Mortal Kombat 10? (SPOILER WARNING)
posted12/19/2013 08:03 PM (UTC)by
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04/30/2011 05:06 PM (UTC)
Before you read on i am giving you a spoiler warning. Those of you who haven't gotten Mortal Kombat yet or haven't completed story mode, i suggest stop reading now.
Ok. . .now for everyone still reading. As you all know just about HALF the roster dies. Mostly the heroes though. Liu Kang, Kitana, Jax, Jade, etc!! I was very surprised & personally would have liked for Kitana to live because she IS my fave! haha! But oh well. She at least had a good death & didn't just die then get tossed aside. Now i'm getting side tracked! Anyway. . .What is going to happen in the NEXT game?? i heard Ed Boon say awhile back the he was going to make a whole new Mortal Kombat with brand new characters & only the tiniest PINCH of older ones. Is this how he's going to do it? because judging by the ending there will certainly be a sequel to Mortal Kombat. & when there is a sequel they will certainly build from the first games storyline. WHICH HALF THE CHARACTERS DIE IN! Now for some i think it's the end. Like Sindel, Stryker, & Nightwolf. But Kitana? & Liu Kang?? Kung Lao???? Could they really be dead??? Idk i just think they killed off too much characters way to quick. & some great ones too! Idk if i can play MK without my girl Kitana you guys like that was just crazy. BUT for all the lucky ones bastard Ed Boon is NEVER getting rid of Scorpion so yay for you!!! =D . . . . . . . . . yeah i find it stupid. But anyway what are some of your thoughts?? Anyone? My head was swimming with this thought so i had to ask. Speak your mind peeps! would love to hear! (actually see). TTYL!
P.S. this is my very first post. Nice to meet you all!
04/30/2011 05:12 PM (UTC)
Well every since I saw lui kang die in MKDA I stopped really caring about who died, I wouldn't mind seeing all the previously good fighters in the netherealm and Sonya,Jax, and Johnny Cage new protectors of earthrealm lol not that they have a chance of surviving but I'd like to see what they do with this story ^_^
04/30/2011 05:39 PM (UTC)
Hello and welcome to mortal kombat online, this good sir or maddam happens to be the mortal kombat 9 forum, you meant to post this in the future mk games.
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-courtesy from MINION-

04/30/2011 05:42 PM (UTC)
Welcome to the these forums hope you have a good itme Ms. :D

As to the topic, idc who dies as long as the game and story is kick ass, im down for it :)
04/30/2011 10:41 PM (UTC)
I disagree if they are playable this game exluding the certain cyber character they should be in the next the best MK characters are in this
(except unplayable bosses)so they should be in the next one as well
did anyone forget about Ermac I mean they could potentially be revived
and even that certain cyber charcter could be back to his glorious self.
We must not forget ermac because HE IS MANY WE ARE BUT ONE!...

btw Ermac is my favorite character in this game.
04/30/2011 10:55 PM (UTC)
what Kaden said, I can quite honestly see them giving Ermac his Deception storyline in MK10 of seeking redemption and freeing the heroes enslaved by Quan Chi and Shinnok. Also...

Nobody stays dead in Mortal Kombat. They always manage to come back to life somehow.
04/30/2011 10:58 PM (UTC)
Most of my favorite characters disappear for multiple games as it stands anyways so if they're not in MK10 then it's really not that different than waiting for Stryker to show up again after MK3. They were all done justice in MK 9 so if I have to go without them for a few games, so be it.
05/01/2011 02:56 AM (UTC)
Well to be honest with you im kinda glad some of the heros got killed off. They need to take a back seat for once lol
05/01/2011 08:42 PM (UTC)
yo mortal kombat is uwink
05/01/2011 08:44 PM (UTC)
baraka is my favorite person on the game.anyone els like barakagrin
05/07/2011 12:50 AM (UTC)
Ermac better not die
05/07/2011 07:35 AM (UTC)
If anyone with the power to do anything of substance with the game of MK9 or any future MK games I would like to say I have a ton of ideas that I think could be good if given a chance. First I'd like to say...I have some honest critiques towards the current MK9 that maybe could be implemented into the first or second patch of MK9 called "Other Ideas" as well a mix of 47 new/heavily influenced/old characters that I think would make either some great additions to MK or could use some touching up with specialty moves and traditional martial art costume looks.


- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.

- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner enter the match with a simple front summersault or a front ground roll like in MK1 and also exited the matches with back summersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen. It wouldn't affect any of the intro or winning poses but again I think this idea would give the game a more realistic touch.

- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder. It could sound like the clapping from the fight scene between Bruce Lee and O’Hara in the movie “Enter the Dragon” but just after each round.

- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures like in MK1 of them instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen.

- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, there was a presented Adventure Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Assassin’s Creed or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.

- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.

- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode or "ENTRY MODE" to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or a training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu or Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring session in a high chair with student-like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult (a test of how well you can control your character before fighting in the real environment.). And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would wear different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” achievements and so forth and so on. Also fatalities or specialty moves would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this mode because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with your chosen characters. That way you gain some familiarity with the character before using your character in Mortal Kombat and get use out of all the characters. This also could be just an additional mode to play when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.

- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on Mortal Kombat history and obscure characters and facts of the game. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.

- It would be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, you could choose your character’s costume. So if you like more traditionalized costumes you could choose that attire, or if you like the street urban/rocker armor like costumes you could choose that. That way you give the video game fan options to choose what their character can look like.

Again I've got like 46 to 47 characters that are either brand new, touch ups of old/established MK characters or heavily influenced characters from other games with creative specialty moves, fatalities and traditional martial arts style clothing. And each character has at least 8 specialty moves, a creative yet realistic and practical fatality, winning pose and backstory to explain their origins with exceptions to established characters.

I hope these ideas get heard and possibly considered to be implemented but it's just an set of ideas that I'm confident could strengthen the MK franchise I think.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas with your honest critiques whether good or bad.

05/10/2011 02:35 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:

- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.

a lil off-topic. but the katana was more a samurai sword than a ninja one, i know it can be confusing since they seem quite similar, but the katana was curved while the ninja's one wasnt.
05/10/2011 10:42 PM (UTC)
Kenshi & Fujin = Protector's of Earthrealm in MK 10!
08/13/2011 05:24 PM (UTC)
No one ever truly dies in Mortal Kombat. I think that in the next MK they should go threw the MK4 story mode and focus on that alone because i think MK4 had a grate story. They will probably bring back the big charters like Liu Kang, Kung Lao, AND CYBER SMOKE DAMN IT!!! even tho he wasn't in the 4th MK but come on people cyber Sub-Zero and NO cyber Smoke WTF! anyway they will bring back a lot of the fighters and maybe even bring new ones to the mortal kombat legacy furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious and Scorpion for the winfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
Arthur Zonatto
08/14/2011 01:49 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
If anyone with the power to do anything of substance with the game of MK9 or any future MK games I would like to say I have a ton of ideas that I think could be good if given a chance. First I'd like to say...I have some honest critiques towards the current MK9 that maybe could be implemented into the first or second patch of MK9 called "Other Ideas" as well a mix of 47 new/heavily influenced/old characters that I think would make either some great additions to MK or could use some touching up with specialty moves and traditional martial art costume looks.


- During the closing credits of Mortal Kombat, background music can play “Farewell” by ApocalypticA and show highlights of winning arcade/tag team ladder matches in similar fashion when video gamer lands final knockout hit against Shao Kahn, maybe just highlighting the great hits and combos landing during the course of one’s climb up the ladder either in arcade ladder or tag team mode.

- In tag team mode, it would be cool if the tag in partner enter the match with a simple front summersault or a front ground roll like in MK1 and also exited the matches with back summersaults unless executing a specialty move for partner in match. It’d be cool if they also after being knocked out would stayed laid out on the floor during the course of the match like in MK1. It’d look more realistic instead of being knocked out the screen. It wouldn't affect any of the intro or winning poses but again I think this idea would give the game a more realistic touch.

