11/20/2011 12:54 AM (UTC)
MK isnt MK without the MK roster.
I can only hope that they are rebooting it better jsut so Noob can have a second chance, but who am I kidding...
11/20/2011 05:59 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage as The New Champion!glasses
Liu Kang has been champion long enough!furious
I honestly think Liu Kang gt wat he deserved at the end!grin
I think MK10 will be about MK4, MKDA, and MKD and mixed with Raiden trying to get back the fallen souls back and if possible throw in the MKA story
the fighters should be every one up to MK4.
everyone past that i didnt really care for that much, only a few were good characters for MK
11/21/2011 03:06 AM (UTC)
Maybe U have to as Ermac in the conquest and after u meet kenshi u go around reviving everyone And learning their skills, that would be cool
11/21/2011 09:09 PM (UTC)
I just hope they bring Motaro back and he is playable.
11/26/2011 12:46 AM (UTC)
Personally new blood would not be such a bad thing. I would love to see Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, and Raiden form a new team of heroes to take on the forces of Shinnok and Quan Chi. Also I think the new earth realm warriors should be much grittier and dirty then the previous ones with very little in common with the old team. I hate seeing cheap imitations of established icons (Frost anybody?) and hopefully the studio takes full advantage of the mass killing they did at the climax of Mortal Kombat 9s story mode.

Besides these days every video game released also releases a good amount of DLC. So old favorites like Kitana can be added on as bonus characters for the arcade ladder and online competition. wink
11/29/2011 01:31 AM (UTC)
Ah the days of game informer magazine showcasing MK armageddon and boons talk of "wiping the slate clean." I mean if characters actually had a dramatic death or reason why they're not appearing again in a game I don't see why it's not worth a shot?

A dramatic or glorious death of a beloved character(s) could add a little flavor to the MK storyline. Bring in a new batch of good characters(if possible) that can blend in the MK Realm.

I mean, the first play through story mode I had knowledge that characters were going to die from accidental spoilers but I was looking forward to characters facing dramatic fates against a rival or another character. But fighters who died were killed by the hands or heels of Sindel. Bland.

12/08/2011 06:28 AM (UTC)
No one ever REALLY dies in the game. I mean u dont see lui kang still in zombie body...and Shang Shung only gets old,but never dies.it'll be ok. I would like for all of the characters from MK - MK9 to be in MK10. like Fuji and Kai (from MK4) and Lie Mei (however u spell it. But i think that would be a great idea!
01/26/2012 04:39 PM (UTC)
well the story for mk9 was fucking awesome and to kill a few old kombatants is wow factor....i mean who would of guessed that i didnt...
anyway now mk is back in the spot light again after so long, i hope netherrealm is making more mk games....
now for mk 10 would love to see new blood and also some old ones is as well,also love to see new finishers and more of them like 4 each and defo more stage finishers and how about weapons for each kombatant like they did for mkda and the choice to use them as a separate finisher with everyone.....
anyway lets keep is going and looking forward to see if they will make mk10 .

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01/26/2012 05:24 PM (UTC)
I want Johnny Cage to be stronger and more mature, one of the new kharacters should be his bodyguard. With the deaths of Liu Kang and Kung Lao, Kai should be the new shaolin monk of the game, I just hope that his new design will look nothing like the one in Armageddon. Raiden must be in the story, but don't make him playable, he should serve as a guide only, put Fujin in the game instead.


Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage's bodyguard




Quan Chi
02/03/2012 04:38 PM (UTC)
its not fair that nearly everyone dies in Armageddon, only for raiden to contact his past self, then the heroes get slaughtred in the second timeline all over! At least they lived longer in the 1st timeline.
Oh yeah and the heroes got slaughtered at the end of MKDA aswell! Poor heroes, well theres always ermac to save the day, meanwhile the elder gods are just sitting there, probably knowing about the future all over, but arnt gonna step in until deception again!
But i do think that they will appear heavilly in the next game :)
02/03/2012 04:49 PM (UTC)
I too think that MKA was kind of unfair. Not just to the heroes but to all chars. Especially since there were rumors and hopes of cleansing for good. Everyone was wondering who would live or die. Who was burned from the roster for good. And after 6 years i kind of miss the MK4-MKD part of the roster. More than the faces i've seen for 10 years before 2002 and see today mixed with guests and saw in a crossover.

Wish a next game will level things up a little.
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I will rock you.

