mortal kombat 9 modes
posted12/07/2008 07:16 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/12/2006 10:18 PM (UTC)
1 they should realy bring back 2 on 2 kombat the kyppt and konkest mode what do you gyys think beause its been since mk4 we have not seen 2 on 2 kombat
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12/01/2008 01:26 AM (UTC)
They should add a Time Attack and survival mode
12/02/2008 04:20 AM (UTC)
burger Wrote:
1 they should realy bring back 2 on 2 kombat the kyppt and konkest mode what do you gyys think beause its been since mk4 we have not seen 2 on 2 kombat

MK should not have other modes anymore.

2 on 2 was never any special in the first place, it just gives a player an extra chance to kick ass against another person with one player left on the team.

The crypt is stupid because if Midway is going to continue to have players unlock more crypts with pictures of themselves in it, then why bother wasting time? I don't want to see Ed Boon's hidieous eyebrows.

Conquest finally had a decent story for once back in Armageddon, but I don't think it's necessary to keep it anymore. It's too boring, and it's not that hard to beat. If they want to do something like that again, please, make another adventure game or something.

The only mode I want back, is the traditional Test Your Might mini-game. It's short, it's simple, and it's fun when you get to the harder difficulty. We don't need more modes in this game, it takes more space away and the lack of staying in focus of just playing regular Mortal Kombat.
12/02/2008 05:47 AM (UTC)
Your idea of fun there sounds terribly barebones. Like a game that would get old in a week.
12/02/2008 08:41 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of the Krypt. I actually have one in the MK RPG game I'm in the process of making right now. So I definitely think they should brink that back, as it adds more to do in the game. A Konquest-type mode would be good, but I think they should add more to it. The one from Armageddon and Deception was good, both for their own reasons. It would really depend on what kind of game it was, as far as story and everything goes, but I would like to see a Konquest like the one in Armageddon, but be able to play as each character within the game, actually getting to go through the story of the game to view an overall ending.

2 on 2 never interested me all that much, so I could do without it. But I do think they need another side-game, like Puzzle Kombat and Chess Kombat. Not necessarily those two, or that racing game either, but something new; something fun with some real effort put into it.

And I know it would be a major stretch, but I have always wanted to see a 2D mode that would resemble and play like the old MK games, not just the normal 3D game with only 2D movement.
12/02/2008 09:34 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Your idea of fun there sounds terribly barebones. Like a game that would get old in a week.

Let me guess, this is going out to me, right?

If it is, sorry that there are MK fans who don't like having other games such as Chess, Conquest and the Puzzle and I happen to be one of them. Sorry that you're one of those fans who would rather have mini games in MK that throws off the entire game itself.

The Crypt is fine to keep, just don't put pointless shit in such as the people who created this game, that's what credits are for.

And not to mention, we've had just regular MK with no mini games for quite a few years, and I never heard anyone saying that it got boring within a week.

Please, I can understand that you're one of these fans who enjoy having mini-games in Mortal Kombat, but for the sake of the fans who don't like them, shut up.

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12/03/2008 06:17 AM (UTC)
I think there needs to be some clarification here first. I do not appreciate mini-games overall, but I would not mind a few worth-while modes making it into future games.

MkPong - That was a mini-game. That was something they did with the remaining space on the disc, just to put some bullshit on there.

Konquest - This is a mode to me. Something that they actually spend good time on, figuring out how it can benefit the story, and add replay value to the game.

1.) Now, games like:

Chess Kombat, Motor Kombat, MK Tetris, so on and so forth. These are mini-games to me, and HELL NO! I do not want these things to ever come back *in the fashion that they have existed* in Mortal Kombat. Test Your Might fits in here as a mini game too as a matter of fact.

What I mean is, these are the things that should be integrated into game play (i.e. 1on1 or moreso, Konquest mode), at least something like God of War did them. To where they only suggested a reference to that old arcade classic IF you thought about what you were doing, while you were doing it. So, in God of Wars case, Kratos (Kratos is the main character or those who don't know) was literally "pushing" together huge pieces of fragmented rock (key) that opened a huge "door" somewhere else in the level. It required a thought process to do, or else you would not be able to progress.....but at the end of the day what? THAT was none other than a Tetris game modernized to challenge a new audience, and on a much more grand scale. PERFECT!

Test Your Might is no different, and that is why I appreciate how they handled it in MkvsDC. Now, if they use this in the same fashion in a new game, I would only like to see it in a maximum of maybe 2 arenas. Something like it is, through the walls of the Church arena, OR through something like the Graveyard or Living Forest. But only a max of two out of maybe 20 arenas or something. It's of dire importance that they do not abuse this application. Also, I would like it to be harder to knock people into this sequence.

Mainly though, if a mini-game is present, it needs to be relevant to what's happening with the environment, or the character. Not a separate place on the disc that I can just go into. Cleverly Integrate it.

2.) Now, games like:

Konquest//Story mode, Practice mode, Kombo Challenge, Tournament, 2on2, Endurance, and so on...these things are the modes that I usually appreciate. Why?, Because they directly relate to the purpose for which they were created.

