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03/12/2011 10:20 PM (UTC)
iHeartXenomorphs Wrote:
the next one is going to be MK4 - SM.

03/12/2011 10:59 PM (UTC)
iHeartXenomorphs Wrote:
well the next one is going to be MK4 - SM.

What's SM???
03/12/2011 11:00 PM (UTC)
Shaolin Monks. Which wouldent make since that takes during MK2
03/12/2011 11:04 PM (UTC)
I was making a guess at what the story line of the next game might follow, albeit altered to a degree.
03/12/2011 11:08 PM (UTC)
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Shaolin Monks. Which wouldent make since that takes during MK2

Not only that, but it's a Non-Canon Story.
03/12/2011 11:11 PM (UTC)
well jeez D:
03/12/2011 11:17 PM (UTC)
ello195 Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
I hope they will not go SSF4 route with MK10. This idea - releasing just update as a standalone separate game is retarded.

MK10 most likely will MK4 Take 2, but on the bigger scale. With Shinnok finally being portaryed as a dangerous scheming villains, what he supposed to be in the first place. And of course more Quan Chi and Brotherhood of Shadow.

This, but i hope they wont reduce the amount of charachters or content.

like BADASS6669 said keep adding more charachters based on the timeline and keep the existing ones. Make everyone have more special moves, fatalities, x-rays, etc until we get the total rooster like Armageddon and then add new charachters

If there are more time, add Secrets,arenas, minigames, longer challenge tower, something new, a bigger krypt, etc

Definitely not "more, longer, bigger" updates with each future MK! -.-

NRS should handle it like blizzard with their games: keep 1/3, upgrade 1/3 and make 1/3 new.
03/13/2011 06:21 AM (UTC)
I think Deception's story was on par with the MK1/2/3 era's storytelling, I'd love to see that revisited with more depth.
03/13/2011 06:40 AM (UTC)
Next game should be all about Shinnok and mk4. Maybe throw in Kenshi, Mavado and Drahmin, but keep the order/chaos crap out.
03/13/2011 08:09 AM (UTC)
You guys are nuts if you truly think they do another retelling. They are not gonna just go through the storyline updating things because Raiden went back in time.
03/13/2011 08:36 AM (UTC)
I'm assuming they'll make story mode cannon, and if they do, chances are that Liu Kang is also dead in it. So its Nightwolf, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana that dies. Sadly, where does that leave Sonya and Jax to team up with, in the next game?
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03/13/2011 09:04 AM (UTC)
I expect an even more drastic MK4 than the events of this game.

MKG roster, plus maybe Havik, Daegon, Nightwolf, Sindel, Cyber Sub-Zero, possibly Sareena if Vogel retcons her storyline. Ermac and Stryker also.

It seems they aren't going to invade through Edenia, based on Shinnok and Quan Chi's dialogue, so Tanya's role will be drastically different, but will most likely still emphasize the fact she's a traitor.

This will become easier to speculate when we see the DLC characters and their storyline for this game, imo.

What I think will happen:

-Earthrealm and Outworld will be invaded, but they won't try to merge them with the Netherrealm because the Elder Gods would prevent them.

-Sektor, now grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, will go after Smoke to automate him, but be approached by Quan Chi for some kind of offer. Perhaps, involving a cyber-demon army in exchange for solace when Shinnok claims Earthrealm.

-Kitana and Kung Lao will serve as resurrected warriors and corrupted to serve under the BOS, or their souls will ascend to the heavens.

-Nightwolf's spirit would guide the Earthrealm heroes similarily to Liu Kang's in Deception because Raiden will most likely be trying to stop the Netherrealm's onslaught.

-Havik would tie in to Noob's storyline, where he has his own purpose, and while the latter would be making sure Shinnok and Quan Chi are not suspicious of his actions, so that Havik can help defeat them.

-Daegon would also help ensure Shinnok's victory by using the Red Dragon to elimate potential foes in Earthrealm, all the while using the oppurtunity to continue his hunt for Taven.

-ALOT of retcons to the characters' origin stories.

Just a few things I thought of...
03/13/2011 09:07 AM (UTC)
actually I think he ment Sub-Zero Mythologies
Clarkxkent Wrote:
Shaolin Monks. Which wouldent make since that takes during MK2
03/13/2011 10:48 AM (UTC)
Wait a minute, can anyone confirm that...

(Redundant, I know, but I see people posting in blatantly "Spoiler" titled threads who haven't actually read the story...)

