More Motion Capture People Should Be Added To The Team
posted12/16/2008 06:20 AM (UTC)by
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03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
I have thought for some time that there should be a bigger variety of martial artists on board to do the motion capture for the fighters. I have always maintained that MK has all of the ingredients and the potential to be the greatest fighting game, if not one of the greatest videogames ever created. It just takes people with a vision for the franchise. I think Midway needs to stop rushing them to issue out a watered down product...but one of the things that I think would really boost the fighting engine and refreshen the series is a fighting engine for a more mature audience. People often confuse maturity with vulgarity (which can also be more immature more than anything), but I'm talking about people who want more strategy.

I think that the addition of the different fighting styles in MK:DA was a step in the right direction, although it was more elementary the way it was executed. I don't believe it has to be so mechanical (where they hold your hand every step of the way). It adds more depth and mystery when everything isn't pointed out to you. So many people want mystery and depth to return, but this is where it's at. Instant gratification is good in it's place, but there should be more depth in the fighting mechanics. It doesn't have to be like VF or Tekken or DOA, but have depth in it's own right. I think the pro moves in MK vs DCU was a very good addition to the fighting mechanics.

One thing I think that would really help was if they hired the best martial artists in the word, like some of the best kept secrets to add more variety, diversity and idividuality to the fighting engine. They don't have to copy the competitive fighting games, but be BETTER than the competition. They did well with bringing a skilled martial artists onto the MK team to do the MOKAP, but I think that he is only one person and I'm sure doesn't know everything, as skilled and trained as he may be. I just think that a deeper more diverse combat/martial arts/fighting system would be a BIG improvement for the franchise.

What do you think?
12/09/2008 11:34 PM (UTC)
IMO, the guy they have now is fine. If Midway can make an entire game with his motions for every single character, then I don't think they should have another person. But, to save time and giving Pesnia (aww fuck it) less characters to work on, it might be a good idea.
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12/10/2008 11:41 PM (UTC)
But that's why all the motions for the characters look too similar, and perhaps why they look chunky. We need a variety of people doing the mo-cap.
12/12/2008 06:33 PM (UTC)
"RE: More Motion Capture People Should Be Added To The Team

But that's why all the motions for the characters look too similar, and perhaps why they look chunky. We need a variety of people doing the mo-cap.
Ma UweChube Channelle


This is what I'm saying
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12/12/2008 09:02 PM (UTC)
1 per character. Men for men characters, women for women characters. Stretching it would be 1 mo-cap person per two characters.
12/12/2008 11:49 PM (UTC)
They need a female Motion Capturer.

I hate seeing all the females move in masculine fashions, especially when they walk downward.... their legs just look.... ugh!

Women should not walk like frogs or have butchy/manly movements unless they're lesbians.

I think one male and one female motion capturer is all they need.

You guys do know that the one who did Mileena and Kira's "sexy" movements was a man right? That is just ridiculous especially cuz Kira's walk ended up looking manish anyway.
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12/13/2008 09:14 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
They need a female Motion Capturer.

I hate seeing all the females move in masculine fashions, especially when they walk downward.... their legs just look.... ugh!

Women should not walk like frogs or have butchy/manly movements unless they're lesbians.

I think one male and one female motion capturer is all they need.

You guys do know that the one who did Mileena and Kira's "sexy" movements was a man right? That is just ridiculous especially cuz Kira's walk ended up looking manish anyway.

Despite that most of the time SA - skeletal animation was used ...

And what's with the sexism? If the damn martial art requires efficient working and movement you can bet the martial artist will not walk like a primadonna. And MK seems to thrive on martial artsnowadays...
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12/13/2008 10:01 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
You guys do know that the one who did Mileena and Kira's "sexy" movements was a man right? That is just ridiculous especially cuz Kira's walk ended up looking manish anyway.

Ya, it was Carlos Pesina =
12/13/2008 06:44 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
1 per character. Men for men characters, women for women characters. Stretching it would be 1 mo-cap person per two characters.

Scratch my opinion, I think his ^ is a better option for motion capture people.
12/13/2008 07:40 PM (UTC)
"1 per character. Men for men characters, women for women characters. Stretching it would be 1 mo-cap person per two characters."

I agree with this. I think that the characters are too diverse to only have 1 MOKAP person. It's rather limiting... I would even like them to use a high ranking and potentially wellknown martial artist for motion capture, such as Donnie Yin, or Jet Li for fighters like Kung Lou and Liu Kang...and maybe use a very skilled kick boxer for someone like Johnny Cage, and someone skilled in street combat (and other fighting styles) for Jax, etc... Of course that would take a lot of funding... They don't necessarily need someone well known, just people who are high ranking and highly skilled....but more than 1.

