06/02/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
Quite a few nods to MK4 in that trailer.

Environmental Weapons
Arm and leg breaks

The most interesting is the "Character Variations" though. It reminds me of the MK4 Character Select screen with the rotating portraits. Perhaps you can choose from Cyber Sub, Classic Sub, etc. all with unique movesets.

Also, Subz mask falling off could very well be alluding to something we'll be seeing in actual gameplay.

I just hope we get some of those crazy battle cries we got in MK4. Easily the best game for MK gibberish.
06/02/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Yeah...I prefer my kombatants to look more like, well, you know, kombatants....

Leave the porn for the internet and the Dead or Alive series. People can find it there if they want.

Dead or alive are the worst fighting game franchise ever imo (and it has lots of reasons to be).
One reason is that the females have the bodies of grown women, yet the have the faces, the voices, heck for some even the personalities of 5 yr old girls. It discusts me. The only good female character so far was Rachel.

discusts huh

Don't judge on a minor spelling mistake or grammatic errors. That's just petty.
I'm not mentioning you not using dots at the end of your sentences or starting with a lowcase letter.

... Or maybe I am.

You will just never know!!!

Ok back on topic. I really like the atmosphere in the vid. I have seen some say that the environment does not look MK, but I need to disagree. MK is dark, foreboding, and mysterious, and I think this trailer fits the bill nicely. REALLY digging the character design on the kombatants so far, I really hope they keep it up.

As for “new” characters, I am not so sure it means what a lot of people want it to mean. I am thinking they mean “new” as in they were not featured in MK2011, but well be “new” to this generation. Characters such as Reiko, Tanya, Fujin, and the like. If MKX were going to sacrifice spots that would have been for old favorites to return in favor of brand new characters, they will probably keep it at a bare minimum like they did in the last game, down to two (three for PSN). And I think that is a big “if”. With how many characters they introduced in the next few games, I am not sure how they are going to fit any “new” characters in at all , unless they shorten the scope of this game (covers MK4 only, instead of MK4-6).
06/02/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Yeah...I prefer my kombatants to look more like, well, you know, kombatants....

Leave the porn for the internet and the Dead or Alive series. People can find it there if they want.

I know series that has more stuff than DOA. Makes it look tame.

martin_m95 Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Yeah...I prefer my kombatants to look more like, well, you know, kombatants....

Leave the porn for the internet and the Dead or Alive series. People can find it there if they want.

Dead or alive are the worst fighting game franchise ever imo (and it has lots of reasons to be).
One reason is that the females have the bodies of grown women, yet the have the faces, the voices, heck for some even the personalities of 5 yr old girls. It discusts me. The only good female character so far was Rachel.

No it isn't. Zip it.
I know way worse bud.

I'd like to know what's way worse than DOA. I'm curious.

It's one of favorites but to each his own.


06/02/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
was just wondering if anyone else is a little confused how they
mention that the game is "fueled by next-gen technology" and "utilizes the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet,” but is still on previous-gen consoles?
Surely they'd have to compromise so it works on both consoles, therefore not really taking full advantage of next-gen?

I'm really pumped still regardless!!! :D
06/02/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Yeah...I prefer my kombatants to look more like, well, you know, kombatants....

Leave the porn for the internet and the Dead or Alive series. People can find it there if they want.

Dead or alive are the worst fighting game franchise ever imo (and it has lots of reasons to be).
One reason is that the females have the bodies of grown women, yet the have the faces, the voices, heck for some even the personalities of 5 yr old girls. It discusts me. The only good female character so far was Rachel.

discusts huh

Don't judge on a minor spelling mistake or grammatic errors. That's just petty.
I'm not mentioning you not using dots at the end of your sentences or starting with a lowcase letter.

... Or maybe I am.

As for “new” characters, I am not so sure it means what a lot of people want it to mean. I am thinking they mean “new” as in they were not featured in MK2011, but well be “new” to this generation. Characters such as Reiko, Tanya, Fujin, and the like. If MKX were going to sacrifice spots that would have been for old favorites to return in favor of brand new characters, they will probably keep it at a bare minimum like they did in the last game, down to two (three for PSN). And I think that is a big “if”. With how many characters they introduced in the next few games, I am not sure how they are going to fit any “new” characters in at all , unless they shorten the scope of this game (covers MK4 only, instead of MK4-6).

