM (UTC)
I still don't understand why Noob and Jade aren't in the game at all -.-
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/05/2015 11:39 PM (UTC)
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/05/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
Oh lord.

A "List of My Disappointments" thread for MKX, a game not even out yet.

Please do not buy MKX, leave the forum, and never participate in anything MK related again.
04/05/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
Ans you didn't pût "spoiler" because?

04/06/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
frabn, you have some of boons man sauce dripping from your face....

If people dont like "dissapointment threads", then dont click on them and read em... its that simple...
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/06/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
Lol, nah.

I'm just a real fan of the game that will reserve judgement for when I actually play, since I've been playing MK since it debuted in arcades 20+ years ago, and all you bitching whiners are mostly the smegma that got stuck on during the 3d era.

I didn't even read OP's bitchfest.
04/06/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)

1) smaller roster than MK9, they lied / played around the roster count INCLUDING dlc
2) too few stages one of them being the training room ffs
3) we got two super secret unlockables in mk9, just one here and he was showed already before. mk has a tradition of secret characters, where did that go?
4) DLC going to milk out of guests, love both of them but they still want to milk the fans
5) instead of giving us a bigger and better roster than this crap they invested in all this factions mambo jambo and online and it will most likely be a gigantic failure anyway
04/06/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
Fuck you for spoiling the story mode part with liu kang and kitana.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/06/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
All of those things in OP, + no artbook release.

Also, some skins are lazy (Blue Steel Sub? Really?)

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04/06/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
Waits til wave 2 of dlc drops and ppl praise mkx.
04/06/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Waits til wave 2 of dlc drops and ppl praise mkx.

problem is, at least 4 more characters had to be on disc so they at LEAST keep their promise of the roster size. the DLC is their only chance to redeem themselves for this shit roster (and milk fans) and we should have gotten at least 4 MK chars IN-GAME, NOT as dlc
04/06/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
So much beginner avatar...
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04/06/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
Salty ass new user bitches be salty. In all seriousness though, I really hate that everytime a new game is released, there is an influx if new users that do nothing but bitch.
04/06/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Salty ass new user bitches be salty.

In all seriousness though, I really hate that everytime a new game is released, there is an influx if new users that do nothing but bitch.

Been here since 2003 as one handle or another and will still bitch when it's deserved. 'Real Fans' like you must not bitch though.
04/06/2015 01:30 AM (UTC)
Or you know, you dissapointed people could just get fuck out of here and let us enjoy the game,

But that's just me.
04/06/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Or you know, you dissapointed people could just get fuck out of here and let us enjoy the game,

But that's just me.

Yes, let's only discuss things we like because criticism is wrong. NRS hit the nail on the head in every aspect of the
04/06/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
Jarhead Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Or you know, you dissapointed people could just get fuck out of here and let us enjoy the game,

But that's just me.

Yes, let's only discuss things we like because criticism is wrong. NRS hit the nail on the head in every aspect of the

Criticism is fine. Harping, complaining, and badgering those happy with the game is not.

Roster is superb

Don't give a neanderthal's left nut about stages or stage fatalities.
04/06/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
0's all about MEEEEEEEEEE. I'm important dammit! Why doesn't the game cater specifically to MEEEEEEEEE!!!!????

*says all self-centered, spoiled MKO users*
04/06/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Hi all just a quick post to vent my disappointments with MKX for so long I have looked forward to a new MK game and now it seems the more I learn about this game the more disappointed I get. I know many of you will shout me down and blah blah blah but I think as a fan of this series for 20 years I am more then entitled to vent some frustration at this new game righto so here it goes ( as close to chronological order as possible);

1. The kollectors edition - as soon as it was available I preordered the special edition for $180. Then over the next few weeks I looked at it over and over again and realised it was nothing but a big waste of money you get a scorpion skin a comic (which I alreay read) and a useless metal box (no kombat pack in Australia)

2. The roster - I have expressed this disappointment to death I think as have many others, way to many special forces charcaters, too many relatives, not enough diversity and to many supposedly dead charcaters very very disappointing roster.

3. The kombat pack - two guest characters what a waste for die hard fans of the series like me, one would have been more then enough. Then the two klassic characters tanya and tremor??? Wtf! how exactly are they klassic? And with so many better options left out absolute terrible choices. Tanya should have been main roster and tremor could have come later for DLC with so many good charcaters missing out on main roster why give a spot a way to someone like tremor.

4. 13 stages???? That's it only 13? What more can I say.

5. Shinnok as the unlockable charcater. How dissapointing where are the surprises where are the mysteries? I like shinnok and am glad he is back but as the unlockable charcater is a major let down firstly we already knew he was in the game and saw all his variations maybe I just expect too much from NRS.

6. Shinnok as the boss - how exactly does Shinnok fit with what ed boon said way back at the start about a surprise returning charcater that a lot of people won't see coming? Even a blind man could have picked Shinnok as the boss after the end of mk9 what a massive let down.

7. Story mode - only 12 chapters what happened to it being as long as MK9? Give a shit about the actual length of cut scenes etc that is only 12 chapters of foghting the last game had 16. Also what is with Liu kang and kitana being in charge of the netherrealm now???? Wtf???? Granted I haven't seen the story mode and hopefully it makes more sense when I play it for myself but already I don't like what I have seen.

Call me salty call me butt hurt say what you will cause I am all of those things. As I said I am a massive mk fan and have played since the days of MK1 in the arcade and have played, loved and hated each and every MK game along the way. The looks of MKX are shaping up for a big disappointment for
Me I hope I am wrong but I guess time shall tell in another week when I get it until then though my frustrations and dissapoint nets with this game stand.

Rant over

Nobody cares
04/06/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Along with some of your notations, and other personal notations, I have canceled my preorder for the game. My excitement for this game has fallen steadily the past few weeks. I can't justify paying for the game and kombat pack when I have so many gripes with the end result. Think I will wait until they finish the dlc and see if that helps the game any. Patience will yield the "Ultimate" version for $20 down the road, if any interest in the game sparks again down the road. Until then, I called Boon's bluff and am, in fact, NOT still buying the game. For those who are defending the game as is, and are excited, cool beans; enjoy. Alas, I'm out.
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