They also could have better voice acting.
12/14/2008 12:21 AM (UTC)

By adding a different motion capture performances to each character would be in a sense just like the 2-D games when they hired actors to portray their characters. I think it would be very cool that they digitize each actors face and then graph their features to the characters they portray.
12/14/2008 03:33 AM (UTC)
They already have more than one mo-cap dude...
12/14/2008 05:55 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
And what's with the sexism? If the damn martial art requires efficient working and movement you can bet the martial artist will not walk like a primadonna. And MK seems to thrive on martial artsnowadays...

Again with your sexist view of women, misogynist.

So for martial arts to be effecient, they can only be performed with mannish movements?

Believe me, I'm sure that for female martial artists, walking like frogs and fighting like dykes is not part of their practice.

Icebaby Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
1 per character. Men for men characters, women for women characters. Stretching it would be 1 mo-cap person per two characters.

Scratch my opinion, I think his ^ is a better option for motion capture people.

I see this as a very efficient method of making everyone unique. Maybe we can also make sure these people are professionals on that character's martial ats styles.
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12/15/2008 07:23 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
And what's with the sexism? If the damn martial art requires efficient working and movement you can bet the martial artist will not walk like a primadonna. And MK seems to thrive on martial artsnowadays...

Again with your sexist view of women, misogynist.

So for martial arts to be effecient, they can only be performed with mannish movements?

Believe me, I'm sure that for female martial artists, walking like frogs and fighting like dykes is not part of their practice.

I do not give a rat's ass about gender, and zou have purposely misread my comment. I am not even going to go into that.

There are no mannish or womanish moves in martial arts. There are efficient or inefficient moves and that is all.
12/15/2008 09:33 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I do not give a rat's ass about gender, and zou have purposely misread my comment. I am not even going to go into that.

There are no mannish or womanish moves in martial arts. There are efficient or inefficient moves and that is all.

The fact is, I saw lots of females moving like men from DA - MKA. So they should get a motion actress to prevent that.
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12/16/2008 06:20 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
They already have more than one mo-cap dude...


Ya, I know but:

Grizzle Wrote:

By adding a different motion capture performances to each character would be in a sense just like the 2-D games when they hired actors to portray their characters.

kingjolly Wrote:

What Grizzle said hasn't been accomplished yet. And more specifically, it is what I think people have been expecting for a greater half of the last 10yrs. (since Mk4, when this ultra-realistic MK game went 3D)

What did they do though? They minimized the actors, and just keep changing the aesthetics. Infrastructural appearance is what people are talking about when they say that oh so familiar sentence:

"Make it play like the old MK games."

So, it needs to "look" like those old games, but BE new. 1+ males per 20 or so characters of different backgrounds and genders isn't gonna cut it.

Let me explain something

When people say "MkvsDC plays like the old MK games". What I think is happening is that the MkTeam found a way to make the game actually feel like the old games used to a little bit, without taking the extra step to individualize everyone to the fullest extent......To the extent that the digitization was able to do. The subtleties of personalization matter here, No doubt.

It's the difference between digitally "dressing a guy up" like Kitana in MKDA-MKA, and acting any which way they wanted to with her character. And then, partially behaving like Kitana in MkvsDc, along with the digital dressings. What I'm saying is, they got closer in MkvsDc, but the "Full Monte" was not accomplished. Don't underestimate what I'm saying there though. I think that the way the characters moved around in arcade mode was very good as pertaining only to character specific behavior.

Baraka and Kano were great, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Kitana were good, I liked Jax finally, Sonya wasn't bad, Raiden was fine, Shang Tsung was good, and Liu Kang was Liu Kang for the most part. Shao Kahn only "greatly resembled" himself though...but you get what I'm saying by all this.

To accomplish the "Full Monte" fully capture "this seems like, looks like, feels like, AND plays like a MK game", they need specifics. One very prominent way the old games gave specifics about the characters....was the specific digitized character actors//actresses. And so, to do that again, what I think is the natural progression, is to give each character the correct "bones"(so to speak) for that specific character.

Those "bones", are mo-cap actors that are dedicated to one or two characters. Women for women, and Men for men.

One of the problems is it's waaay too obvious that there's only a couple guys doing everybody's moves and stuff. They need a team of mo-cap actors to get it right. Doesn't have to be a large team, just has to be more actual personalities than they have now.

Though it would be great to see a team of 20 mo-cap people. lol

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