I don't see them redoing the same stories throughout all the games. I think MK9 was the only one that'll stay mostly true to the original timeline. The whole idea of time travel, is to change/prevent events of the future. So to think we're getting MK:DA-MK:A all over again...I don't see being the case. I fully expect the story to veer off quite a bit from MK4 timeline on. So there's a good chance a lot of the characters of MK4-MK:A won't be back.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

06/02/2014 06:32 PM (UTC)
Rhewi Wrote:
was just wondering if anyone else is a little confused how they
mention that the game is "fueled by next-gen technology" and "utilizes the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet,” but is still on previous-gen consoles?
Surely they'd have to compromise so it works on both consoles, therefore not really taking full advantage of next-gen?

I'm really pumped still regardless!!! :D

Could be another dev will work on scaling it down for last gen while NRS works solely on next gen. Isn't that what was done with Titanfall?
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

06/02/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
Two things bother me:

This: all new gameplay

And definitely this: a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy.

The "all new gameplay" bugs me because MK9 was such a great foundation it would be sad to throw it all out. That's the type of game you build on.

And the fully-connected thing, something a lot of fighting games are doing now, is never a good thing. I'm sick of games shoving people's losses in their faces. This was never an issue in the arcades. People were either good or bad based on their performance. By making it a purely numbers game, the developers are only encouraging online shenanigans. People become so obsessed with the mathematics that they engage in all kinds of silly boosting and nobody ever just plays the damn game like they're meant to. I wish they'd just ditch the numbers completely (or at least reset them every week or so) to remove any and all incentive for this shit.
06/02/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Yeah...I prefer my kombatants to look more like, well, you know, kombatants....

Leave the porn for the internet and the Dead or Alive series. People can find it there if they want.

Dead or alive are the worst fighting game franchise ever imo (and it has lots of reasons to be).
One reason is that the females have the bodies of grown women, yet the have the faces, the voices, heck for some even the personalities of 5 yr old girls. It discusts me. The only good female character so far was Rachel.

discusts huh

Hey, english is not my mother tongue. It's pretty understandable to make grammatic mistakes.
06/02/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Rhewi Wrote:
was just wondering if anyone else is a little confused how they
mention that the game is "fueled by next-gen technology" and "utilizes the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet,” but is still on previous-gen consoles?
Surely they'd have to compromise so it works on both consoles, therefore not really taking full advantage of next-gen?

I'm really pumped still regardless!!! :D

Could be another dev will work on scaling it down for last gen while NRS works solely on next gen. Isn't that what was done with Titanfall?

Yeah, that is what Respawn did with Titanfall. Hopefully NRS does the same.
06/02/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
Multiple variations.

That sounds like it will be so fucking awesome.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

06/02/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
I want all MK9 Characters to return in one form or another maybe have some of them be DLC


Quan Chi

6 NEW Characters 3 Male 3 Female

I really hope that the select screen doesn't have 10 Scorpions and Sub Zero's. I hope it's just like selecting a costume
About Me
06/02/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the variations that they are talking about are the same as in Super Street Fight IV. By that I mean before the match you can select 1 out of many Super Moves to use during the battle. In case of MK we will have more than one X-Ray move per character.

As for new characters I hope there is not more than 1 or 2. MK has a giant roster that can use a redo like Tanya, Reiko etc.
About Me

Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

06/02/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
I thought they were using Unreal Engine 3 for this, but I guess not.
06/02/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Rhewi Wrote:
was just wondering if anyone else is a little confused how they
mention that the game is "fueled by next-gen technology" and "utilizes the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet,” but is still on previous-gen consoles?
Surely they'd have to compromise so it works on both consoles, therefore not really taking full advantage of next-gen?

I'm really pumped still regardless!!! :D

Could be another dev will work on scaling it down for last gen while NRS works solely on next gen. Isn't that what was done with Titanfall?

