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04/21/2015 08:36 AM (UTC)
Never mind.
04/21/2015 08:49 AM (UTC)
What is so "premier" about this tower? I'm disappointed they didn't put a little bit more effort into it. I didn't expect a load of new costumes, arenas, etc, but at the very least they could have at least included mirror and endurance matches like MK1 had. And perhaps limit character choices to the original roster, like the previous tower you could only play as Goro.
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Sorry about my english, i'm from germany :)

04/21/2015 09:45 AM (UTC)
Disappointed too. Very boring this tower. Absolutely nothing special in here. Would be so cool if we have got at least 1 klassic costume or 1 klassic stage to unlock.

And about the reptile fight... why not in his klassic costume?

But nevermind, i won't see the fight either because i'm not good enough to get a flawless victory in this tower.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

04/21/2015 09:47 AM (UTC)
Interestingly , looking at the banners to be unlocked etc there will be an mk2 tower, mk4 and mk9 lol

Arrrrgh I can't get that secret fight :(

I'm sure it's a flawless /fatality on fight 6 Update: get a flawless first round and fatality/brutality on fight 6 it happened to me that way. If you are just going for the trophy/achievement then if you get hit in first round just go to player select and it will restart fight 6 (but lose points)
04/21/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
I actually had the secret fight with Reptile the second day I had the game (15th). I dont recall which tower I was playing but as soon as I defeated one of the opponents the screen flashed in thunder like four times and I fought Reptile and got that exact same secret fight message. It didn't unlock anything, it was a simple fight with regular Reptile.

Are you sure it was the 15h?
There was an assassin fight against Reptile during the Outworld Invasion event.
04/21/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
I'm about to play it once my system update finishes, but what makes this a MK1 Tower exactly? Just curious? I was hoping it would be just that, only MK1 characters, a few test your mights, a mirror match, like 3 endurance rounds, a fight with Goro and a fight with a copy and pasted elderly MK9 Shang Tsung at the end lol
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

04/21/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
Seriously people... If they put all this extra work into it for just a tower,you'd bitch it wasn't free DLC or something. It seems like some people are seriously never satisfied with anything anymore. It's fine to want and have expectations but Jesus Christ it's been out 1 week. I'm sure they have stuff in the works, but just be patient or stop playing. Its that simple

Some of us, like myself would love to play this tower, but can't because his PS4 bricked. Just be happy with what you have for once.
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Get that ass BANNED

04/21/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
This tower sounds boring as fuck.
04/21/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Get at it, folks! This is officially the first Living Tower to have a Secret Fight! Get a Flawless Victory on an opponent around Fight 5 or 6 to unlock the fight!

Get a Flawless victory in either round against Opponent 6 and then finish the match with a fatality. This will unlock the secret fight in the MK1 tower. If you don't get a flawless victory against opponent 6, before the end of the match press pause and go to player select to restart the match. Do this until the secret fight unlocks.
04/21/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
It was like a regular tower really, only thing different is that I got an achievement for the secret Reptile fight and a new Icon/Background set
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/21/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
I got the secret fight after getting a flawless against opponant 6 and doing a fatality to them. You have to get a flawless in one of the rounds and do the fatality.
04/21/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
Yeah the flawless one round and finish with a fatality on opponent 6 does work, just got it a few hours ago.

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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

04/21/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
If u guys think NRS is gonna design a buncha classic stages just for a measly week-long tower, you're crazy. And like someone else said, people would still find something in it to Bitch about.
04/21/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Just beat it got a Bronze, yeah I know I'm basic. I did find however the rewards are pretty good. For you border and background you get the Klassic MK1 arcade cabinet design, they offer some beefy exp when you have them equipped. 100 xp per fatality, 75 fxp for faction kill and I forget the other.
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Twitch = Silent_Edge XBL = Silent Edge EX

04/22/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
Its just one flawless round needed on the 6th fight for the secret fight. No fatalities, brutalities needed.
04/22/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Seriously people... If they put all this extra work into it for just a tower,you'd bitch it wasn't free DLC or something. It seems like some people are seriously never satisfied with anything anymore. It's fine to want and have expectations but Jesus Christ it's been out 1 week. I'm sure they have stuff in the works, but just be patient or stop playing. Its that simple

Some of us, like myself would love to play this tower, but can't because his PS4 bricked. Just be happy with what you have for once.

