the only thing i wouldn't want in the new MK is Khrome the disabled ninja, he shoots car paint from his ass.. nah thanks gg though.
Anyway I bet its going to be amazing UnrealEngine 4 + MKX its like the 2nd coming of jesus christ
06/02/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
If they add Krome might as well add Lady In Purple ????

*Looking at you unseenwombat* ????
06/02/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)

And when I say I would like at least two or three playable Edenians, I'm only counting full blooded Edenians, not Mileena. She's kind of a crap character now anyway after NRS decided to delete her history (and intelligence) from

I'm just hoping they somehow redeem all the stories they ruined in 2011.

06/02/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Wonder how many characters theyll be showing in e3. I think they revealed 7 character for mk9 in e3 2010.

1- subzero
2- johnny cage
3- reptile
4- kung lao
5- sektor
6- nightwilf
7- mileena

I would love it if like 12 characters could be shown at E3...but maybe that's reaching for too much. At the end of the day I'm hoping the roster is a full 30- not including lame guests characters or DLC. Maybe DLC could edge the roster number to 35 when it's all said and done.

I think that while a part of me wants to have a good amount of characters selectable at E3, I'd like to see a number closer to 6 or 8. In the long run, they could space out character reveals better with more to reveal after E3.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Wonder how many characters theyll be showing in e3. I think they revealed 7 character for mk9 in e3 2010.

1- subzero
2- johnny cage
3- reptile
4- kung lao
5- sektor
6- nightwilf
7- mileena

I would love it if like 12 characters could be shown at E3...but maybe that's reaching for too much. At the end of the day I'm hoping the roster is a full 30- not including lame guests characters or DLC. Maybe DLC could edge the roster number to 35 when it's all said and done.

I think that while a part of me wants to have a good amount of characters selectable at E3, I'd like to see a number closer to 6 or 8. In the long run, they could space out character reveals better with more to reveal after E3.

You're right. It's best they only show a few now instead of showcasing 90% of the roster right away, then we'll be left with a year of very little news to look forward too LOL. So yeah, they should take it slow. Show maybe 6 or so characters at E3 and then we can all have fun guessing and speculating about the others. That's what makes the hype fun!
06/02/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:I think that while a part of me wants to have a good amount of characters selectable at E3, I'd like to see a number closer to 6 or 8. In the long run, they could space out character reveals better with more to reveal after E3.

Excellent point.
How many characters did they skip in terms of reveal trailers for MK9? Didn't they also skip a ton of MKasts, too?

Based on their saturation with Injustice, they learned their lesson and they'll pace themselves better and boost the hype.
Upon re-reading that press release, I sincerely do not want the game to require online access 100% of the time; that crap drives me insane with Tekken Revolution.
06/02/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Wonder how many characters theyll be showing in e3. I think they revealed 7 character for mk9 in e3 2010.

1- subzero
2- johnny cage
3- reptile
4- kung lao
5- sektor
6- nightwilf
7- mileena

I would love it if like 12 characters could be shown at E3...but maybe that's reaching for too much. At the end of the day I'm hoping the roster is a full 30- not including lame guests characters or DLC. Maybe DLC could edge the roster number to 35 when it's all said and done.

I think that while a part of me wants to have a good amount of characters selectable at E3, I'd like to see a number closer to 6 or 8. In the long run, they could space out character reveals better with more to reveal after E3.

Agreed. If they show alot of characters at E3 we'll be dry regarding reveals and whatnot
06/02/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
hell yea lmao
About Me

06/02/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
I really hope that they only debut a max of four new characters in MKX. Quality over quantity. They've had a habit of introducing too many new characters for the sake of introducing new characters in the past and it's really hurt the series.

We have a lot of characters that are not fully fleshed out and are just kind of there. A lot of these characters are just strong premises and that is all they are.

I also would like a new sub boss. I kind of miss the days of a new exciting "beast" sub-boss from MK1-3. They tried with Moloch and MK:DA, and he was decent, but I think it's time we got another interesting original creature sub-boss that the series is so well known for.

06/02/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
Finally the cat is out of the bag!!! Really looking forward to the E3 reveal.
BTW look all the MK fans that have crawled out from under the rocks! wow
Where have you guys been all this time? confused
06/02/2014 10:13 PM (UTC)
Also, it should be obvious that this Winter Forest WILL be a stage in MKX. I'm pretty happy about that.
06/02/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)
Hopefully Sonya's face looks great, i don't want them to completely redo it, just update/edit her MKDC/9 face... They need to reduce the chin. Or i wouldn't mind them redoing it completely, as long as it looks similar as MKDC/9 one... kinda like what they did to Li Mei in MKDA/D, i swear most of the characters keep getting new faces every game and they look like completely different people, which annoys me inmensely
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Hopefully Sonya's face looks great, i don't want them to completely redo it, just update/edit her MKDC/9 face... They need to reduce the chin. Or i wouldn't mind them redoing it completely, as long as it looks similar as MKDC/9 one... kinda like what they did to Li Mei in MKDA/D, i swear most of the characters keep getting new faces every game and they look like completely different people, which annoys me inmensely