There's nothing frivolous about 'em, and the purpose for which you are playing them, is addressed at the title of the mode.

I feel like these modes just need to be improved upon. Make story mode a better open-world RPG//FPS//MMORPG type game. Practice mode is Kombo Challenge needs to reward people for learning how to play the game correctly. Tournament should distinguish the "top-dawg" somehow. 2on2 should just...RETURN. And I liked the Endurance mode we got to find in MkSm. There was adequate give and take there. The only thing missing from the mode was a more relevant reward after beating all those characters. Like, a big bucket of money that I can spend on...____?

- To focus on my favorite of the modes, the Story Mode.

Offline, I simply go through a Konquest and learn the story of Mortal Kombat for that game (or whatever). How about, let me create my own character, and much like Shujinko, grow up learning about the Mortal Kombat contest, and eventually competing in it. But instead of being like Shujinko in that, he was the main character in MkD, let me compete as this anonymous, nobody character (something like the black guy in the first MK movie who got killed by Goro). Let me train based on my initial alliance and decor. If I'm a soldier, let me train with a Sargent, if I'm a "karate kid" (ninja or whatever else there is), let me train with a sensei. ect...

During my quest, I get to pay (with money) for some old guy to tell me a story about Mortal Kombat past (could very well be Shujinko). I get to acquire my powers and special moves (with experience points)based on a logical assessments from my sensei, or from an oracle. If I turn bad before I finish the mode, or, "come to current" in the mode, the aesthetic changes on the effects of the powers that I have based on what I've been doing with my character.

Aka: manipulating and or killing innocents, out right owning everything and creating a small following. OR being as close to a "Liu Kang" or a "Raiden" as I could in the game. Doing things to help and protect people...ect

Then, when I go online, I would love to see a more open world RPG // MMORPG feel applied to it. If I take it online, let me go through the ranks, gain and loose things, develop my character to, or simply assume sides good, neutral, or evil. Take my created character online with me, and earn things that might mean something to that created character, or to other characters that are on the official roster.

Maybe that's ahead of the curve though...

I'll come back later to finish this.
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12/07/2008 07:16 AM (UTC)
Take my created character online with me, and earn things that might mean something to that created character, or to other characters that are on the official roster......


What I think would be really interesting online with a Konquest-type mode, is if it allowed all the clans in Mortal Kombat to have more relevance. Like, if I build say, a "bad guy" going through the story mode offline, and take him online with me, my stats from playing offline, my alignment, powers, experience level, and everything else about my character comes with me online. And from there, I can choose which of the existing "bad guy clans" I wanna be associated with while online. Maybe I'd have to go though an admission from the other members on the existing team or something.

Or to make that simpler, I could just be allowed to make up my own clan. (Give the leader the option to make up some silly acceptance letter that pops up on incoming participates screen or whatever...)Nobody is obligated to stay in a clan, but there should be simple rules to entering, betraying, simply leaving, or staying loyal to a clan. As well as contributing positively to a clan, fighting and doing Fatalities on opposing clans' members, obtaining valuable things that make your clan stronger, "infiltration" missions....ect That sort of thing.

In either case, we should be able to go on missions together (or individual missions like in CoD4.), and challenge other clans...ect.

You'd handle rank like online sorta has it right now. Most fights, most missions completed, most powerful, best combo, ect ect ect...
Rank though, should have a roof. For instance, if I'm a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, the highest I could get would be a Shadow Priest" or like a "Shadow Master" or something to that affect.

The significance in these describe what kinds of powers, and moves you have, what type of personality you exhibit within your own clan, and the things that you have done or obtained in order to become that rank.

Now, another fun attriute of playing a Konquest type game online that has all these ranks and such going on, is all the "IF" scenarios. For instance, IF you invest time in building yourself up with one clan, and decide to move to another clan because you feel it's just more fitting, then you loose a bunch of experience, some moves, some money, and some of the specific things you did with the previous clan, that were only relative to that clans activities.

BUT, until you've invested enough time in the new clan to turn your powers and stuff "light", you become an abomination. So, you could have dark powers and be in a "Do-Gooder" clan, but your powers are nowhere near as potent as they would be had you simply stayed with your original clan.
It should be to where you loose dramatically should you choose to come out of a clan and go into another one with one of your character slots.

[ Btw, yes, I believe we should get at least 2-3 character slots in order to be able to experience enough of the "sides" the game has to offer. "Good, Neutral, and Evil", with the option to choose from all the clans that Mortal Kombat has. 3 Created Characters, let me buy another 2 or 3 without having to erase pre-existing ones or something like that through Xbox LIVE or Ps3 Home or whatever.]

While this idea is lengthy and reads pretty grand and complicated, I believe that it'd be alot more simple applied. And even if downsizing the idea is necessary, I think the improvisational solutions would still keep the concepts intuitive logic, creative relevance and purpose, and interactive qualities in tact.

The one thing I'm not exactly sure about, is how much this begs for it's own release by itself. Because I do realize that there are some fine references to other popular RPG's and MMO games out right now.

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