I would agree with your point of view if the game was free of charge. What right would anybody have to complain about something that they paid nothing for? But that's certainly not the case here. people have paid their hard earned money for this game. And while this MK title is the best one to date, it's going to have its imperfections. And with imperfections, comes the criticisms. Is it difficult to please demanding, bloodthirsty fans? Offcourse! Is it disappointing to find out that a MK1 themed tower offers nothing more than the original fighters with no variations? Fuck yeah!

Personally, I will still love and play the game, but I will voice my opinions. If they had gone all out with the tower, by including the original music (perhaps an upgraded tone), along with the classic arenas and original fatalities, MY GOSH, I know I would have been ecstatic.

I'm thinking that this new approach with the towers is a work in progress for the team. But asking us to be complacent and appreciate what they give us? Well, we will be happy if you nail our expectations.

But please, be honest, deep down inside, wouldn't you have liked a badass, nostalgic MK1 tower with all the awesome old school elements that I just mentioned above?

NRS is a very talented, creative group of people who are well aware of their fan base. They need our constructive criticisms to help them with their creative process in putting together an awesome, well rounded game.
04/22/2015 03:07 AM (UTC)
psx2k1 Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Seriously people... If they put all this extra work into it for just a tower,you'd bitch it wasn't free DLC or something. It seems like some people are seriously never satisfied with anything anymore. It's fine to want and have expectations but Jesus Christ it's been out 1 week. I'm sure they have stuff in the works, but just be patient or stop playing. Its that simple

Some of us, like myself would love to play this tower, but can't because his PS4 bricked. Just be happy with what you have for once.

I would agree with your point of view if the game was free of charge. What right would anybody have to complain about something that they paid nothing for? But that's certainly not the case here. people have paid their hard earned money for this game. And while this MK title is the best one to date, it's going to have its imperfections. And with imperfections, comes the criticisms. Is it difficult to please demanding, bloodthirsty fans? Offcourse! Is it disappointing to find out that a MK1 themed tower offers nothing more than the original fighters with no variations? Fuck yeah!

Personally, I will still love and play the game, but I will voice my opinions. If they had gone all out with the tower, by including the original music (perhaps an upgraded tone), along with the classic arenas and original fatalities, MY GOSH, I know I would have been ecstatic.

I'm thinking that this new approach with the towers is a work in progress for the team. But asking us to be complacent and appreciate what they give us? Well, we will be happy if you nail our expectations.

But please, be honest, deep down inside, wouldn't you have liked a badass, nostalgic MK1 tower with all the awesome old school elements that I just mentioned above?

NRS is a very talented, creative group of people who are well aware of their fan base. They need our constructive criticisms to help them with their creative process in putting together an awesome, well rounded game.

I think everyone would have loved that, but it's completely unrealistic to expect NRS to go to all of that work for something that will only appear for a week. If they were releasing an MK1 DLC pack eventually, then sure, but that's not gonna happen because remember are also towers coming for MK2 - 4. They can't spend all their time creating new (old) content and making us download huge updates every week. That's time better spent on some decent DLC characters.

Yes, this tower sucked, and they could at the very least have added mirror and endurance matches, and limited character selection to the original roster. But your expectations are way too high.
04/22/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
psx2k1 Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Seriously people... If they put all this extra work into it for just a tower,you'd bitch it wasn't free DLC or something. It seems like some people are seriously never satisfied with anything anymore. It's fine to want and have expectations but Jesus Christ it's been out 1 week. I'm sure they have stuff in the works, but just be patient or stop playing. Its that simple

Some of us, like myself would love to play this tower, but can't because his PS4 bricked. Just be happy with what you have for once.

I would agree with your point of view if the game was free of charge. What right would anybody have to complain about something that they paid nothing for? But that's certainly not the case here. people have paid their hard earned money for this game. And while this MK title is the best one to date, it's going to have its imperfections. And with imperfections, comes the criticisms. Is it difficult to please demanding, bloodthirsty fans? Offcourse! Is it disappointing to find out that a MK1 themed tower offers nothing more than the original fighters with no variations? Fuck yeah!

Personally, I will still love and play the game, but I will voice my opinions. If they had gone all out with the tower, by including the original music (perhaps an upgraded tone), along with the classic arenas and original fatalities, MY GOSH, I know I would have been ecstatic.

I'm thinking that this new approach with the towers is a work in progress for the team. But asking us to be complacent and appreciate what they give us? Well, we will be happy if you nail our expectations.