... Liu Kang actually died? I know that he and Raiden fought, that Raiden prevailed, and that he said "Liu Kang, forgive me." But did Liu die, or did Raiden just pulverize him into unconsciousness, I wonder?
I don't know if we can really say for sure that he's quite dead yet... It certainly looks like Raiden might have killed him, judging from the other characters' reactions to what's going on, but at the same time, Liu's last line, "You... have killed us... all..." could just as easily be read as him slipping into unconsciousness. Hell, depending on what visually happens to Liu, the team could always write it off as, "He didn't really die." anyway.

In any case, a character roster I'd like to see:

1. Shinnok (Final Boss) - Hopefully he would be more of a threat than in MK4. The end of MK9 in the leaks implies that he is going to try for Outworld - which Edenia should still be bound to by the sounds of things - and Earthrealm. So we should see a variety of stages across Outworld, former Edenia, Earthrealm, and the Netherrealm.

2. Quan Chi - I don't see him as sub-boss material given that he appears to be playable in MK9 and his presence was made known much earlier. Though I imagine his role in the story will be much as it was in MK4, as Shinnok's conniving right-hand man with plans of his own. Perhaps he will be directing the Brotherhood of Shadow in secret rebellion against the fallen Elder God...

3. Reiko - I'm not really fond of how Deception and Armageddon made him Shao Kahn's general. I preferred him as a Brotherhood enforcer in MK4. I do like his characterization as being very much a soldier and loyal to his leader's cause, though. I just wonder if Quan Chi would actually inform him of the intended treachery against Shinnok. I feel Reiko would most likely be more true to Shinnok than a snake like Quan Chi.

4. Noob Saibot - Now this guy, on the other hand, I imagine would probably be more in tune with Quan Chi's aspirations. I'm well aware that Noob has been known to keep his own goals in mind, but I imagine he would see the benefit in overthrowing the fallen Elder God and taking rule of the Netherrealm for himself after backstabbing Quan Chi, too.

5. Smoke - Smoke would probably be relatively free to expand his story from the "on the run from the Lin Kuei" subplot at this point. The Lin Kuei, I think, will probably retreat offstage as Sektor takes over the clan. Smoke would likely be by Sub-Zero's side as they aid the general struggle against Shinnok.

6. Liu Kang (If he's still alive) - Assuming Liu Kang hasn't croaked, I think he would be much more of a wildcard in the next game. His clear rejection of Raiden would likely put him at odds with the other Earthrealm combatants, and he would likely seek out Bo Rai Cho for guidance and operate alone mostly.

7. Sonya Blade - While it didn't seem to happen in story mode, there's still an opening for her to have dealt with Kano between games, ending the feud. She would probably be working with Jax and the law enforcement to try and restore order in Earthrealm after the invasion when the next one starts. I also picture her showing a degree of disillusionment with all the fighting.

8. Jax - Most likely on the same page as Sonya, though I think he would probably be more aggressive in his attitude towards defending Earthrealm this time. He would probably alternate between telling Sonya off for cynicism and appealing to her as a friend to confront the issue with her usual tough personality.

9. Jade - After Kitana's death, I see Jade going underground to rebel against Sindel and to pursue knowledge of Edenia, while remaining an ally and contact for Raiden's forces.

10. Tanya - Residing in Outworld since the merger with Edenia, Tanya retains her backstory as the daughter of an Edenian ambassador. Personally, I see her as possibly having betrayed Edenia to Outworld centuries ago, and Jade's animosity towards her could develop as a result of discovering this. In the meantime, she is approached by Shinnok and agrees to cooperate in turning over Outworld to him.

11. Johnny Cage - This is a tough one. Perhaps the events of the last game have sobered him up, and he determinedly insists on aiding Sonya and Jax in defending the Earthrealm once again?

12. Sub-Zero - I predict he will have pretty much returned to human form by the start of this game, though he likely will have a lingering trauma associated with his automation to deal with. Since the invasion will be launched by the Netherrealm, this will be the point in which he, Quan Chi, Scorpion, and Noob Saibot are most likely to collide. I like to think that Raiden has tasked him with the difficult mission of contacting and recruiting Scorpion.

13. Scorpion - Scorpion demonstrated a reluctance to enact revenge on the elder Sub-Zero in MK9, and he heard Raiden out early in the story. Growing distrust in Quan Chi and clashes with Noob Saibot might lead him to be more prone to switching sides, and Raiden tactically sends the younger Sub-Zero to try and appeal to his personal sense of honor, the real Hanzo Hasashi.

