Mortal kombat 10 [*Spoiler!*]
posted07/25/2011 08:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/08/2011 02:04 PM (UTC)
So guys, now that we know the story of MK 9 what will happen with MK 10?
In this forum post your thoughts and ideas for Mortal Kombat 10 about the story or anything regardning something new for the next game.

What do you want to be included in the next game?

Should something be changed?

Should something be removed or added? etc

03/12/2011 05:47 PM (UTC)
My guess is that shinnok might finally get his time to shine.
03/12/2011 05:52 PM (UTC)
Wait a minute. Was there a leak revealing the story already?
03/12/2011 05:53 PM (UTC)
EmperorKahn Wrote:
My guess is that shinnok might finally get his time to shine.

Yeah, but he might still be DLC and have a arcade bios and ending
03/12/2011 06:29 PM (UTC)
ello195 Wrote:
EmperorKahn Wrote:
My guess is that shinnok might finally get his time to shine.

Yeah, but he might still be DLC and have a arcade bios and ending

that would be cool. hope he is dlc and maybe will see him make a cameo in the game.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/12/2011 06:29 PM (UTC)
I think that the NRS team will get smart and just add All MK4 fighters and 4 new ones, 10 new arena's Add a second X-ray for everyone

kind of like SSFIV was an update to SFIV

I would buy it.
03/12/2011 06:36 PM (UTC)
I hope they will not go SSF4 route with MK10. This idea - releasing just update as a standalone separate game is retarded.

MK10 most likely will MK4 Take 2, but on the bigger scale. With Shinnok finally being portaryed as a dangerous scheming villains, what he supposed to be in the first place. And of course more Quan Chi and Brotherhood of Shadow.
03/12/2011 06:36 PM (UTC)
My question is what are they going to do after MK 10? Go back to MK DA with Hsu Hao and Drahmin? I doubt it.
03/12/2011 06:48 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I hope they will not go SSF4 route with MK10. This idea - releasing just update as a standalone separate game is retarded.

MK10 most likely will MK4 Take 2, but on the bigger scale. With Shinnok finally being portaryed as a dangerous scheming villains, what he supposed to be in the first place. And of course more Quan Chi and Brotherhood of Shadow.

This, but i hope they wont reduce the amount of charachters or content.

like BADASS6669 said keep adding more charachters based on the timeline and keep the existing ones. Make everyone have more special moves, fatalities, x-rays, etc until we get the total rooster like Armageddon and then add new charachters
If there are more time, add Secrets,arenas, minigames, longer challenge tower, something new, a bigger krypt, etc
03/12/2011 06:51 PM (UTC)
Hopefully for a proper MK 4 revamped story and overall retelling perhaps! Tanya will of course be in if they go with this!
03/12/2011 06:56 PM (UTC)
Clarkxkent Wrote:
My question is what are they going to do after MK 10? Go back to MK DA with Hsu Hao and Drahmin? I doubt it.

I would assume that they're going to merge MK4 and Deadly Alliance (or rather, some of its properties) into MK10. Perhaps a few from Deception as well. We probably aren't going to get the Deadly Alliance story as we know it, just its timeframe.

There's about twenty characters between post-MK3 up to MKDA that they still have stockpiled, and it's more or less guaranteed they aren't all coming back.
03/12/2011 07:00 PM (UTC)
I think it will be MK4 on a bigger scale and I think the heroes will have a much harder time defeating Shinnok this time.

New characters to the story might be evil version of the characters who died in MK9 and definately Sareena. Maybe even Drahmin.. (I know most fans hate him, but I think he was quite cool in MKDA)

After that the story might take another turn and the deadly alliance will never exsist.
03/12/2011 07:15 PM (UTC)
I hope this series will change after this game. Goodbye Deadly Alliance, hello Shinnok and hopefully hello Onaga... maybe.

The characters I would like in the game would be....
- Rain
- Quan Chi
- Tanya
- Kai
- Reiko
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Mavado
- Li Mei
- Kenshi
- Bo'Rai Cho (no puke puddle this time)
- Mavado
- Ashrah
- Nitara
- Sareena
- Tremor
- Khameleon (poison Zaterra)
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Frost
- Drahmin (maybe)
- Onaga
- 4 New ones (maybe one of them to be.... an alien, who would absorb the bio-extract and chi energy from the weakest fighters in order to gain his form perfection. Kind of like Cell from DBZ)

Lycanthropy would suit Nightwolf.
03/12/2011 07:18 PM (UTC)
NO...JUST NO! NO more charcters after MK 4 PLEASE!!!!
03/12/2011 07:25 PM (UTC)
Clarkxkent Wrote:
NO...JUST NO! NO more charcters after MK 4 PLEASE!!!!