I loved Li Mei's redo in Deception. She finally looked and dressed like she belonged in Mortal Kombat. I wasn't a fan of her costume in MKDA...or her face lol
06/02/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Hopefully Sonya's face looks great, i don't want them to completely redo it, just update/edit her MKDC/9 face... They need to reduce the chin. Or i wouldn't mind them redoing it completely, as long as it looks similar as MKDC/9 one... kinda like what they did to Li Mei in MKDA/D, i swear most of the characters keep getting new faces every game and they look like completely different people, which annoys me inmensely

I loved Li Mei's redo in Deception. She finally looked and dressed like she belonged in Mortal Kombat. I wasn't a fan of her costume in MKDA...or her face lol

I agree, her face looked better in Deception, although i like her DoA inspired alt in DA better tan both Deception looks...

That said, what i loved the most, is the fact that even after the facelift, she still looked like Li Mei, which can't be said about 90% of the cast
06/02/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
The music really needs to fuckin' go.

Aside from that the trailer was a nice surprise. I have to admit, though, it wasn't as impressive as I thought it would be. That's not to say it wasn't an enjoyable treat.

I guess HD MKs are being tossed in the trash, or at very least, put on the back burner.
06/02/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
Big fucking surprise, the trailer had S/SZ. Turned it off after five seconds.
06/02/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
Cage & Kai better be in or I'm rioting!
06/02/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
New characters can simply mean those that did not appear in MK2011, not necessarily characters new to the series.
06/02/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Did you expect Stryker?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Cage & Kai better be in or I'm rioting!

I think Cage will return. He definitely have a high chance at least. Though every now and then he does sit out a game (MK3, Deception, MKVSDCU). Hopefully he's in again.

Kai however can go either way. We have to wait and see exactly where things are going.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/02/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Two things bother me:

This: all new gameplay

And definitely this: a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy.

The "all new gameplay" bugs me because MK9 was such a great foundation it would be sad to throw it all out. That's the type of game you build on.

And the fully-connected thing, something a lot of fighting games are doing now, is never a good thing. I'm sick of games shoving people's losses in their faces. This was never an issue in the arcades. People were either good or bad based on their performance. By making it a purely numbers game, the developers are only encouraging online shenanigans. People become so obsessed with the mathematics that they engage in all kinds of silly boosting and nobody ever just plays the damn game like they're meant to. I wish they'd just ditch the numbers completely (or at least reset them every week or so) to remove any and all incentive for this shit.

Complete agreement. Boon's engine a.d.d. is really insane to me at this point. Especially since most agree that mk9 was damn close to the sweet spot.

Online has always been a sore spot for me, and numbers whores are a big reason why.

That stuff aside. Absolutely amazing launch trailer, CGI or not. I'm wondering about the wording of this press release though. They're really hyping the "next gen" side of this game, but announce it for all platforms. I'm thinking(as someone alluded to earlier) they could have another team porting the game to ps3/360. Hopefully that frees the main team to make the most of the game and make sacrifices for the other consoles later.

I know this trailer is definitely not indicative of story direction, but I really hope they're not just going to hit the reboot button all over again. Story has always been a huge thing for me(and many others), so despite its shortcomings, the one thing you can say about mk9 is that it left a lot of doors open for the future. I hope they take advantage of this and take the steps necessary to make it strong again.
06/02/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Big fucking surprise, the trailer had S/SZ. Turned it off after five seconds.


They're the series' best known characters. Deal with it...

...also, it was just a 2 minute teaser. There will be more info coming next week with E3 smile
06/02/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)

No you didn't dude....No you didn't.

06/02/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
I think 4 playable characters at E3 is pretty much a guarantee. Anything more is gravy. I'm hoping for 6-8. But those hopes aren't high because watch, they'll turn around and make only Scorps and Subz playable. I haven't been too good with my guesses lately.

What I'd really like is for one of the playable E3 characters to be brand new, and never-before-seen. I think that would be hype.
06/03/2014 12:24 AM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
I think 4 playable characters at E3 is pretty much a guarantee. Anything more is gravy. I'm hoping for 6-8. But those hopes aren't high because watch, they'll turn around and make only Scorps and Subz playable. I haven't been too good with my guesses lately.

What I'd really like is for one of the playable E3 characters to be brand new, and never-before-seen. I think that would be hype.

I have a feeling that one character at E3 will be completely new. Maybe two.
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