14. Drahmin - One of the most infamous and cruel denizens of the Netherrealm, as well as an accomplished warrior while he lived, I could easily see Shinnok using him as an enforcer.

15. Moloch (Sub-Boss) - Much for the same reason as Drahmin and fairly obvious. I'd like to actually see the owl mentioned in the Deadly Alliance character sheets worked into his persona for this game.

16. Raiden - Raiden's confusion in the last game cost the lives of valuable allies, recalling to mind his responsibility for mass casualties millenia ago during his previous battles with Shinnok. This in mind, he should develop into the more calculating and stern Raiden we're more familiar with as he retreads ground against an enemy he knows well. However, perhaps not trusting himself, he recruits Fujin to act as a second opinion and buffer between himself and the Earthrealm warriors who have dwindling faith in the Thunder God.

17. Fujin - I think Fujin would play the role Raiden lays out for him; however, I also see him as being an observer on behalf of the Elder Gods who - like many of Raiden's allies at this point - don't quite have much faith in Earthrealm's main guardian. As for why the Elder Gods would intervene in such a way, remember that this is Shinnok they're combating - a being the Elder Gods would have much more concern about than Shao Kahn.

18. Mileena - Born of sorcery and introduced later into the canon by the last game, Mileena hasn't quite inherited the prejudice against Earthrealm of her "father", Shao Kahn, but she still remains unpredictable and fairly dangerous to encounter. However, under the rule of the still evil Queen Sindel, she fights for Outworld against Shinnok's forces. Maybe this will draw her into a tentative alliance with the Earthrealm warriors...

19. Queen Sindel - While Shao Kahn has been killed, she is still corrupted in her nature. Resurrected by Quan Chi's necromancy, the "widowed" Sindel appears to have been restored with devotion to Shao Kahn and claims Outworld as her own domain. However, Quan Chi may retain some degree of control of her actions, as he secretly guides her against Shinnok as a pawn.

20. Ermac - Unaware of their true origins and their significance, the entities collectively known as "Ermac" serve under Queen Sindel's banner in Outworld against the Netherrealm forces. In my mind, I see them being turned to the side of good by Jade as her investigations uncover that King Jerrod is among the souls comprising their being.

21. Rain - Following Shao Kahn's destruction, one of his long-time spies seizes the opportunity to flee from service to the Outworld empire to explore his origins. The Edenian god, Argus, approaches him with the admission of being his father, and directs him to use his talents in espionage to undermine Outworld with the end goal to restore Edenia's independence. I see this storyline drawing him into contact with Jade as a potential ally, while retaining the arrogant half-god on a mission side we saw in Armageddon.

22. Stryker - Stryker's experiences during the Outworld invasion have led to increased awareness of the situation between realms and his devotion to Earthrealm's defense. Banding together with Kabal, Sonya, and Jax, they stand united under Raiden's guidance against Shinnok.

23. Kabal - Kabal, like Stryker, survived the Outworld invasion with renewed perspective. However, his time may be in question. As a result of a pact of service with Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung died alongside his master, nullifying the sorcery that sustained Kabal. Immediate medical attention allowed Kabal to continue using his life support, but without regular maintenance, he faces death. Knowing the additional danger that sustained battle presents to his life, Kabal intends to fight for Earthrealm until he can fight no more.

24. Bo Rai Cho - As a citizen of Outworld and an ally of Earthrealm, Bo Rai Cho's allegiance against the Netherrealm is clear. The martial arts master replaces Raiden as a source of guidance for Liu Kang (if he's alive), and trains a new student, Li Mei, to fight on behalf of Outworld.

25. Li Mei - A character I decided to add retroactively. As a young rebel against Kahn's oppressive military presence in her village, she was rescued from arrest and death at their hands by Bo Rai Cho. In lieu of a righteous champion of Outworld, Bo Rai Cho has made it his mission to train her to defend and fight for a better realm. Her first real test will be by the master's side against Shinnok's invasion.

26. Reptile - The reptilian assassin returns as one of Sindel's minions. His loyalty to the regime, however, sways when he meets a mysterious female Saurian purporting to be the last of their kind, and reveals to him that Shao Kahn is responsible for the annihilation of their race. She proposes they seek allies elsewhere. Reptile is reluctant, feeling that only Shinnok would accept his allegiance. Khameleon, on the other hand, feels they may have a chance with the Earthrealm warriors.