At least that they'll keep some.
03/12/2011 08:17 PM (UTC)
The roster I would like to see in the next game would be....
-Quan Chi
-Bo'Rai Cho
-Johnny Cage
-Cyborg Sub Zero
-Shang Tsung
-Noob Saibot

so 29 playable characters

Sub Boss'es
- Drahmin & Moloch (Fix these guys up and they would be great)

- Shinnok
About Me
Veni Vincere
03/12/2011 08:23 PM (UTC)
I hope they permanently kill a few characters in each game. It would do wonders for the roster and story as we continue down the line.

And I really would love to see some of the 3D-era characters in 2D.
03/12/2011 08:35 PM (UTC)
Crimson_Pool21 Wrote:
The roster I would like to see in the next game would be....
-Quan Chi
-Bo'Rai Cho
-Johnny Cage
-Cyborg Sub Zero
-Shang Tsung
-Noob Saibot

so 29 playable characters

Sub Boss'es
- Drahmin & Moloch (Fix these guys up and they would be great)

- Shinnok

You forgot Liu Kang & Kitana & Reiko.
03/12/2011 08:46 PM (UTC)
I disagree. I think we should flash back to the future and see how things have changed now.
About Me
03/12/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
They should focus solely on MK4 for this game. It would be a tad difficult to combine all of MK4 AND MKDA into one storyline, and it would be even harder to throw MKD into it too.

The storyline should revolve around Shinnok and Quan Chi taking over Earthrealm and Outworld (duh). The central conflict should be the best warriors from Earthrealm and Outworld against the best from the Netherrealm. Sort of like a team battle. Maybe Earthrealm and Outworld could work together (I doubt it, but it'd be a cool plot point) to stop the Netherrealm forces.

For characters, they should have a few from MK4, a few from MK1-3, and maybe even a few from MKDA just to add some extra flavor.

My proposed list (all playable):

-Sub-Zero/Cyber Sub-Zero (whichever one is in)
-Liu Kang
-Johnny Cage
-Shao Kahn
-Noob Saibot
-Shang Tsung
-Quan Chi (sub-boss)
-Shinnok (boss)

In total, 33 characters. Maybe there could be new characters too, but we'll just have to see about that.

As for characters that I left out, like Tanya and Jarek, I think they should be killed off similar to Motaro in MK9. Sorry Tanya fans, but Tanya is nothing more than a dull bitch with a cheesy "traitor" storyline. And Jarek is just another Kano, and because I put Kano in this game already, Jarek serves no purpose.

So basically this game should be a reworking of MK4, but following the current storyline and whatever changes may happen.
03/12/2011 09:06 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
As for characters that I left out, like Tanya and Jarek, I think they should be killed off similar to Motaro in MK9. Sorry Tanya fans, but Tanya is nothing more than a dull bitch with a cheesy "traitor" storyline. And Jarek is just another Kano, and because I put Kano in this game already, Jarek serves no purpose.

The difference between Tanya and Jarek is that Tanya actually has fans while Jarek does not, although Jarek might have one or two after his redesign in Armageddon.

Also, it's a real headscratcher why some of you are willing to throw out entire characters that are already finished on the same engine. That cripples the comp scene, because now people who previously mained said character are left in the dust and are forced to adapt to a new playstyle (if they even bother to do so), unless you're willing to give new characters the similar playstyles as the scrapped ones.
03/12/2011 09:15 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
They should focus solely on MK4 for this game. It would be a tad difficult to combine all of MK4 AND MKDA into one storyline, and it would be even harder to throw MKD into it too.

The storyline should revolve around Shinnok and Quan Chi taking over Earthrealm and Outworld (duh). The central conflict should be the best warriors from Earthrealm and Outworld against the best from the Netherrealm. Sort of like a team battle. Maybe Earthrealm and Outworld could work together (I doubt it, but it'd be a cool plot point) to stop the Netherrealm forces.