- It’d be cool in the “Courtyard Arena” that the monks in the background would clap only after a won round like in MK1, instead of throughout the match and if the claps sound effects were louder. It could sound like the clapping from the fight scene between Bruce Lee and O’Hara in the movie “Enter the Dragon” but just after each round.

- It’d be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, that they presented the fighters with sinister looking facial pictures like in MK1 of them instead of the mini-sized pictures of the fighters. And in the Arcade/Tag Team ladders, once they cut to the “Vs.” screen, they execute a brief form in their martial arts style of fighting like Soul Calibur 3 does in the character select screen.

- Maybe sometime further down the line in a future Mortal Kombat, there was a presented Adventure Mode. This could be a change up from the monotonous one-on-one/tag-team game play. It could be formatted like the third shooter video games like Assassin’s Creed or Dynasty Warriors. This can also offer another mode for fans to unlock hidden secrets, characters, arenas, fatalities...etc.

- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.

- It would be cool if there was a new twist to training mode or it could be a whole other mode like a practice mode or "ENTRY MODE" to where there was a stage specifically designed for this mode such a dojo. In the dojo there would be a fighting mat with fighters in long sleeved gi and pants surrounding the mat. Or a training room like in the movies “Matrix I” or “X-Men” inside the mansion. Here, a sensei, Sifu or Grandmaster like character could watch a sparring session in a high chair with student-like fighters with novice skills surrounding the fighting pad. And as you progressively get better, you fight more skilled fighters up to a novice level so it wouldn’t be too difficult (a test of how well you can control your character before fighting in the real environment.). And a visual demonstration of this would be the student fighters you’d spar with would wear different colored belts indicating their skill level until you’d get to a student wearing a white long sleeved gi with a black belt wrapped around their waist. As you’d advance you would receive “1st level dan” achievements or “2nd level dan” achievements and so forth and so on. Also fatalities or specialty moves would be disabled or not allowed to be performed in this mode because of your learning. Finally you’d have to take on the Sensei, Sifu, or Grandmaster like character in a sparring session. It could be like your training for the tournament Mortal Kombat. It could also be a testing ground before you could actually unlock the normal format of the one-on-one/tag team mode of the game and this could apply for each character you choose. You’d be required to past this entry level mode of the game before unlocking Mortal Kombat with your chosen characters. That way you gain some familiarity with the character before using your character in Mortal Kombat and get use out of all the characters. This also could be just an additional mode to play when this mode has been past by all of the selectable characters in the game.

- Or you have another “Test Your Knowledge” Mode where video gamers would be quizzed on Mortal Kombat history and obscure characters and facts of the game. And then with the game can also test your knowledge of button combinations of your characters specialty moves, fatalities, novice level combos, X-Ray Moves, with you having to enter in specific button combinations across the screen to match the actual console button combinations. Prizes could be Koins or other unlocked materials, secret character, arenas or whatever.

- It would be cool if in the “Choose Your Fighter” screen, you could choose your character’s costume. So if you like more traditionalized costumes you could choose that attire, or if you like the street urban/rocker armor like costumes you could choose that. That way you give the video game fan options to choose what their character can look like.

Again I've got like 46 to 47 characters that are either brand new, touch ups of old/established MK characters or heavily influenced characters from other games with creative specialty moves, fatalities and traditional martial arts style clothing. And each character has at least 8 specialty moves, a creative yet realistic and practical fatality, winning pose and backstory to explain their origins with exceptions to established characters.

I hope these ideas get heard and possibly considered to be implemented but it's just an set of ideas that I'm confident could strengthen the MK franchise I think.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas with your honest critiques whether good or bad.

I actually loved the idea of the Test your Knowledge...