27. Baraka - Enamored with the clone, Mileena, Baraka remains loyal to Queen Sindel and acts as an encouragement and guide to her Tarkatan nature.

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03/13/2011 11:40 AM (UTC)
^^I'd make sure all original MKG characters are in the game, or mentioned somewhere if they are absent.

I've come up with some ideas for the next game's story that I'm gonna add later.
03/13/2011 12:43 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind mk4 retelling with a massive backstory starting with the first Shinnok war and his war with Lucifer. Build him up as a massive threat, have missions involving him turning Subs soul into Noob Saibot and add some MKMSZ related missions etc. I don't know if just mk4s story would be long enough but if they did this and add elements of the edinia shokan alliance (They could make this earlier and have them at war with outworld then have Shinnok pretend to be a refugee then) I think they could flesh it out.
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03/13/2011 01:12 PM (UTC)
My speculation:


Original Timeline Purpose: He is a friend of Liu Kang that was also a former White Lotus member, and later reunited with him to assist Raiden in the fight against Shinnok.

New Vogel Era (NVE) Purpose: Kai is aware of the things previously transpired, and finds that Liu Kang is more of a jerk, for lack of a better term, and that Kung Lao has fallen. He feels the need to aid Raiden against this newfound foe, Shinnok, and try to aid Liu Kang become one with his old self—a calm and rational Shaolin Monk.


OT: He returns after Shao Kahn’s defeat to aid the Elder Gods against Shinnok’s armies, led by Quan Chi. He must stop the reign of his ancient foe, Shinnok.

NVE: Raiden is quite aware of the casualties from the previous battles. He has attempted changes, but caused even worse things to happen. With his warriors of Earth, and a newfound ally in Smoke, they must kombat the forces of Shinnok’s armies. By this time, he will have grown from his experiences and attempt to resolve what he has done and try to change a very altered battle than what there was in the OT. I see Quan Chi and Shinnok taking advantage of his desperation and trying to use it against him. I predict his medallion will shatter, as everything is coming to Armageddon with the invasion from Hell.


OT:Shinnok has been freed from his confines in the Netherrealm, and is granted passage through Edenia with the help of Tanya. From there he launches his assault against the gods and awaits a chance for revenge against Raiden.

NVE: It seems he has planned everything to lead to Shao Kahn’s downfall. In the ending of the story mode, he mentions him and Quan Chi claiming Earthrealm and Outworld, so I am to assume Edenia is not liberated, and Sindel has taken Shao Kahn’s place. That, or Sindel somehow freed her realm, and no one leads it, or she rules both realms. Shinnok knows that the Elder Gods won’t allow the realms to merge unless it be through Mortal Kombat, so he and Quan Chi must plan on invading it and ruling the realms, and maybe use them to terminate the remaining gods of those realms and strike down the Elder Gods so they can begin their ultimate conquest. His amulet, I see playing a big role in the story, and him using Daegon in the battle is plausible.

Liu Kang

OT:Still Champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang, goes to Edenia to try and rescue Kitana from Quan Chi’s clutches. Unsuccessful, he returns to Earth to gather the other warrior so that they can aid Raiden and free Kitana’s realm. He is also revealed to be the descendant of the Great Kung Lao.

NVE: Based on what was given in the story mode of the game and several endings, he become a more pompous character. I see him untrusting of Raiden because of the ordeal with Shao Kahn to the point of him rushing into battle on his own. This could end up with him being deceived by Tanya and possibly captured by her because of his foolishness. I can see his relation to the Great Kung Lao being retconned in favor of Kung Lao just being his only in game relative, since the latter is apparently GKL’s reincarnation. Liu Kang’s relation to him really didn’t seem serve much value to the story anyways. During this whole war against Shinnok, Liu Kang could possibly try to stop Raiden from making things worse, and then Quan Chi could use this to his advantage to turn them against each other and learn more of Raiden’s altering of events.


OT: Banished to the Netherrealm for genocide, he is a General in Shinnok’s Army of Darkness.

NVE: I can see more evidence of his de-evolution come into play, and him becoming a deadlier enemy to the Forces of Light. He’ll be and uncontrollable mad-lizard. I can see them not bringing back Khameleon into his storyline, and letting him slip into madness. Not much to say on him.


OT: Jarek is the last known member of the Black Dragon, and eventually finds himself fighting alongside Sonya and co, to defeat Shinnok.