For characters, they should have a few from MK4, a few from MK1-3, and maybe even a few from MKDA just to add some extra flavor.

My proposed list (all playable):

-Sub-Zero/Cyber Sub-Zero (whichever one is in)
-Liu Kang
-Johnny Cage
-Shao Kahn
-Noob Saibot
-Shang Tsung
-Quan Chi (sub-boss)
-Shinnok (boss)

In total, 33 characters. Maybe there could be new characters too, but we'll just have to see about that.

As for characters that I left out, like Tanya and Jarek, I think they should be killed off similar to Motaro in MK9. Sorry Tanya fans, but Tanya is nothing more than a dull bitch with a cheesy "traitor" storyline. And Jarek is just another Kano, and because I put Kano in this game already, Jarek serves no purpose.

So basically this game should be a reworking of MK4, but following the current storyline and whatever changes may happen.

Too bad Tanya and Jarek will never work out.

As for Sareena, maybe she'll have all of Li Mei's moves if she isn't in the game anymore.

- Bo'Rai Cho can be added in the next game.
- Mavado could use those sun-moon blades from Hsu Hao is he's ever found out to be a part of the Red Dragon. Mavado could also use those chains of his for special moves.
- Stryker and Kabal could work together as vigilantes.
- Nightwolf as a lycanthrope/werewolf
- Quan Chi revealed Rain his past as a demi-god and the reason Rain disappeared and was switched placed by the necromancer/sorcerer was that he needed to learn to master his powers and his origin if he ever decides to fight against those who treated him like a joke.
- Tremor can appear
- Sektor could form the Tekunin when he feels the Lin Kuei is of no use to him when Sub-Zero takes it over.
- Scorpion and Sub-Zero can team-up.
- Kai could use newer powers, maybe.... learn to adapt from animals from jungles, forests, sea and air since he's got those tiger stripers on his arms.
- Drahmin could have bandages all around his body and not have that mask.
- For Onaga, I'm not sure.
- Baraka could have a bit of the old designs from the time MK2 was made. Maybe a mask for his alternate costume.
- I like Seido appearing in Johnny's ending along with Havik in Noob's ending. So I think it'll be useful when both characters join those realms. Well... Johnny can fix both realms in balance while Noob intends to help Havik bring chaos to all realms by serving Shinnok.

For the new characters, I'm thinking
- A pharaonic mummy from another realm.
- An alien
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03/12/2011 09:18 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
As for characters that I left out, like Tanya and Jarek, I think they should be killed off similar to Motaro in MK9. Sorry Tanya fans, but Tanya is nothing more than a dull bitch with a cheesy "traitor" storyline. And Jarek is just another Kano, and because I put Kano in this game already, Jarek serves no purpose.

The difference between Tanya and Jarek is that Tanya actually has fans while Jarek does not, although Jarek might have one or two after his redesign in Armageddon.

Also, it's a real headscratcher why some of you are willing to throw out entire characters that are already finished on the same engine. That cripples the comp scene, because now people who previously mained said character are left in the dust and are forced to adapt to a new playstyle (if they even bother to do so), unless you're willing to give new characters the similar playstyles as the scrapped ones.

Tanya has fans? I'm sorry, but so did Kitana, Nightwolf, Kung Lao, and Motaro. If they die and stay dead, there's no reason why Tanya shouldn't as well.

I'm willing to throw these two out because they are pointless. Jarek is basically Kano. We don't need two Kanos. We don't need Tanya either, unless NRS drastically reworks her storyline.
03/12/2011 10:13 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Crimson_Pool21 Wrote:
The roster I would like to see in the next game would be....
-Quan Chi
-Bo'Rai Cho
-Johnny Cage
-Cyborg Sub Zero
-Shang Tsung
-Noob Saibot

so 29 playable characters

Sub Boss'es
- Drahmin & Moloch (Fix these guys up and they would be great)

- Shinnok

You forgot Liu Kang & Kitana & Reiko.

Ah Shit. I forgot Reiko. Make that 30 characters now

and um.... ya..... as for Kitana, Liu
03/12/2011 10:18 PM (UTC)
well the next one is going to be MK4 - SM and 11 will probably be DA - D since raiden supposedly warned himself of MKA.
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