Yeah, that is what Respawn did with Titanfall. Hopefully NRS does the same.

I didn't realise Titanfall was released on 360 too (oops! not really my type of game) but that makes me feel a lot better about the cross-platform, thanks! ;) I hope they do the same too!
06/02/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Two things bother me:

This: all new gameplay

And definitely this: a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy.

The "all new gameplay" bugs me because MK9 was such a great foundation it would be sad to throw it all out. That's the type of game you build on.

And the fully-connected thing, something a lot of fighting games are doing now, is never a good thing. I'm sick of games shoving people's losses in their faces. This was never an issue in the arcades. People were either good or bad based on their performance. By making it a purely numbers game, the developers are only encouraging online shenanigans. People become so obsessed with the mathematics that they engage in all kinds of silly boosting and nobody ever just plays the damn game like they're meant to. I wish they'd just ditch the numbers completely (or at least reset them every week or so) to remove any and all incentive for this shit.

Great points, I hope they do just build on MK9's gameplay, I loved it. It felt so fluid and smooth.

I agree that the "fully connected" thing is kind of dumb. It seems all games are doing it now and I guess we're going to have to get used to it..
06/02/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
Wonder how many characters theyll be showing in e3. I think they revealed 7 character for mk9 in e3 2010.

1- subzero
2- johnny cage
3- reptile
4- kung lao
5- sektor
6- nightwilf
7- mileena
06/02/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
skein Wrote:
I'm pretty sure the variations that they are talking about are the same as in Super Street Fight IV. By that I mean before the match you can select 1 out of many Super Moves to use during the battle. In case of MK we will have more than one X-Ray move per character.

As for new characters I hope there is not more than 1 or 2. MK has a giant roster that can use a redo like Tanya, Reiko etc.

Something now tells me Cyber Sub-Zero was ultimately a beta test.

He was a legitimate alternate version of Sub-Zero, in a game where Sub-Zero already existed. In MKX, we could see both Sub-Zeros make a return, as well as other variations of Sub-Zero, allowing us to choose the one that suits us the best.

Or so it seems.
06/02/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
OR (I hope not cause it will screw up both separate timelines) variations could allow MKD Scorpion and Sub-Zero (along with other original MK character from the original timeline) to travel through a portal from original MK universe to MK2011 universe and basically show up to tell the residents that Raiden fucked up everything with his amulet and that they have to reorganize everything to the original and blurt out some spoilers such as Scorpion being a Champion of the Elder Gods or Sub-Zero being Grandmaster in the MKX story mode.

NOTE: This is a satire
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/02/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)
What if the entire roster was all just different variations of Scorpion and Sub-Zero? How pissed off would you all be lol?

But damn that was an awesome gameplay trailer. If that's the direction MK is going now, I'm all in. Hope to see more at E3.

Oh and love Scorpion's new look, it looks very... new. I'm ecstatic to see how they designed the rest of the roster. And new characters? Wonder when we'll see the first one revealed.
06/02/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
I posted this in its own topic but:

MKX is using Unreal Engine 4. Here is the twitter link: Click Me
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Wonder how many characters theyll be showing in e3. I think they revealed 7 character for mk9 in e3 2010.

1- subzero
2- johnny cage
3- reptile
4- kung lao
5- sektor
6- nightwilf
7- mileena

I would love it if like 12 characters could be shown at E3...but maybe that's reaching for too much. At the end of the day I'm hoping the roster is a full 30- not including lame guests characters or DLC. Maybe DLC could edge the roster number to 35 when it's all said and done.

I'm sorry but what is this "Broken camcorder" you speak of kind sir?
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06/02/2014 07:56 PM (UTC)
Hype gained. Hyped earned! Looking forward to seeing Shinnok and HOPING Taven and or Tremor.
06/02/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:
New characters, hope there's a white ninja because the new logo is white. Khrome please.


Nothing u can do to stop it from happening.
06/02/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
There will be no Krome. 4 Sub-Zeros, but no Krome. Move on.
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