NVE: Since Kano and Sonya do not have their famous battle on the Rooftops anymore, I see her being forced to continue to hunt down Kano, until Jax intervenes and they arrest him. When they thought they had taken care of Kano, they find that another member of the Black Dragon has surfaced—Jarek. What makes him deadlier is that while he’s undisciplined like Kano, he’s crazier also. I see him only joining the heroes for the satisfaction of killing the many demons of Hell. I can picture him being hunted by the Red Dragon, and gaining the suspicion of Sonya while they are trying to defend Earthrealm. And since Outworld is also in the play, he might use this opportunity to flee there and lay low until the war was over, and possibly he gets trapped there.

I'll add more characters later. Tell me what you all think.
03/13/2011 01:14 PM (UTC)
How about instead of going forward in time, take mk into the past. We could still see some of our favorite characters from outworld and netherrealm along with new orginal characters and all new earthrealm warriors. See new events unfold. Bring it back to the oriental theme. Ninjas, samurais, diffrent martial art masters/students, rebels. Throw in a few warriors from different parts of the world. Maybe some ancestor of Liu kang. Scorpions master...... Idk....Just throwing things out there. I would love to see the story go into the past and see new ORIGINAL characters. Anyhow I'm very excited for the future of mk. Mk is back. OUTSTANDING!
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03/14/2011 06:06 AM (UTC)
Whereisjohn Wrote:
How about instead of going forward in time, take mk into the past. We could still see some of our favorite characters from outworld and netherrealm along with new orginal characters and all new earthrealm warriors. See new events unfold. Bring it back to the oriental theme. Ninjas, samurais, diffrent martial art masters/students, rebels. Throw in a few warriors from different parts of the world. Maybe some ancestor of Liu kang. Scorpions master...... Idk....Just throwing things out there. I would love to see the story go into the past and see new ORIGINAL characters. Anyhow I'm very excited for the future of mk. Mk is back. OUTSTANDING!

I'm not certain that's a good idea. Everyone wants to see their favorite from the later games to appear.
03/14/2011 04:29 PM (UTC)
@Stahlgeist & Daryui: Excellent ideas for the next game, guys! I should try and make my own later. smile
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03/14/2011 08:52 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
@Stahlgeist & Daryui: Excellent ideas for the next game, guys! I should try and make my own later. smile

Thanks. I'd enjoy reading your input.
03/14/2011 09:38 PM (UTC)
You guys both kinda hit the nail on the head for how I'd do the next game, although mine would've involved Sub-Zero getting converted back to normal, but having his eye scar as a result of Sektor smacking his ass around on the way to getting automated. I dunno why, I kinda thought it made alot more sense for it to be Sektor who gave him the scar as he escaped the Lin Kuei cyber ninjas in the original canon, anyway, that's what I would do if they don't retcon Cyb-Zero. Still, I'll post the rest of my MKX stuff sometime later.
03/15/2011 04:09 AM (UTC)
For me my character list and reason for the this game would be centered around Shinnok and the brotherhood of shadows trying to take over all the Edenia and Earthrealm and the earth warriors and edenians trying to protect against him.

1) Ashrah: A ruthless assassin for the Brotherhood Of Shadows. Ashrah, along with her sister Sareena, they are sent to Edenia with Noob Saibot to take over Edenia and make the people of Edenia worship Shinnok.

2) Quan Chi: Leader of the Brotherhood Of Shadows, Quan Chi is responsible for bringing back the Fallen Elder God Shinnok. With Shinnok, Quan Chi looks to fight Earth Greatest Warriors in Kombat to take over Earth.

3) Noob Saibot: General in the Brotherhood Of Shadows, Noob Saibot is sent to Edenia with Ashrah and Sareena to take Edenia over and make all those who reject Shinnoks rule pay.

4) Tanya: Proud member of the Brotherhood Of Shadows, Tanya, Kia and Reiko are sent to the Orderrealm to take over and install Shinnoks rule.

5) Reiko: General in the Brotherhood Of Shadows, Reiko along with Tanya and Kia are sent to Orderrealm to install Shinnoks rule. But he finds one warrior too strong to handle, that being Johnny Cage.

6) Sareena: Sister to Ashrah, Sareena is sent to Edenia to install Shinnoks rule, but she is full of regret and wishes to end Shinnok once and for all.