03/02/2012 04:44 AM (UTC)
I am broke so I don't have the game yet but someday I will. I would like to see the next game have some cooler characters. I have seen all of the fatalities on you tube. This is a real cool game. I really would like to know when Mortal Kombat 10 comes out too.smile
03/02/2012 06:29 PM (UTC)
they killed off (zombified) some heroes to give them a break (DLC) and give some other characters like, Fujin, Reiko... etc. a chance to shine.

maybe liu kang becomes evil liu kang?? A demon monk, i would like that over a friendly monk grin
03/12/2012 08:55 PM (UTC)
It would be interesting to see what kind of characters they could come up with in the next installment.. Anticipation is killing me, but i wonder if they are going to follow the arcade ladder endings like previous games, or if they are going to follow the actual story mode. It would make sense to follow the story mode's canon, but then they'd probably have to add new characters along with the remaining survivors, more specifically, the Earth Realm fighters more so than the Outworld foes.

although the idea of Ermac becoming a fighter for good would be awesome, like others on here have suggested. :)

I've been hearing other speculation here and around the net that the new game may also rewrite the stories for MK4 through MKDA or MKD, but honestly, i really don't believe that those stories would be relevant, with the exception of possibly the Shinnok and Quan Chi bit from 4.. Although, considering that in the Deception part of the series, Shujinko started his quest about ten or so years before MK1, so.. it's a good possibility that his story could be prevalent in the future game, but it'd be almost totally rewritten in many parts.. SO many ideas and too many to speculate on.. confused
03/12/2012 11:09 PM (UTC)
^ But Ermac isn't the only good character from Outworld. And i guess at the time he turned good he was stuck in the Netherealm. The MKDA had a couple Outworldians sided with good. + with Shinnok involved, the treath will most likely come from the Netherealm so i wouldn't count the MKD characters like Hotaru or Darius automatically evil if they made it in the next game. I really doubt that Havik or the chars from the black/red dragons would ever aid the good guys though. I believe Fujin, Kai, Bo Rai Cho, Course Kenshi, Nitara and Li Mei are sided with the good guys at this point. Tanya, Shinnok, Quan Chi, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Drahmin, Moloch, Havik. That all makes a good part for a game. With of course keeping some of the chars that made MK9. And maybe adding one or 2 new chars.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
03/12/2012 11:37 PM (UTC)
I was giving this though some thought after beating Story Mode, but does anyone (SPOILER ALERT) think maybe Shinnok knows about the timeline changing? Could this be the reason why Quan Chi was in the MK 1 and 2 tournament? Could it be why he had Quan convince Khan to give him victory in exchange for the fallen warriors' souls during the events of MK1-3?

Armaggedon could still happen, but it could change to Shinnok defeating Rayden as one plot idea.
03/12/2012 11:52 PM (UTC)
I can see Shinnok killing Quan Chi for stealing his "real" amulet. Of course, either he be defeated by Liu, Johnny, Kai or Fujin.
03/14/2012 04:04 AM (UTC)
I think for the new mortal kombat game they should take out the guys who have been dead,because I am sick of them and then replace them for new characters because we know every characters' moves combos, x-rays... so if they do (make) the same moves again it will be boring,+new backgrounds,story line(like the tournament) +old and new characters, all mini games(like test your...,puzzle,chess,car race and all that. They should do story mode AND konquest,they could do create your own character,and they should do tournaments like
... winner
....vs.... ....vs....

... vs .... ....vs..... ...vs... ...vs...--- a name
Also you can have unlockable mini games,characters and suits!
03/14/2012 05:32 AM (UTC)
If we would have a story mode why would we need konquest they are almost the same exact concept and thing
03/14/2012 09:35 AM (UTC)
Konquest and Story modes are different imo. Yeah, the 2 of them could be useless but the konquest could still allow players to learn all the basics (Moves and Combos) for the characters that they want to learn only. That if the storymode keeps bringing a new character each 3 or 4 fights and you can't even choose.
03/17/2012 04:31 AM (UTC)
That is true.. Konquest would could possibly give newer players or even experienced players a place to start and learn the moves and basics of Kombat while Story Mode could give a decent story to the game itself without the hassle of training, but the only question is, would they even think of doing that or even do it in the best way possible?? Actually, scratch that last question. a rather important question would be why they would include both modes and use one as a training mode, when MK9 already included both a training AND fatality training mode as well?? just a thought, that's all..
03/18/2012 12:25 AM (UTC)
The only ideas that come to mind at the moment aren't so good but maybe: A little like the Deadly Alliance Konquest, have a storymode where you would first learn basic combos and special moves for your characters and end up with their storymode chapter right after.