...and, unless you post them for @noobde, your ideas will only be seen by us, NRS don't lurk around here.
08/17/2011 01:37 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of Ermac becoming a hero agian and freeing the Heros from Quan Chi instead of Onaga's control. I also have a gut feeling MK10's timeline will be MK4,MKDA, and MKD. MK11 will cover MKA but with a twist.
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

08/22/2011 12:33 AM (UTC)
It'd be GOD SAUCE if They made Ermac's MKD Ending fit in this timeline.... but thats kind of unlikely, anyways...
The next game will focus more on Raiden (Unfortunatly), Sonya, Johnny Cage, with the STRONG possibility of Kai ,with a HUGE part in this story... We'll just have to wait and see.
08/22/2011 01:44 PM (UTC)
09/12/2011 01:54 AM (UTC)
Nobody really dies in MK. At least i wish since for the reboot they seem to have killed a lot of characters that came during MK4 or later. Checking their Armageddon ending, many seem to have died.

I was not too happy with the reboot at first but it's not bad. Everyone has a favorite in the game at least. Or almost. But i wish they will pay attention to the youngest chars from now on. of course some people will be lucky: If your fav is Raiden, Scorpion or Sub Zero i bet you will get your fav back.

They used to do that. Forget about compilation games like UMK3 or Armageddon. Baraka was in MK2 and then... I guess he wasn't in MK4 but mythologies. Nightwolf and Kabal were forgotten after MK3 and until MKD, sindel as well. And Sheeva and Stryker??

I just hate when they start forgetting about a character story or presence for 10 years like it was back in the MK3 era. I have fav chars too!! But let's hope this will be for one game or two. What i used to like about that was that there were always a lot of new characters in the sequel. With 65 chars to start working on since they reboot, i wouldn't add any new or only add one per game. Things like Mokap are useless imo but funny to say the least. Some even hate Bo Rai Cho. I don't know why.

They also could come back with practically the same roster as MK9, which would make me sad but they would at least avoid commercial failure but inputting the same faces again.
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09/12/2011 09:22 AM (UTC)
salbeinit Wrote:
Esoteric Wrote:

- It’d be cooler if Scorpion had a pair of authentic ninja katana swords on his back in his retro-ninja costume.

a lil off-topic. but the katana was more a samurai sword than a ninja one, i know it can be confusing since they seem quite similar, but the katana was curved while the ninja's one wasnt.

Correction: the ninja-to is a fictional creation. The straight bladed japanese sword is simply that. A straight bladed sword. Not a ninja specific sword.
Ninjas had no specific weapons, most of them were adapted tools (sai, kama, chains).

Chisakatanas when done quickly usually are straighter. But even those were not ninja weapons.
I kinda think that maybe most of the dead heroes will come back despite wut boon says... Like ppl said above, theres ermac who could revive them all, also too technically since raiden won over the souls from quan chi im sure he, johnny and the other survivors will find a way 2 bring them back... I mean boon cant jus kill off and leave out all these characters, hell lose big fan bases.. I think too that it would be cool if he were 2 center the game around scorpion and him fighting against the Brotherhooc of Shadows.. Scorps my fave... And would it be tooo much ask 4 tremor, chameleon and hydro!? Lolfurious
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09/12/2011 09:48 PM (UTC)
CopeDRNinjaMaster Wrote:
And would it be tooo much ask 4 tremor, chameleon and hydro!? Lolfurious

It is on par with a death sentence. Those characters are: in the case of Tremor and Chameleon useless and trite. Hydro is not even a Midway character, it is a throwaway redshirt Robin for Sub-Zero in the Malibu comics for Scorpion to kill. And a fairly cyberninja Lin Kuei in Legacy. Who gets killed and thus contributes to the story by not existing anymore.

11/03/2011 04:26 AM (UTC)
Honestly on second thought I'd rather see Scorpion without swords on his back if he doesn't ultilize the weapons that much. I'd think he look better with the classic ninja costume without the swords on his back. But either way I still think he'd be great in either facet of the game. I just hope that
Sub-Zero is retained and other characters such as Reptile or the whole roster with exceptions to Sheeva, Freddy Kruger, Skarlett or Mileena.
11/05/2011 12:32 AM (UTC)
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