But please, be honest, deep down inside, wouldn't you have liked a badass, nostalgic MK1 tower with all the awesome old school elements that I just mentioned above?

NRS is a very talented, creative group of people who are well aware of their fan base. They need our constructive criticisms to help them with their creative process in putting together an awesome, well rounded game.

You keep saying "our" and "we" when it's mostly just you.

And you keep expecting UNREASONABLE things from the Netherrealm team.

"I'm disappointed they didn't include the things I wanted for something that they've planned out months in advance that'll only be around for a week."
04/22/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
justycist Wrote:
psx2k1 Wrote:
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
Seriously people... If they put all this extra work into it for just a tower,you'd bitch it wasn't free DLC or something. It seems like some people are seriously never satisfied with anything anymore. It's fine to want and have expectations but Jesus Christ it's been out 1 week. I'm sure they have stuff in the works, but just be patient or stop playing. Its that simple

Some of us, like myself would love to play this tower, but can't because his PS4 bricked. Just be happy with what you have for once.

I would agree with your point of view if the game was free of charge. What right would anybody have to complain about something that they paid nothing for? But that's certainly not the case here. people have paid their hard earned money for this game. And while this MK title is the best one to date, it's going to have its imperfections. And with imperfections, comes the criticisms. Is it difficult to please demanding, bloodthirsty fans? Offcourse! Is it disappointing to find out that a MK1 themed tower offers nothing more than the original fighters with no variations? Fuck yeah!

Personally, I will still love and play the game, but I will voice my opinions. If they had gone all out with the tower, by including the original music (perhaps an upgraded tone), along with the classic arenas and original fatalities, MY GOSH, I know I would have been ecstatic.

I'm thinking that this new approach with the towers is a work in progress for the team. But asking us to be complacent and appreciate what they give us? Well, we will be happy if you nail our expectations.

But please, be honest, deep down inside, wouldn't you have liked a badass, nostalgic MK1 tower with all the awesome old school elements that I just mentioned above?

NRS is a very talented, creative group of people who are well aware of their fan base. They need our constructive criticisms to help them with their creative process in putting together an awesome, well rounded game.

I think everyone would have loved that, but it's completely unrealistic to expect NRS to go to all of that work for something that will only appear for a week. If they were releasing an MK1 DLC pack eventually, then sure, but that's not gonna happen because remember are also towers coming for MK2 - 4. They can't spend all their time creating new (old) content and making us download huge updates every week. That's time better spent on some decent DLC characters.

Yes, this tower sucked, and they could at the very least have added mirror and endurance matches, and limited character selection to the original roster. But your expectations are way too high.

04/22/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
Yeah I think some of us got out hopes up a little too much, I think the ad with the MK1 Cabinet on it is what I think did it for me lol idk I was expecting (shame on me) for it to be a little more MK1ish.

And the MK2 Tower will be a little odd too considering Noob, Smoke, Jade, Tsung, Kintaro, and Kahn wont be in it.

I'm not complaining though, I love the game and will play every tower they release and enjoy myself while doing it lol
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

04/22/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
I actually had the secret fight with Reptile the second day I had the game (15th). I dont recall which tower I was playing but as soon as I defeated one of the opponents the screen flashed in thunder like four times and I fought Reptile and got that exact same secret fight message. It didn't unlock anything, it was a simple fight with regular Reptile.

Are you sure it was the 15h?

There was an assassin fight against Reptile during the Outworld Invasion event.

Could have been the 16th as well, I'm not certain. But now that you mention it, I think you're right. It was the assassin fight during the invasion.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

04/22/2015 07:21 AM (UTC)
So, I just got the secret fight with Reptile. He is set on very hard and it says "win the match without using special moves" which is pretty hard so I beat him WITH my ice clones and got like 1000 koins. Whoopy!
04/22/2015 09:17 AM (UTC)
Any tips for getting a flawless victory? I guess I suck too much. sad
04/22/2015 09:44 AM (UTC)
justycist Wrote:
Any tips for getting a flawless victory? I guess I suck too much. sad

I spammed Liu Kang to get it. Flying Kicks, using the stage to jump around projectiles and staying close enough to get high combos yet keep enough distance to back away if needed.
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Sorry about my english, i'm from germany :)

04/22/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
I don't think they needed to do something very special. I would even be pleased with something simple like a MK1 Reptile costume. And you unlock it after winning the fight or something like this.

But fighting just the normal reptile... that sucked :(
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