7) Kia : Having been taken from her family, Kia is now a ruthless warrior for the Brotherhood Of Shadows and will stop at nothing to prove her self to Quan Chi and Shinnok.

8) Jataaka: Having once been in love with a great karate master, Kenshi. she was forced to turn her back on the forces of good and turn to a world of evil. Now years later, Jataaka comes face to face with her former lover and must make a decision: Good or Evil.

9) Ermac: Now King Jerrod, Ermac along with Sindel fight to keep Edenia free of Shinnoks rule. Now with his warriors by his side, King Jerrod begins to regain his power and soon realizes that his daughter Kitana has been killed and will seek revenge against all forces of evil.

10) Sindel: Sadden over the lose of Kitana, Sindel finds comfort in the Returning King Jerrod, she fights with her king to protect Edenia from Shinnok. She will stop at nothing to restore peace to Edenia and show her people that Edenia is stronger then ever.

11) Jade: Still loyal to Sindel, Jade will let nothing stand in her way when it comes to helping her protect Edenia. Wishing to show her Queen that she can be trusted, she fights for Edenia.

12) Sheeva: Still the protector of Sindel, Sheeva is right by her side in the fight against the Brotherhood Of Shadows. Sheeva must stop this new threat in order for her people to finally be free of any rule.

13) Rain: Proud member of the Edenia race, Rain accepts the challenge of being the chosen one of Edenia and will fight along side his King and Queen.

14) Kung Lao: Sent to Edenia by Raiden, Kung Lao now helps King Jerrod and Edenia fight against Shinnok. Having seen Kitana being killed, Kung Lao is the one who informs Lui Kang, who breaks out into a fit of rage and will stop at nothing to make everyone pay.

15) Lui Kang: Having rejected Raidens rule, and sad over the lose of Kitana, Lui Kang now fights for no one, and no cause. He is full of anger and lust for blood. His first target: Kung Lao.

16) Shang Tsung: Having lost to Lui Kang again, Shang Tsung now must enlist the help of one man, Bo Rai Cho to help teach him how to stop Lui Kang in his quest for power.

17) Johnny Cage: Having beaten Shao Khan in a fit of uncontrolable rage, Raiden send Cage to the Orderrealm to control his power by Hotaru, Johnny Cage is more powerful then ever before and now must help Orderealm against the Brotherhood Of Shadows and Reiko.

18) Hotaru: Having taught Johnny Cage how to control his power, Hotaru now must fight along side his student to protect his home from the Brotherhood Of Shadows. He seeks Dairou to help with this battle, but once over, Dairou will pay.

19) Dairou: Having once been a Seido member and protector of Order, Hotaru enlists the help of Dairou once more to help protect the Orderealm. But once this battle is over, Dairou must go back into hidding because Hotaru will take him to prision for his sins.

20) Fujin: Now the protector of Earth, Fujin is responsible for bringing down the Brotherhood of Shadows and Shinnok. Fujin seeks out skilled warriors to help protect Earth from the Brotherhood and The Lin Kuei.

21) Sektor: Now the Leader of the Lin Kuei, Sektor has control over Sub-Zero and temporarly joings forces with the Brotherhood of Shadows to take down all of humanity and make a cybertron army.

22) Sub-Zero: Having been turned into a cyborg by the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero finds himself having a battle within himself. Fighting Sektors rule on the inside and Earth realms best warriors on the outside.

23) Smoke: Having escaped the Lin Kuei, Smoke now finds himself being tracked down be Sub-Zero. But as the Brotherhood of Shadows approaches, Fujin enlists Smoke to help in the fight against them.

24) Kenshi: Once a master of karate, Kenshi and his love Jataaka were attacked by Quan Chi. Jataaka now under Quan Chi's power, Kenshi must fight his former love to release her from Quan Chi's rule.

25) Sonya Blade: Having learned that Kano was once a marine, being taught by her father, Kano kills her father after being to hard on him. Then she learned Kano was the one who killed her former partner. Sonya becomes engulfed in rage and now is focused soley on Kano and making him suffer.

26) Jax: Having seen Sonya lose herself in a fit of rage over Kano and his actions, Jax is forced to let her go and fend for herself. Fujin approaches Jax to help him with this new threat against Earth. But first he must help Sonya find off Kano and Jarek.

27) Kano: Having been revealed as the killer to both Sonya's father and partner, Kano is now playing mind games with Sonya. He, along with his commrad Jarek, are just waiting for the chance to finally end this battle and kill Sonya once and for all.