Remember how you had to face your mirror image in the end of each Konquest in DA? Well they could have something similar but instead of facing yourself you start the chapter.

It might end up being some kind of hard work, but learning a character in his Konquest could actually lead to unlocking his/her chapter in the story. It would probably require more than five hours to beat the storymode i know. And another problem is that i'm against the fact that i'm forced to go through a character's chapter when i'm not interested in learning or using him.

I still think unlocking a chapter after a Konquest could make it.
My take is that Boon and the boys are going to have to be VERY careful about eliminating the fan favorites. Cage, Jade,Kitana, Sonya, Sub Zero to name a few. Remember we gamers hate change...if anyone is old enough to rewind back to MK3 when Scorpion was initially left out and replaced by Cyrax...what happened? People were furious...enough so that they had to include Scorps in all future games after that. Like him or hate him Scorpion IS the face of Mortal Kombat, not Liu Kang. Most casual MK players will think of Scorps before Liu anyday of the week.So going back to the others...all are very popular with the masses and while it is beneficial to introduce new characters, to replace the old beloved ones is a recipe for a riot. Besides nobody ever stays dead in the MK world...so there's really no reason to keep everyone on the permanently deceased list.
03/22/2012 02:59 AM (UTC)
BeautifulPrincessKitana Wrote:
My take is that Boon and the boys are going to have to be VERY careful about eliminating the fan favorites. Cage, Jade,Kitana, Sonya, Sub Zero to name a few. Remember we gamers hate change...if anyone is old enough to rewind back to MK3 when Scorpion was initially left out and replaced by Cyrax...what happened? People were furious...enough so that they had to include Scorps in all future games after that. Like him or hate him Scorpion IS the face of Mortal Kombat, not Liu Kang. Most casual MK players will think of Scorps before Liu anyday of the week.So going back to the others...all are very popular with the masses and while it is beneficial to introduce new characters, to replace the old beloved ones is a recipe for a riot. Besides nobody ever stays dead in the MK world...so there's really no reason to keep everyone on the permanently deceased list.

That's why they shouldn't eliminate them. Period.

Those are the same characters who made MK.

Talk about Scorpion being the face, so is Sub-Zero. I was talking about past games with some guys the other day, and the immediately remembered mortal kombat. The two they remembered were Scorpion and Sub-Zero. People may not like it, but those two have earned their spot to be in EVERY game. They are the most memorable without a doubt.

Surprisingly I was shocked that they remembered one cyborg as well, and that cyborg was Smoke. Just goes to show who should have got automated.lol. A few others they remembered were Sonya, and Raiden. Just as I figured.

I've said that those four should probably make it into every game. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, and Raiden. They are by far the four most memorable. Like I said though no one should be permanently eliminated unless it's for VERY GOOD reason. Everyone dying was not realistic in the slightest to me. I get she was "enhanced" I still don't think she could have beat ten people at once though. They surely would have beat her.

If anything, they should have NEVER killed them all in a silly scene like that. A good and responsible death would be something like Nightwolf's where it makes sense and people could understand if he didn't come back then. Killing everyone in such a trashy way was idiotic though.

03/22/2012 10:53 AM (UTC)
I don't think that someone remembering chars if he hasn't played MK in years would be a good reason to introduced the chars he/she remembers in every game. One of my pals kind of forgot about MK after MK3 but he remembers Kabal and Nightwolf mostly. Think Sonya, Kano, Liu, Raiden? Doesn't seem to remember much about them. He just knows they're MK chars but yeah, Kabal and Nightwolf were his favs. Getting rid of chars that are somewhat cult classic in a sense that they're fans fav for whatever reason would be stupid, selfish, dumb and anything else you can add if it said: They died for good this time. We now have the DLC stuff. But yeah, getting rid of Nightwolf, Kabal or any other char for ten years is really lame imo.

I suppose i remember more about a certain char than someone else would remember about that particular char. And yeah, Scorpion is sort of the poster boy for the franchise. Taking this guy out for one game would be... Suicidal for the franchise. Raiden wasn't introduced either in MK3, wonder about the reactions but nowadays? I still doubt they'll ever dare to keep him out for one game only.
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