28) Jarek: Having watched as his leader and mentor Kano battle the forces of good in Mortal Kombat, Jarek is now ready to show his master that he is worthly of being a Black Dragon, Jarek now shows his true brutaltiy and will stop at nothing the prove his worth.

29) Havik: Having watched over the events of Mortal Kombat, Havik got bored with what was going on. So he decided to spice things up and help Quan Chi and the Brotherhood of Shadows bring Shinnok back. Now with Shinnok back, Havik watches, like a puppet master as his true plan for complete domination.

30) Scorpion: Having finally learned who is responsible for his familys death, Scorpion now is on a mission of vengence. Seeking to finally end Quan Chi's life, Scorpion is hot on his trails when he comes across the new and imporved Sub-Zero. Trying to enlist his help, Scorpion is forced to fight Sub-Zero once more and help him rid himself his cyborg technology.

Moloch: Having been found be Shinnok wondering the Netherrealm, Moloch begings to trust Shinnok and becomes his protector. Moloch's only purpose is to stop anyone who choses to fight against Shinnok.

Shinnok: Once an Elder God, Shinnok was banished to the Netherrealm. There Shinnok enlists the help of Moloch and Quan Chi and begins his plot for domination once more. Once Shao Khan is defeated, Shinnok puts his plan into motion, first order of business: Earthrealm.

Secret Characters:
1) Bo' Rai Cho: Watching helplessly in his dojo, Bo' Rai Cho is helpless no more. Teaching Shang Tsung to control his power and teaching him new techniques, Bo' Rai Cho is ready to defend Earthrealm against the forces of Evil.

2) Kai: While traveling the world, learning new fighting styles and moves, Kai is approached by Fujin to help fight off this new threat to Earthrealm. Having accepted, Fujin informs Kai that his first order of business is to help bring Earths only hope back from his new fate filled view on life, that person, his long lost brother: Lui Kang.

3) Stryker: Now more famous then Johnny Cage, Stryker is becoming tired of his new found fame and life style. He is then approached by Fujin to fight with Earthrealm.

4) Tremor: Thought to have been killed long ago by Jax, Tremor is out for revenge. Kano senses his former friend is back and is on a mission to reunite his clan and make the Black Dragon completely unstoppable. Tremor accepts Kano's offer and joins forces with Kano and Jarek.

5) Li Mei: Watching as her world is falling apart, she seeks out to find Fujin. Once she finds him, she convinces him to let her fight beside Earths mightest warriors and will stop at nothing to bring peace to her people.

I left out...

Cyrax: because he is in training at the Wu Shi Academy and is concentrating on that.

Kabal: Because he is dying from his mask being destroyed and is seeking out someone to fix it.

Raiden: Because i think he just needs to give Fujin the power of Earths defender and watch from afar as events unfold.

Reptile: Because he is waiting for his reptilain army to grow bigger and stronger and waiting to strike at the right moment.

Baraka and Mileena: Because I dont like them and they need to sit out a game, especially Mileena because i dont think seeing her naked will do anythign do for me.
03/15/2011 04:19 AM (UTC)
MK10 characters:

Every new character from MK4-MKA + Cyber Sub-Zero.
03/15/2011 10:28 AM (UTC)
sss133 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind mk4 retelling with a massive backstory starting with the first Shinnok war and his war with Lucifer. Build him up as a massive threat, have missions involving him turning Subs soul into Noob Saibot and add some MKMSZ related missions etc. I don't know if just mk4s story would be long enough but if they did this and add elements of the edinia shokan alliance (They could make this earlier and have them at war with outworld then have Shinnok pretend to be a refugee then) I think they could flesh it out.

I kind of hope they incorporate more info about Lucifer and how Shinnok overthrew him as ruler of the Netherrealm, as well as the war between Shinnok and Raiden. As you said, it would definitely help build him up as a serious threat. I also wouldn't mind seeing references to Mythologies, since by the era of its release and the storyline, it's intrinsically tied to MK4. It was even referenced in the story of MK9.

I like the ideas you guys have for characters like Kai and Jarek - I kind of excluded them because I was unsure what to do with them. Jarek, especially, needs some work as a character, as his stories have been really lackluster in the games. Volcoman's suggestion for him was pretty good.

As for my view on the characters, you can piece together where I think the story should go from the bios I wrote. But in summary, I imagine it as the Netherrealm waging war on two main fronts: the Earthrealm, and the merged realms of Outworld and Edenia under the rule of a still evil Sindel. In regards to Sindel, I drew inspiration from comments I've seen on the forums in which some fans have expressed that they'd like to see Sindel remain evil for longer, and I figured that it would be a major step-up for her character to have her take Shao Kahn's place as an effective ruler of Outworld.

I also tried to form a better image of Outworld for my vision of the story. So far in the games, we usually see Outworld as a rather hellish, oppressive realm to live in, and we don't really get a glimpse of anyone having a sort of "patriotic" view of the realm. With Bo Rai Cho, I figured that, given his history of training Earthrealm fighters, he clearly wants to see the tyranny in Outworld collapse and likely has a strong affinity for his home in spite of the way it's been ruled. That in mind, I imagine he would also put aside his objections to Outworld leadership to fight against a common threat.
This sort of thing has actually occurred in history; for example, the conflict between Mao's communist forces and Kai-Shek's nationalist forces in China was ceased during the Japanese invasion of the country in order to join together against a common, outside threat. Bo Rai Cho, I could imagine, would do much the same and would commit himself and his Outworld champion - Li Mei - to the defense of the realm alongside the empire he detests.

As for the situation with Edenia, that realm has been often dismissed as a black hole for storyline and it's been said that characters linked to it are sapped of interesting qualities due to the realm being under constant threat and so forth. So my thought process reflected on how we never really witnessed the restoration of Edenia. It just sort of popped back up as, "Hey, look, in between games, we restored it as independent from Outworld!"
I never really bought that. Establishing a realm should require a lot more effort than that, and going back to history, once again, we can see that just establishing a country is often far from instantaneous or glamorous. This game seems to be a great chance to witness the characters tied to Edenia actually bringing about its separation from Outworld among the chaos. The story I wrote for Rain, I'm especially proud of, because as the son of an Edenian god, he is a very logical agent for working to bring this about. It also sets him up with the importance his fans have placed upon his character.

EDIT: Further regarding Edenia, something has occurred to me about the set-up I've got for it. I imagine that Rain would be responsible for the restoration of Edenia, following out the task his father set before him. Now, after MK10, the situation with Outworld and Sindel could go a few ways:

1. Quan Chi's death releases the spell on Sindel, bringing her back to her senses. This is, I think, the most likely outcome.
2. Quan Chi's defeated, but not dead, and still manipulates Sindel from the shadows, perhaps directing her to initiate further Mortal Kombat tournaments with Earthrealm and the restored Edenia.
3. Sindel is released from the spell by some other means - Jade, whoever else.
4. She gets killed in MK10 and we don't see her after.

Assuming she returned to the side of good, what exactly should happen then? Perhaps she could rule Outworld as a better, more progressive Queen. Ultimately, I would not have her or Ermac (Jerrod) regain rule of Edenia.
The reason being is that it's too fairy tale and convenient that the former monarchy is immediately restored without question. For one, she killed the princess, her own daughter, Kitana. Regardless of whether Kitana is ever resurrected, it will probably be widely known that she had done this, even if she had Mileena pose as Kitana during her rule of Outworld. I don't imagine Edenians would like that too much.
Secondly, monarchies don't often succeed in regaining the throne for a reason. If a surviving Romanov were found and tried to claim a throne in Russia again, chances are the Romanov would fail. When a monarchy has fallen, it is due to their own failures. I could see the average Edenian asking, "Why should we allow her to rule us? Being controlled by evil forces aside, the former King and Queen failed to protect us from years of oppression by Outworld. She would not be an effective ruler."
Thirdly, Rain. The man is the son of a god, and I would have him and Jade be responsible for the restoration of Edenia's independence. I highly doubt he would just step aside and let the former monarchs take a spot that he and Jade could rightfully view as theirs. And I doubt the Edenian people and even Argus would permit that.

In the end, no matter who is responsible for Edenia's independence, there are too many points against Sindel for me to buy her as the queen again. She and Jerrod failed to protect Edenia. When we last saw her in Deception, her character had only made one prior appearance and was already tired and boring - she was basically an older Kitana, tasked with defending a realm under constant attack and saving her daughter from an evil emperor's control, with no real development of her character otherwise.
I would much rather see her either remain a just ruler of Outworld (Unlikely though it is, since her associations with Shao Kahn and her own reign of terror would make her unpopular there as well) or as a noblewoman/warrior living in Edenia under Rain and Jade's rule. Assuming she isn't killed, that is, in MK10.
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